assertEquals(JWT::decode($msg, 'my_key', array('HS256')), 'abc'); } public function testDecodeFromPython() { $msg = 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.Iio6aHR0cDovL2FwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2NsaWNreT9ibGFoPTEuMjMmZi5vbz00NTYgQUMwMDAgMTIzIg.E_U8X2YpMT5K1cEiT_3-IvBYfrdIFIeVYeOqre_Z5Cg'; $this->assertEquals( JWT::decode($msg, 'my_key', array('HS256')), '*:http://application/clicky?blah=1.23&f.oo=456 AC000 123' ); } public function testUrlSafeCharacters() { $encoded = JWT::encode('f?', 'a'); $this->assertEquals('f?', JWT::decode($encoded, 'a', array('HS256'))); } public function testMalformedUtf8StringsFail() { $this->setExpectedException('DomainException'); JWT::encode(pack('c', 128), 'a'); } public function testMalformedJsonThrowsException() { $this->setExpectedException('DomainException'); JWT::jsonDecode('this is not valid JSON string'); } public function testExpiredToken() { $this->setExpectedException('ExpiredException'); $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() - 20); // time in the past $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); } public function testBeforeValidTokenWithNbf() { $this->setExpectedException('BeforeValidException'); $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "nbf" => time() + 20); // time in the future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); } public function testBeforeValidTokenWithIat() { $this->setExpectedException('BeforeValidException'); $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "iat" => time() + 20); // time in the future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); } public function testValidToken() { $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() + JWT::$leeway + 20); // time in the future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); } public function testValidTokenWithLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() - 20); // time in the past $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testExpiredTokenWithLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() - 70); // time far in the past $this->setExpectedException('ExpiredException'); $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testValidTokenWithList() { $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() + 20); // time in the future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256', 'HS512')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); } public function testValidTokenWithNbf() { $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "iat" => time(), "exp" => time() + 20, // time in the future "nbf" => time() - 20); $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); } public function testValidTokenWithNbfLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "nbf" => time() + 20); // not before in near (leeway) future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testInvalidTokenWithNbfLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "nbf" => time() + 65); // not before too far in future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('BeforeValidException'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testValidTokenWithIatLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "iat" => time() + 20); // issued in near (leeway) future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded->message, 'abc'); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testInvalidTokenWithIatLeeway() { JWT::$leeway = 60; $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "iat" => time() + 65); // issued too far in future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('BeforeValidException'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key', array('HS256')); JWT::$leeway = 0; } public function testInvalidToken() { $payload = array( "message" => "abc", "exp" => time() + 20); // time in the future $encoded = JWT::encode($payload, 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('SignatureInvalidException'); $decoded = JWT::decode($encoded, 'my_key2', array('HS256')); } public function testRSEncodeDecode() { $privKey = openssl_pkey_new(array('digest_alg' => 'sha256', 'private_key_bits' => 1024, 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA)); $msg = JWT::encode('abc', $privKey, 'RS256'); $pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($privKey); $pubKey = $pubKey['key']; $decoded = JWT::decode($msg, $pubKey, array('RS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded, 'abc'); } public function testKIDChooser() { $keys = array('1' => 'my_key', '2' => 'my_key2'); $msg = JWT::encode('abc', $keys['1'], 'HS256', '1'); $decoded = JWT::decode($msg, $keys, array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded, 'abc'); } public function testArrayAccessKIDChooser() { $keys = new ArrayObject(array('1' => 'my_key', '2' => 'my_key2')); $msg = JWT::encode('abc', $keys['1'], 'HS256', '1'); $decoded = JWT::decode($msg, $keys, array('HS256')); $this->assertEquals($decoded, 'abc'); } public function testNoneAlgorithm() { $msg = JWT::encode('abc', 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('DomainException'); JWT::decode($msg, 'my_key', array('none')); } public function testIncorrectAlgorithm() { $msg = JWT::encode('abc', 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('DomainException'); JWT::decode($msg, 'my_key', array('RS256')); } public function testMissingAlgorithm() { $msg = JWT::encode('abc', 'my_key'); $this->setExpectedException('DomainException'); JWT::decode($msg, 'my_key'); } }