( function ($) { QUnit.module('jquery.placeholder', QUnit.newMwEnvironment()); QUnit.test('caches results of feature tests', 2, function (assert) { assert.strictEqual( typeof $.fn.placeholder.input, 'boolean', '$.fn.placeholder.input'); assert.strictEqual( typeof $.fn.placeholder.textarea, 'boolean', '$.fn.placeholder.textarea'); }); if ($.fn.placeholder.input && $.fn.placeholder.textarea) { return; } var html = '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
', testElement = function ($el, assert) { var el = $el[0], placeholder = el.getAttribute('placeholder'); assert.strictEqual($el.placeholder(), $el, 'should be chainable'); assert.strictEqual(el.value, placeholder, 'should set `placeholder` text as `value`'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok($el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should have `placeholder` class'); // test on focus $el.focus(); assert.strictEqual(el.value, '', '`value` should be the empty string on focus'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok(!$el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should not have `placeholder` class on focus'); // and unfocus (blur) again $el.blur(); assert.strictEqual(el.value, placeholder, 'should set `placeholder` text as `value`'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok($el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should have `placeholder` class'); // change the value $el.val('lorem ipsum'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), 'lorem ipsum', '`$el.val(string)` should change the `value` property'); assert.strictEqual(el.value, 'lorem ipsum', '`$el.val(string)` should change the `value` attribute'); assert.ok(!$el.hasClass('placeholder'), '`$el.val(string)` should remove `placeholder` class'); // and clear it again $el.val(''); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', '`$el.val("")` should change the `value` property'); assert.strictEqual(el.value, placeholder, '`$el.val("")` should change the `value` attribute'); assert.ok($el.hasClass('placeholder'), '`$el.val("")` should re-enable `placeholder` class'); // make sure the placeholder property works as expected. assert.strictEqual($el.prop('placeholder'), placeholder, '$el.prop(`placeholder`) should return the placeholder value'); $el.placeholder('new placeholder'); assert.strictEqual(el.getAttribute('placeholder'), 'new placeholder', '$el.placeholder() should set the placeholder value'); assert.strictEqual(el.value, 'new placeholder', '$el.placeholder() should update the displayed placeholder value'); $el.placeholder(placeholder); }; QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#input-type-text'), assert); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#input-type-search'), assert); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#input-type-email'), assert); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#input-type-url'), assert); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#input-type-tel'), assert); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 13, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); var selector = '#input-type-password', $el = $(selector), el = $el[0], placeholder = el.getAttribute('placeholder'); assert.strictEqual($el.placeholder(), $el, 'should be chainable'); // Re-select the element, as it gets replaced by another one in some browsers $el = $(selector); el = $el[0]; assert.strictEqual(el.value, placeholder, 'should set `placeholder` text as `value`'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok($el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should have `placeholder` class'); // test on focus $el.focus(); // Re-select the element, as it gets replaced by another one in some browsers $el = $(selector); el = $el[0]; assert.strictEqual(el.value, '', '`value` should be the empty string on focus'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok(!$el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should not have `placeholder` class on focus'); // and unfocus (blur) again $el.blur(); // Re-select the element, as it gets replaced by another one in some browsers $el = $(selector); el = $el[0]; assert.strictEqual(el.value, placeholder, 'should set `placeholder` text as `value`'); assert.strictEqual($el.prop('value'), '', 'propHooks works properly'); assert.strictEqual($el.val(), '', 'valHooks works properly'); assert.ok($el.hasClass('placeholder'), 'should have `placeholder` class'); }); QUnit.test('emulates placeholder for ', 22, function (assert) { $('
').html(html).appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')); testElement($('#textarea'), assert); }); }(jQuery));