/** * A window is a container for elements that are in a child frame. They are used with * a window manager (OO.ui.WindowManager), which is used to open and close the window and control * its presentation. The size of a window is specified using a symbolic name (e.g., ‘small’, ‘medium’, * ‘large’), which is interpreted by the window manager. If the requested size is not recognized, * the window manager will choose a sensible fallback. * * The lifecycle of a window has three primary stages (opening, opened, and closing) in which * different processes are executed: * * **opening**: The opening stage begins when the window manager's {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#openWindow * openWindow} or the window's {@link #open open} methods are used, and the window manager begins to open * the window. * * - {@link #getSetupProcess} method is called and its result executed * - {@link #getReadyProcess} method is called and its result executed * * **opened**: The window is now open * * **closing**: The closing stage begins when the window manager's * {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#closeWindow closeWindow} * or the window's {@link #close} methods are used, and the window manager begins to close the window. * * - {@link #getHoldProcess} method is called and its result executed * - {@link #getTeardownProcess} method is called and its result executed. The window is now closed * * Each of the window's processes (setup, ready, hold, and teardown) can be extended in subclasses * by overriding the window's #getSetupProcess, #getReadyProcess, #getHoldProcess and #getTeardownProcess * methods. Note that each {@link OO.ui.Process process} is executed in series, so asynchronous * processing can complete. Always assume window processes are executed asynchronously. * * For more information, please see the [OOjs UI documentation on MediaWiki] [1]. * * [1]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOjs_UI/Windows * * @abstract * @class * @extends OO.ui.Element * @mixins OO.EventEmitter * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options * @cfg {string} [size] Symbolic name of the dialog size: `small`, `medium`, `large`, `larger` or * `full`. If omitted, the value of the {@link #static-size static size} property will be used. */ OO.ui.Window = function OoUiWindow( config ) { // Configuration initialization config = config || {}; // Parent constructor OO.ui.Window.super.call( this, config ); // Mixin constructors OO.EventEmitter.call( this ); // Properties this.manager = null; this.size = config.size || this.constructor.static.size; this.$frame = $( '
' ); this.$overlay = $( '
' ); this.$content = $( '
' ); // Initialization this.$overlay.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-overlay' ); this.$content .addClass( 'oo-ui-window-content' ) .attr( 'tabindex', 0 ); this.$frame .addClass( 'oo-ui-window-frame' ) .append( this.$content ); this.$element .addClass( 'oo-ui-window' ) .append( this.$frame, this.$overlay ); // Initially hidden - using #toggle may cause errors if subclasses override toggle with methods // that reference properties not initialized at that time of parent class construction // TODO: Find a better way to handle post-constructor setup this.visible = false; this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' ); }; /* Setup */ OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.Window, OO.ui.Element ); OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.Window, OO.EventEmitter ); /* Static Properties */ /** * Symbolic name of the window size: `small`, `medium`, `large`, `larger` or `full`. * * The static size is used if no #size is configured during construction. * * @static * @inheritable * @property {string} */ OO.ui.Window.static.size = 'medium'; /* Methods */ /** * Handle mouse down events. * * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse down event */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.onMouseDown = function ( e ) { // Prevent clicking on the click-block from stealing focus if ( e.target === this.$element[ 0 ] ) { return false; } }; /** * Check if the window has been initialized. * * Initialization occurs when a window is added to a manager. * * @return {boolean} Window has been initialized */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.isInitialized = function () { return !!this.manager; }; /** * Check if the window is visible. * * @return {boolean} Window is visible */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this.visible; }; /** * Check if the window is opening. * * This method is a wrapper around the window manager's {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#isOpening isOpening} * method. * * @return {boolean} Window is opening */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.isOpening = function () { return this.manager.isOpening( this ); }; /** * Check if the window is closing. * * This method is a wrapper around the window manager's {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#isClosing isClosing} method. * * @return {boolean} Window is closing */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.isClosing = function () { return this.manager.isClosing( this ); }; /** * Check if the window is opened. * * This method is a wrapper around the window manager's {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#isOpened isOpened} method. * * @return {boolean} Window is opened */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.isOpened = function () { return this.manager.isOpened( this ); }; /** * Get the window manager. * * All windows must be attached to a window manager, which is used to open * and close the window and control its presentation. * * @return {OO.ui.WindowManager} Manager of window */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getManager = function () { return this.manager; }; /** * Get the symbolic name of the window size (e.g., `small` or `medium`). * * @return {string} Symbolic name of the size: `small`, `medium`, `large`, `larger`, `full` */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getSize = function () { return this.size; }; /** * Disable transitions on window's frame for the duration of the callback function, then enable them * back. * * @private * @param {Function} callback Function to call while transitions are disabled */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.withoutSizeTransitions = function ( callback ) { // Temporarily resize the frame so getBodyHeight() can use scrollHeight measurements. // Disable transitions first, otherwise we'll get values from when the window was animating. var oldTransition, styleObj = this.$frame[ 0 ].style; oldTransition = styleObj.transition || styleObj.OTransition || styleObj.MsTransition || styleObj.MozTransition || styleObj.WebkitTransition; styleObj.transition = styleObj.OTransition = styleObj.MsTransition = styleObj.MozTransition = styleObj.WebkitTransition = 'none'; callback(); // Force reflow to make sure the style changes done inside callback really are not transitioned this.$frame.height(); styleObj.transition = styleObj.OTransition = styleObj.MsTransition = styleObj.MozTransition = styleObj.WebkitTransition = oldTransition; }; /** * Get the height of the full window contents (i.e., the window head, body and foot together). * * What consistitutes the head, body, and foot varies depending on the window type. * A {@link OO.ui.MessageDialog message dialog} displays a title and message in its body, * and any actions in the foot. A {@link OO.ui.ProcessDialog process dialog} displays a title * and special actions in the head, and dialog content in the body. * * To get just the height of the dialog body, use the #getBodyHeight method. * * @return {number} The height of the window contents (the dialog head, body and foot) in pixels */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getContentHeight = function () { var bodyHeight, win = this, bodyStyleObj = this.$body[ 0 ].style, frameStyleObj = this.$frame[ 0 ].style; // Temporarily resize the frame so getBodyHeight() can use scrollHeight measurements. // Disable transitions first, otherwise we'll get values from when the window was animating. this.withoutSizeTransitions( function () { var oldHeight = frameStyleObj.height, oldPosition = bodyStyleObj.position; frameStyleObj.height = '1px'; // Force body to resize to new width bodyStyleObj.position = 'relative'; bodyHeight = win.getBodyHeight(); frameStyleObj.height = oldHeight; bodyStyleObj.position = oldPosition; } ); return ( // Add buffer for border ( this.$frame.outerHeight() - this.$frame.innerHeight() ) + // Use combined heights of children ( this.$head.outerHeight( true ) + bodyHeight + this.$foot.outerHeight( true ) ) ); }; /** * Get the height of the window body. * * To get the height of the full window contents (the window body, head, and foot together), * use #getContentHeight. * * When this function is called, the window will temporarily have been resized * to height=1px, so .scrollHeight measurements can be taken accurately. * * @return {number} Height of the window body in pixels */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () { return this.$body[ 0 ].scrollHeight; }; /** * Get the directionality of the frame (right-to-left or left-to-right). * * @return {string} Directionality: `'ltr'` or `'rtl'` */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getDir = function () { return this.dir; }; /** * Get the 'setup' process. * * The setup process is used to set up a window for use in a particular context, * based on the `data` argument. This method is called during the opening phase of the window’s * lifecycle. * * Override this method to add additional steps to the ‘setup’ process the parent method provides * using the {@link OO.ui.Process#first first} and {@link OO.ui.Process#next next} methods * of OO.ui.Process. * * To add window content that persists between openings, you may wish to use the #initialize method * instead. * * @abstract * @param {Object} [data] Window opening data * @return {OO.ui.Process} Setup process */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getSetupProcess = function () { return new OO.ui.Process(); }; /** * Get the ‘ready’ process. * * The ready process is used to ready a window for use in a particular * context, based on the `data` argument. This method is called during the opening phase of * the window’s lifecycle, after the window has been {@link #getSetupProcess setup}. * * Override this method to add additional steps to the ‘ready’ process the parent method * provides using the {@link OO.ui.Process#first first} and {@link OO.ui.Process#next next} * methods of OO.ui.Process. * * @abstract * @param {Object} [data] Window opening data * @return {OO.ui.Process} Ready process */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getReadyProcess = function () { return new OO.ui.Process(); }; /** * Get the 'hold' process. * * The hold proccess is used to keep a window from being used in a particular context, * based on the `data` argument. This method is called during the closing phase of the window’s * lifecycle. * * Override this method to add additional steps to the 'hold' process the parent method provides * using the {@link OO.ui.Process#first first} and {@link OO.ui.Process#next next} methods * of OO.ui.Process. * * @abstract * @param {Object} [data] Window closing data * @return {OO.ui.Process} Hold process */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getHoldProcess = function () { return new OO.ui.Process(); }; /** * Get the ‘teardown’ process. * * The teardown process is used to teardown a window after use. During teardown, * user interactions within the window are conveyed and the window is closed, based on the `data` * argument. This method is called during the closing phase of the window’s lifecycle. * * Override this method to add additional steps to the ‘teardown’ process the parent method provides * using the {@link OO.ui.Process#first first} and {@link OO.ui.Process#next next} methods * of OO.ui.Process. * * @abstract * @param {Object} [data] Window closing data * @return {OO.ui.Process} Teardown process */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function () { return new OO.ui.Process(); }; /** * Set the window manager. * * This will cause the window to initialize. Calling it more than once will cause an error. * * @param {OO.ui.WindowManager} manager Manager for this window * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the method is called more than once * @chainable */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.setManager = function ( manager ) { if ( this.manager ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot set window manager, window already has a manager' ); } this.manager = manager; this.initialize(); return this; }; /** * Set the window size by symbolic name (e.g., 'small' or 'medium') * * @param {string} size Symbolic name of size: `small`, `medium`, `large`, `larger` or * `full` * @chainable */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.setSize = function ( size ) { this.size = size; this.updateSize(); return this; }; /** * Update the window size. * * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the window is not attached to a window manager * @chainable */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.updateSize = function () { if ( !this.manager ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot update window size, must be attached to a manager' ); } this.manager.updateWindowSize( this ); return this; }; /** * Set window dimensions. This method is called by the {@link OO.ui.WindowManager window manager} * when the window is opening. In general, setDimensions should not be called directly. * * To set the size of the window, use the #setSize method. * * @param {Object} dim CSS dimension properties * @param {string|number} [dim.width] Width * @param {string|number} [dim.minWidth] Minimum width * @param {string|number} [dim.maxWidth] Maximum width * @param {string|number} [dim.width] Height, omit to set based on height of contents * @param {string|number} [dim.minWidth] Minimum height * @param {string|number} [dim.maxWidth] Maximum height * @chainable */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.setDimensions = function ( dim ) { var height, win = this, styleObj = this.$frame[ 0 ].style; // Calculate the height we need to set using the correct width if ( dim.height === undefined ) { this.withoutSizeTransitions( function () { var oldWidth = styleObj.width; win.$frame.css( 'width', dim.width || '' ); height = win.getContentHeight(); styleObj.width = oldWidth; } ); } else { height = dim.height; } this.$frame.css( { width: dim.width || '', minWidth: dim.minWidth || '', maxWidth: dim.maxWidth || '', height: height || '', minHeight: dim.minHeight || '', maxHeight: dim.maxHeight || '' } ); return this; }; /** * Initialize window contents. * * Before the window is opened for the first time, #initialize is called so that content that * persists between openings can be added to the window. * * To set up a window with new content each time the window opens, use #getSetupProcess. * * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the window is not attached to a window manager * @chainable */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.initialize = function () { if ( !this.manager ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot initialize window, must be attached to a manager' ); } // Properties this.$head = $( '
' ); this.$body = $( '
' ); this.$foot = $( '
' ); this.dir = OO.ui.Element.static.getDir( this.$content ) || 'ltr'; this.$document = $( this.getElementDocument() ); // Events this.$element.on( 'mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind( this ) ); // Initialization this.$head.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-head' ); this.$body.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-body' ); this.$foot.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-foot' ); this.$content.append( this.$head, this.$body, this.$foot ); return this; }; /** * Open the window. * * This method is a wrapper around a call to the window manager’s {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#openWindow openWindow} * method, which returns a promise resolved when the window is done opening. * * To customize the window each time it opens, use #getSetupProcess or #getReadyProcess. * * @param {Object} [data] Window opening data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved with a value when the window is opened, or rejected * if the window fails to open. When the promise is resolved successfully, the first argument of the * value is a new promise, which is resolved when the window begins closing. * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the window is not attached to a window manager */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.open = function ( data ) { if ( !this.manager ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot open window, must be attached to a manager' ); } return this.manager.openWindow( this, data ); }; /** * Close the window. * * This method is a wrapper around a call to the window * manager’s {@link OO.ui.WindowManager#closeWindow closeWindow} method, * which returns a closing promise resolved when the window is done closing. * * The window's #getHoldProcess and #getTeardownProcess methods are called during the closing * phase of the window’s lifecycle and can be used to specify closing behavior each time * the window closes. * * @param {Object} [data] Window closing data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is closed * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the window is not attached to a window manager */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.close = function ( data ) { if ( !this.manager ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot close window, must be attached to a manager' ); } return this.manager.closeWindow( this, data ); }; /** * Setup window. * * This is called by OO.ui.WindowManager during window opening, and should not be called directly * by other systems. * * @param {Object} [data] Window opening data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is setup */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.setup = function ( data ) { var win = this, deferred = $.Deferred(); this.toggle( true ); this.getSetupProcess( data ).execute().done( function () { // Force redraw by asking the browser to measure the elements' widths win.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-active oo-ui-window-setup' ).width(); win.$content.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-content-setup' ).width(); deferred.resolve(); } ); return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Ready window. * * This is called by OO.ui.WindowManager during window opening, and should not be called directly * by other systems. * * @param {Object} [data] Window opening data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is ready */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.ready = function ( data ) { var win = this, deferred = $.Deferred(); this.$content.focus(); this.getReadyProcess( data ).execute().done( function () { // Force redraw by asking the browser to measure the elements' widths win.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-ready' ).width(); win.$content.addClass( 'oo-ui-window-content-ready' ).width(); deferred.resolve(); } ); return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Hold window. * * This is called by OO.ui.WindowManager during window closing, and should not be called directly * by other systems. * * @param {Object} [data] Window closing data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is held */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.hold = function ( data ) { var win = this, deferred = $.Deferred(); this.getHoldProcess( data ).execute().done( function () { // Get the focused element within the window's content var $focus = win.$content.find( OO.ui.Element.static.getDocument( win.$content ).activeElement ); // Blur the focused element if ( $focus.length ) { $focus[ 0 ].blur(); } // Force redraw by asking the browser to measure the elements' widths win.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-window-ready' ).width(); win.$content.removeClass( 'oo-ui-window-content-ready' ).width(); deferred.resolve(); } ); return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Teardown window. * * This is called by OO.ui.WindowManager during window closing, and should not be called directly * by other systems. * * @param {Object} [data] Window closing data * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is torn down */ OO.ui.Window.prototype.teardown = function ( data ) { var win = this; return this.getTeardownProcess( data ).execute() .done( function () { // Force redraw by asking the browser to measure the elements' widths win.$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-window-active oo-ui-window-setup' ).width(); win.$content.removeClass( 'oo-ui-window-content-setup' ).width(); win.toggle( false ); } ); };