_getClient(); $index = $client->getIndex('test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array( 'firstname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), // default is store => no expected 'lastname' => array('type' => 'string'), ) ); $mapping->disableSource(); $type->setMapping($mapping); $firstname = 'Nicolas'; $doc = new Document(1, array( 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => 'Ruflin', ) ); $type->addDocument($doc); $index->refresh(); $queryString = new QueryString('ruflin'); $query = Query::create($queryString); $query->setFields(array('*')); $resultSet = $type->search($query); $result = $resultSet->current(); $fields = $result->getFields(); $this->assertEquals($firstname, $fields['firstname'][0]); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('lastname', $fields); $this->assertEquals(1, count($fields)); $index->flush(); $document = $type->getDocument(1); $this->assertEmpty($document->getData()); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testEnableAllField() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $type = $index->getType('test'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array()); $mapping->enableAllField(); $data = $mapping->toArray(); $this->assertTrue($data[$type->getName()]['_all']['enabled']); $response = $mapping->send(); $this->assertTrue($response->isOk()); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testEnableTtl() { $client = $this->_getClient(); $index = $client->getIndex('test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array()); $mapping->enableTtl(); $data = $mapping->toArray(); $this->assertTrue($data[$type->getName()]['_ttl']['enabled']); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testNestedMapping() { $client = $this->_getClient(); $index = $client->getIndex('test'); $index->create(array(), true); $type = $index->getType('test'); //$this->markTestIncomplete('nested mapping is not set right yet'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array( 'test' => array( 'type' => 'object', 'store' => 'yes', 'properties' => array( 'user' => array( 'properties' => array( 'firstname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), 'lastname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), 'age' => array('type' => 'integer', 'store' => 'yes'), ), ), ), ), ) ); $response = $type->setMapping($mapping); $this->assertFalse($response->hasError()); $doc = new Document(1, array( 'user' => array( 'firstname' => 'Nicolas', 'lastname' => 'Ruflin', 'age' => 9, ), )); $type->addDocument($doc); $index->refresh(); $resultSet = $type->search('ruflin'); $this->assertEquals($resultSet->count(), 1); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testParentMapping() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $parenttype = new Type($index, 'parenttype'); $parentmapping = new Mapping($parenttype, array( 'name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), ) ); $parenttype->setMapping($parentmapping); $childtype = new Type($index, 'childtype'); $childmapping = new Mapping($childtype, array( 'name' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), ) ); $childmapping->setParent('parenttype'); $childtype->setMapping($childmapping); $data = $childmapping->toArray(); $this->assertEquals('parenttype', $data[$childtype->getName()]['_parent']['type']); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testMappingExample() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $type = $index->getType('notes'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array( 'note' => array( 'store' => 'yes', 'properties' => array( 'titulo' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no', 'include_in_all' => true, 'boost' => 1.0), 'contenido' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'no', 'include_in_all' => true, 'boost' => 1.0), ), ), ) ); $type->setMapping($mapping); $doc = new Document(1, array( 'note' => array( array( 'titulo' => 'nota1', 'contenido' => 'contenido1', ), array( 'titulo' => 'nota2', 'contenido' => 'contenido2', ), ), ) ); $type->addDocument($doc); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional * * Test setting a dynamic template and validate whether the right mapping is applied after adding a document which * should match the dynamic template. The example is the template_1 from the Elasticsearch documentation. * * @link http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-root-object-type.html */ public function testDynamicTemplate() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $type = $index->getType('person'); // set a dynamic template "template_1" which creates a multi field for multi* matches. $mapping = new Mapping($type); $mapping->setParam('dynamic_templates', array( array('template_1' => array( 'match' => 'multi*', 'mapping' => array( 'type' => 'multi_field', 'fields' => array( '{name}' => array('type' => '{dynamic_type}', 'index' => 'analyzed'), 'org' => array('type' => '{dynamic_type}', 'index' => 'not_analyzed'), ), ), )), )); $mapping->send(); // when running the tests, the mapping sometimes isn't available yet. Optimize index to enforce reload mapping. $index->optimize(); // create a document which should create a mapping for the field: multiname. $testDoc = new Document('person1', array('multiname' => 'Jasper van Wanrooy'), $type); $index->addDocuments(array($testDoc)); sleep(1); //sleep 1 to ensure that the test passes every time // read the mapping from Elasticsearch and assert that the multiname.org field is "not_analyzed" $newMapping = $type->getMapping(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('person', $newMapping, 'Person type not available in mapping from ES. Mapping set at all?'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('properties', $newMapping['person'], 'Person type doesnt have any properties. Document properly added?'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('multiname', $newMapping['person']['properties'], 'The multiname property is not added to the mapping. Document properly added?'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('fields', $newMapping['person']['properties']['multiname'], 'The multiname field of the Person type is presumably not a multi_field type. Dynamic mapping not applied?'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('org', $newMapping['person']['properties']['multiname']['fields'], 'The multi* matcher did not create a mapping for the multiname.org property when indexing the document.'); $this->assertArrayHasKey('index', $newMapping['person']['properties']['multiname']['fields']['org'], 'Indexing status of the multiname.org not available. Dynamic mapping not fully applied!'); $this->assertEquals('not_analyzed', $newMapping['person']['properties']['multiname']['fields']['org']['index']); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testSetMeta() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $type = $index->getType('test'); $mapping = new Mapping($type, array( 'firstname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), 'lastname' => array('type' => 'string'), )); $mapping->setMeta(array('class' => 'test')); $type->setMapping($mapping); $mappingData = $type->getMapping(); $this->assertEquals('test', $mappingData['test']['_meta']['class']); $index->delete(); } /** * @group functional */ public function testGetters() { $index = $this->_createIndex(); $type = $index->getType('test'); $properties = array( 'firstname' => array('type' => 'string', 'store' => 'yes'), 'lastname' => array('type' => 'string'), ); $mapping = new Mapping($type, $properties); $all = array( 'enabled' => true, 'store' => 'yes', ); $mapping->setParam('_all', $all); $get_all = $mapping->getParam('_all'); $this->assertEquals($get_all, $all); $this->assertNull($mapping->getParam('_boost', $all)); $this->assertEquals($properties, $mapping->getProperties()); $index->delete(); } }