/* * JavaScript for Special:Preferences */ ( function( $, mw ) { $( '#prefsubmit' ).attr( 'id', 'prefcontrol' ); var $preftoc = $(''); var $preferences = $( '#preferences' ) .addClass( 'jsprefs' ) .before( $preftoc ); var $fieldsets = $preferences.children( 'fieldset' ) .hide() .addClass( 'prefsection' ); var $legends = $fieldsets.children( 'legend' ) .addClass( 'mainLegend' ); // Populate the prefToc $legends.each( function( i, legend ) { var $legend = $(legend); if ( i === 0 ) { $legend.parent().show(); } var ident = $legend.parent().attr( 'id' ); var $li = $( '
  • ', { 'class' : ( i === 0 ) ? 'selected' : null }); var $a = $( '', { text : $legend.text(), id : ident.replace( 'mw-prefsection', 'preftab' ), href : '#' + ident }).click( function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Handle hash manually to prevent jumping // Therefore save and restore scrollTop to prevent jumping var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); window.location.hash = $(this).attr('href'); $(window).scrollTop(scrollTop); $preftoc.find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); $(this).parent().addClass( 'selected' ); $( '#preferences > fieldset' ).hide(); $( '#' + ident ).show(); }); $li.append( $a ); $preftoc.append( $li ); } ); // If we've reloaded the page or followed an open-in-new-window, // make the selected tab visible. // On document ready: $( function() { var hash = window.location.hash; if( hash.match( /^#mw-prefsection-[\w-]+/ ) ) { var $tab = $( hash.replace( 'mw-prefsection', 'preftab' ) ); $tab.click(); } } ); /** * Timezone functions. * Guesses Timezone from browser and updates fields onchange */ var $tzSelect = $( '#mw-input-wptimecorrection' ); var $tzTextbox = $( '#mw-input-wptimecorrection-other' ); var $localtimeHolder = $( '#wpLocalTime' ); var servertime = parseInt( $( 'input[name=wpServerTime]' ).val(), 10 ); var minuteDiff = 0; var minutesToHours = function( min ) { var tzHour = Math.floor( Math.abs( min ) / 60 ); var tzMin = Math.abs( min ) % 60; var tzString = ( ( min >= 0 ) ? '' : '-' ) + ( ( tzHour < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzHour + ':' + ( ( tzMin < 10 ) ? '0' : '' ) + tzMin; return tzString; }; var hoursToMinutes = function( hour ) { var arr = hour.split( ':' ); arr[0] = parseInt( arr[0], 10 ); var minutes; if ( arr.length == 1 ) { // Specification is of the form [-]XX minutes = arr[0] * 60; } else { // Specification is of the form [-]XX:XX minutes = Math.abs( arr[0] ) * 60 + parseInt( arr[1], 10 ); if ( arr[0] < 0 ) { minutes *= -1; } } // Gracefully handle non-numbers. if ( isNaN( minutes ) ) { return 0; } else { return minutes; } }; var updateTimezoneSelection = function() { var type = $tzSelect.val(); if ( type == 'guess' ) { // Get browser timezone & fill it in minuteDiff = -new Date().getTimezoneOffset(); $tzTextbox.val( minutesToHours( minuteDiff ) ); $tzSelect.val( 'other' ); $tzTextbox.get( 0 ).disabled = false; } else if ( type == 'other' ) { // Grab data from the textbox, parse it. minuteDiff = hoursToMinutes( $tzTextbox.val() ); } else { // Grab data from the $tzSelect value minuteDiff = parseInt( type.split( '|' )[1], 10 ) || 0; $tzTextbox.val( minutesToHours( minuteDiff ) ); } // Determine local time from server time and minutes difference, for display. var localTime = servertime + minuteDiff; // Bring time within the [0,1440) range. while ( localTime < 0 ) { localTime += 1440; } while ( localTime >= 1440 ) { localTime -= 1440; } $localtimeHolder.text( minutesToHours( localTime ) ); }; if ( $tzSelect.length && $tzTextbox.length ) { $tzSelect.change( function() { updateTimezoneSelection(); } ); $tzTextbox.blur( function() { updateTimezoneSelection(); } ); updateTimezoneSelection(); } } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );