markTestSkipped('The DEBUG constant must be set to true for this test to run'); } if (!defined('DEBUG')) { define('DEBUG', true); } } /** * Return transport configuration and the expected HTTP method * * @return array[] */ public function getConfig() { return array( array( array('transport' => 'Http'), 'GET' ), array( array('transport' => array('type' => 'Http', 'postWithRequestBody' => false)), 'GET' ), array( array('transport' => array('type' => 'Http', 'postWithRequestBody' => true)), 'POST' ), ); } /** * @dataProvider getConfig */ public function testDynamicHttpMethodBasedOnConfigParameter(array $config, $httpMethod) { $client = new Client($config); $index = $client->getIndex('dynamic_http_method_test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); $type->addDocument(new Document(1, array('test' => 'test'))); $index->refresh(); $resultSet = $index->search('test'); $info = $resultSet->getResponse()->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertStringStartsWith($httpMethod, $info['request_header']); } /** * @dataProvider getConfig */ public function testDynamicHttpMethodOnlyAffectsRequestsWithBody(array $config, $httpMethod) { $client = new Client($config); $status = $client->getStatus(); $info = $status->getResponse()->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertStringStartsWith('GET', $info['request_header']); } public function testCurlNobodyOptionIsResetAfterHeadRequest() { $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $index = $client->getIndex('curl_test'); $type = $index->getType('item'); // Force HEAD request to set CURLOPT_NOBODY = true $index->exists(); $id = 1; $data = array('id' => $id, 'name' => 'Item 1'); $doc = new \Elastica\Document($id, $data); $type->addDocument($doc); $index->refresh(); $doc = $type->getDocument($id); // Document should be retrieved correctly $this->assertSame($data, $doc->getData()); $this->assertEquals($id, $doc->getId()); } public function testUnicodeData() { $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $index = $client->getIndex('curl_test'); $type = $index->getType('item'); // Force HEAD request to set CURLOPT_NOBODY = true $index->exists(); $id = 22; $data = array('id' => $id, 'name' => ' Сегодня, я вижу, особенно грустен твой взгляд, / И руки особенно тонки, колени обняв. / Послушай: далеко, далеко, на озере Чад / Изысканный бродит жираф.'); $doc = new \Elastica\Document($id, $data); $type->addDocument($doc); $index->refresh(); $doc = $type->getDocument($id); // Document should be retrieved correctly $this->assertSame($data, $doc->getData()); $this->assertEquals($id, $doc->getId()); } public function testWithEnvironmentalProxy() { putenv('http_proxy='); $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(200, $transferInfo['http_code']); $client->getConnection()->setProxy(null); // will not change anything $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(200, $transferInfo['http_code']); putenv('http_proxy='); } public function testWithEnabledEnvironmentalProxy() { putenv('http_proxy='); $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(403, $transferInfo['http_code']); $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $client->getConnection()->setProxy(''); $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(200, $transferInfo['http_code']); putenv('http_proxy='); } public function testWithProxy() { $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $client->getConnection()->setProxy(''); $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(200, $transferInfo['http_code']); } public function testWithoutProxy() { $client = new \Elastica\Client(); $client->getConnection()->setProxy(''); $transferInfo = $client->request('/_nodes')->getTransferInfo(); $this->assertEquals(200, $transferInfo['http_code']); } public function testBodyReuse() { $client = new Client(); $index = $client->getIndex('elastica_body_reuse_test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); $type->addDocument(new Document(1, array('test' => 'test'))); $index->refresh(); $resultSet = $index->search(array( 'query' => array( 'query_string' => array( 'query' => 'pew pew pew', ), ), )); $this->assertEquals(0, $resultSet->getTotalHits()); $response = $index->request('/_search', 'POST'); $resultSet = new ResultSet($response, Query::create(array())); $this->assertEquals(1, $resultSet->getTotalHits()); } public function testPostWith0Body() { $client = new Client(); $index = $client->getIndex('elastica_0_body'); $index->create(array(), true); $index->refresh(); $tokens = $index->analyze('0'); $this->assertNotEmpty($tokens); } }