* * @link http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-ids-filter.html */ class Ids extends AbstractFilter { /** * Creates filter object. * * @param string|\Elastica\Type $type Type to filter on * @param array $ids List of ids */ public function __construct($type = null, array $ids = array()) { $this->setType($type); $this->setIds($ids); } /** * Adds one more filter to the and filter. * * @param string $id Adds id to filter * * @return $this */ public function addId($id) { return $this->addParam('values', $id); } /** * Adds one more type to query. * * @param string|\Elastica\Type $type Type name or object * * @return $this */ public function addType($type) { if ($type instanceof ElasticaType) { $type = $type->getName(); } elseif (empty($type) && !is_numeric($type)) { // TODO: Shouldn't this throw an exception? // A type can be 0, but cannot be empty return $this; } return $this->addParam('type', $type); } /** * Set type. * * @param string|\Elastica\Type $type Type name or object * * @return $this */ public function setType($type) { if ($type instanceof ElasticaType) { $type = $type->getName(); } elseif (empty($type) && !is_numeric($type)) { // TODO: Shouldn't this throw an exception or let handling of invalid params to ES? // A type can be 0, but cannot be empty return $this; } return $this->setParam('type', $type); } /** * Sets the ids to filter. * * @param array|string $ids List of ids * * @return $this */ public function setIds($ids) { if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } return $this->setParam('values', $ids); } }