* @link http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-status.html */ class Info { /** * Response * * @var \Elastica\Response Response object */ protected $_response = null; /** * Stats data * * @var array stats data */ protected $_data = array(); /** * Node * * @var \Elastica\Node Node object */ protected $_node = null; /** * Query parameters * * @var array */ protected $_params = array(); /** * Create new info object for node * * @param \Elastica\Node $node Node object * @param array $params List of params to return. Can be: settings, os, process, jvm, thread_pool, network, transport, http */ public function __construct(BaseNode $node, array $params = array()) { $this->_node = $node; $this->refresh($params); } /** * Returns the entry in the data array based on the params. * Several params possible. * * Example 1: get('os', 'mem', 'total') returns total memory of the system the * node is running on * Example 2: get('os', 'mem') returns an array with all mem infos * * @return mixed Data array entry or null if not found */ public function get() { $data = $this->getData(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { if (isset($data[$arg])) { $data = $data[$arg]; } else { return null; } } return $data; } /** * Return port of the node * * @return string Returns Node port */ public function getPort() { // Returns string in format: inet[/] $data = $this->get('http_address'); $data = substr($data, 6, strlen($data) - 7); $data = explode(':', $data); return $data[1]; } /** * Return IP of the node * * @return string Returns Node ip address */ public function getIp() { // Returns string in format: inet[/] $data = $this->get('http_address'); $data = substr($data, 6, strlen($data) - 7); $data = explode(':', $data); return $data[0]; } /** * Return data regarding plugins installed on this node * @return array plugin data * @link http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-cluster-nodes-info/ */ public function getPlugins() { if(!in_array('plugins', $this->_params)) { //Plugin data was not retrieved when refresh() was called last. Get it now. $this->_params[] = 'plugins'; $this->refresh($this->_params); } return $this->get('plugins'); } /** * Check if the given plugin is installed on this node * @param string $name plugin name * @return bool true if the plugin is installed, false otherwise */ public function hasPlugin($name) { foreach($this->getPlugins() as $plugin) { if($plugin['name'] == $name) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return all info data * * @return array Data array */ public function getData() { return $this->_data; } /** * Return node object * * @return \Elastica\Node Node object */ public function getNode() { return $this->_node; } /** * Returns response object * * @return \Elastica\Response Response object */ public function getResponse() { return $this->_response; } /** * Reloads all nodes information. Has to be called if informations changed * * @param array $params Params to return (default none). Possible options: settings, os, process, jvm, thread_pool, network, transport, http, plugin * @return \Elastica\Response Response object */ public function refresh(array $params = array()) { $this->_params = $params; $path = '_nodes/' . $this->getNode()->getName(); if (!empty($params)) { $path .= '?'; foreach ($params as $param) { $path .= $param . '=true&'; } } $this->_response = $this->getNode()->getClient()->request($path, Request::GET); $data = $this->getResponse()->getData(); $this->_data = reset($data['nodes']); } }