/*! * Exif metadata display for MediaWiki file uploads * * Add an expand/collapse link and collapse by default if set to * (with JS disabled, user will see all items) * * See also ImagePage.php#makeMetadataTable (creates the HTML) */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { $( function () { var $row, $col, $link, showText = mw.msg( 'metadata-expand' ), hideText = mw.msg( 'metadata-collapse' ), $table = $( '#mw_metadata' ), $tbody = $table.find( 'tbody' ); if ( !$tbody.length || !$tbody.find( '.collapsable' ).length ) { return; } $row = $( '' ); $col = $( '' ); $link = $( '', { text: showText, href: '#' } ).click( function () { if ( $table.hasClass( 'collapsed' ) ) { $( this ).text( hideText ); } else { $( this ).text( showText ); } $table.toggleClass( 'expanded collapsed' ); return false; } ); $col.append( $link ); $row.append( $col ); $tbody.append( $row ); // And collapse! $table.addClass( 'collapsed' ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );