How to install pbot? This is how I (Xylon) do it. As root on server: useradd -rm pbot # `r' means system user, `m' means create home dir su - pbot mkdir .ssh echo 'my_private_key' > authorized_keys # Now I can administrate him Open Thunar on my own computer and view pbot folder Open another thunar and log it into server to view /home/pbot (CTRL+l and type ssh://pbot@ Copy over all necessary files. announcements/ info/ lib/ logs/ modules/ systemd/ transport/ common_codez envbot hack_of_all_hacks labs_change_detector pbot pbot-ng_fixer Restore backup of info/ and announcements/ directories if available (Xylon keeps such backups). Copy pbot-ng_daily_backup.tar.gz onto server rm -r info announcements tar -xf pbot-ng_daily_backup.tar.gz Now as root on the server: mv /home/pbot/systemd/pbot.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/ cd /etc/systemd/system/ ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/pbot.service rm -r /home/pbot/systemd Final things to do: Make sure /home/pbot/pbot has execute permissions Make sure pbot's deps are installed moreutils w3m recode inotify-tools Put pbot's freenode password in /home/pbot/password.secret and chmod 600 (Xylon knows what this password is) Test if he works: su - pbot ./pbot start # see if there is any error. logout pkill -u pbot # He starts a lot of child processes so they must all # be killed before starting again. Start him properly systemctl start pbot # He should log into the IRC in a few seconds. More things to do Make a cron job to make his backups su - pbot EDITOR=emacs crontab -e Add "@daily tar -czf pbot-ng_daily_backup.tar.gz info announcements" These backups should be downloaded somewhere daily by scp. See if it's possible to send un-provoked messages su - pbot echo "Don't worry everyone. The most important service is back online." >> /tmp/un-provoked-message-store Make sure the labs change notifications work. The mails should go to /home/pbot/Maildir/ XYLONOTE: Below is the original contents of this file that came with envbot: Installing envbot ================= Installation isn't needed, you can run it from source directory. Installation is possible though, but not recommended. All you have to do is to get the bot running is: * Run: make * Copy to * Edit to set correct nick, IRC server, service password, and so on. * Run: ./envbot To install use something like (change the paths to fit your system): make install DESTDIR=/ PREFIX=/home/user/envbot