tester = new Testing_Selenium( $this->browser, self::$url, $this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout ); if ( method_exists( $this->tester, "setVerbose" ) ) { $this->tester->setVerbose( $this->verbose ); } $this->tester->start(); $this->isStarted = true; } public function stop() { $this->tester->stop(); $this->tester = null; $this->isStarted = false; } public function login() { if ( strlen( $this->user ) == 0 ) { return; } $this->open( self::$url . '/index.php?title=Special:Userlogin' ); $this->type( 'wpName1', $this->user ); $this->type( 'wpPassword1', $this->pass ); $this->click( "//input[@id='wpLoginAttempt']" ); $this->waitForPageToLoad( 10000 ); // after login we redirect to the main page. So check whether the "Prefernces" top menu item exists $value = $this->isElementPresent( "//li[@id='pt-preferences']" ); if ( $value != true ) { throw new Testing_Selenium_Exception( "Login Failed" ); } } public static function getInstance() { if ( null === self::$_instance ) { throw new MWException( "No instance set yet" ); } return self::$_instance; } public function loadPage( $title, $action ) { $this->open( self::$url . '/index.php?title=' . $title . '&action=' . $action ); } public function setLogger( $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; } public function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } public function log( $message ) { $this->logger->write( $message ); } public function setUrl( $url ) { self::$url = $url; } public static function getUrl() { return self::$url; } public function setPort( $port ) { $this->port = $port; } public function getPort() { return $this->port; } public function setUser( $user ) { $this->user = $user; } // Function to get username public function getUser() { return $this->user; } public function setPass( $pass ) { $this->pass = $pass; } //add function to get password public function getPass() { return $this->pass; } public function setHost( $host ) { $this->host = $host; } public function setVerbose( $verbose ) { $this->verbose = $verbose; } public function setAvailableBrowsers( $availableBrowsers ) { $this->browsers = $availableBrowsers; } public function setJUnitLogfile( $junitlogfile ) { $this->junitlogfile = $junitlogfile; } public function getJUnitLogfile() { return $this->junitlogfile; } public function setRunAgainstGrid( $runagainstgrid ) { $this->runagainstgrid = $runagainstgrid; } public function setBrowser( $b ) { if ( $this->runagainstgrid ) { $this->browser = $b; return true; } if ( !isset( $this->browsers[$b] ) ) { throw new MWException( "Invalid Browser: $b.\n" ); } $this->browser = $this->browsers[$b]; } public function getAvailableBrowsers() { return $this->browsers; } public function __call( $name, $args ) { $t = call_user_func_array( array( $this->tester, $name ), $args ); return $t; } // Prevent external cloning protected function __clone() {} // Prevent external construction // protected function __construct() {} }