Module API ========== This file contains info needed to write a module. File name --------- There are two ways to store modules: single file and directory. Single file: The module is a single file. The file name should follow this pattern: Example: Directory: The module is a directory that contains several files. The directory name should follow this pattern: m_modulename Example: m_faq This directory should contain a file called that the bot will load when loading the module. This file may then load other files from the directory as needed. Other than that there are no differences between the two ways to store modules. Variables --------- All bash variables in the module that are global MUST follow the format module_modulename_variablename to prevent overwriting other modules, or global bot variables. FAQ module may use: module_faq_last_query for example as a variable. Variables that are local to the function (using the local directive) may have other names. Don't forget variables created in for loops and such (for foo in bar bash; do echo $foo; done the $foo variable is global here, do local foo on the line before it) Functions and hooks ------------------- Hooks are functions with special names, as listed below in the section "The hooks". Each function or hook should start with the module_ followed by the module name. So if the module is the modules should start with module_faq_ like module_faq_INIT. All bash functions in the module MUST follow the format module_modulename_functionname to prevent overwriting other modules, or global bot functions. If not mentioned otherwise the hook is optional. Functions marked with TODO may change, get renamed or removed and may not work even in current code. The hooks --------- module_modulename_INIT (REQUIRED) Called directly after loading the module. Parameters: $1 = The module name. None Exported variables to this function: MODULE_BASE_PATH Useful for multifile modules, then it is the path to the base directory of the module (without ending slash). If the module consists of a single file it is the path to the module file. Return status: If return status isn't 0 the module is considered as failed to load. Return on in variables (these will get unset after they have been processed): modinit_HOOKS: In this variable should be returned a space separated list of the optional functions that the module implements. FAQ would return "before_connect on_PRIVMSG" modinit_API: Return 2 if you follow this module API. Notes: Check for dependencies (external commands and other modules) in this function, as well as register any commands. module_modulename_UNLOAD (REQUIRED) Called to make the module unload itself. In this function it should clean up after itself and unset all it's functions and variables except the hook functions. The unload function and other hook functions will be undefined after unload finished. The module may or may not get reloaded after this. Parameters: None Return status: 0 = Unloaded correctly 1 = Failed to unload. On this the bot will quit. Notes: This function is NOT called when the bot is exiting. To check for that use the FINALISE hook! module_modulename_REHASH (REQUIRED) Called to make the module reparse any config options. Parameters: None Return status: 0 = Rehashed correctly 1 = Non fatal error for the bot itself. The bot will call UNLOAD on the module. 2 = Fatal error of some kind. On this the bot will quit. module_modulename_FINALISE Called directly before the bot quits. The bot has already closed the connection to the IRC server at this point. This is for saving stuff. Parameters: None Return status: Not checked. module_modulename_after_load Called after all the hooks are added for the module. Parameters: None Return status: 0 = Unloaded correctly 1 = Failed. On this the bot will call unload on the module. Notes: This is useful for stuff that needs to echo log messages as that can't be done in modulename_INIT. module_modulename_before_connect Called before the bot connected. Parameters: None Return status: Not checked. module_modulename_on_connect Called for each line that the bot receives from the server during connecting. Parameters: $1 = Raw line. Return status: Not checked. module_modulename_after_connect Called after the bot connected. Parameters: None Return status: Not checked. module_modulename_on_module_UNLOAD Called when *ANOTHER* module is got unloaded. This is meant for a provider module that must unregister some entry at unload. For example would be such a module. Parameters: $1 = The module that got unloaded. Return code: Not checked. module_modulename_on_PRIVMSG Called when bot gets a PRIVMSG Parameters: $1 = From who (n!u@h) $2 = To who (channel or botnick) $3 = The message Return code: 0 = pass it on to next module 1 = I have taken care of this, and don't consult other modules about this. module_modulename_on_NOTICE Called when bot gets a NOTICE Parameters: $1 = From who (n!u@h) $2 = To who (channel or botnick) $3 = The message Return code: 0 = pass it on to next module 1 = I have taken care of this, and don't consult other modules about this. module_modulename_on_INVITE (new in 0.0.1-beta5) Called when bot gets an INVITE Parameters: $1 = From who (n!u@h) $2 = Target nick (probably our own nick). $3 = Target channel. Return code: Not checked. module_modulename_on_NICK Called when someone changes nick in a channel the bot is in Parameters: $1 = From who (n!u@h) $2 = New nick Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the nick change. module_modulename_on_JOIN Called when someone joins a channel the bot is in Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h) $2 = What channel Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the join. module_modulename_on_PART Called when someone parts a channel the bot is in Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h) $2 = What channel $3 = A reason if one exists. Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the part. module_modulename_on_KICK Called when someone parts a channel the bot is in Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h). $2 = What channel. $3 = Who got kicked. $4 = A reason if one exists. Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the kick. module_modulename_on_QUIT Called when someone quits Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h). $2 = A reason if one exists. Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the quit. module_modulename_on_TOPIC Called when a topic is set or on channel join Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h). $2 = What channel. $3 = New topic. Return status: Not checked. Reason: We don't want to get desynced modules. module_modulename_on_channel_MODE Called when someone changes a mode in the channel Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h). $2 = On what channel. $3 = The mode change with it's parameters. Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module with a list of users could get desynced if it didn't get the mode change. module_modulename_on_user_MODE (new in 0.0.1-beta4) Called when someone changes a user mode (most likely on ourself) Parameters: $1 = Who did it (n!u@h). $2 = What target (nick). $3 = The mode change with it's parameters. Return status: Not checked. Reason: There is no point in checking this. module_modulename_on_numeric Called on any numeric after connect. Parameters: $1 = The numeric. $2 = It's data. Return status: 0 = pass it on to next module 1 = I have taken care of this, and don't consult other modules about this. Notes: In most cases you DON'T want to return 1 for this. If you do be very very careful. module_modulename_on_PONG Called when bot receives a PONG from server Parameters: $1 = Sender $2 = Second server. $3 = The data. Return status: Not checked. module_modulename_on_server_ERROR # ERROR :Closing link (rfc3092@ [Killed (AnMaster (testing a kill on inspircd))] # ERROR :Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email for more information. # ERROR :Closing Link: envbot[] Brain ([] Local kill by Brain (testing kill on unrealircd)) # ERROR :Closing Link: envbot[] (Killed (Brain (testing kill on unrealircd, remote one))) Called when the bot get an ERROR from the server. Parameters: $1 = The ERROR message. Return status: Not checked. Reason: There isn't much point in swallowing this. module_modulename_on_KILL Called when the bot get a KILL message from the server. Parameters: $1 = The sender of the kill. $2 = The target of the kill. $3 = The KILL path. $4 = The reason. Return status: Not checked. Reason: Risk for desync of modules. module_modulename_before_disconnect Called when the bot is about to disconnect from server. The bot may or may not reconnect after this depending on what caused this. the disconnect. Parameters: None Return status: Not checked. Notes: This won't be called if the disconnect wasn't planned, like a ping timeout, getting killed, and so on. module_modulename_after_disconnect Called when the bot gets disconnected from server. The bot may or may not reconnect after this depending on what caused the disconnect. Parameters: None Return status: Not checked. Reason: A module may need clean up, don't let it desync. module_modulename_on_RAW Called when the bot gets *ANY* line from the server after the initial connect. With this a module can hook onto something not supported by a more specific hook. The downsides: * Potentially speed as it has to be called for any message. * You have to parse more on your own. * You can desync other modules! Imagine a module that keep a list of users in the channel. If you swallow a message about a join, part, quit, nickchange, or other ones it may get desynced! * Even worse, you can desync the bot itself if you swallow NICK, JOIN PART, KICK or possibly others. Or make it ping out by swallowing PING. Parameters: $1 = The raw line Return status: 0 = pass it on to next module 1 = I have taken care of this, and don't consult other modules about this. For raw this means no normal hooks will be called on the line either.