
class MessageTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase {

	protected function setUp() {

		$this->setMwGlobals( array(
			'wgLang' => Language::factory( 'en' ),
			'wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg' => array(),
		) );

	 * @covers Message::__construct
	 * @dataProvider provideConstructor
	public function testConstructor( $expectedLang, $key, $params, $language ) {
		$message = new Message( $key, $params, $language );

		$this->assertEquals( $key, $message->getKey() );
		$this->assertEquals( $params, $message->getParams() );
		$this->assertEquals( $expectedLang, $message->getLanguage() );

		$messageSpecifier = $this->getMockForAbstractClass( 'MessageSpecifier' );
		$messageSpecifier->expects( $this->any() )
			->method( 'getKey' )->will( $this->returnValue( $key ) );
		$messageSpecifier->expects( $this->any() )
			->method( 'getParams' )->will( $this->returnValue( $params ) );
		$message = new Message( $messageSpecifier, array(), $language );

		$this->assertEquals( $key, $message->getKey() );
		$this->assertEquals( $params, $message->getParams() );
		$this->assertEquals( $expectedLang, $message->getLanguage() );

	public static function provideConstructor() {
		$langDe = Language::factory( 'de' );
		$langEn = Language::factory( 'en' );

		return array(
			array( $langDe, 'foo', array(), $langDe ),
			array( $langDe, 'foo', array( 'bar' ), $langDe ),
			array( $langEn, 'foo', array( 'bar' ), null )

	public static function provideConstructorParams() {
		return array(
				array( 'foo' ),
				array( 'foo' ),
				array( 'foo', 'bar' ),
				array( 'foo', 'bar' ),
				array( 'baz' ),
				array( array( 'baz' ) ),
				array( 'baz', 'foo' ),
				array( array( 'baz', 'foo' ) ),
				array( 'baz', 'foo' ),
				array( array( 'baz', 'foo' ), 'hhh' ),
				array( 'baz', 'foo' ),
				array( array( 'baz', 'foo' ), 'hhh', array( 'ahahahahha' ) ),
				array( 'baz', 'foo' ),
				array( array( 'baz', 'foo' ), array( 'ahahahahha' ) ),
				array( 'baz' ),
				array( array( 'baz' ), array( 'ahahahahha' ) ),

	 * @covers Message::__construct
	 * @covers Message::getParams
	 * @dataProvider provideConstructorParams
	public function testConstructorParams( $expected, $args ) {
		$msg = new Message( 'imasomething' );

		$returned = call_user_func_array( array( $msg, 'params' ), $args );

		$this->assertSame( $msg, $returned );
		$this->assertEquals( $expected, $msg->getParams() );

	public static function provideConstructorLanguage() {
		return array(
			array( 'foo', array( 'bar' ), 'en' ),
			array( 'foo', array( 'bar' ), 'de' )

	 * @covers Message::__construct
	 * @covers Message::getLanguage
	 * @dataProvider provideConstructorLanguage
	public function testConstructorLanguage( $key, $params, $languageCode ) {
		$language = Language::factory( $languageCode );
		$message = new Message( $key, $params, $language );

		$this->assertEquals( $language, $message->getLanguage() );

	public static function provideKeys() {
		return array(
			'string' => array(
				'key' => 'mainpage',
				'expected' => array( 'mainpage' ),
			'single' => array(
				'key' => array( 'mainpage' ),
				'expected' => array( 'mainpage' ),
			'multi' => array(
				'key' => array( 'mainpage-foo', 'mainpage-bar', 'mainpage' ),
				'expected' => array( 'mainpage-foo', 'mainpage-bar', 'mainpage' ),
			'empty' => array(
				'key' => array(),
				'expected' => null,
				'exception' => 'InvalidArgumentException',
			'null' => array(
				'key' => null,
				'expected' => null,
				'exception' => 'InvalidArgumentException',
			'bad type' => array(
				'key' => 123,
				'expected' => null,
				'exception' => 'InvalidArgumentException',

	 * @covers Message::__construct
	 * @covers Message::getKey
	 * @covers Message::isMultiKey
	 * @covers Message::getKeysToTry
	 * @dataProvider provideKeys
	public function testKeys( $key, $expected, $exception = null ) {
		if ( $exception ) {
			$this->setExpectedException( $exception );

		$msg = new Message( $key );
		$this->assertContains( $msg->getKey(), $expected );
		$this->assertEquals( $expected, $msg->getKeysToTry() );
		$this->assertEquals( count( $expected ) > 1, $msg->isMultiKey() );

	 * @covers ::wfMessage
	public function testWfMessage() {
		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'Message', wfMessage( 'mainpage' ) );
		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'Message', wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' ) );

	 * @covers Message::newFromKey
	public function testNewFromKey() {
		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'Message', Message::newFromKey( 'mainpage' ) );
		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'Message', Message::newFromKey( 'i-dont-exist-evar' ) );

	 * @covers ::wfMessage
	 * @covers Message::__construct
	public function testWfMessageParams() {
		$this->assertEquals( 'Return to $1.', wfMessage( 'returnto' )->text() );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Return to $1.', wfMessage( 'returnto', array() )->text() );
			'You have foo (bar).',
			wfMessage( 'youhavenewmessages', 'foo', 'bar' )->text()
			'You have foo (bar).',
			wfMessage( 'youhavenewmessages', array( 'foo', 'bar' ) )->text()

	 * @covers Message::exists
	public function testExists() {
		$this->assertTrue( wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->exists() );
		$this->assertTrue( wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->params( array() )->exists() );
		$this->assertTrue( wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->rawParams( 'foo', 123 )->exists() );
		$this->assertFalse( wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->exists() );
		$this->assertFalse( wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->params( array() )->exists() );
		$this->assertFalse( wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->rawParams( 'foo', 123 )->exists() );

	 * @covers Message::__construct
	 * @covers Message::text
	 * @covers Message::plain
	 * @covers Message::escaped
	 * @covers Message::toString
	public function testToStringKey() {
		$this->assertEquals( 'Main Page', wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->text() );
		$this->assertEquals( '<i-dont-exist-evar>', wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->text() );
		$this->assertEquals( '<i<dont>exist-evar>', wfMessage( 'i<dont>exist-evar' )->text() );
		$this->assertEquals( '<i-dont-exist-evar>', wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->plain() );
		$this->assertEquals( '<i<dont>exist-evar>', wfMessage( 'i<dont>exist-evar' )->plain() );
		$this->assertEquals( '&lt;i-dont-exist-evar&gt;', wfMessage( 'i-dont-exist-evar' )->escaped() );
			wfMessage( 'i<dont>exist-evar' )->escaped()

	public static function provideToString() {
		return array(
			array( 'mainpage', 'Main Page' ),
			array( 'i-dont-exist-evar', '<i-dont-exist-evar>' ),
			array( 'i-dont-exist-evar', '&lt;i-dont-exist-evar&gt;', 'escaped' ),

	 * @covers Message::toString
	 * @covers Message::__toString
	 * @dataProvider provideToString
	public function testToString( $key, $expect, $format = 'plain' ) {
		$msg = new Message( $key );
		$this->assertEquals( $expect, $msg->toString() );
		$this->assertEquals( $expect, $msg->__toString() );

	 * @covers Message::inLanguage
	public function testInLanguage() {
		$this->assertEquals( 'Main Page', wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->inLanguage( 'en' )->text() );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Заглавная страница',
			wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->inLanguage( 'ru' )->text() );

		// NOTE: make sure internal caching of the message text is reset appropriately
		$msg = wfMessage( 'mainpage' );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Main Page', $msg->inLanguage( Language::factory( 'en' ) )->text() );
			'Заглавная страница',
			$msg->inLanguage( Language::factory( 'ru' ) )->text()

	 * @covers Message::rawParam
	 * @covers Message::rawParams
	public function testRawParams() {
			'(Заглавная страница)',
			wfMessage( 'parentheses', 'Заглавная страница' )->plain()
			'(Заглавная страница $1)',
			wfMessage( 'parentheses', 'Заглавная страница $1' )->plain()
			'(Заглавная страница)',
			wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( 'Заглавная страница' )->plain()
			'(Заглавная страница $1)',
			wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( 'Заглавная страница $1' )->plain()

	 * @covers RawMessage::__construct
	 * @covers RawMessage::fetchMessage
	public function testRawMessage() {
		$msg = new RawMessage( 'example &' );
		$this->assertEquals( 'example &', $msg->plain() );
		$this->assertEquals( 'example &amp;', $msg->escaped() );

	 * @covers Message::params
	 * @covers Message::toString
	 * @covers Message::replaceParameters
	public function testReplaceManyParams() {
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12' );
		// One less than above has placeholders
		$params = array( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k' );
			$msg->params( $params )->plain(),
			'Params > 9 are replaced correctly'

		$msg = new RawMessage( 'Params$*' );
		$params = array( 'ab', 'bc', 'cd' );
			'Params: ab, bc, cd',
			$msg->params( $params )->text()

	 * @covers Message::numParam
	 * @covers Message::numParams
	public function testNumParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatNum( 123456.789 ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->numParams( 123456.789 )->plain(),
			'numParams is handled correctly'

	 * @covers Message::durationParam
	 * @covers Message::durationParams
	public function testDurationParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatDuration( 1234 ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->durationParams( 1234 )->plain(),
			'durationParams is handled correctly'

	 * FIXME: This should not need database, but Language#formatExpiry does (bug 55912)
	 * @group Database
	 * @covers Message::expiryParam
	 * @covers Message::expiryParams
	public function testExpiryParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatExpiry( wfTimestampNow() ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->expiryParams( wfTimestampNow() )->plain(),
			'expiryParams is handled correctly'

	 * @covers Message::timeperiodParam
	 * @covers Message::timeperiodParams
	public function testTimeperiodParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatTimePeriod( 1234 ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->timeperiodParams( 1234 )->plain(),
			'timeperiodParams is handled correctly'

	 * @covers Message::sizeParam
	 * @covers Message::sizeParams
	public function testSizeParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatSize( 123456 ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->sizeParams( 123456 )->plain(),
			'sizeParams is handled correctly'

	 * @covers Message::bitrateParam
	 * @covers Message::bitrateParams
	public function testBitrateParams() {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );
		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1' );

			$lang->formatBitrate( 123456 ),
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->bitrateParams( 123456 )->plain(),
			'bitrateParams is handled correctly'

	public static function providePlaintextParams() {
		return array(
				'one $2 <div>foo</div> [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &lt;',

				// expect
				'one $2 <div>foo</div> [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &lt;',
				// format
				'one $2 &lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt; [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &amp;lt;',

				'one $2 &lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt; [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &amp;lt;',

				"<p>one $2 &lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt; [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &amp;lt;\n</p>",

	 * @covers Message::plaintextParam
	 * @covers Message::plaintextParams
	 * @covers Message::formatPlaintext
	 * @covers Message::toString
	 * @covers Message::parse
	 * @covers Message::parseAsBlock
	 * @dataProvider providePlaintextParams
	public function testPlaintextParams( $expect, $format ) {
		$lang = Language::factory( 'en' );

		$msg = new RawMessage( '$1 $2' );
		$params = array(
			'one $2',
			'<div>foo</div> [[Bar]] {{Baz}} &lt;',
			$msg->inLanguage( $lang )->plaintextParams( $params )->$format(),
			"Fail formatting for $format"

	public static function provideParser() {
		return array(
				"''&'' <x><!-- x -->",

				"''&'' <x><!-- x -->",
				'<i>&amp;</i> &lt;x&gt;',

				"<p><i>&amp;</i> &lt;x&gt;\n</p>",

	 * @covers Message::text
	 * @covers Message::parse
	 * @covers Message::parseAsBlock
	 * @covers Message::toString
	 * @covers Message::transformText
	 * @covers Message::parseText
	 * @dataProvider provideParser
	public function testParser( $expect, $format ) {
		$msg = new RawMessage( "''&'' <x><!-- x -->" );
			$msg->inLanguage( 'en' )->$format()

	 * @covers Message::inContentLanguage
	public function testInContentLanguage() {
		$this->setMwGlobals( 'wgLang', Language::factory( 'fr' ) );

		// NOTE: make sure internal caching of the message text is reset appropriately
		$msg = wfMessage( 'mainpage' );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Hauptseite', $msg->inLanguage( 'de' )->plain(), "inLanguage( 'de' )" );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Main Page', $msg->inContentLanguage()->plain(), "inContentLanguage()" );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Accueil', $msg->inLanguage( 'fr' )->plain(), "inLanguage( 'fr' )" );

	 * @covers Message::inContentLanguage
	public function testInContentLanguageOverride() {
		$this->setMwGlobals( array(
			'wgLang' => Language::factory( 'fr' ),
			'wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg' => array( 'mainpage' ),
		) );

		// NOTE: make sure internal caching of the message text is reset appropriately.
		// NOTE: wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg forces the messages *current* language to be used.
		$msg = wfMessage( 'mainpage' );
			'inContentLanguage() with ForceUIMsg override enabled'
		$this->assertEquals( 'Main Page', $msg->inLanguage( 'en' )->plain(), "inLanguage( 'en' )" );
			'Main Page',
			'inContentLanguage() with ForceUIMsg override enabled'
		$this->assertEquals( 'Hauptseite', $msg->inLanguage( 'de' )->plain(), "inLanguage( 'de' )" );

	 * @expectedException MWException
	 * @covers Message::inLanguage
	public function testInLanguageThrows() {
		wfMessage( 'foo' )->inLanguage( 123 );

	 * @covers Message::serialize
	 * @covers Message::unserialize
	public function testSerialization() {
		$msg = new Message( 'parentheses' );
		$msg->rawParams( '<a>foo</a>' );
		$msg->title( Title::newFromText( 'Testing' ) );
		$this->assertEquals( '(<a>foo</a>)', $msg->parse(), 'Sanity check' );
		$msg = unserialize( serialize( $msg ) );
		$this->assertEquals( '(<a>foo</a>)', $msg->parse() );
		$title = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $msg )->title;
		$this->assertInstanceOf( 'Title', $title );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Testing', $title->getFullText() );

		$msg = new Message( 'mainpage' );
		$msg->inLanguage( 'de' );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Hauptseite', $msg->plain(), 'Sanity check' );
		$msg = unserialize( serialize( $msg ) );
		$this->assertEquals( 'Hauptseite', $msg->plain() );