( function ( mw, $ ) { 'use strict'; QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.language', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { setup: function () { this.liveLangData = mw.language.data.values; mw.language.data.values = $.extend( true, {}, this.liveLangData ); }, teardown: function () { mw.language.data.values = this.liveLangData; } } ) ); QUnit.test( 'mw.language getData and setData', 2, function ( assert ) { mw.language.setData( 'en', 'testkey', 'testvalue' ); assert.equal( mw.language.getData( 'en', 'testkey' ), 'testvalue', 'Getter setter test for mw.language' ); assert.equal( mw.language.getData( 'en', 'invalidkey' ), undefined, 'Getter setter test for mw.language with invalid key' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'mw.language.commafy test', 9, function ( assert ) { // Number grouping patterns are as per http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/number-patterns assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 1234.567, '###0.#####' ), '1234.567', 'Pattern with no digit grouping separator defined' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 123456789.567, '###0.#####' ), '123456789.567', 'Pattern with no digit grouping seperator defined, bigger decimal part' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 0.567, '###0.#####' ), '0.567', 'Decimal part 0' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( '.567', '###0.#####' ), '0.567', 'Decimal part missing. replace with zero' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 1234, '##,#0.#####' ), '12,34', 'Pattern with no fractional part' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( -1234.567, '###0.#####' ), '-1234.567', 'Negative number' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( -1234.567, '#,###.00' ), '-1,234.56', 'Fractional part bigger than pattern.' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 123456789.567, '###,##0.00' ), '123,456,789.56', 'Decimal part as group of 3' ); assert.equal( mw.language.commafy( 123456789.567, '###,###,#0.00' ), '1,234,567,89.56', 'Decimal part as group of 3 and last one 2' ); } ); function grammarTest( langCode, test ) { // The test works only if the content language is opt.language // because it requires [lang].js to be loaded. QUnit.test( 'Grammar test for lang=' + langCode, function ( assert ) { QUnit.expect( test.length ); for ( var i = 0; i < test.length; i++ ) { assert.equal( mw.language.convertGrammar( test[i].word, test[i].grammarForm ), test[i].expected, test[i].description ); } } ); } // These tests run only for the current UI language. var grammarTests = { bs: [ { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'instrumental', expected: 's word', description: 'Grammar test for instrumental case' }, { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'lokativ', expected: 'o word', description: 'Grammar test for lokativ case' } ], he: [ { word: 'ויקיפדיה', grammarForm: 'prefixed', expected: 'וויקיפדיה', description: 'Duplicate the "Waw" if prefixed' }, { word: 'וולפגנג', grammarForm: 'prefixed', expected: 'וולפגנג', description: 'Duplicate the "Waw" if prefixed, but not if it is already duplicated.' }, { word: 'הקובץ', grammarForm: 'prefixed', expected: 'קובץ', description: 'Remove the "He" if prefixed' }, { word: 'Wikipedia', grammarForm: 'תחילית', expected: '־Wikipedia', description: 'GAdd a hyphen (maqaf) before non-Hebrew letters' }, { word: '1995', grammarForm: 'תחילית', expected: '־1995', description: 'Add a hyphen (maqaf) before numbers' } ], hsb: [ { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'instrumental', expected: 'z word', description: 'Grammar test for instrumental case' }, { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'lokatiw', expected: 'wo word', description: 'Grammar test for lokatiw case' } ], dsb: [ { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'instrumental', expected: 'z word', description: 'Grammar test for instrumental case' }, { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'lokatiw', expected: 'wo word', description: 'Grammar test for lokatiw case' } ], hy: [ { word: 'Մաունա', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'Մաունայի', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'հետո', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'հետոյի', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'գիրք', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'գրքի', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'ժամանակի', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'ժամանակիի', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' } ], fi: [ { word: 'talo', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'talon', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'linux', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'linuxin', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'talo', grammarForm: 'elative', expected: 'talosta', description: 'Grammar test for elative case' }, { word: 'pastöroitu', grammarForm: 'partitive', expected: 'pastöroitua', description: 'Grammar test for partitive case' }, { word: 'talo', grammarForm: 'partitive', expected: 'taloa', description: 'Grammar test for partitive case' }, { word: 'talo', grammarForm: 'illative', expected: 'taloon', description: 'Grammar test for illative case' }, { word: 'linux', grammarForm: 'inessive', expected: 'linuxissa', description: 'Grammar test for inessive case' } ], ru: [ { word: 'тесть', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'тестя', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, тесть -> тестя' }, { word: 'привилегия', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'привилегии', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, привилегия -> привилегии' }, { word: 'установка', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'установки', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, установка -> установки' }, { word: 'похоти', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'похотей', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, похоти -> похотей' }, { word: 'доводы', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'доводов', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, доводы -> доводов' }, { word: 'песчаник', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'песчаника', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, песчаник -> песчаника' }, { word: 'данные', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'данных', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, данные -> данных' }, { word: 'тесть', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'тесте', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, тесть -> тесте' }, { word: 'привилегия', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'привилегии', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, привилегия -> привилегии' }, { word: 'установка', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'установке', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, установка -> установке' }, { word: 'похоти', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'похотях', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, похоти -> похотях' }, { word: 'доводы', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'доводах', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, доводы -> доводах' }, { word: 'Викисклад', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'Викискладе', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, Викисклад -> Викискладе' }, { word: 'Викисклад', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'Викисклада', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case, Викисклад -> Викисклада' }, { word: 'песчаник', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'песчанике', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, песчаник -> песчанике' }, { word: 'данные', grammarForm: 'prepositional', expected: 'данных', description: 'Grammar test for prepositional case, данные -> данных' } ], hu: [ { word: 'Wikipédiá', grammarForm: 'rol', expected: 'Wikipédiáról', description: 'Grammar test for rol case' }, { word: 'Wikipédiá', grammarForm: 'ba', expected: 'Wikipédiába', description: 'Grammar test for ba case' }, { word: 'Wikipédiá', grammarForm: 'k', expected: 'Wikipédiák', description: 'Grammar test for k case' } ], ga: [ { word: 'an Domhnach', grammarForm: 'ainmlae', expected: 'Dé Domhnaigh', description: 'Grammar test for ainmlae case' }, { word: 'an Luan', grammarForm: 'ainmlae', expected: 'Dé Luain', description: 'Grammar test for ainmlae case' }, { word: 'an Satharn', grammarForm: 'ainmlae', expected: 'Dé Sathairn', description: 'Grammar test for ainmlae case' } ], uk: [ { word: 'тесть', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'тестя', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'Вікіпедія', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'Вікіпедії', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'установка', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'установки', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'похоти', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'похотей', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'доводы', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'доводов', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'песчаник', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'песчаника', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'Вікіпедія', grammarForm: 'accusative', expected: 'Вікіпедію', description: 'Grammar test for accusative case' } ], sl: [ { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'orodnik', expected: 'z word', description: 'Grammar test for orodnik case' }, { word: 'word', grammarForm: 'mestnik', expected: 'o word', description: 'Grammar test for mestnik case' } ], os: [ { word: 'бæстæ', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'бæсты', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'бæстæ', grammarForm: 'allative', expected: 'бæстæм', description: 'Grammar test for allative case' }, { word: 'Тигр', grammarForm: 'dative', expected: 'Тигрæн', description: 'Grammar test for dative case' }, { word: 'цъити', grammarForm: 'dative', expected: 'цъитийæн', description: 'Grammar test for dative case' }, { word: 'лæппу', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'лæппуйы', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: '2011', grammarForm: 'equative', expected: '2011-ау', description: 'Grammar test for equative case' } ], la: [ { word: 'Translatio', grammarForm: 'genitive', expected: 'Translationis', description: 'Grammar test for genitive case' }, { word: 'Translatio', grammarForm: 'accusative', expected: 'Translationem', description: 'Grammar test for accusative case' }, { word: 'Translatio', grammarForm: 'ablative', expected: 'Translatione', description: 'Grammar test for ablative case' } ] }; $.each( grammarTests, function ( langCode, test ) { if ( langCode === mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ) { grammarTest( langCode, test ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'List to text test', 4, function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.language.listToText( [] ), '', 'Blank list' ); assert.equal( mw.language.listToText( ['a'] ), 'a', 'Single item' ); assert.equal( mw.language.listToText( ['a', 'b'] ), 'a and b', 'Two items' ); assert.equal( mw.language.listToText( ['a', 'b', 'c'] ), 'a, b and c', 'More than two items' ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );