( function ( mw, $ ) { QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.api', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { setup: function () { this.server = this.sandbox.useFakeServer(); this.server.respondImmediately = true; this.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); }, teardown: function () { // https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/2453 this.clock.tick(); } } ) ); function sequence( responses ) { var i = 0; return function ( request ) { var response = responses[ i ]; if ( response ) { i++; request.respond.apply( request, response ); } }; } function sequenceBodies( status, headers, bodies ) { jQuery.each( bodies, function ( i, body ) { bodies[ i ] = [ status, headers, body ]; } ); return sequence( bodies ); } QUnit.test( 'Basic functionality', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '[]' ] ); api.get( {} ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, [], 'If request succeeds without errors, resolve deferred' ); } ); api.post( {} ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, [], 'Simple POST request' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'API error', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 1 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "error": { "code": "unknown_action" } }' ] ); api.get( { action: 'doesntexist' } ) .fail( function ( errorCode ) { assert.equal( errorCode, 'unknown_action', 'API error should reject the deferred' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'FormData support', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( function ( request ) { if ( window.FormData ) { assert.ok( !request.url.match( /action=/ ), 'Request has no query string' ); assert.ok( request.requestBody instanceof FormData, 'Request uses FormData body' ); } else { assert.ok( !request.url.match( /action=test/ ), 'Request has no query string' ); assert.equal( request.requestBody, 'action=test&format=json', 'Request uses query string body' ); } request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '[]' ); } ); api.post( { action: 'test' }, { contentType: 'multipart/form-data' } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Converting arrays to pipe-separated', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 1 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( function ( request ) { assert.ok( request.url.match( /test=foo%7Cbar%7Cbaz/ ), 'Pipe-separated value was submitted' ); request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '[]' ); } ); api.get( { test: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Omitting false booleans', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( function ( request ) { assert.ok( !request.url.match( /foo/ ), 'foo query parameter is not present' ); assert.ok( request.url.match( /bar=true/ ), 'bar query parameter is present with value true' ); request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '[]' ); } ); api.get( { foo: false, bar: true } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getToken() - cached', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(); // Get editToken for local wiki, this should not make // a request as it should be retrieved from mw.user.tokens. api.getToken( 'edit' ) .done( function ( token ) { assert.ok( token.length, 'Got a token' ); } ) .fail( function ( err ) { assert.equal( '', err, 'API error' ); } ); assert.equal( this.server.requests.length, 0, 'Requests made' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getToken() - uncached', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 3 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respondWith( /type=testuncached/, [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "tokens": { "testuncachedtoken": "good" } }' ] ); // Get a token of a type that isn't prepopulated by user.tokens. // Could use "block" or "delete" here, but those could in theory // be added to user.tokens, use a fake one instead. api.getToken( 'testuncached' ) .done( function ( token ) { assert.equal( token, 'good', 'The token' ); } ) .fail( function ( err ) { assert.equal( err, '', 'API error' ); } ); api.getToken( 'testuncached' ) .done( function ( token ) { assert.equal( token, 'good', 'The cached token' ); } ) .fail( function ( err ) { assert.equal( err, '', 'API error' ); } ); assert.equal( this.server.requests.length, 1, 'Requests made' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getToken() - error', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respondWith( /type=testerror/, sequenceBodies( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, [ '{ "error": { "code": "bite-me", "info": "Smite me, O Mighty Smiter" } }', '{ "tokens": { "testerrortoken": "good" } }' ] ) ); // Don't cache error (bug 65268) api.getToken( 'testerror' ).fail( function ( err ) { assert.equal( err, 'bite-me', 'Expected error' ); // Make this request after the first one has finished. // If we make it simultaneously we still want it to share // the cache, but as soon as it is fulfilled as error we // reject it so that the next one tries fresh. api.getToken( 'testerror' ).done( function ( token ) { assert.equal( token, 'good', 'The token' ); } ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'badToken()', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api(), test = this; this.server.respondWith( /type=testbad/, sequenceBodies( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, [ '{ "tokens": { "testbadtoken": "bad" } }', '{ "tokens": { "testbadtoken": "good" } }' ] ) ); api.getToken( 'testbad' ) .then( function () { api.badToken( 'testbad' ); return api.getToken( 'testbad' ); } ) .then( function ( token ) { assert.equal( token, 'good', 'The token' ); assert.equal( test.server.requests.length, 2, 'Requests made' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'postWithToken( tokenType, params )', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 1 ); var api = new mw.Api( { ajax: { url: '/postWithToken/api.php' } } ); this.server.respondWith( 'GET', /type=testpost/, [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "tokens": { "testposttoken": "good" } }' ] ); this.server.respondWith( 'POST', /api/, function ( request ) { if ( request.requestBody.match( /token=good/ ) ) { request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "example": { "foo": "quux" } }' ); } } ); api.postWithToken( 'testpost', { action: 'example', key: 'foo' } ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, { example: { foo: 'quux' } } ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'postWithToken( tokenType, params with assert )', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var api = new mw.Api( { ajax: { url: '/postWithToken/api.php' } } ); this.server.respondWith( /assert=user/, [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "error": { "code": "assertuserfailed", "info": "Assertion failed" } }' ] ); api.postWithToken( 'testassertpost', { action: 'example', key: 'foo', assert: 'user' } ) .fail( function ( errorCode ) { assert.equal( errorCode, 'assertuserfailed', 'getToken fails assert' ); } ); assert.equal( this.server.requests.length, 1, 'Requests made' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'postWithToken( tokenType, params, ajaxOptions )', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 3 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respond( [ 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "example": "quux" }' ] ); api.postWithToken( 'edit', { action: 'example' }, { headers: { 'X-Foo': 'Bar' } } ); api.postWithToken( 'edit', { action: 'example' }, function () { assert.ok( false, 'This parameter cannot be a callback' ); } ) .always( function ( data ) { assert.equal( data.example, 'quux' ); } ); assert.equal( this.server.requests.length, 2, 'Request made' ); assert.equal( this.server.requests[ 0 ].requestHeaders[ 'X-Foo' ], 'Bar', 'Header sent' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'postWithToken() - badtoken', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 1 ); var api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respondWith( /type=testbadtoken/, sequenceBodies( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, [ '{ "tokens": { "testbadtokentoken": "bad" } }', '{ "tokens": { "testbadtokentoken": "good" } }' ] ) ); this.server.respondWith( 'POST', /api/, function ( request ) { if ( request.requestBody.match( /token=bad/ ) ) { request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "error": { "code": "badtoken" } }' ); } if ( request.requestBody.match( /token=good/ ) ) { request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "example": { "foo": "quux" } }' ); } } ); // - Request: new token -> bad // - Request: action=example -> badtoken error // - Request: new token -> good // - Request: action=example -> success api.postWithToken( 'testbadtoken', { action: 'example', key: 'foo' } ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, { example: { foo: 'quux' } } ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'postWithToken() - badtoken-cached', function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( 2 ); var sequenceA, api = new mw.Api(); this.server.respondWith( /type=testonce/, sequenceBodies( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, [ '{ "tokens": { "testoncetoken": "good-A" } }', '{ "tokens": { "testoncetoken": "good-B" } }' ] ) ); sequenceA = sequenceBodies( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, [ '{ "example": { "value": "A" } }', '{ "error": { "code": "badtoken" } }' ] ); this.server.respondWith( 'POST', /api/, function ( request ) { if ( request.requestBody.match( /token=good-A/ ) ) { sequenceA( request ); } else if ( request.requestBody.match( /token=good-B/ ) ) { request.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, '{ "example": { "value": "B" } }' ); } } ); // - Request: new token -> A // - Request: action=example api.postWithToken( 'testonce', { action: 'example', key: 'foo' } ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, { example: { value: 'A' } } ); } ); // - Request: action=example w/ token A -> badtoken error // - Request: new token -> B // - Request: action=example w/ token B -> success api.postWithToken( 'testonce', { action: 'example', key: 'bar' } ) .done( function ( data ) { assert.deepEqual( data, { example: { value: 'B' } } ); } ); } ); QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.api (2)', { setup: function () { var self = this, requests = this.requests = []; this.api = new mw.Api(); this.sandbox.stub( jQuery, 'ajax', function () { var request = $.extend( { abort: self.sandbox.spy() }, $.Deferred() ); requests.push( request ); return request; } ); } } ); QUnit.test( '#abort', 3, function ( assert ) { this.api.get( { a: 1 } ); this.api.post( { b: 2 } ); this.api.abort(); assert.ok( this.requests.length === 2, 'Check both requests triggered' ); $.each( this.requests, function ( i, request ) { assert.ok( request.abort.calledOnce, 'abort request number ' + i ); } ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );