( function ( $, mw ) {
var simpleSample, U_20AC, mbSample;
QUnit.module( 'jquery.byteLimit', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
// Simple sample (20 chars, 20 bytes)
simpleSample = '12345678901234567890';
// 3 bytes (euro-symbol)
U_20AC = '\u20AC';
// Multi-byte sample (22 chars, 26 bytes)
mbSample = '1234567890' + U_20AC + '1234567890' + U_20AC;
// Basic sendkey-implementation
function addChars( $input, charstr ) {
var c, len;
for ( c = 0, len = charstr.length; c < len; c += 1 ) {
.val( function ( i, val ) {
// Add character to the value
return val + charstr.charAt( c );
} )
.trigger( 'change' );
* Test factory for $.fn.byteLimit
* @param $input {jQuery} jQuery object in an input element
* @param hasLimit {Boolean} Wether a limit should apply at all
* @param limit {Number} Limit (if used) otherwise undefined
* The limit should be less than 20 (the sample data's length)
function byteLimitTest( options ) {
var opt = $.extend({
description: '',
$input: null,
sample: '',
hasLimit: false,
expected: '',
limit: null
}, options);
QUnit.asyncTest( opt.description, opt.hasLimit ? 3 : 2, function ( assert ) {
setTimeout( function () {
var rawVal, fn, effectiveVal;
opt.$input.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
// Simulate pressing keys for each of the sample characters
addChars( opt.$input, opt.sample );
rawVal = opt.$input.val();
fn = opt.$input.data( 'byteLimit.callback' );
effectiveVal = fn ? fn( rawVal ) : rawVal;
if ( opt.hasLimit ) {
$.byteLength( effectiveVal ),
'Prevent keypresses after byteLimit was reached, length never exceeded the limit'
$.byteLength( rawVal ),
$.byteLength( opt.expected ),
'Not preventing keypresses too early, length has reached the expected length'
assert.equal( rawVal, opt.expected, 'New value matches the expected string' );
} else {
$.byteLength( effectiveVal ),
$.byteLength( opt.expected ),
'Unlimited scenarios are not affected, expected length reached'
assert.equal( rawVal, opt.expected, 'New value matches the expected string' );
}, 10 );
} );
description: 'Plain text input',
$input: $( '' ),
sample: simpleSample,
hasLimit: false,
expected: simpleSample
description: 'Plain text input. Calling byteLimit with no parameters and no maxlength attribute (bug 36310)',
$input: $( '' )
sample: simpleSample,
hasLimit: false,
expected: simpleSample
description: 'Limit using the maxlength attribute',
$input: $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '10' )
sample: simpleSample,
hasLimit: true,
limit: 10,
expected: '1234567890'
description: 'Limit using a custom value',
$input: $( '' )
.byteLimit( 10 ),
sample: simpleSample,
hasLimit: true,
limit: 10,
expected: '1234567890'
description: 'Limit using a custom value, overriding maxlength attribute',
$input: $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '10' )
.byteLimit( 15 ),
sample: simpleSample,
hasLimit: true,
limit: 15,
expected: '123456789012345'
description: 'Limit using a custom value (multibyte)',
$input: $( '' )
.byteLimit( 14 ),
sample: mbSample,
hasLimit: true,
limit: 14,
expected: '1234567890' + U_20AC + '1'
description: 'Limit using a custom value (multibyte) overlapping a byte',
$input: $( '' )
.byteLimit( 12 ),
sample: mbSample,
hasLimit: true,
limit: 12,
expected: '1234567890' + '12'
description: 'Pass the limit and a callback as input filter',
$input: $( '' )
.byteLimit( 6, function ( val ) {
// Invalid title
if ( val === '' ) {
return '';
// Return without namespace prefix
return new mw.Title( String( val ) ).getMain();
} ),
sample: 'User:Sample',
hasLimit: true,
limit: 6, // 'Sample' length
expected: 'User:Sample'
description: 'Limit using the maxlength attribute and pass a callback as input filter',
$input: $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '6' )
.byteLimit( function ( val ) {
// Invalid title
if ( val === '' ) {
return '';
// Return without namespace prefix
return new mw.Title( String( val ) ).getMain();
} ),
sample: 'User:Sample',
hasLimit: true,
limit: 6, // 'Sample' length
expected: 'User:Sample'
QUnit.test( 'Confirm properties and attributes set', 4, function ( assert ) {
var $el, $elA, $elB;
$el = $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '7' )
.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' )
assert.strictEqual( $el.attr( 'maxlength' ), '7', 'maxlength attribute unchanged for simple limit' );
$el = $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '7' )
.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' )
.byteLimit( 12 );
assert.strictEqual( $el.attr( 'maxlength' ), '12', 'maxlength attribute updated for custom limit' );
$el = $( '' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '7' )
.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' )
.byteLimit( 12, function ( val ) {
return val;
} );
assert.strictEqual( $el.attr( 'maxlength' ), undefined, 'maxlength attribute removed for limit with callback' );
$elA = $( '' )
.addClass( 'mw-test-byteLimit-foo' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '7' )
.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
$elB = $( '' )
.addClass( 'mw-test-byteLimit-foo' )
.attr( 'maxlength', '12' )
.appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
$el = $( '.mw-test-byteLimit-foo' );
assert.strictEqual( $el.length, 2, 'Verify that there are no other elements clashing with this test suite' );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );