sender = $sender; $this->reducePacket = $reducePacket; $this->failSilently = $fail_silently; } /** * Throws an exc only if failSilently if getFailSilently is false. * * @param \Exception $exception * * @throws \Exception */ private function throwException(\Exception $exception) { if (!$this->getFailSilently()) { throw $exception; } } /** * This function reduces the number of packets,the reduced has the maximum dimension of self::MAX_UDP_SIZE_STR * Reference: * * All metrics can also be batch send in a single UDP packet, separated by a newline character. * * @param array $reducedMetrics * @param array $metric * * @return array */ private static function doReduce($reducedMetrics, $metric) { $metricLength = strlen($metric); $lastReducedMetric = count($reducedMetrics) > 0 ? end($reducedMetrics) : null; if ($metricLength >= self::MAX_UDP_SIZE_STR || null === $lastReducedMetric || strlen($newMetric = $lastReducedMetric . "\n" . $metric) > self::MAX_UDP_SIZE_STR ) { $reducedMetrics[] = $metric; } else { array_pop($reducedMetrics); $reducedMetrics[] = $newMetric; } return $reducedMetrics; } /** * this function reduce the amount of data that should be send * * @param mixed $arrayData * * @return mixed $arrayData */ public function reduceCount($arrayData) { if (is_array($arrayData)) { $arrayData = array_reduce($arrayData, "self::doReduce", array()); } return $arrayData; } /** * Reference: * Sampling 0.1 * Tells StatsD that this counter is being sent sampled every 1/10th of the time. * * @param mixed $data * @param int $sampleRate * * @return mixed $data */ public function appendSampleRate($data, $sampleRate = 1) { if ($sampleRate < 1) { array_walk($data, function(&$message, $key) use ($sampleRate) { $message = sprintf('%s|@%s', $message, $sampleRate); }); } return $data; } /* * Send the metrics over UDP * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function send($data, $sampleRate = 1) { // check format if ($data instanceof StatsdDataInterface || is_string($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (!is_array($data) || empty($data)) { return; } // add sampling if ($sampleRate < 1) { $data = $this->appendSampleRate($data, $sampleRate); } // reduce number of packets if ($this->getReducePacket()) { $data = $this->reduceCount($data); } //failures in any of this should be silently ignored if .. try { $fp = $this->getSender()->open(); if (!$fp) { return; } $written = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $message) { $written += $this->getSender()->write($fp, $message); } $this->getSender()->close($fp); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->throwException($e); } return $written; } /** * @param boolean $failSilently */ public function setFailSilently($failSilently) { $this->failSilently = $failSilently; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getFailSilently() { return $this->failSilently; } /** * @param \Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SenderInterface $sender */ public function setSender(SenderInterface $sender) { $this->sender = $sender; } /** * @return \Liuggio\StatsdClient\Sender\SenderInterface */ public function getSender() { return $this->sender; } /** * @param boolean $reducePacket */ public function setReducePacket($reducePacket) { $this->reducePacket = $reducePacket; } /** * @return boolean */ public function getReducePacket() { return $this->reducePacket; } }