_createIndex($percolatorName); $percolator = new Percolator($index); $query = new Term(array('field1' => 'value1')); $response = $percolator->registerQuery($percolatorName, $query); $data = $response->getData(); $expectedArray = array( '_type' => '.percolator', '_index' => $index->getName(), '_id' => $percolatorName, '_version' => 1, 'created' => 1 ); $this->assertEquals($expectedArray, $data); $index->delete(); } public function testMatchDoc() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $percolator = new Percolator($index); $percolatorName = 'percotest'; $query = new Term(array('name' => 'ruflin')); $response = $percolator->registerQuery($percolatorName, $query); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertFalse($response->hasError()); $doc1 = new Document(); $doc1->set('name', 'ruflin'); $doc2 = new Document(); $doc2->set('name', 'nicolas'); $index->refresh(); $matches1 = $percolator->matchDoc($doc1); $this->assertCount(1, $matches1); $firstPercolatorFound = false; foreach ($matches1 as $match) { if ($match['_id'] == $percolatorName) { $firstPercolatorFound = true; } } $this->assertTrue($firstPercolatorFound); $matches2 = $percolator->matchDoc($doc2); $this->assertEmpty($matches2); $index->delete(); } /** * Test case for using filtered percolator queries based on the Elasticsearch documentation examples. */ public function testFilteredMatchDoc() { // step one: register create index and setup the percolator query from the ES documentation. $index = $this->_createIndex(); $percolator = new Percolator($index); $baseQuery = new Term(array('field1' => 'value1')); $fields = array('color' => 'blue'); $response = $percolator->registerQuery('kuku', $baseQuery, $fields); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertFalse($response->hasError()); // refreshing is required in order to ensure the query is really ready for execution. $index->refresh(); // step two: match a document which should match the kuku query when filtered on the blue color $doc = new Document(); $doc->set('field1', 'value1'); $matches = $percolator->matchDoc($doc, new Term(array('color' => 'blue'))); $this->assertCount(1, $matches, 'No or too much registered query matched.'); $this->assertEquals('kuku', $matches[0]['_id'], 'A wrong registered query has matched.'); // step three: validate that using a different color, no registered query matches. $matches = $percolator->matchDoc($doc, new Term(array('color' => 'green'))); $this->assertCount(0, $matches, 'A registered query matched, although nothing should match at all.'); $index->delete(); } /** * Test case for using filtered percolator queries based on the Elasticsearch documentation examples. */ public function testRegisterAndUnregisterPercolator() { // step one: register create index and setup the percolator query from the ES documentation. $index = $this->_createIndex(); $percolator = new Percolator($index); $baseQuery = new Term(array('field1' => 'value1')); $fields = array('color' => 'blue'); $response = $percolator->registerQuery('kuku', $baseQuery, $fields); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertFalse($response->hasError()); // refreshing is required in order to ensure the query is really ready for execution. $index->refresh(); // step two: match a document which should match the kuku query when filtered on the blue color $doc = new Document(); $doc->set('field1', 'value1'); $matches = $percolator->matchDoc($doc, new Term(array('color' => 'blue'))); $this->assertCount(1, $matches, 'No or too much registered query matched.'); $this->assertEquals('kuku', $matches[0]['_id'], 'A wrong registered query has matched.'); // step three: validate that using a different color, no registered query matches. $matches = $percolator->matchDoc($doc, new Term(array('color' => 'green'))); $this->assertCount(0, $matches, 'A registered query matched, although nothing should match at all.'); // unregister percolator query $response = $percolator->unregisterQuery('kuku'); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $this->assertFalse($response->hasError()); // refreshing is required in order to ensure the query is really ready for execution. $index->refresh(); $matches = $percolator->matchDoc($doc, new Term(array('color' => 'blue'))); $this->assertCount(0, $matches, 'Percolator query did not get deleted.'); $index->delete(); } protected function _getDefaultPercolator($percolatorName = 'existingDoc') { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $percolator = new Percolator($index); $query = new Term(array('name' => 'foobar')); $percolator->registerQuery($percolatorName, $query); return $percolator; } protected function _addDefaultDocuments($index, $type='testing') { $type = $index->getType('testing'); $doc1 = new Document(1, array('name' => 'foobar')); $doc2 = new Document(2, array('name' => 'barbaz')); $type->addDocument($doc1); $type->addDocument($doc2); $index->refresh(); return $type; } public function testPercolateExistingDocWithoutAnyParameter() { $percolator = $this->_getDefaultPercolator(); $index = $percolator->getIndex(); $type = $this->_addDefaultDocuments($index); $matches = $percolator->matchExistingDoc(1, $type->getName()); $this->assertCount(1, $matches); $this->assertEquals('existingDoc', $matches[0]['_id']); $index->delete(); } public function testPercolateExistingDocWithPercolateFormatIds() { $percolator = $this->_getDefaultPercolator(); $index = $percolator->getIndex(); $type = $this->_addDefaultDocuments($index); $parameter = array('percolate_format' => 'ids'); $matches = $percolator->matchExistingDoc(1, $type->getName(), null, $parameter); $this->assertCount(1, $matches); $this->assertEquals('existingDoc', $matches[0]); $index->delete(); } public function testPercolateExistingDocWithIdThatShouldBeUrlEncoded() { $percolator = $this->_getDefaultPercolator(); $index = $percolator->getIndex(); $type = $this->_addDefaultDocuments($index); // id with whitespace, should be urlencoded $id = "foo bar 1"; $type->addDocument(new Document($id, array('name' => 'foobar'))); $index->refresh(); $matches = $percolator->matchExistingDoc($id, $type->getName()); $this->assertCount(1, $matches); $index->delete(); } }