assertEquals($escaped, Util::escapeTerm($unescaped)); } public function getEscapeTermPairs() { return array( array('', ''), array('pragmatic banana', 'pragmatic banana'), array('oh yeah!', 'oh yeah\\!'), // Seperate test below because phpunit seems to have some problems //array('\\+-&&||!(){}[]^"~*?:', '\\\\\\+\\-\\&&\\||\\!\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\]\\^\\"\\~\\*\\?\\:'), array('some signs, can stay.', 'some signs, can stay.'), ); } /** * @group unit * @dataProvider getReplaceBooleanWordsPairs */ public function testReplaceBooleanWords($before, $after) { $this->assertEquals($after, Util::replaceBooleanWords($before)); } public function getReplaceBooleanWordsPairs() { return array( array('to be OR not to be', 'to be || not to be'), array('ORIGINAL GIFTS', 'ORIGINAL GIFTS'), array('Black AND White', 'Black && White'), array('TIMBERLAND Men`s', 'TIMBERLAND Men`s'), array('hello NOT kitty', 'hello !kitty'), array('SEND NOTIFICATION', 'SEND NOTIFICATION'), ); } /** * @group unit */ public function testEscapeTermSpecialCharacters() { $before = '\\+-&&||!(){}[]^"~*?:/<>'; $after = '\\\\\\+\\-\\&&\\||\\!\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\]\\^\\"\\~\\*\\?\\:\\/\<\>'; $this->assertEquals(Util::escapeTerm($before), $after); } /** * @group unit */ public function testToCamelCase() { $string = 'hello_world'; $this->assertEquals('HelloWorld', Util::toCamelCase($string)); $string = 'how_are_you_today'; $this->assertEquals('HowAreYouToday', Util::toCamelCase($string)); } /** * @group unit */ public function testToSnakeCase() { $string = 'HelloWorld'; $this->assertEquals('hello_world', Util::toSnakeCase($string)); $string = 'HowAreYouToday'; $this->assertEquals('how_are_you_today', Util::toSnakeCase($string)); } /** * @group unit */ public function testConvertRequestToCurlCommand() { $path = 'test'; $method = Request::POST; $query = array('no' => 'params'); $data = array('key' => 'value'); $connection = new Connection(); $connection->setHost($this->_getHost()); $connection->setPort('9200'); $request = new Request($path, $method, $data, $query, $connection); $curlCommand = Util::convertRequestToCurlCommand($request); $expected = 'curl -XPOST \'http://'.$this->_getHost().':9200/test?no=params\' -d \'{"key":"value"}\''; $this->assertEquals($expected, $curlCommand); } /** * @group unit */ public function testConvertDateTimeObjectWithTimezone() { $dateTimeObject = new \DateTime(); $timestamp = $dateTimeObject->getTimestamp(); $convertedString = Util::convertDateTimeObject($dateTimeObject); $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP', $timestamp); $this->assertEquals($convertedString, $date); } /** * @group unit */ public function testConvertDateTimeObjectWithoutTimezone() { $dateTimeObject = new \DateTime(); $timestamp = $dateTimeObject->getTimestamp(); $convertedString = Util::convertDateTimeObject($dateTimeObject, false); $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $timestamp); $this->assertEquals($convertedString, $date); } }