/** * These plugins provide extra functionality for interaction with textareas. */ ( function ( $ ) { if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { // On IE, patch the focus() method to restore the windows' scroll position // (bug 32241) $.fn.extend( { focus: ( function ( jqFocus ) { return function () { var $w, state, result; if ( arguments.length === 0 ) { $w = $( window ); state = { top: $w.scrollTop(), left: $w.scrollLeft() }; result = jqFocus.apply( this, arguments ); window.scrollTo( state.top, state.left ); return result; } return jqFocus.apply( this, arguments ); }; }( $.fn.focus ) ) } ); } $.fn.textSelection = function ( command, options ) { var fn, alternateFn, context, hasWikiEditor, needSave, retval; /** * Helper function to get an IE TextRange object for an element */ function rangeForElementIE( e ) { if ( e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' ) { return e.createTextRange(); } else { var sel = document.body.createTextRange(); sel.moveToElementText( e ); return sel; } } /** * Helper function for IE for activating the textarea. Called only in the * IE-specific code paths below; makes use of IE-specific non-standard * function setActive() if possible to avoid screen flicker. */ function activateElementOnIE( element ) { if ( element.setActive ) { element.setActive(); // bug 32241: doesn't scroll } else { $( element ).focus(); // may scroll (but we patched it above) } } fn = { /** * Get the contents of the textarea */ getContents: function () { return this.val(); }, /** * Set the contents of the textarea, replacing anything that was there before */ setContents: function ( content ) { this.val( content ); }, /** * Get the currently selected text in this textarea. Will focus the textarea * in some browsers (IE/Opera) */ getSelection: function () { var retval, range, el = this.get( 0 ); if ( !el || $( el ).is( ':hidden' ) ) { retval = ''; } else if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { activateElementOnIE( el ); range = document.selection.createRange(); retval = range.text; } else if ( el.selectionStart || el.selectionStart === 0 ) { retval = el.value.substring( el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd ); } return retval; }, /** * Ported from skins/common/edit.js by Trevor Parscal * (c) 2009 Wikimedia Foundation (GPLv2) - http://www.wikimedia.org * * Inserts text at the beginning and end of a text selection, optionally * inserting text at the caret when selection is empty. * * @fixme document the options parameters */ encapsulateSelection: function ( options ) { return this.each( function () { var selText, scrollTop, insertText, isSample, range, range2, range3, startPos, endPos, pre = options.pre, post = options.post; /** * Check if the selected text is the same as the insert text */ function checkSelectedText() { if ( !selText ) { selText = options.peri; isSample = true; } else if ( options.replace ) { selText = options.peri; } else { while ( selText.charAt( selText.length - 1 ) === ' ' ) { // Exclude ending space char selText = selText.slice( 0, -1 ); post += ' '; } while ( selText.charAt( 0 ) === ' ' ) { // Exclude prepending space char selText = selText.slice( 1 ); pre = ' ' + pre; } } } /** * Do the splitlines stuff. * * Wrap each line of the selected text with pre and post */ function doSplitLines( selText, pre, post ) { var i, insertText = '', selTextArr = selText.split( '\n' ); for ( i = 0; i < selTextArr.length; i++ ) { insertText += pre + selTextArr[ i ] + post; if ( i !== selTextArr.length - 1 ) { insertText += '\n'; } } return insertText; } isSample = false; // Do nothing if display none if ( this.style.display !== 'none' ) { if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { // IE // Note that IE9 will trigger the next section unless we check this first. // See bug 35201. activateElementOnIE( this ); if ( context ) { context.fn.restoreCursorAndScrollTop(); } if ( options.selectionStart !== undefined ) { $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: options.selectionStart, end: options.selectionEnd } ); } selText = $( this ).textSelection( 'getSelection' ); scrollTop = this.scrollTop; range = document.selection.createRange(); checkSelectedText(); insertText = pre + selText + post; if ( options.splitlines ) { insertText = doSplitLines( selText, pre, post ); } if ( options.ownline && range.moveStart ) { range2 = document.selection.createRange(); range2.collapse(); range2.moveStart( 'character', -1 ); // FIXME: Which check is correct? if ( range2.text !== '\r' && range2.text !== '\n' && range2.text !== '' ) { insertText = '\n' + insertText; pre += '\n'; } range3 = document.selection.createRange(); range3.collapse( false ); range3.moveEnd( 'character', 1 ); if ( range3.text !== '\r' && range3.text !== '\n' && range3.text !== '' ) { insertText += '\n'; post += '\n'; } } range.text = insertText; if ( isSample && options.selectPeri && range.moveStart ) { range.moveStart( 'character', -post.length - selText.length ); range.moveEnd( 'character', -post.length ); } range.select(); // Restore the scroll position this.scrollTop = scrollTop; } else if ( this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart === 0 ) { // Mozilla/Opera $( this ).focus(); if ( options.selectionStart !== undefined ) { $( this ).textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: options.selectionStart, end: options.selectionEnd } ); } selText = $( this ).textSelection( 'getSelection' ); startPos = this.selectionStart; endPos = this.selectionEnd; scrollTop = this.scrollTop; checkSelectedText(); if ( options.selectionStart !== undefined && endPos - startPos !== options.selectionEnd - options.selectionStart ) { // This means there is a difference in the selection range returned by browser and what we passed. // This happens for Chrome in the case of composite characters. Ref bug #30130 // Set the startPos to the correct position. startPos = options.selectionStart; } insertText = pre + selText + post; if ( options.splitlines ) { insertText = doSplitLines( selText, pre, post ); } if ( options.ownline ) { if ( startPos !== 0 && this.value.charAt( startPos - 1 ) !== '\n' && this.value.charAt( startPos - 1 ) !== '\r' ) { insertText = '\n' + insertText; pre += '\n'; } if ( this.value.charAt( endPos ) !== '\n' && this.value.charAt( endPos ) !== '\r' ) { insertText += '\n'; post += '\n'; } } this.value = this.value.slice( 0, startPos ) + insertText + this.value.slice( endPos ); // Setting this.value scrolls the textarea to the top, restore the scroll position this.scrollTop = scrollTop; if ( window.opera ) { pre = pre.replace( /\r?\n/g, '\r\n' ); selText = selText.replace( /\r?\n/g, '\r\n' ); post = post.replace( /\r?\n/g, '\r\n' ); } if ( isSample && options.selectPeri && ( !options.splitlines || ( options.splitlines && selText.indexOf( '\n' ) === -1 ) ) ) { this.selectionStart = startPos + pre.length; this.selectionEnd = startPos + pre.length + selText.length; } else { this.selectionStart = startPos + insertText.length; this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart; } } } $( this ).trigger( 'encapsulateSelection', [ options.pre, options.peri, options.post, options.ownline, options.replace, options.spitlines ] ); } ); }, /** * Ported from Wikia's LinkSuggest extension * https://svn.wikia-code.com/wikia/trunk/extensions/wikia/LinkSuggest * Some code copied from * http://www.dedestruct.com/2008/03/22/howto-cross-browser-cursor-position-in-textareas/ * * Get the position (in resolution of bytes not necessarily characters) * in a textarea * * Will focus the textarea in some browsers (IE/Opera) * * @fixme document the options parameters */ getCaretPosition: function ( options ) { function getCaret( e ) { var caretPos = 0, endPos = 0, preText, rawPreText, periText, rawPeriText, postText, rawPostText, // IE Support preFinished, periFinished, postFinished, // Range containing text in the selection periRange, // Range containing text before the selection preRange, // Range containing text after the selection postRange; if ( e && document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { // IE doesn't properly report non-selected caret position through // the selection ranges when textarea isn't focused. This can // lead to saving a bogus empty selection, which then screws up // whatever we do later (bug 31847). activateElementOnIE( e ); preFinished = false; periFinished = false; postFinished = false; periRange = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); preRange = rangeForElementIE( e ); // Move the end where we need it preRange.setEndPoint( 'EndToStart', periRange ); postRange = rangeForElementIE( e ); // Move the start where we need it postRange.setEndPoint( 'StartToEnd', periRange ); // Load the text values we need to compare preText = rawPreText = preRange.text; periText = rawPeriText = periRange.text; postText = rawPostText = postRange.text; /* * Check each range for trimmed newlines by shrinking the range by 1 * character and seeing if the text property has changed. If it has * not changed then we know that IE has trimmed a \r\n from the end. */ do { if ( !preFinished ) { if ( preRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToEnd', preRange ) === 0 ) { preFinished = true; } else { preRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 ); if ( preRange.text === preText ) { rawPreText += '\r\n'; } else { preFinished = true; } } } if ( !periFinished ) { if ( periRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToEnd', periRange ) === 0 ) { periFinished = true; } else { periRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 ); if ( periRange.text === periText ) { rawPeriText += '\r\n'; } else { periFinished = true; } } } if ( !postFinished ) { if ( postRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToEnd', postRange ) === 0 ) { postFinished = true; } else { postRange.moveEnd( 'character', -1 ); if ( postRange.text === postText ) { rawPostText += '\r\n'; } else { postFinished = true; } } } } while ( ( !preFinished || !periFinished || !postFinished ) ); caretPos = rawPreText.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' ).length; endPos = caretPos + rawPeriText.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' ).length; } else if ( e && ( e.selectionStart || e.selectionStart === 0 ) ) { // Firefox support caretPos = e.selectionStart; endPos = e.selectionEnd; } return options.startAndEnd ? [ caretPos, endPos ] : caretPos; } return getCaret( this.get( 0 ) ); }, /** * @fixme document the options parameters */ setSelection: function ( options ) { return this.each( function () { var selection, length, newLines; // Do nothing if hidden if ( !$( this ).is( ':hidden' ) ) { if ( this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart === 0 ) { // Opera 9.0 doesn't allow setting selectionStart past // selectionEnd; any attempts to do that will be ignored // Make sure to set them in the right order if ( options.start > this.selectionEnd ) { this.selectionEnd = options.end; this.selectionStart = options.start; } else { this.selectionStart = options.start; this.selectionEnd = options.end; } } else if ( document.body.createTextRange ) { selection = rangeForElementIE( this ); length = this.value.length; // IE doesn't count \n when computing the offset, so we won't either newLines = this.value.match( /\n/g ); if ( newLines ) { length = length - newLines.length; } selection.moveStart( 'character', options.start ); selection.moveEnd( 'character', -length + options.end ); // This line can cause an error under certain circumstances (textarea empty, no selection) // Silence that error try { selection.select(); } catch ( e ) { } } } } ); }, /** * Ported from Wikia's LinkSuggest extension * https://svn.wikia-code.com/wikia/trunk/extensions/wikia/LinkSuggest * * Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor * position with setSelection() * * @param {boolean} options Whether to force a scroll even if the caret position * is already visible. Defaults to false * * @fixme document the options parameters (function body suggests options.force is a boolean, not options itself) */ scrollToCaretPosition: function ( options ) { function getLineLength( e ) { return Math.floor( e.scrollWidth / ( $.client.profile().platform === 'linux' ? 7 : 8 ) ); } function getCaretScrollPosition( e ) { // FIXME: This functions sucks and is off by a few lines most // of the time. It should be replaced by something decent. var i, j, nextSpace, text = e.value.replace( /\r/g, '' ), caret = $( e ).textSelection( 'getCaretPosition' ), lineLength = getLineLength( e ), row = 0, charInLine = 0, lastSpaceInLine = 0; for ( i = 0; i < caret; i++ ) { charInLine++; if ( text.charAt( i ) === ' ' ) { lastSpaceInLine = charInLine; } else if ( text.charAt( i ) === '\n' ) { lastSpaceInLine = 0; charInLine = 0; row++; } if ( charInLine > lineLength ) { if ( lastSpaceInLine > 0 ) { charInLine = charInLine - lastSpaceInLine; lastSpaceInLine = 0; row++; } } } nextSpace = 0; for ( j = caret; j < caret + lineLength; j++ ) { if ( text.charAt( j ) === ' ' || text.charAt( j ) === '\n' || caret === text.length ) { nextSpace = j; break; } } if ( nextSpace > lineLength && caret <= lineLength ) { charInLine = caret - lastSpaceInLine; row++; } return ( $.client.profile().platform === 'mac' ? 13 : ( $.client.profile().platform === 'linux' ? 15 : 16 ) ) * row; } return this.each( function () { var scroll, range, savedRange, pos, oldScrollTop; // Do nothing if hidden if ( !$( this ).is( ':hidden' ) ) { if ( this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart === 0 ) { // Mozilla scroll = getCaretScrollPosition( this ); if ( options.force || scroll < $( this ).scrollTop() || scroll > $( this ).scrollTop() + $( this ).height() ) { $( this ).scrollTop( scroll ); } } else if ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) { // IE / Opera /* * IE automatically scrolls the selected text to the * bottom of the textarea at range.select() time, except * if it was already in view and the cursor position * wasn't changed, in which case it does nothing. To * cover that case, we'll force it to act by moving one * character back and forth. */ range = document.body.createTextRange(); savedRange = document.selection.createRange(); pos = $( this ).textSelection( 'getCaretPosition' ); oldScrollTop = this.scrollTop; range.moveToElementText( this ); range.collapse(); range.move( 'character', pos + 1 ); range.select(); if ( this.scrollTop !== oldScrollTop ) { this.scrollTop += range.offsetTop; } else if ( options.force ) { range.move( 'character', -1 ); range.select(); } savedRange.select(); } } $( this ).trigger( 'scrollToPosition' ); } ); } }; alternateFn = $( this ).data( 'jquery.textSelection' ); // Apply defaults switch ( command ) { // case 'getContents': // no params // case 'setContents': // no params with defaults // case 'getSelection': // no params case 'encapsulateSelection': options = $.extend( { pre: '', // Text to insert before the cursor/selection peri: '', // Text to insert between pre and post and select afterwards post: '', // Text to insert after the cursor/selection ownline: false, // Put the inserted text on a line of its own replace: false, // If there is a selection, replace it with peri instead of leaving it alone selectPeri: true, // Select the peri text if it was inserted (but not if there was a selection and replace==false, or if splitlines==true) splitlines: false, // If multiple lines are selected, encapsulate each line individually selectionStart: undefined, // Position to start selection at selectionEnd: undefined // Position to end selection at. Defaults to start }, options ); break; case 'getCaretPosition': options = $.extend( { // Return [start, end] instead of just start startAndEnd: false }, options ); // FIXME: We may not need character position-based functions if we insert markers in the right places break; case 'setSelection': options = $.extend( { // Position to start selection at start: undefined, // Position to end selection at. Defaults to start end: undefined }, options ); if ( options.end === undefined ) { options.end = options.start; } // FIXME: We may not need character position-based functions if we insert markers in the right places break; case 'scrollToCaretPosition': options = $.extend( { force: false // Force a scroll even if the caret position is already visible }, options ); break; case 'register': if ( alternateFn ) { throw new Error( 'Another textSelection API was already registered' ); } $( this ).data( 'jquery.textSelection', options ); // No need to update alternateFn as this command only stores the options. // A command that uses it will set it again. return; case 'unregister': $( this ).removeData( 'jquery.textSelection' ); return; } context = $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context' ); hasWikiEditor = ( context !== undefined && context.$iframe !== undefined ); // IE selection restore voodoo needSave = false; if ( hasWikiEditor && context.savedSelection !== null ) { context.fn.restoreSelection(); needSave = true; } retval = ( alternateFn && alternateFn[ command ] || fn[ command ] ).call( this, options ); if ( hasWikiEditor && needSave ) { context.fn.saveSelection(); } return retval; }; }( jQuery ) );