/** * @class mw.template * @singleton */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { var compiledTemplates = {}, compilers = {}; mw.template = { /** * Register a new compiler and template. * * @param {string} name of compiler. Should also match with any file extensions of templates that want to use it. * @param {Function} compiler which must implement a compile function */ registerCompiler: function ( name, compiler ) { if ( !compiler.compile ) { throw new Error( 'Compiler must implement compile method.' ); } compilers[ name ] = compiler; }, /** * Get the name of the compiler associated with a template based on its name. * * @param {string} templateName Name of template (including file suffix) * @return {String} Name of compiler */ getCompilerName: function ( templateName ) { var templateParts = templateName.split( '.' ); if ( templateParts.length < 2 ) { throw new Error( 'Unable to identify compiler. Template name must have a suffix.' ); } return templateParts[ templateParts.length - 1 ]; }, /** * Get the compiler for a given compiler name. * * @param {string} compilerName Name of the compiler * @return {Object} The compiler associated with that name */ getCompiler: function ( compilerName ) { var compiler = compilers[ compilerName ]; if ( !compiler ) { throw new Error( 'Unknown compiler ' + compilerName ); } return compiler; }, /** * Register a template associated with a module. * * Compiles the newly added template based on the suffix in its name. * * @param {string} moduleName Name of ResourceLoader module to get the template from * @param {string} templateName Name of template to add including file extension * @param {string} templateBody Contents of a template (e.g. html markup) * @return {Function} Compiled template */ add: function ( moduleName, templateName, templateBody ) { var compiledTemplate, compilerName = this.getCompilerName( templateName ); if ( !compiledTemplates[ moduleName ] ) { compiledTemplates[ moduleName ] = {}; } compiledTemplate = this.compile( templateBody, compilerName ); compiledTemplates[ moduleName ][ templateName ] = compiledTemplate; return compiledTemplate; }, /** * Retrieve a template by module and template name. * * @param {string} moduleName Name of the module to retrieve the template from * @param {string} templateName Name of template to be retrieved * @return {Object} Compiled template */ get: function ( moduleName, templateName ) { var moduleTemplates, compiledTemplate; // Check if the template has already been compiled, compile it if not if ( !compiledTemplates[ moduleName ] || !compiledTemplates[ moduleName ][ templateName ] ) { moduleTemplates = mw.templates.get( moduleName ); if ( !moduleTemplates || !moduleTemplates[ templateName ] ) { throw new Error( 'Template ' + templateName + ' not found in module ' + moduleName ); } // Add compiled version compiledTemplate = this.add( moduleName, templateName, moduleTemplates[ templateName ] ); } else { compiledTemplate = compiledTemplates[ moduleName ][ templateName ]; } return compiledTemplate; }, /** * Wrap our template engine of choice. * * @param {string} templateBody Template body * @param {string} compilerName The name of a registered compiler * @return {Object} Template interface */ compile: function ( templateBody, compilerName ) { return this.getCompiler( compilerName ).compile( templateBody ); } }; // Register basic html compiler mw.template.registerCompiler( 'html', { compile: function ( src ) { return { render: function () { return $( $.parseHTML( $.trim( src ) ) ); } }; } } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );