{% block default_config %} index.number_of_shards: 2 index.number_of_replicas: 0 # Dont write data to hdd in tests index.store.type: memory # Required plugins plugin.mandatory: mapper-attachments, geocluster-facet, transport-thrift, transport-memcached, image # For bulk tests bulk.udp.enabled: true bulk.udp.bulk_actions: 5 # For script tests script.inline: on script.indexed: on # Disable dynamic memory allocation bootstrap.mlockall: true # Dont accept connections not from localhost network.host: "" # Limit threadpool by set number of available processors to 1 # Without this, travis builds will be failed with OutOfMemory error processors: 1 # All nodes will be called Elastica node.name: Elastica # Added for snapshot tests path.repo: ["/tmp/test_register", "/tmp/test_repository"] {% endblock %} {% block config %} # Node specific config should be overwritten in child template {% endblock %}