#!/bin/bash # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################### # # # envbot - an IRC bot in bash # # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Arvid Norlander # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # ########################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Handle registering of commands #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## List of commands (maps to function for the command), a hash ## @Note Dummy variable to document the fact that it is a hash. ## @Type Private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_list='' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## List of functions (by module), a hash ## @Note Dummy variable to document the fact that it is a hash. ## @Type Private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_modules_functions='' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## List of commands (by function), a hash ## @Note Dummy variable to document the fact that it is a hash. ## @Type Private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_function_commands='' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## List of commands (by module) ## @Note Dummy variable to document the fact that it is a hash. ## @Type Private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_module_commands='' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## List of modules (by command) ## @Note Dummy variable to document the fact that it is a hash. ## @Type Private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_commands_module='' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Comma separated list of all commands ## @Type Semi-private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_commands='' # Just unset dummy variables. unset commands_list commands_modules_functions commands_function_commands commands_module_commands commands_module_commands #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Register a command. ## @Type API ## @param Module name ## @param Function name (Part after module_modulename_handler_) ## @param Command name (on IRC, may contain spaces) (optional, defaults to same as function name, that is $2) ## @return 0 If successful ## @return 1 If failed for other reason ## @return 2 If invalid command name ## @return 3 If the command already exists (maybe from some other module) ## @return 4 If the function already exists for other command. ## @return 5 If the function in question is not declared. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_register() { # Speed isn't that important here, it is only called at module load after all. local module="$1" local function_name="$2" local command_name="$3" # Command name is optional if [[ -z $command_name ]]; then command_name="$function_name" fi # Check for valid command name if ! [[ $command_name =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9] ]]; then log_error "commands_register_command: Module \"$module\" gave invalid command name \"$command_name\". First char of command must be alphanumeric." return 2 fi if ! [[ $command_name =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^\ ,]*( [^, ]+)?$ ]]; then log_error "commands_register_command: Module \"$module\" gave invalid command name \"$command_name\". A command can be at most 2 words and should have no trailing white space and may not contain a \",\" (comma)." return 2 fi # Bail out if command is already registered. if hash_exists 'commands_list' "$command_name"; then log_error "commands_register_command: Failed to register command from \"$module\": a command with the name \"$command_name\" already exists." return 3 fi # Bail out if the function already is mapped to some other command if hash_exists 'commands_function_commands' "$function_name"; then log_error "commands_register_command: Failed to register command from \"$module\": the function is already registered under another command name." return 4 fi # Does the function itself exist? local full_function_name="module_${module}_handler_${function_name}" if ! declare -F | grep -qe "^declare -f ${full_function_name}$"; then log_error "commands_register_command: Failed to register command from \"$module\": the function $full_function_name does not exist" return 5 fi # So it was valid. Lets add it then. # Store in module -> function mapping. hash_append 'commands_modules_functions' "$module" "$function_name" || { log_error "commands_register_command: module -> commands mapping failed: mod=\"$module\" func=\"$function_name\"." return 1 } # Store in command -> function mapping hash_set 'commands_list' "$command_name" "$full_function_name" || { log_error "commands_register_command: command -> function mapping failed: cmd=\"$command_name\" full_func=\"$full_function_name\"." return 1 } # Store in function -> command mapping hash_set 'commands_function_commands' "$function_name" "$command_name" || { log_error "commands_register_command: function -> command mapping failed: func=\"$function_name\" cmd=\"$command_name\"." return 1 } # Store in command -> module mapping hash_set 'commands_commands_module' "$command_name" "$module" || { log_error "commands_register_command: command -> module mapping failed: cmd=\"$command_name\" mod=\"$module\"." return 1 } # Store in module -> commands mapping (ick!) hash_append 'commands_module_commands' "$module" "$command_name" ',' || { log_error "commands_register_command: module -> command mapping failed: mod=\"$module\" cmd=\"$command_name\"." } # Store in comma-separated command list if [[ $commands_commands ]]; then commands_commands+=",$command_name" || return 1 else commands_commands="$command_name" || return 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get what module provides a command. ## @param Command to find. ## @param Variable to return in ## @Type Semi-private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_provides() { hash_get "commands_commands_module" "$1" "$2" } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Get what commands exist in a module. ## @param Command to find. ## @param Variable to return comma separated list in ## @Type Semi-private #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_in_module() { hash_get "commands_module_commands" "$1" "$2" } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Will remove all commands from a module and unset the functions in question. ## @Type Private ## @param Module ## @return 0 If successful (or no commands exist for module) ## @return 1 If error ## @return 2 If fatal error #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_unregister() { local module="$1" # Are there any commands for the module? hash_exists 'commands_modules_functions' "$module" || { return 0 } local function_name full_function_name command_name functions # Get list of functions hash_get 'commands_modules_functions' "$module" 'functions' || return 2 # Iterate through the functions for function_name in $functions; do # Get command name hash_get 'commands_function_commands' "$function_name" 'command_name' || return 2 # Unset from function -> command hash hash_unset 'commands_function_commands' "$function_name" || return 2 # Unset from command -> function hash hash_unset 'commands_list' "$command_name" || return 2 # Unset from command -> module mapping hash_unset 'commands_commands_module' "$command_name" || return 2 # Remove from command list. list_remove 'commands_commands' "$command_name" 'commands_commands' "," || return 1 # Unset help strings (if any): unset helpentry_${module}_${function_name}_syntax unset helpentry_${module}_${function_name}_description # Unset function itself. full_function_name="module_${module}_handler_${function_name}" unset "$full_function_name" || return 2 done # Unset the module -> commands mapping. hash_unset 'commands_module_commands' "$module" || return 2 # Finally unset module -> functions mapping. hash_unset 'commands_modules_functions' "$module" || return 2 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Process a line finding what command it would be ## @Type Private ## @param Sender ## @param Target ## @param Query ## @return 0 If not a command ## @return 1 If it indeed was a command that we therefore handled. ## @return 2 A command but that didn't exist. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- commands_call_command() { local regex="${config_commands_listenregex}" # Not on a channel? if [[ ! $2 =~ ^# ]]; then # Should we treat it as a command anyway? if [[ $config_commands_private_always == 1 ]]; then local regex="(${config_commands_listenregex})?" fi fi # Check if it is a command. # (${config_commands_listenregex}, followed by an alphanumeric char.) if [[ "$3" =~ ^${regex}([a-zA-Z0-9].*) ]]; then local data="${BASH_REMATCH[@]: -1}" # Right, get the parts of the command if [[ $data =~ ^([a-zA-Z0-9][^ ]*)( [^, ]+)?( .*)? ]]; then local firstword="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" local secondword="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" local parameters="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" local function= # Check for two word commands first. hash_get 'commands_list' "${firstword}${secondword}" 'function' if [[ -z "$function" ]]; then # Maybe one word then? hash_get 'commands_list' "$firstword" 'function' if [[ "$function" ]]; then parameters="${secondword}${parameters}" # No, not that either else return 2 fi fi # So we got a command, now lets run it # (strip leading white spaces) from parameters. "$function" "$1" "$2" "${parameters## }" return 1 fi return 2 fi return 0 }