( function ( mw, $ ) { var isReady, toolbar, currentFocused, queue, $toolbar, slice; isReady = false; queue = []; $toolbar = false; slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Internal helper that does the actual insertion * of the button into the toolbar. * See mw.toolbar.addButton for parameter documentation. */ function insertButton( b /* imageFile */, speedTip, tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText, imageId, selectText ) { // Backwards compatibility if ( typeof b !== 'object' ) { b = { imageFile: b, speedTip: speedTip, tagOpen: tagOpen, tagClose: tagClose, sampleText: sampleText, imageId: imageId, selectText: selectText }; } var $image = $( '', { width : 23, height: 22, src : b.imageFile, alt : b.speedTip, title : b.speedTip, id : b.imageId || undefined, 'class': 'mw-toolbar-editbutton' } ).click( function () { toolbar.insertTags( b.tagOpen, b.tagClose, b.sampleText, b.selectText ); return false; } ); $toolbar.append( $image ); return true; } toolbar = { /** * Add buttons to the toolbar. * Takes care of race conditions and time-based dependencies * by placing buttons in a queue if this method is called before * the toolbar is created. * @param {Object} button: Object with the following properties: * - imageFile * - speedTip * - tagOpen * - tagClose * - sampleText * - imageId * - selectText * For compatiblity, passing the above as separate arguments * (in the listed order) is also supported. */ addButton: function () { if ( isReady ) { insertButton.apply( toolbar, arguments ); } else { // Convert arguments list to array queue.push( slice.call( arguments ) ); } }, /** * Apply tagOpen/tagClose to selection in textarea, * use sampleText instead of selection if there is none. */ insertTags: function ( tagOpen, tagClose, sampleText ) { if ( currentFocused && currentFocused.length ) { currentFocused.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', { 'pre': tagOpen, 'peri': sampleText, 'post': tagClose } ); } }, // For backwards compatibility, // Called from EditPage.php, maybe in other places as well. init: function () {} }; // Legacy (for compatibility with the code previously in skins/common.edit.js) window.addButton = toolbar.addButton; window.insertTags = toolbar.insertTags; // Explose API publicly mw.toolbar = toolbar; $( document ).ready( function () { var buttons, i, b, $iframe; // currentFocus is used to determine where to insert tags currentFocused = $( '#wpTextbox1' ); // Populate the selector cache for $toolbar $toolbar = $( '#toolbar' ); // Legacy: Merge buttons from mwCustomEditButtons buttons = [].concat( queue, window.mwCustomEditButtons ); // Clear queue queue.length = 0; for ( i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++ ) { b = buttons[i]; if ( $.isArray( b ) ) { // Forwarded arguments array from mw.toolbar.addButton insertButton.apply( toolbar, b ); } else { // Raw object from legacy mwCustomEditButtons insertButton( b ); } } // This causes further calls to addButton to go to insertion directly // instead of to the toolbar.buttons queue. // It is important that this is after the one and only loop through // the the toolbar.buttons queue isReady = true; // Make sure edit summary does not exceed byte limit $( '#wpSummary' ).byteLimit( 255 ); /** * Restore the edit box scroll state following a preview operation, * and set up a form submission handler to remember this state */ ( function scrollEditBox() { var editBox, scrollTop, $editForm; editBox = document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ); scrollTop = document.getElementById( 'wpScrolltop' ); $editForm = $( '#editform' ); if ( $editForm.length && editBox && scrollTop ) { if ( scrollTop.value ) { editBox.scrollTop = scrollTop.value; } $editForm.submit( function () { scrollTop.value = editBox.scrollTop; }); } }() ); $( 'textarea, input:text' ).focus( function () { currentFocused = $(this); }); // HACK: make currentFocused work with the usability iframe // With proper focus detection support (HTML 5!) this'll be much cleaner // TODO: Get rid of this WikiEditor code from MediaWiki core! $iframe = $( '.wikiEditor-ui-text iframe' ); if ( $iframe.length > 0 ) { $( $iframe.get( 0 ).contentWindow.document ) // for IE .add( $iframe.get( 0 ).contentWindow.document.body ) .focus( function () { currentFocused = $iframe; } ); } }); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );