<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/NewParserTest.php'; /** * The UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from MediaWikiTestCase * or a class that provides a public static suite() method which returns * an PHPUnit_Framework_Test object * * @group Parser * @group ParserTests * @group Database */ class MediaWikiParserTest { /** * @defgroup filtering_constants Filtering constants * * Limit inclusion of parser tests files coming from MediaWiki core * @{ */ /** Include files shipped with MediaWiki core */ const CORE_ONLY = 1; /** Include non core files as set in $wgParserTestFiles */ const NO_CORE = 2; /** Include anything set via $wgParserTestFiles */ const WITH_ALL = 3; # CORE_ONLY | NO_CORE /** @} */ /** * Get a PHPUnit test suite of parser tests. Optionally filtered with * $flags. * * @par Examples: * Get a suite of parser tests shipped by MediaWiki core: * @code * MediaWikiParserTest::suite( MediaWikiParserTest::CORE_ONLY ); * @endcode * Get a suite of various parser tests, like extensions: * @code * MediaWikiParserTest::suite( MediaWikiParserTest::NO_CORE ); * @endcode * Get any test defined via $wgParserTestFiles: * @code * MediaWikiParserTest::suite( MediaWikiParserTest::WITH_ALL ); * @endcode * * @param int $flags Bitwise flag to filter out the $wgParserTestFiles that * will be included. Default: MediaWikiParserTest::CORE_ONLY * * @return PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite */ public static function suite( $flags = self::CORE_ONLY ) { if ( is_string( $flags ) ) { $flags = self::CORE_ONLY; } global $wgParserTestFiles, $IP; $mwTestDir = $IP . '/tests/'; # Human friendly helpers $wantsCore = ( $flags & self::CORE_ONLY ); $wantsRest = ( $flags & self::NO_CORE ); # Will hold the .txt parser test files we will include $filesToTest = array(); # Filter out .txt files foreach ( $wgParserTestFiles as $parserTestFile ) { $isCore = ( 0 === strpos( $parserTestFile, $mwTestDir ) ); if ( $isCore && $wantsCore ) { self::debug( "included core parser tests: $parserTestFile" ); $filesToTest[] = $parserTestFile; } elseif ( !$isCore && $wantsRest ) { self::debug( "included non core parser tests: $parserTestFile" ); $filesToTest[] = $parserTestFile; } else { self::debug( "skipped parser tests: $parserTestFile" ); } } self::debug( 'parser tests files: ' . implode( ' ', $filesToTest ) ); $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite; $testList = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ( $filesToTest as $fileName ) { // Call the highest level directory the extension name. // It may or may not actually be, but it should be close // enough to cause there to be separate names for different // things, which is good enough for our purposes. $extensionName = basename( dirname( $fileName ) ); $testsName = $extensionName . '__' . basename( $fileName, '.txt' ); $escapedFileName = strtr( $fileName, array( "'" => "\\'", '\\' => '\\\\' ) ); $parserTestClassName = ucfirst( $testsName ); // Official spec for class names: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php // Prepend 'ParserTest_' to be paranoid about it not starting with a number $parserTestClassName = 'ParserTest_' . preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]/', '_', $parserTestClassName ); if ( isset( $testList[$parserTestClassName] ) ) { // If a conflict happens, gives a very unclear fatal. // So as a last ditch effort to prevent that eventuality, if there // is a conflict, append a number. $counter++; $parserTestClassName .= $counter; } $testList[$parserTestClassName] = true; $parserTestClassDefinition = <<<EOT /** * @group Database * @group Parser * @group ParserTests * @group ParserTests_$parserTestClassName */ class $parserTestClassName extends NewParserTest { protected \$file = '$escapedFileName'; } EOT; eval( $parserTestClassDefinition ); self::debug( "Adding test class $parserTestClassName" ); $suite->addTestSuite( $parserTestClassName ); } return $suite; } /** * Write $msg under log group 'tests-parser' * @param string $msg Message to log */ protected static function debug( $msg ) { return wfDebugLog( 'tests-parser', wfGetCaller() . ' ' . $msg ); } }