/* * JavaScript to enable right click edit functionality */ $( function() { // Select all h1-h6 elements that contain editsection links $( 'h1:has(.editsection a), ' + 'h2:has(.editsection a), ' + 'h3:has(.editsection a), ' + 'h4:has(.editsection a), ' + 'h5:has(.editsection a), ' + 'h6:has(.editsection a)' ).live( 'contextmenu', function( e ) { // Get href of the [edit] link var href = $(this).find( '.editsection a' ).attr( 'href' ); // Check if target is the anchor link itself. If so, don't suppress the context menu; this // way the reader can still do things like copy URL, open in new tab etc. var $target = $( e.target ); if ( !$target.is( 'a' ) && !$target.parent().is( '.editsection' ) ){ window.location = href; e.preventDefault(); return false; } } ); } );