<?php /** * @group Database */ class LogFormatterTest extends MediaWikiLangTestCase { /** * @var User */ protected $user; /** * @var Title */ protected $title; /** * @var RequestContext */ protected $context; /** * @var Title */ protected $target; /** * @var string */ protected $user_comment; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); global $wgLang; $this->setMwGlobals( array( 'wgLogTypes' => array( 'phpunit' ), 'wgLogActionsHandlers' => array( 'phpunit/test' => 'LogFormatter', 'phpunit/param' => 'LogFormatter' ), 'wgUser' => User::newFromName( 'Testuser' ), 'wgExtensionMessagesFiles' => array( 'LogTests' => __DIR__ . '/LogTests.i18n.php' ), ) ); Language::getLocalisationCache()->recache( $wgLang->getCode() ); $this->user = User::newFromName( 'Testuser' ); $this->title = Title::newFromText( 'SomeTitle' ); $this->target = Title::newFromText( 'TestTarget' ); $this->context = new RequestContext(); $this->context->setUser( $this->user ); $this->context->setTitle( $this->title ); $this->context->setLanguage( $wgLang ); $this->user_comment = '<User comment about action>'; } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); global $wgLang; Language::getLocalisationCache()->recache( $wgLang->getCode() ); } public function newLogEntry( $action, $params ) { $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( 'phpunit', $action ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $this->user ); $logEntry->setTarget( $this->title ); $logEntry->setComment( 'A very good reason' ); $logEntry->setParameters( $params ); return $logEntry; } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry */ public function testNormalLogParams() { $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'test', array() ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $formatter->setShowUserToolLinks( false ); $paramsWithoutTools = $formatter->getMessageParametersForTesting(); unset( $formatter->parsedParameters ); $formatter->setShowUserToolLinks( true ); $paramsWithTools = $formatter->getMessageParametersForTesting(); $userLink = Linker::userLink( $this->user->getId(), $this->user->getName() ); $userTools = Linker::userToolLinksRedContribs( $this->user->getId(), $this->user->getName(), $this->user->getEditCount() ); $titleLink = Linker::link( $this->title, null, array(), array() ); // $paramsWithoutTools and $paramsWithTools should be only different // in index 0 $this->assertEquals( $paramsWithoutTools[1], $paramsWithTools[1] ); $this->assertEquals( $paramsWithoutTools[2], $paramsWithTools[2] ); $this->assertEquals( $userLink, $paramsWithoutTools[0]['raw'] ); $this->assertEquals( $userLink . $userTools, $paramsWithTools[0]['raw'] ); $this->assertEquals( $this->user->getName(), $paramsWithoutTools[1] ); $this->assertEquals( $titleLink, $paramsWithoutTools[2]['raw'] ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeRaw() { $params = array( '4:raw:raw' => Linker::link( $this->title, null, array(), array() ) ); $expected = Linker::link( $this->title, null, array(), array() ); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeMsg() { $params = array( '4:msg:msg' => 'log-description-phpunit' ); $expected = wfMessage( 'log-description-phpunit' )->text(); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeMsgContent() { $params = array( '4:msg-content:msgContent' => 'log-description-phpunit' ); $expected = wfMessage( 'log-description-phpunit' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeNumber() { global $wgLang; $params = array( '4:number:number' => 123456789 ); $expected = $wgLang->formatNum( 123456789 ); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeUserLink() { $params = array( '4:user-link:userLink' => $this->user->getName() ); $expected = Linker::userLink( $this->user->getId(), $this->user->getName() ); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypeTitleLink() { $params = array( '4:title-link:titleLink' => $this->title->getText() ); $expected = Linker::link( $this->title, null, array(), array() ); $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getActionText */ public function testLogParamsTypePlain() { $params = array( '4:plain:plain' => 'Some plain text' ); $expected = 'Some plain text'; $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', $params ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $logParam = $formatter->getActionText(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $logParam ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::newFromEntry * @covers LogFormatter::getComment */ public function testLogComment() { $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'test', array() ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); $comment = ltrim( Linker::commentBlock( $entry->getComment() ) ); $this->assertEquals( $comment, $formatter->getComment() ); } /** * @dataProvider provideApiParamFormatting * @covers LogFormatter::formatParametersForApi * @covers LogFormatter::formatParameterValueForApi */ public function testApiParamFormatting( $key, $value, $expected ) { $entry = $this->newLogEntry( 'param', array( $key => $value ) ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $entry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); ApiResult::setIndexedTagName( $expected, 'param' ); ApiResult::setArrayType( $expected, 'assoc' ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $formatter->formatParametersForApi() ); } public static function provideApiParamFormatting() { return array( array( 0, 'value', array( 'value' ) ), array( 'named', 'value', array( 'named' => 'value' ) ), array( '::key', 'value', array( 'key' => 'value' ) ), array( '4::key', 'value', array( 'key' => 'value' ) ), array( '4:raw:key', 'value', array( 'key' => 'value' ) ), array( '4:plain:key', 'value', array( 'key' => 'value' ) ), array( '4:bool:key', '1', array( 'key' => true ) ), array( '4:bool:key', '0', array( 'key' => false ) ), array( '4:number:key', '123', array( 'key' => 123 ) ), array( '4:number:key', '123.5', array( 'key' => 123.5 ) ), array( '4:array:key', array(), array( 'key' => array( ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'array' ) ) ), array( '4:assoc:key', array(), array( 'key' => array( ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'assoc' ) ) ), array( '4:kvp:key', array(), array( 'key' => array( ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'kvp' ) ) ), array( '4:timestamp:key', '20150102030405', array( 'key' => '2015-01-02T03:04:05Z' ) ), array( '4:msg:key', 'parentheses', array( 'key_key' => 'parentheses', 'key_text' => wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->text(), ) ), array( '4:msg-content:key', 'parentheses', array( 'key_key' => 'parentheses', 'key_text' => wfMessage( 'parentheses' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), ) ), array( '4:title:key', 'project:foo', array( 'key_ns' => NS_PROJECT, 'key_title' => Title::newFromText( 'project:foo' )->getFullText(), ) ), array( '4:title-link:key', 'project:foo', array( 'key_ns' => NS_PROJECT, 'key_title' => Title::newFromText( 'project:foo' )->getFullText(), ) ), array( '4:user:key', 'foo', array( 'key' => 'Foo' ) ), array( '4:user-link:key', 'foo', array( 'key' => 'Foo' ) ), ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeBlock() { $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # block/block $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'blocklogentry', 'SomeTitle', 'duration', '(flags)' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'block', 'block', array( '5::duration' => 'duration', '6::flags' => 'flags', ), $this->user_comment ); # block/block - legacy $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'blocklogentry', 'SomeTitle', 'duration', '(flags)' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'block', 'block', array( 'duration', 'flags', ), $this->user_comment, '', true ); # block/unblock $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'unblocklogentry', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'block', 'unblock', array(), $this->user_comment ); # block/reblock $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'reblock-logentry', 'SomeTitle', 'duration', '(flags)' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'block', 'reblock', array( '5::duration' => 'duration', '6::flags' => 'flags', ), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeDelete() { $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # delete/delete $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'deletedarticle', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'delete', 'delete', array(), $this->user_comment ); # delete/restore $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'undeletedarticle', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'delete', 'restore', array(), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeNewusers() { $this->assertIRCComment( 'New user account', 'newusers', 'newusers', array() ); $this->assertIRCComment( 'New user account', 'newusers', 'create', array() ); $this->assertIRCComment( 'created new account SomeTitle', 'newusers', 'create2', array() ); $this->assertIRCComment( 'Account created automatically', 'newusers', 'autocreate', array() ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeMove() { $move_params = array( '4::target' => $this->target->getPrefixedText(), '5::noredir' => 0, ); $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # move/move $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( '1movedto2', 'SomeTitle', 'TestTarget' ) ->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'move', 'move', $move_params, $this->user_comment ); # move/move_redir $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( '1movedto2_redir', 'SomeTitle', 'TestTarget' ) ->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'move', 'move_redir', $move_params, $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypePatrol() { # patrol/patrol $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'patrol-log-line', 'revision 777', '[[SomeTitle]]', '' )->plain(), 'patrol', 'patrol', array( '4::curid' => '777', '5::previd' => '666', '6::auto' => 0, ) ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeProtect() { $protectParams = array( '[edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite)' ); $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # protect/protect $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'protectedarticle', 'SomeTitle ' . $protectParams[0] ) ->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'protect', 'protect', $protectParams, $this->user_comment ); # protect/unprotect $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'unprotectedarticle', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'protect', 'unprotect', array(), $this->user_comment ); # protect/modify $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'modifiedarticleprotection', 'SomeTitle ' . $protectParams[0] ) ->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'protect', 'modify', $protectParams, $this->user_comment ); # protect/move_prot $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'movedarticleprotection', 'SomeTitle', 'OldTitle' ) ->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'protect', 'move_prot', array( '4::oldtitle' => 'OldTitle' ), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeUpload() { $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # upload/upload $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'uploadedimage', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'upload', 'upload', array(), $this->user_comment ); # upload/overwrite $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'overwroteimage', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'upload', 'overwrite', array(), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeMerge() { $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # merge/merge $this->assertIRCComment( $this->context->msg( 'pagemerge-logentry', 'SomeTitle', 'Dest', 'timestamp' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment, 'merge', 'merge', array( '4::dest' => 'Dest', '5::mergepoint' => 'timestamp', ), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionComment * @covers LogFormatter::getIRCActionText */ public function testIrcMsgForLogTypeImport() { $sep = $this->context->msg( 'colon-separator' )->text(); # import/upload $msg = $this->context->msg( 'import-logentry-upload', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment; $this->assertIRCComment( $msg, 'import', 'upload', array(), $this->user_comment ); # import/interwiki $msg = $this->context->msg( 'import-logentry-interwiki', 'SomeTitle' )->plain() . $sep . $this->user_comment; $this->assertIRCComment( $msg, 'import', 'interwiki', array(), $this->user_comment ); } /** * @param string $expected Expected IRC text without colors codes * @param string $type Log type (move, delete, suppress, patrol ...) * @param string $action A log type action * @param array $params * @param string $comment (optional) A comment for the log action * @param string $msg (optional) A message for PHPUnit :-) */ protected function assertIRCComment( $expected, $type, $action, $params, $comment = null, $msg = '', $legacy = false ) { $logEntry = new ManualLogEntry( $type, $action ); $logEntry->setPerformer( $this->user ); $logEntry->setTarget( $this->title ); if ( $comment !== null ) { $logEntry->setComment( $comment ); } $logEntry->setParameters( $params ); $logEntry->setLegacy( $legacy ); $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromEntry( $logEntry ); $formatter->setContext( $this->context ); // Apply the same transformation as done in IRCColourfulRCFeedFormatter::getLine for rc_comment $ircRcComment = IRCColourfulRCFeedFormatter::cleanupForIRC( $formatter->getIRCActionComment() ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $ircRcComment, $msg ); } }