<?php /** * @group ContentHandler */ class ContentHandlerTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { protected function setUp() { global $wgContLang; parent::setUp(); $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgExtraNamespaces' => array( 12312 => 'Dummy', 12313 => 'Dummy_talk', ), // The below tests assume that namespaces not mentioned here (Help, User, MediaWiki, ..) // default to CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT. 'wgNamespaceContentModels' => array( 12312 => 'testing', ), 'wgContentHandlers' => array( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT => 'WikitextContentHandler', CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT => 'JavaScriptContentHandler', CONTENT_MODEL_JSON => 'JsonContentHandler', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS => 'CssContentHandler', CONTENT_MODEL_TEXT => 'TextContentHandler', 'testing' => 'DummyContentHandlerForTesting', ), ) ); // Reset namespace cache MWNamespace::getCanonicalNamespaces( true ); $wgContLang->resetNamespaces(); // And LinkCache LinkCache::destroySingleton(); } protected function tearDown() { global $wgContLang; // Reset namespace cache MWNamespace::getCanonicalNamespaces( true ); $wgContLang->resetNamespaces(); // And LinkCache LinkCache::destroySingleton(); parent::tearDown(); } public static function dataGetDefaultModelFor() { return array( array( 'Help:Foo', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'Help:Foo.js', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'Help:Foo.css', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'Help:Foo.json', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'Help:Foo/bar.js', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo.js', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo.css', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo.json', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.json', CONTENT_MODEL_JSON ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.json.nope', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User talk:Foo/bar.css', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.js.xxx', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'User:Foo/bar.xxx', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.js', CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.JS', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.css', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.css.xxx', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.CSS', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.json', CONTENT_MODEL_JSON ), array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.JSON', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetDefaultModelFor * @covers ContentHandler::getDefaultModelFor */ public function testGetDefaultModelFor( $title, $expectedModelId ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedModelId, ContentHandler::getDefaultModelFor( $title ) ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetDefaultModelFor * @covers ContentHandler::getForTitle */ public function testGetForTitle( $title, $expectedContentModel ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); LinkCache::singleton()->addBadLinkObj( $title ); $handler = ContentHandler::getForTitle( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedContentModel, $handler->getModelID() ); } public static function dataGetLocalizedName() { return array( array( null, null ), array( "xyzzy", null ), // XXX: depends on content language array( CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, '/javascript/i' ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetLocalizedName * @covers ContentHandler::getLocalizedName */ public function testGetLocalizedName( $id, $expected ) { $name = ContentHandler::getLocalizedName( $id ); if ( $expected ) { $this->assertNotNull( $name, "no name found for content model $id" ); $this->assertTrue( preg_match( $expected, $name ) > 0, "content model name for #$id did not match pattern $expected" ); } else { $this->assertEquals( $id, $name, "localization of unknown model $id should have " . "fallen back to use the model id directly." ); } } public static function dataGetPageLanguage() { global $wgLanguageCode; return array( array( "Main", $wgLanguageCode ), array( "Dummy:Foo", $wgLanguageCode ), array( "MediaWiki:common.js", 'en' ), array( "User:Foo/common.js", 'en' ), array( "MediaWiki:common.css", 'en' ), array( "User:Foo/common.css", 'en' ), array( "User:Foo", $wgLanguageCode ), array( CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, 'javascript' ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetPageLanguage * @covers ContentHandler::getPageLanguage */ public function testGetPageLanguage( $title, $expected ) { if ( is_string( $title ) ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); LinkCache::singleton()->addBadLinkObj( $title ); } $expected = wfGetLangObj( $expected ); $handler = ContentHandler::getForTitle( $title ); $lang = $handler->getPageLanguage( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $expected->getCode(), $lang->getCode() ); } public static function dataGetContentText_Null() { return array( array( 'fail' ), array( 'serialize' ), array( 'ignore' ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetContentText_Null * @covers ContentHandler::getContentText */ public function testGetContentText_Null( $contentHandlerTextFallback ) { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerTextFallback', $contentHandlerTextFallback ); $content = null; $text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); $this->assertEquals( '', $text ); } public static function dataGetContentText_TextContent() { return array( array( 'fail' ), array( 'serialize' ), array( 'ignore' ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataGetContentText_TextContent * @covers ContentHandler::getContentText */ public function testGetContentText_TextContent( $contentHandlerTextFallback ) { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerTextFallback', $contentHandlerTextFallback ); $content = new WikitextContent( "hello world" ); $text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); $this->assertEquals( $content->getNativeData(), $text ); } /** * ContentHandler::getContentText should have thrown an exception for non-text Content object * @expectedException MWException * @covers ContentHandler::getContentText */ public function testGetContentText_NonTextContent_fail() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerTextFallback', 'fail' ); $content = new DummyContentForTesting( "hello world" ); ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); } /** * @covers ContentHandler::getContentText */ public function testGetContentText_NonTextContent_serialize() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerTextFallback', 'serialize' ); $content = new DummyContentForTesting( "hello world" ); $text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); $this->assertEquals( $content->serialize(), $text ); } /** * @covers ContentHandler::getContentText */ public function testGetContentText_NonTextContent_ignore() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContentHandlerTextFallback', 'ignore' ); $content = new DummyContentForTesting( "hello world" ); $text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); $this->assertNull( $text ); } /* public static function makeContent( $text, Title $title, $modelId = null, $format = null ) {} */ public static function dataMakeContent() { return array( array( 'hallo', 'Help:Test', null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'hallo', false ), array( 'hallo', 'MediaWiki:Test.js', null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, 'hallo', false ), array( serialize( 'hallo' ), 'Dummy:Test', null, null, "testing", 'hallo', false ), array( 'hallo', 'Help:Test', null, CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'hallo', false ), array( 'hallo', 'MediaWiki:Test.js', null, CONTENT_FORMAT_JAVASCRIPT, CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, 'hallo', false ), array( serialize( 'hallo' ), 'Dummy:Test', null, "testing", "testing", 'hallo', false ), array( 'hallo', 'Help:Test', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, null, CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, 'hallo', false ), array( 'hallo', 'MediaWiki:Test.js', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, null, CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, 'hallo', false ), array( serialize( 'hallo' ), 'Dummy:Test', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, null, CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, serialize( 'hallo' ), false ), array( 'hallo', 'Help:Test', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, "testing", null, null, true ), array( 'hallo', 'MediaWiki:Test.js', CONTENT_MODEL_CSS, "testing", null, null, true ), array( 'hallo', 'Dummy:Test', CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, "testing", null, null, true ), ); } /** * @dataProvider dataMakeContent * @covers ContentHandler::makeContent */ public function testMakeContent( $data, $title, $modelId, $format, $expectedModelId, $expectedNativeData, $shouldFail ) { $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); LinkCache::singleton()->addBadLinkObj( $title ); try { $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $data, $title, $modelId, $format ); if ( $shouldFail ) { $this->fail( "ContentHandler::makeContent should have failed!" ); } $this->assertEquals( $expectedModelId, $content->getModel(), 'bad model id' ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedNativeData, $content->getNativeData(), 'bads native data' ); } catch ( MWException $ex ) { if ( !$shouldFail ) { $this->fail( "ContentHandler::makeContent failed unexpectedly: " . $ex->getMessage() ); } else { // dummy, so we don't get the "test did not perform any assertions" message. $this->assertTrue( true ); } } } /* * Test if we become a "Created blank page" summary from getAutoSummary if no Content added to * page. */ public function testGetAutosummary() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgContLang', Language::factory( 'en' ) ); $content = new DummyContentHandlerForTesting( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $title = Title::newFromText( 'Help:Test' ); // Create a new content object with no content $newContent = ContentHandler::makeContent( '', $title, null, null, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); // first check, if we become a blank page created summary with the right bitmask $autoSummary = $content->getAutosummary( null, $newContent, 97 ); $this->assertEquals( $autoSummary, 'Created blank page' ); // now check, what we become with another bitmask $autoSummary = $content->getAutosummary( null, $newContent, 92 ); $this->assertEquals( $autoSummary, '' ); } /* public function testSupportsSections() { $this->markTestIncomplete( "not yet implemented" ); } */ public function testSupportsDirectEditing() { $handler = new DummyContentHandlerForTesting( CONTENT_MODEL_JSON ); $this->assertFalse( $handler->supportsDirectEditing(), 'direct editing is not supported' ); } /** * @covers ContentHandler::runLegacyHooks */ public function testRunLegacyHooks() { Hooks::register( 'testRunLegacyHooks', __CLASS__ . '::dummyHookHandler' ); $content = new WikitextContent( 'test text' ); $ok = ContentHandler::runLegacyHooks( 'testRunLegacyHooks', array( 'foo', &$content, 'bar' ), false ); $this->assertTrue( $ok, "runLegacyHooks should have returned true" ); $this->assertEquals( "TEST TEXT", $content->getNativeData() ); } public static function dummyHookHandler( $foo, &$text, $bar ) { if ( $text === null || $text === false ) { return false; } $text = strtoupper( $text ); return true; } }