Hi, this file was made by xyon. Basically I made this bot by getting envbot and hacking it. When I first ran envbot it didn't do anything and I couldn't be bothered to read the documentation of how to use/add modules so i just opened up the main file and started hacking it up. I modified lib/main.sh to source `hack_of_all_hacks' file once per minute and I put all the code in `l33t_codes' function in that file. So you can modify/add more code without having to restart the bot. Originally the bot was kind of; event driven, it could only respond to stuff that happens in the channel but couldn't say stuff `out of the blue', so in order to add the bug tracker announcer feature I had to make some fundamental changes to stuff, so I hacked up transport/dev-tcp.sh. There are several transport modes, each in a different file in that dir, designed to work on different systems, this is the one it uses on my deb server. If you wanted to run pbot-ng on a system that needs a different transport mode then the `saying stuff out of the blue' functionality would break unless the relevent transport file was modified also. - UPDATE: I've modified the socat transport code, so if your system doesn't support dev-tcp transport you could install socat, and modify bot_settings.sh and the `out of the blue' functionality should work. Also some of the settings in bot_settings.sh won't work because I kind of hard-coded some things like #parabola into the `hack_of_all_hacks' file. `moreutils' is a dep of the bug_tracker_change_detector script and possibly other stuff. If you don't have moreutils then when someone opens a new bug it will tell it's been created over and over. TODO: make it check for deps. To run the bot do: ./envbot & ./bug_tracker_change_detector