'test_cluster', 'status' => 'green', 'timed_out' => false, 'number_of_nodes' => 10, 'number_of_data_nodes' => 8, 'active_primary_shards' => 3, 'active_shards' => 4, 'relocating_shards' => 2, 'initializing_shards' => 7, 'unassigned_shards' => 5, 'indices' => array( 'index_one' => array( ), 'index_two' => array( ), ), ); $health = $this ->getMockBuilder('Elastica\Cluster\Health') ->setConstructorArgs(array($this->_getClient())) ->setMethods(array('_retrieveHealthData')) ->getMock(); $health ->expects($this->any()) ->method('_retrieveHealthData') ->will($this->returnValue($data)); // need to explicitly refresh because the mocking won't refresh the data in the constructor $health->refresh(); $this->_health = $health; } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetClusterName() { $this->assertEquals('test_cluster', $this->_health->getClusterName()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetStatus() { $this->assertEquals('green', $this->_health->getStatus()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetTimedOut() { $this->assertFalse($this->_health->getTimedOut()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetNumberOfNodes() { $this->assertEquals(10, $this->_health->getNumberOfNodes()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetNumberOfDataNodes() { $this->assertEquals(8, $this->_health->getNumberOfDataNodes()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetActivePrimaryShards() { $this->assertEquals(3, $this->_health->getActivePrimaryShards()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetActiveShards() { $this->assertEquals(4, $this->_health->getActiveShards()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetRelocatingShards() { $this->assertEquals(2, $this->_health->getRelocatingShards()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetInitializingShards() { $this->assertEquals(7, $this->_health->getInitializingShards()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetUnassignedShards() { $this->assertEquals(5, $this->_health->getUnassignedShards()); } /** * @group unit */ public function testGetIndices() { $indices = $this->_health->getIndices(); $this->assertInternalType('array', $indices); $this->assertEquals(2, count($indices)); foreach ($indices as $index) { $this->assertInstanceOf('Elastica\Cluster\Health\Index', $index); } } }