## statsd-php-client Be careful, see the [Upgrading section](Readme.md#upgrade) for <= v1.0.4, there's a BC. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/liuggio/statsd-php-client.png)](http://travis-ci.org/liuggio/statsd-php-client) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/liuggio/statsd-php-client/v/stable.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/liuggio/statsd-php-client) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/liuggio/statsd-php-client/downloads.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/liuggio/statsd-php-client) `statsd-php-client` is an Open Source, and **Object Oriented** Client for **etsy/statsd** written in php - `StatsdDataFactory` creates the `Liuggio\StatsdClient\Entity\StatsdDataInterface` Objects - `Sender` just sends data over the network (there are many sender) - `StatsdClient` sends the created objects via the `Sender` to the server ## Why use this library instead the [statsd/php-example](https://github.com/etsy/statsd/blob/master/examples/php-example.php)? - You are wise. - You could also use monolog to redirect data to statsd - This library is tested. - This library optimizes the messages to send, compressing multiple messages in individual UDP packets. - This library pays attention to the maximum length of the UDP. - This library is made by Objects not array, but it also accepts array. - You do want to debug the packets, and using `SysLogSender` the packets will be logged in your `syslog` log (on debian-like distro: `tail -f /var/log/syslog`) ## Example 1. create the Sender 2. create the Client 3. create the Factory 4. the Factory will help you to create data 5. the Client will send the data ### Standard Usage ```php use Liuggio\StatsdClient\StatsdClient, Liuggio\StatsdClient\Factory\StatsdDataFactory, Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SocketSender; // use Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SysLogSender; $sender = new SocketSender(/*'localhost', 8126, 'udp'*/); // $sender = new SysLogSender(); // enabling this, the packet will not send over the socket $client = new StatsdClient($sender); $factory = new StatsdDataFactory('\Liuggio\StatsdClient\Entity\StatsdData'); // create the data with the factory $data[] = $factory->timing('usageTime', 100); $data[] = $factory->increment('visitor'); $data[] = $factory->decrement('click'); $data[] = $factory->gauge('gaugor', 333); $data[] = $factory->set('uniques', 765); // send the data as array or directly as object $client->send($data); ``` ### Usage with Monolog ```php use Liuggio\StatsdClient\StatsdClient, Liuggio\StatsdClient\Factory\StatsdDataFactory, Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SocketSender; // use Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SysLogSender; use Monolog\Logger; use Liuggio\StatsdClient\Monolog\Handler\StatsDHandler; $sender = new SocketSender(/*'localhost', 8126, 'udp'*/); // $sender = new SysLogSender(); // enabling this, the packet will not send over the socket $client = new StatsdClient($sender); $factory = new StatsdDataFactory(); $logger = new Logger('my_logger'); $logger->pushHandler(new StatsDHandler($client, $factory, 'prefix', Logger::DEBUG)); $logger->addInfo('My logger is now ready'); ``` the output will be: `prefix.my_logger.INFO.My-logger:1|c" 36 Bytes` ## Short Theory ### Easily Install StatSD and Graphite In order to try this application monitor you have to install etsy/statsd and Graphite see this blog post to install it with vagrant [Easy install statsd graphite](http://welcometothebundle.com/easily-install-statsd-and-graphite-with-vagrant/). #### [StatsD](https://github.com/etsy/statsd) StatsD is a simple daemon for easy stats aggregation #### [Graphite](http://graphite.wikidot.com/) Graphite is a Scalable Realtime Graphing #### The Client sends data with UDP (faster) https://www.google.com/search?q=tcp+vs+udp ## Contribution Active contribution and patches are very welcome. To keep things in shape we have quite a bunch of unit tests. If you're submitting pull requests please make sure that they are still passing and if you add functionality please take a look at the coverage as well it should be pretty high :) - First fork or clone the repository ``` git clone git://github.com/liuggio/statsd-php-client.git cd statsd-php-client ``` - Install vendors: ``` bash composer.phar install ``` - This will give you proper results: ``` bash phpunit --coverage-html reports ``` ## Upgrade BC from the v1.0.4 version, [see Sender and Client differences](https://github.com/liuggio/statsd-php-client/pull/5/files). ## TODO example with monolog