_getClient(); $index = $client->getIndex('test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); // Set mapping $type->setMapping(array('point' => array('type' => 'geo_point'))); // Add doc 1 $doc1 = new Document(1, array( 'name' => 'ruflin', ) ); $doc1->addGeoPoint('point', 17, 19); $type->addDocument($doc1); // Add doc 2 $doc2 = new Document(2, array( 'name' => 'ruflin', ) ); $doc2->addGeoPoint('point', 30, 40); $type->addDocument($doc2); $index->optimize(); $index->refresh(); // Only one point should be in radius $query = new Query(); $geoFilter = new GeoDistanceRange( 'point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), array('from' => '0km', 'to' => '2km') ); $query = new Query(new MatchAll()); $query->setFilter($geoFilter); $this->assertEquals(1, $type->search($query)->count()); // Both points should be inside $query = new Query(); $geoFilter = new GeoDistanceRange( 'point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), array('gte' => '0km', 'lte' => '40000km') ); $query = new Query(new MatchAll()); $query->setFilter($geoFilter); $index->refresh(); $this->assertEquals(2, $type->search($query)->count()); } /** * @expectedException \Elastica\Exception\InvalidException */ public function testInvalidRange() { $geoFilter = new GeoDistanceRange( 'point', array('lat' => 30, 'lon' => 40), array('invalid' => '0km', 'lte' => '40000km') ); } /** * @dataProvider invalidLocationDataProvider * @expectedException \Elastica\Exception\InvalidException */ public function testInvalidLocation($location) { $geoFilter = new GeoDistanceRange( 'point', $location, array('gt' => '0km', 'lte' => '40000km') ); } /** * @dataProvider constructDataProvider */ public function testConstruct($key, $location, $ranges, $expected) { $filter = new GeoDistanceRange($key, $location, $ranges); $data = $filter->toArray(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $data); } public function invalidLocationDataProvider() { return array( array( array('lat' => 1.0), ), array( array('lon' => 1.0), ), array( array(), ), array( new \stdClass(), ), array( null, ), array( true, ), array( false, ) ); } public function constructDataProvider() { return array( array( 'location', 'u09tvqx', array( 'from' => '10km', 'to' => '20km', ), array( 'geo_distance_range' => array( 'from' => '10km', 'to' => '20km', 'location' => 'u09tvqx', ) ) ), array( 'location', 'u09tvqx', array( 'to' => '20km', 'include_upper' => 0, 'from' => '10km', 'include_lower' => 1, ), array( 'geo_distance_range' => array( 'to' => '20km', 'include_upper' => false, 'from' => '10km', 'include_lower' => true, 'location' => 'u09tvqx', ) ) ), array( 'location', array( 'lon' => 2.35, 'lat' => 48.86, ), array( 'lte' => '20km', 'gt' => '10km', ), array( 'geo_distance_range' => array( 'lte' => '20km', 'gt' => '10km', 'location' => array( 'lat' => 48.86, 'lon' => 2.35, ), ) ) ), array( 'location', array( 'lat' => 48.86, 'lon' => 2.35, ), array( 'lt' => '20km', 'gte' => '10km', ), array( 'geo_distance_range' => array( 'lt' => '20km', 'gte' => '10km', 'location' => array( 'lat' => 48.86, 'lon' => 2.35, ), ) ) ) ); } }