diff options
authorLukas Fleischer <>2011-04-07 03:57:34 +0200
committerLukas Fleischer <>2011-04-10 15:40:50 +0200
commit0662f428847a9f968ecd9f9c87d5302de895ccef (patch)
parent22a718ea89bb78e25532d5256dc212cd0bcba94e (diff)
Remove "web/lang/".
Those legacy ".po" files and translation helpers are no longer needed as we moved to gettext compatible portable objects. Signed-off-by: Lukas Fleischer <>
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 10660 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/ca.po b/web/lang/ca.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 72118f6..0000000
--- a/web/lang/ca.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-# Catalan (Català) translation
-# Translator: Sergio Jovani Guzman <>
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per editar el vostre compte.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deixeu els camps de contrasenya en blanc si voleu conservar-la.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No esteu autoritzat per a accedir a aquesta àrea.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació de l'usuari especificat.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per a cercar comptes existents.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No teniu permís per a editar aquest compte.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per a crear un compte.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos per a veure la inforació de l'usuari.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Manca un camp requerit.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Cerca'";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "El compte, %h%s%h, s'ha creat satisfactòriament.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar modificar el compte, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'adreça del correu-e no és vàlida.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar crear el compte, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "El nom d'usuari, %h%s%h, està ja en ús.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipus de compte";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "El compte, %h%s%h, s'ha modificat satisfactòriament.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "El compte s'ha suspès";
-$_t["Status"] = "Estat";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notificació en nous paquets";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nom d'usuari IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Usuari de Confiança";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No s'ha trobat cap coindidència amb els criteris de cerca.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Usuari normal";
-$_t["Never"] = "Mai";
-$_t["User"] = "Usuari";
-$_t["Active"] = "Actiu";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Últim vot";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nom real";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edita compte";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Els camps de contrasenya no coincideixen.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Idioma";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Usuari de Confiança no pot assignar l'estat de desenvolupador.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'adreça, %h%s%h, està ja en ús.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "No hi ha més resultats per mostrar.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tipus";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Feu clic en l'enllaç Inici de dalt per identificar-vos.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenat per";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Escriu altre cop la contrasenya";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "L'idioma no està suportat actualment.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Qualsevol tipus";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Últim vot";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspès";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Usuari de Confiança";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Manca l'identificador de l'usuari";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Desenvolupador";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualitza els paquets d'aquest usuari";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn projecte d'Archlinux%s";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Surt";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussió";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Errors";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Compte";
-$_t["Home"] = "Inici";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Restaura";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nom d'usuari";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Adreça de correu-e";
-$_t["Less"] = "Menys";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Neteja";
-$_t["required"] = "requerit";
-$_t["Update"] = "Actualitza";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Envia";
-$_t["Password"] = "Contrasenya";
-$_t["Create"] = "Crea";
-$_t["More"] = "Més";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Estadístiques";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Recordeu votar els vostres paquets preferits!";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en cercar l'usuari, %s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquets a \"unsupported\"";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Els paquets més populars es distribuiran com a binaris a [community].";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Usuaris de Confiança";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Heu de proporcionar un nom d'usuari.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquets afegits o actualitzats en els últims 7 dies";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "La discussió en correu-e sobre AUR és a la %sLlista d'Usuaris TUR%s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquets a \"unsupported\" i marcats com Segurs";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Encara que no pugam respondre als seus continguts, subministrem una %hllista de repositoris d'usuaris%h per a la vostra conveniència.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Actualitzacions recents";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "El vostre compte s'ha suspès.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Nom d'usuari:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar generar un identificador de sessió.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Benvingut a l'AUR! Si us plau llegiu la %hGuia d'usuari de l'AUR%h i la %hGuia de TU de l'AUR%h per a més informació.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Els PKGBUILDs enviats %hhan%h de seguir els %hEstàndards d'empaquetament d'Arch%h sinó seran esborrats!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Entra";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si teniu cap comentari sobre l'AUR, si us plau deixeu-lo en el %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Heu de subministrar una contrasenya.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Contrasenya:";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Usuaris registrats";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Identificat com: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Contrasenya incorrecta per a l'usuari, %s.";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Heu eixit correctament.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Manca l'identificador del paquet.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "L'identificador de la categoria no és vàlid.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Introduïu el vostre comentari a continuació.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "No esteu autoritzat per esborrar aquest comentari.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Manca l'identificador del comentari.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "S'ha actualitzat la categoria del paquet.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans d'editar qualsevol informació de paquet.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "S'ha esborrat el comentari.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Heu trobat un error si veieu açò.";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "S'ha afegit el comentari.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleccioneu nova categoria";
-$_t["Category"] = "Categoria";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Vots";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Esborra comentari";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Primer enviament";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Arxiu TAR";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Aneu amb compte! Els fitxers poden contenir codi maliciós que pot danyar el vostre sistema.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Votat";
-$_t["Location"] = "Localització";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marca com Segur";
-$_t["Go"] = "Vés";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Desmarca No-Actualitzat";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Torna a la %hvista de detalls del paquet%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "No s'han pogut obtenir els detalls del paquet.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Descripció";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Els meus paquets";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Segur";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordena en sentit";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendent";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Paraules clau";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Cap notificació de nous comentaris";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependències";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Descendent";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Per pàgina";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Llista de paquets";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "No s'han pogut trobar els detalls del paquet.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalls del paquet";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "S'ha produït un error en obtenir la llista de paquets.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Fitxers";
-$_t["None"] = "Cap";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nom";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Última actualització";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Els fitxers s'han comprovat (per %s) i són segurs.";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Desmarca Paquet Segur";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Torna a %hResultat de cerca%h.";
-$_t["Age"] = "Antiguitat";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Comentaris";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "O%hrfe";
-$_t["orphan"] = "orfe";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Lleva vot";
-$_t["change category"] = "Canvia la categoria";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Lleva notificació";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Esborra paquet";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mantenidor";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Afegeix comentari";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Comentari per: %s a %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marca com No-Actualitzat";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Gestiona";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordena per";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marca com Segur";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Accions";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Desmarca Segur";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Fonts";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sí";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criteri de cerca";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notifica";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "N%ho-Actualitzat";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Vota";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Apròpia paquets";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notificació de nou comentari";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Desapròpia paquets";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfes";
-$_t["Any"] = "Cap";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència amb el teu criteri de cerca.";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Cerca per";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Cap dels paquets seleccionats s'han pogut esborrar.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Els vostres vots s'han suprimit dels paquets seleccionats.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "No s'ha pogut marcar el paquet com Segur.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per llevar-li el vot.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han desmarcat.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per apropiar-se'n.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de marcar paquets.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de rebre notificacions dels comentaris.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de votar paquets.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han marcat com No-Actualitzats.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han esborrat.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per votar.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de desapropiàr-se paquets.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "S'ha produït un error en obtenir els detalls del paquet.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han apropiat.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Heu sigut esborrat de la llista de notificacions de comentaris.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Els vostres vots s'han enviat per als paquets seleccionats.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han desmarcat de Segurs.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de cancel·lar les notificacions en comentaris.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans d'apropiar-se paquets.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Heu sigut afegit a la llista de notificacions de comentaris.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per desapropiar-se'n.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de llevar el vot als paquets.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de desmarcar paquets.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a desmarcar.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "No s'ha pogut desmarcar el paquet Segur.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a esborrar.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "No s'ha pogut afegir a la llista de notificació.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a marcar.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Els paquets seleccionats han sigut desapropiats.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Els paquets seleccionats han sigut marcats com Segurs.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "No s'ha pogut esborrar de la llista de notificació.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la funció \"build\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "No s'ha pogut canviar el directori a %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "No";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgdesc\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "S'ha produït un error en pujar l'arxiu - si us plau proveu altre cop.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "S'ha produït un error en executar el comandament \"mv\".";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Heu de crear un compte per poder pujar paquets.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "El paquets s'ha pujat satisfactòriament.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Voleu sobreescriure el paquet existent?";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Els arxius binaris i les llistes de fitxers no s'accepten per a pujar.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "No heu especificat cap nom de paquet.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar desempaquetar la pujada - El PKGBUILD no existeix.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "No s'ha pogut crear el directori de recepció: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Puja arxiu del paquet";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Localització del paquet";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"URL\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Els noms del paquet no coincideixen.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria del paquet";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "No s'ha pogut canviar al directori %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "No s'ha pogut marcat la casella \"Sobreescriu\".";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nom no vàlid: sols es permet lletres minúscules.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgver\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nom del paquet";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Puja";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"md5sums\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgrel\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgname\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "S'ha produït un error - El fitxer no s'ha pujat";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Manca el protocol a la URL del paquet (per exemple: http:// , ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "No esteu autoritzat a sobreescriure el paquet %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleccioneu localització";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleccioneu categoria";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Comentari";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "No s'ha pogut crear el directori %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "No es coneix el format del fitxer pujat.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"source\" al PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "No s'ha pogut tornar a crear l'arxiu TAR.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Ho sentim, les pujades no estan permesses en aquest servidor.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Heu de subministrar un comentari per a aquest/a canvi/pujada.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sí";
diff --git a/web/lang/cs.po b/web/lang/cs.po
deleted file mode 100644
index e430d05..0000000
--- a/web/lang/cs.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Czech (česky) translation
-# Translator: Daniel Kozák <>
-# Translator: Jaroslav Lichtblau <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Vyhledat dle";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Balíček byl označen jako zastaralý.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Hlasováno";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Chybí povinný údaj.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Přihlášen jako: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Chyba při snaze upravit účet, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Uživatelské jméno neexistuje.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Může obsahovat pouze jednu tečku, podtržítko nebo spojovník.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Odebrat příznak zastaralý";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Chybějící ID balíčku.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Nemůžete volit sami pro sebe.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Pro Váš dotaz nebyl nalezen žádný odpovídající výsledek.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Aktualizovat";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Řadit";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Musíte být přihlášeni, než budete moci upravovat informace o balíčcích.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Vaše hlasování bylo započteno pro vybrané balíčky.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Detailní informace o balíčku nejsou dostupné.";
-$_t["change category"] = "změnit kategorii";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Chyba při získávání seznamu balíčků.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Reset";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Vloženo: %s od %s";
-$_t["string"] = "řetězec";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Pamatuj si mě";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Kategorie balíčku změněna.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "Pro %s se již hlasuje.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Chyba - soubor nebyl nahrán";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Nevybrali jste žádný balíček pro odebrání vlastnictví.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "V URL balíčku chybý protokolo (např. http://, ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Hlasy";
-$_t["Total"] = "Celkem";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Žádné další výsledky.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Správce";
-$_t["Less"] = "Méně";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Zde nemáte povolený přístup.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Jakýkoliv";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Účet";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Nelze obdržet navrhované detaily.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nemáte oprávnění pro úpravu tohoto účtu.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Oznámení o novém balíčku";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Pro přihlášení použíte odkaz na domácí stránku.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Vadná emailová adresa.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nelze se přesunout do adresáře %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Žádný z vybraných balíčku nemůže být smazán.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vaše hlasování bylo odebráno vybraným balíčkům.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Žádný balíček neodpovídá zadaným kritériím.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Vytvořit";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Začíná a končí písmenem nebo číslicí";
-$_t["orphan"] = "sirotek";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Zobrazit balíčky tohoto uživatele";
-$_t["Next"] = "Další";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Nelze re-tar";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Před vkládáním balíčků je zapotřebí si založit účet.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Umístění";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Smazat komentář";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Typ účtu";
-$_t["Type"] = "Typ";
-$_t["More"] = "Více";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Došlo k chybě při získávání detailů o balíčku.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nelze vytvořit příchozí adresář: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Nahrát soubor balíčku";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(předvoleno 7 pokud nezadáno)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Žádné nové komentáře";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Nelze přidat do seznamu upozornění.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Odebrat vlastnictví";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Rozšířené";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Hlasování stále probíhá.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Nesprávné ID hlasování.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(vynechat pokud neni vhodný)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Na jedné stránce";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nový návrh podán.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Nahrát";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Chybné ID kategorie.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Jdi";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Před hlasováním se musíte přihlásit.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Pro vyhledání existujících účtů použíte tento formulář.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adresa, %h%s%h, je již použita.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Současný počet hlasů";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Vybrat kategorii";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Byli jste odebrání ze seznamu upozornění ohledně %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nahrávaný soubor má neznámý formát.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Smazat balíčky";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Důvěryhodný uživatel";
-$_t["Back"] = "Zpět";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nezvolili jste žádný balíček k označení.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Všechny hlasy";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Vybraným balíčkům bylo odebráno vlastnictví.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Pozastavený";
-$_t["Home"] = "Domů";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ano";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Odebrat příznak zastaralý";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Vyvojář";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategorie";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Chybějící funkce pro sestavení v PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Před nastavením příznaku balíčků se musíte přihlásit.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Žádné výsledky.";
-$_t["No"] = "Ne";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskuze";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Závislosti";
-$_t["Start"] = "Začátek";
-$_t["Add"] = "Přidat";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nevybrali jste žádný balíček k osvojení.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Minimální délka musí být 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Došlo k chybě při zakládání ůčtu, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Konec";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Účet, %h%s%h, byl úspěšně upraven.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Účet pozastaven";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Musíte být přihlášeni, pokud chcete dostávat upozornění na nové komentáře.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Ponechte pole pro heslo prázdné pro zachování současného hesla,";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC přezdívka";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Zvolené balíčky byly smazány.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Obyčejný uživatel";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Toto je %h%s%h problém!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nemáte oprávnění k přepsání balíčku %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Chybějící ID komentáře.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Došlo k chybě při získávání detailů balíčku.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Návrh nemůže být prázdný.";
-$_t["User"] = "Uživatel";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategorie balíčku";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Zvolené balíčky byly osvojeny.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Balíčky";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Upravit účet";
-$_t["Search"] = "Hledat";
-$_t["Language"] = "Jazyk";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Sirotci";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Toto hlasování již skončilo.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Chyby";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Zobrazeny výsledky %s - %s z %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktivní";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Již jste hlasoval.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Vyžadováno";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Musíte být příhlášeni, abyste mohli odznačit balíčky.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nevybrali jste žádne balíčky k odebrání příznaku.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Musíte se přihlásit, pro zobrazení informací o uživateli.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nevybrali jste žádné balíčky ke smazání.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nelze vytvořit adresář %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Neoznamovat";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Označit jako zastaralý";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Zvoleným bálíčkům bylo odebráno označení.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Vyhledávací kritéria";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Oznamovat";
-$_t["Files"] = "Soubory";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Hlasovat";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Osvojit balíček";
-$_t["Name"] = "Název";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Výpis balíčků";
-$_t["Any"] = "jakákoliv";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Délka musí být %s až %s znaků";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Odhlásit";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Účet, %h%s%h, byl úspěšně založen.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Heslo musí mít nejméně %s znaků.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Odeslat";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Omlouváme se, tento server neumožňuje nahrávání.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Akce";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentář byl smazán.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Uživatelské jméno, %h%s%h, is already in use.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Nelze obdržet informace pro vybraného uživatele.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Heslo znovu";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Návrh";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Došlo k chybě při snaze rozbalit archiv - PKGBUILD nenalezen.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Zvoleným balíčkům byl nastaven příznak zastaralé.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Popis";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje balíčky";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nezvolili jste žádné balíčky k hlasování.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nikdy";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Musíte být přihlášeni, pro odebrání vlastnictví u svých balíčků.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Narazili jste na chybu, jestli vidíte toto....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Poslední hlasování";
-$_t["Password"] = "Heslo";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Skutečné jméno";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detaily balíčku";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Odebrat hlas";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Hesla se neshodují";
-$_t["Username"] = "Uživatelské jméno";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Chybně zadané uživatelské jméno";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Musíte být přihlášeni, než si budete moci osvojit balíčky.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Emailová adresa";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Důvěryhodný uživatel";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Chybný název: jsou povolena pouze malá písmena.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Délka musí být číslo.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s má %s jablek.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Musíte být přihlášeni, než budete moci odebrat hlasování pro balíčky.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Přihlašovací jméno";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Použíte tento formulář k založení účtu.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Použíte tento formulář k editaci svého účtu.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Zdržet se";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Nelze změnit oprávnění pro adresář %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nemáte oprávnění pro smazání tohoto komentáře.";
-$_t["required"] = "vyžadováno";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Seřadit dle";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Předložit návrh na hlasování.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detaily návrhu";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jazyk není momentálné podporován.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Poslední hlasování";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Oznámení o novém komentáři";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Chybějící Uživateské ID";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Byly jste přidáni do seznamu oznámení ohledně %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Zvolit novou kategorii";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Důvěryhodní uživatelé nemohou přidělit status vývojáře.";
diff --git a/web/lang/da.po b/web/lang/da.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e5461..0000000
--- a/web/lang/da.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Danish (Dansk) translation
-# Translator: Jacob Bang <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Søg efter";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Denne pakke er markeret forældet";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Stemt";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Du mangler at udfylde et påkrævet felt.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Logget ind som: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fejl ved ændring af konto, %h%s%h: %s";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Brugernavnet findes ikke.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tar-arkiv";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Kan kun indeholde ét punktum, én bundstreg eller én bindestreg.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Afmarker forældet";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Mangler pakke-ID.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Du kan ikke stemme i et forslag om dig selv.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Ingen resultater opfyldte dine søgekriterier.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Opdater";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Sorter efter";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at redigere pakkeoplysninger.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Din stemme er afgivet for de valgte pakker.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Kunne ikke finde pakkedetaljerne..";
-$_t["change category"] = "skift kategori";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Fejl ved modtagelse af pakkeliste.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Nulstil";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Tilføjet: %s af %s";
-$_t["string"] = "tekststreng";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Husk mig";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Pakkekategori er opdateret.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s har allerede et forslag kørende for dem.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Fejl - Ingen fil overført";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle pakker at opgive ejerskabet for.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Pakkens webadresse mangler en protokol (f.eks. http:// eller ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Stemmer";
-$_t["Total"] = "Total";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Ikke flere resultater at vise.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Ejer";
-$_t["Less"] = "Færre";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Du har ikke tilladelse til dette område.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Vilkårlig type";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Konti";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Kunne ikke hente detaljer om forslaget.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du har ikke tilladelse til at redigere denne konto.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Besked ved nye pakker";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Klik på Hjem ovenover for at logge ind.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "E-mail adressen er ugyldig.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Kunne ikke ændre mappe til %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ingen af de valgte pakker kunne slettes.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Dine stemmer er fjernet fra de valgte pakker.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Ingen pakker opfylder dine søgekriterier.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Opret";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Start og slut med et bogstav eller tal";
-$_t["orphan"] = "forladt";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Vis pakker fra denne bruger";
-$_t["Next"] = "Næste";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Kunne ikke genopbygge tar-arkiv";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Du skal oprette en konto for at sende pakker.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Placering";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Slet kommentar";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Kontotype";
-$_t["Type"] = "Type";
-$_t["More"] = "Flere";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Fejl ved modtagelse af pakkedetaljer.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Kunne ikke oprette indgående mappe: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Send pakke";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(sat til 7 hvis tomt)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Afmeld besked ved nye kommentarer";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Kunne ikke tilføje til listen over påmindelser.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Fjern ejerskab for pakker";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Avanceret";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Denne afstemning er stadig aktiv.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Stemme ID er ikke gyldigt.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(tomt hvis ikke relevant)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Per side";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nyt forslag tilføjet.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Send";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Ugyldigt kategori ID.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Søg";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at stemme på pakker.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Brug denne formular til at søge i eksisterende konti.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adressen, %h%s%h, er allerede i brug.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Aktuelle stemmer";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Vælg kategori";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du vil ikke længere modtage besked ved nye kommentarer for %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Ukendt filformat for sendt fil.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Slet pakker";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Betroet bruger (TU)";
-$_t["Back"] = "Tilbage";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle pakker at markere.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Alle stemmer";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "De valgte pakker er blevet efterladt.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspenderet";
-$_t["Home"] = "Hjem";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Fjern forældet markeringen";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Udvikler";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategori";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Manglende byggefunktion i PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at markere pakker.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Ingen resultater fundet.";
-$_t["No"] = "Nej";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskussion";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Afhængigheder";
-$_t["Start"] = "Start";
-$_t["Add"] = "Tilføj";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle pakker at adoptere.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Længden skal være mindst 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fejl ved opretning af konto, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Slut";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Kontoen, %h%s%h%, er blevet ændret.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto suspenderet";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at tilmelde dig beskeder ved nye kommentarer.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Efterlad kodeordsfelterne tomme, hvis du ikke ønsker at ændre adgangskoden.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC kaldenavn";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "De valgte pakker er blevet slettet.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Normal bruger";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Dette er et %h%s%h problem!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Du har ikke tilladelse til at overskrive %h%s%h pakken.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Manglende kommentar ID.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Fejl ved modtagning af pakkedetaljer.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Forslag må ikke være tomt.";
-$_t["User"] = "Bruger";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Pakkekategori";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "De valgte pakker er adopteret.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pakker";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Rediger konto";
-$_t["Search"] = "Søg";
-$_t["Language"] = "Sprog";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Forladt";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Afstemningen er lukket for dette forslag.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Fejl";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Viser resultaterne %s - %s af %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktiv";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Du har allerede stemt ved dette forslag.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Påkrævet af";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at afmarkere pakker.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle at afmarkere.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at se brugerinformation.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle pakker at slette.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Kunne ikke oprette mappen %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ingen påmindelse";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marker forældet";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "De valgte pakker er afmarkeret.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Søgekriterier";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Påmindelse";
-$_t["Files"] = "Filer";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Stem";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adopter pakker";
-$_t["Name"] = "Navn";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Liste over pakker";
-$_t["Any"] = "Alle";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Skal være mellem %s og %s tegn.";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Log ud";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Kontoen, %h%s%h, er blevet oprettet.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Din adgangskode skal være mindst %s tegn.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Tilføj";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Beklager, men denne server tillader ikke overførsler til serveren.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Handlinger";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Kommentaren er slettet.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Brugernavnet, %h%s%h, er allerede i brug.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Kunne ikke hente information om den specifikke bruger.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Bekræft adgangskode";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Forslag";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Fejl ved udpakning af sendt fil - kan ikke finde PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "De valgte pakker er markeret forældet.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Beskrivelse";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mine pakker";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Du har ikke valgt nogle pakker at stemme på.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Aldrig";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at opgive ejerskabet for pakker.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Du har fundet en fejl, hvis du ser dette....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Sidste stemme";
-$_t["Password"] = "Adgangskode";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Rigtigt navn";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detaljer om pakken";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Tilbagetræk stemme";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Adgangskoderne stemmer ikke overens.";
-$_t["Username"] = "Brugernavn";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Brugernavnet er ugyldigt.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at adoptere pakker.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "E-mail adresse";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Betroet bruger (TU)";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Ugyldigt navn: kun små bogstaver er tilladt.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Længden skal angives som talværdi.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s har %s æbler.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Du skal være logget ind for at fjerne din stemme fra pakker.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Log ind";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Brug denne formular til at oprette en konto.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Brug denne formular til at opdatere din konto.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Undlad at stemme";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Kunne ikke ændre rettigheder for mappen %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette denne kommentar.";
-$_t["required"] = "påkrævet";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortér efter";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Fremsæt et forslag til afstemning.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detaljer om forslag";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Sproget er ikke understøttet på nuværende tidspunkt.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Sidste stemme";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Giv besked ved nye kommentarer";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Manglende bruger-ID";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du vil nu modtage besked, når der kommer nye kommentarer til %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Vælg ny kategori";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "En betroet bruger (TU) kan ikke tildele udviklerstatus.";
diff --git a/web/lang/de.po b/web/lang/de.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ddc15..0000000
--- a/web/lang/de.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-# German (Deutsch) translation
-# Translators: Pierre Schmitz <>, Matthias Gorissen <>, Lukas Kropatschek, Niclas Pfeifer
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Hier kannst Du Dein Benutzerkonto anpassen.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lasse die Passwort-Felder leer, um Dein aktuelles Passwort beizubehalten.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Du darfst auf diesen Bereich nicht zugreifen.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Konnte keine Informationen zum angegebenen Benutzer abrufen.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Benutze dieses Formular, um nach Benutzerkonten zu suchen.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du hast keine Berechtigung, dieses Konto zu ändern.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular, um ein neues Konto zu erstellen.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Benutzer-Informationen zu sehen.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Ein benötigtes Feld ist nicht ausgefüllt.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Suche";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Das Konto %h%s%h wurde erfolgreich angelegt.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fehler beim Ändern des Kontos %h%s%h: %s";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Der Benutzername %h%s%h ist bereits vergeben.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Konto-Typ";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Das Konto %h%s%h wurde erfolgreich geändert.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto gesperrt";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Paketen";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC-Name";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU)";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Die Suche ergab leider kein Ergebnis.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Normaler Benutzer";
-$_t["Never"] = "Niemals";
-$_t["User"] = "Benutzer";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktiv";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Zuletzt abgestimmt";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Wirklicher Name";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Konto bearbeiten";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Passwort-Felder sind unterschiedlich.";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Alle Pakete dieses Benutzers";
-$_t["Language"] = "Sprache";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Ein Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU) kann keinen Entwickler-Status erteilen.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Die Adresse %h%s%h wird bereits benutzt.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Keine weiteren Ergebnisse.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Typ";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Klicke auf \"Start\", um Dich anzumelden.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortieren nach";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Bestätige das Passwort";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Diese Sprache wird momentan noch nicht unterstützt.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Irgendein Typ";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Letzte Stimme";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Gesperrt";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU)";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Benutzer-ID fehlt";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Entwickler";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sEin ArchLinux Projekt%s";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Abmelden";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskussion";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Fehler";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Konten";
-$_t["Home"] = "Startseite";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pakete";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Meine Pakete";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Zurücksetzen";
-$_t["Username"] = "Benutzername";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "E-Mail-Adresse";
-$_t["Less"] = "Weniger";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Leeren";
-$_t["required"] = "Notwendig";
-$_t["Update"] = "Aktualisieren";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Abschicken";
-$_t["Password"] = "Passwort";
-$_t["Create"] = "Erstellen";
-$_t["More"] = "Mehr";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiken";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Denke daran, für Deine bevorzugten Pakete zu stimmen!";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Manche Pakete könnten als Binär-Pakete in [community] bereitgestellt sein.";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Benutzer %s nicht gefunden.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pakete in \"unsupported\"";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Die beliebtesten Pakete werden als Binär-Pakete in [community] bereitgestellt.";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Vertrauenswürdige Benutzer (TU)";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Du musst einen Benutzernamen eingeben.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pakete, die in den letzten 7 Tagen hinzugefügt oder geändert wurden";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "E-Mail-Diskussionen über das AUR finden in der %sTUR Users Liste%s statt";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pakete in \"unsupported\", die als sicher markiert sind";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Obwohl wir für deren Inhalte nicht garantieren können, stellen wir eine %hListe der Benutzer-Repositorien%h bereit.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Letzte Aktualisierungen";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Dein Konto wurde gesperrt.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Benutzername:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Fehler beim Erstellen der Sitzungs-ID.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Willkommen beim AUR! Für weitergehende Informationen lies bitte das %hAUR Benutzerhandbuch%h und die %hAUR TU Richtlinien%h.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Deine PKGBUILDs %hmüssen%h dem %hArch Paket Standard%h entsprechen. Andernfalls werden sie gelöscht!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Anmelden";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Rückmeldungen zum AUR kannst Du uns im %hFlyspray%h zukommen lassen.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Du mußt ein Passwort eingeben.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Passwort";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Registrierte Benutzer";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Angemeldet als: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Falsches Passwort für Benutzername %s.";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Sicher";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Veraltet";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Benutzerstatistiken";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Von mir als sicher markiert";
-$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Als sicher markiert";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Meine Statistiken";
-$_t["Home"] = "Startseite";
-$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "DISCLAIMER: Offiziell nicht unterstützte PKGBUILDS werden von den Benutzern erstellt - durch den Download willigt man ein, diese auf eigene Gefahr zu benutzen.";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Paket-ID fehlt.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Kategorie-ID ungültig.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Füge Deinen Kommentar hier ein.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Du darfst diesen Kommentar nicht löschen.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Kommentar-ID fehlt.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Die Kategorie des Pakets wurde aktualisiert.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Du musst Dich anmelden, um Paket-Informationen zu bearbeiten.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Kommentar wurde gelöscht.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Wenn Du dies liest, hast Du einen Fehler gefunden...";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Kommentar wurde hinzugefügt.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Wähle neue Kategorie.";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategorie";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Suche nach";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Entferne Kommentar";
-$_t["orphan"] = "Verwaist";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Stimmen";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Zuerst eingereicht am";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tar-Archiv";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Sei vorsichtig! Die obengenannten Dateien könnten Code enthalten, der Dein System beschädigt.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Abgestimmt";
-$_t["Location"] = "Ort";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Als \"Sicher\" markieren";
-$_t["Go"] = "Los";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Markierung \"Veraltet\" entfernen";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Zurück zur %hAnsicht der Paket-Details%h";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Fehler beim Aufrufen der Paket-Details.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Beschreibung";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Meine Pakete";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Sicher";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Neu ordnen";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Aufsteigend";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Schlagwörter";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Keine neue Kommentar-Benachrichtigung";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Abhängigkeiten";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Absteigend";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Pro Seite";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Paket-Liste";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Paket-Details konnten nicht gefunden werden.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Paket-Details";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Fehler beim Aufrufen der Paket-Liste.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Dateien";
-$_t["Name"] = "Name";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Letzte Aktualisierung";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Die obenstehenden Dateien wurden (von %s) bestätigt, und können sicher benutzt werden.";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Markierung \"Sicher\" entfernen";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Zurück zu %hSuchergebnis%h.";
-$_t["Age"] = "Alter";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Kommentare";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Eingereicht von";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Abwählen";
-$_t["change category"] = "Kategorie wechseln";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Nicht mehr benachrichtigen";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Pakete entfernen";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Betreuer";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Kommentar hinzufügen";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Kommentar von: %s am %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Als \"Veraltet\" markieren";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Verwalten";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortieren nach";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Paket als \"sicher\" markieren";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Aktionen";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Markierung \"sicher\" entfernen";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Quellen";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Suchkriterien";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Benachrichtigen";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Abstimmen";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Pakete übernehmen";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Neue Kommentar-Benachrichtigung";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Betreuung der Pakete freigeben";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Verwaiste Pakete";
-$_t["Any"] = "Alle";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Keine Pakete entsprachen Deinen Suchkriterien";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lasse die Passwortfelder frei, um Dein aktuelles Passwort beizubehalten.";
-$_t["unknown"] = "unbekannt";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Benutzerinformationen anzusehen.";
-$_t["License"] = "Lizenz";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Konnte keine Informationen für den angegebenen Benutzer laden.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du hast keine Berechtigung dieses Konto zu ändern.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um vorhandene Konten zu suchen.";
-$_t["All"] = "Alle";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um ein Konto zu erstellen.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um Dein Konto zu aktualisieren.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, auf diesen Bereich zuzugreifen.";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Unsicher";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Dieses Paket wurde als veraltet markiert.";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Die obigen Dateien wurden (von %h%s%h) als sicher markiert.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Benötigt von";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Konten";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Keines der markierten Pakete konnte gelöscht werden.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Deine Stimmen wurden von den markierten Paketen entfernt.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Konnte Paket nicht als \"Sicher\" markieren.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Abwählen ausgewählt.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Die Markierungen der gewählten Pakete wurden entfernt.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Übernehmen gewählt.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete markieren zu können.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um über Kommentare benachrichtigt zu werden.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Du mußt dich anmelden, um für ein Paket stimmen zu können.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurden als \"Veraltet\" markiert.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurden gelöscht.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Wählen ausgewählt.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Betreuung eines Paketes abzugeben.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Ein Fehler ist während des Empfangens der Paket-Details entstanden.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Das gewählte Paket wurde übernommen.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Du wurdest von der Kommentar-Benachrichtigungsliste entfernt.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Deine Stimmen wurden für die gewählten Pakete gezählt.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Die Markierung \"Sicher\" der gewählten Pakete wurde entfernt.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Kommentar-Benachrichtigung aufzuheben.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete übernehmen zu können.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Du wurdest der Kommentar-Benachrichtigungsliste hinzugefügt.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Du hast kein Paket gewählt, dessen Betreuung Du abgeben willst.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete abwählen zu können.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Markierung von Paketen entfernen zu können.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Du hast kein Paket für das Entfernen der Markierung ausgewählt.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Konnte die Markierung \"Sicher\" von dem Paket nicht entfernen.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Löschen ausgewählt.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Konnte nichts zur Benachrichtigungsliste hinzufügen.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Markieren ausgewählt.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Die Betreuung der gewählten Pakete wurde freigegeben.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurde als \"Sicher\" markiert.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Konnte nichts von der Benachrichtigungsliste entfernen.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Funktion \"build\" fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Konnte nicht in das Verzeichnis %s wechseln.";
-$_t["No"] = "Nein";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgdesc-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Beim Hochladen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten - Bitte erneut versuchen.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Ein Fehler ist bei der Ausführung des Kommandos \"mv\" (Verschieben) aufgetreten.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Du mußt ein Konto anlegen, bevor Du Dateien hochladen kannst.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Paket erfolreich hochgeladen.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Existierendes Paket überschreiben?";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Binärpakete und Dateilisten dürfen nicht hochgeladen werden.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Du hast keinen Paketnamen angegeben.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Fehler beim Entpacken der hochgeladenen Datei - PKGBUILD existiert nicht.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Konnte Eingangs-Verzeichnis nicht erstellen: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Hochladen der Paket-Datei";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Ort des Pakets";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "URL-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Paketnamen stimmen nicht überein.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Paket-Kategorie";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Konnte nicht in das Verzeichnis %s wechseln";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Du hast die Option \"Überschreiben\" nicht gewählt.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Ungültiger Name: Es dürfen nur Kleinbuchstaben verwendet werden.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgver-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Paketname";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Hochladen";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "md5sum-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgrel-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgname-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Fehler - Keine Datei hochgeladen.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Der Paket-URL fehlt ein Protokoll (z.B. http:// oder ftp://).";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, das %h%s%h Paket zu überschreiben.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Wähle einen Ort";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Wähle eine Kategorie";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Kommentar";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Konnte das Verzeichnis %s nicht erstellen.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Unbekanntes Dateiformat der hochgeladenen Datei.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Die source-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Konnte nicht erneut den tar-Befehl ausführen.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Tut mir Leid, dieser Server erlaubt kein Hochladenen von Dateien.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Du mußt die Änderungen mit einem Kommentar versehen.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Die license-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Die arch-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Past Votes"] = "Abgeschloßene Abstimmungen";
-$_t["Confirm your e-mail address:"] = "Bestätige deine E-Mail Adresse";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Die Abstimmungsphase für diesen Vorschlag ist beendet.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Der Nutzername existiert nicht.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Kann nur einen Punkt, Unter- oder Bindestrich enthalten.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Du kannst in einem Vorschlag, der dich selbst betrifft, nicht abstimmen.";
-$_t["Enter your new password:"] = "Gib dein neues Passwort ein:";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Eingereicht: %s von %s";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Angemeldet bleiben";
-$_t["Package category changed."] = "Kategorie des Paketes wurde verändert.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "Es läuft bereits ein Vorschlag für %s.";
-$_t["Total"] = "Insgesamt";
-$_t["Missing category ID."] = "Fehlende Kategorie-ID.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Konnte Vorschlag-Details nicht ermitteln.";
-$_t["Confirm"] = "Bestätige";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Muss mit einem Buchstaben oder einer Zahl beginnen und enden";
-$_t["Next"] = "Weiter";
-$_t["%s is on the package blacklist, please check if it's available in the official repos."] = "%s ist auf der Paket-Blacklist, bitte sieh nach, ob es in einem offiziellen Repository ist.";
-$_t["Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg --source`."] = "Lade deine Quellpakete hier hoch. Generiere eines mit `makepkg --source`.";
-$_t["Password Reset"] = "Passwort zurücksetzen";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7, falls leer)";
-$_t["The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation checkbox."] = "Die ausgewählten Pakete wurden nicht gelöscht, bitte die Bestätigungs-Checkbox aktivieren.";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Erweitert";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Diese Abstimmung läuft noch.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Ungültige Abstimmungs-ID.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(leer, falls nicht zutreffend)";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Neuer Vorschlag eingereicht.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Laufende Abstimmungen";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du wurdes von der Benachrichtigungsliste für %s entfernt.";
-$_t["Back"] = "Zurück";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "\"Veraltet\"-Markierung entfernen";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden";
-$_t["Start"] = "Beginn";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Die Länge muss mindestens 1 betragen.";
-$_t["End"] = "Ende";
-$_t["Confirm your new password:"] = "Bestätige dein neues Passwort:";
-$_t["Enter your e-mail address:"] = "Gib deine E-Mail Adresse ein:";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Vorschlag darf nicht leer sein.";
-$_t["Add Proposal"] = "Vorschlag hinzufügen";
-$_t["You are not allowed to change this package category."] = "Du darfst diese Paketkategorie nicht ändern.";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Ergebnisse %s - %s von %s";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Du hast für diesen Vorschlag bereits abgestimmt.";
-$_t["This is a %hmajor%h problem!"] = "Dies ist ein %hgroßes%h Problem!";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Es muss zwischen %s und %s Zeichen lang sein";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Dein Passwort muss mindestens %s Zeichen lang sein.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Vorschlag";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Stimme zurückziehen";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Der Nutzername ist ungültig";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Die Länge muss eine Zahl sein.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s hat %s Äpfel.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Enthalten";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Reiche einen Vorschlag zur Abstimmung ein.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Vorschlag-Details";
-$_t["Bad username or password."] = "Falscher Nutzername oder falsches Passwort.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du wurdest zur Benachrichtigungliste für %s hinzugefügt.";
diff --git a/web/lang/el_GR.po b/web/lang/el_GR.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5c96c..0000000
--- a/web/lang/el_GR.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Greek (Ελληνικά) translation
-# Main Translator: Panos Filip <>
-# Contributor: artem
-# Contributor: dimpard
-# Contributor: Duryodhana
-# Contributor: gtklocker
-# Contributor: paschalis.m
-# Contributor: ranger
-# Contributor: shadowman
-# Contributor: WAntilles
-# Contributor: Zaxariadis
-global $_t;
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Στατιστικά";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Θυμηθείτε να ψηφίσετε τα αγαπημένα σας πακέτα!";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Σφάλμα κατα την διάρκεια αναζήτησης ονόματος χρήστη, %s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Μη υποστηριζόμενα πακέτα";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Τα πιο δημοφιλή πακέτα θα παρέχονται ως binary πακέτα στο [community].";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Trusted Users";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Πρέπει να καταχωρήσετε ένα επώνυμο.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Πακέτα που προστέθηκαν ή ανανεώθηκαν τις τελευταίες 7 ημέρες";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Οι συζητήσεις με e-mail όσον αφορά το AUR λαμβάνουν χώρα στη %sλίστα των Trusted Users%s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Πακέτα μη-υποστηριζόμενα και χαρακτηρισμένα ως ασφαλή";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Αν και δεν μπορούμε να εγγηυθούμε για το περιεχόμενό τους, σας παρέχουμε μία %hλίστα με αποθετήρια χρηστών%h για την ευκολία σας.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Πρόσφατες Ανανεώσεις";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Η λειτουργία του λογαριασμού σας έχει ανασταλεί.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Όνομα Χρήστη:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Σφάλμα κατά τη δημιουργία id της συνόδου.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Καλωσήρθατε στο AUR! Διαβάστε παρακαλώ τον %hOδηγό Χρηστών του AUR%h και τον %hΟδηγό των Trusted Users%h για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Τα προτεινόμενα PKGBUILDs %hπρέπει%h να ακολουθούν τα %hΠρότυπα δημιουργίας πακέτων του Arch%h αλλιώς θα διαγράφονται!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Συνδεθείτε";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Εάν έχετε προτάσεις για το AUR, παρακαλώ καταθέστε τις στο %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Πρέπει να καταχωρήσετε ένα συνθηματικό.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Συνθηματικό:";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Εγγεγραμμένοι Χρήστες";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = " Συνδεδεμένος ως: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Λάθος συνθηματικό για το όνομα χρήστη, %s.";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Ασφαλές";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Στατιστικά χρηστών";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Τα στατιστικά μου";
-$_t["Home"] = "Λογαριασμός";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Ορισμένα πακέτα μπορεί να μεταφερθούν ως binaries στο [community]";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Τα προτεινόμενα πακέτα στο \"Unsupported\" είναι περιεχόμενο που παρέχεται απο τους χρήστες. Χρησιμοποιήστε τα με δική σας ευθύνη.";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Αναζήτηση κατά";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Αυτό το πακέτο έχει χαρακτηριστεί παρωχημένο.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Ψηφισμένο";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Λείπει ένα απαραίτητο πεδίο.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Έχετε συνδεθεί ως: %s";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Η ψηφοφορία έχει κλείσει για αυτή την πρόταση.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Σφάλμα κατά την τροποποίηση του λογαριασμού, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Αυτό το όνομα χρήστη δεν υπάρχει.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει μόνο μία τελεία, κάτω παύλα ή παύλα.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Δηλώστε το πακέτο Παρωχημένο";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Λείπει το ID (η ταυτότητα) του πακέτου.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Δεν μπορείτε να ψηφίσετε σε μία πρόταση που αφορά εσάς.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Δε βρέθηκε αποτέλεσμα που να ικανοποιεί τα κριτήρια αναζήτησης.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Eνημέρωση";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Σειρά ταξινόμησης";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να προσπαθήσετε να επεξεργαστείτε τις πληροφορίες του πακέτου.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Οι ψήφοι σας προστέθηκαν στα επιλεγμένα πακέτα.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Οι πληροφορίες του πακέτου δεν μπόρεσαν να βρεθούν.";
-$_t["change category"] = "αλλάξτε κατηγορία";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Σφάλμα κατά τη λήψη της λίστας πακέτων.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Επαναφορά";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Υποβλήθηκε: %s από %s";
-$_t["string"] = "ακολουθία χαρακτήρων";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Θυμήσου με";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Η ψηφοφορία αυτή βρίσκεται ακόμη σε εξέλιξη.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Η κατηγορία του πακέτου ανανεώθηκε.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s έχει ήδη πρόταση σε εξέλιξη για αυτό το θέμα.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Σφάλμα - Κανένα αρχείο δεν έχει ανεβαστεί";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κάποιο πακέτο για απόρριψη.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Λείπει κάποιο πρωτόκολλο (πχ. http:// , ftp://) από το URL του πακέτου.";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Ψήφοι";
-$_t["Total"] = "Σύνολο";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Δεν υπάρχουν άλλα αποτελέσματα για να δείτε.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Συντηρητής";
-$_t["Less"] = "Λιγότερο";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται η πρόσβαση σε αυτήν την περιοχή.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Κάθε είδος";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Λογαριασμοί";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατόν να ληφθούν οι λεπτομέρειες της πρότασης.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Δεν έχετε την άδεια να επεξεργαστείτε αυτόν τον λογαριασμό.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Ειδοποίηση για νέα πακέτα";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Κάντε κλικ στο σύνδεσμο Home επάνω για να συνδεθείτε.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Αυτή η διεύθυνση email δεν είναι έγκυρη.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η αλλαγή καταλόγου σε %s";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Κανένα από τα επιλεγμένα πακέτα δεν είναι δυνατό να σβηστεί.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Οι ψήφοι σας έχουν αφαιρεθεί από τα επιλεγμένα πακέτα.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Κανένα πακέτο δεν ικανοποιεί τα κριτήρια αναζήτησης σας.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Δημιουργήστε";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Ξεκινήστε και τελειώστε με γράμμα ή αριθμό";
-$_t["orphan"] = "ορφανό";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Δείτε τα πακέτα αυτού του χρήστη";
-$_t["Next"] = "Επόμενο";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Αποτυχία κατά την επανασυμπίεση";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Πρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό για να ανεβάσετε πακέτα.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Τοποθεσία";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Διαγράψτε το σχόλιο";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Είδος λογαριασμού";
-$_t["Type"] = "Είδος";
-$_t["More"] = "Περισσότερα";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Σφάλμα κατά τη διάρκεια φόρτωσης των πληροφοριών του πακέτου.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία κατάλογου εισερχομένων: %s..";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Ανεβάστε το αρχείο του πακέτου";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 από προεπιλογή εάν είναι άδειο)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Ακύρωση Ειδοποίησης Για Νέα Πακέτα";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η προσθήκη του στη λίστα ειδοποίησης.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Aποδεσμεύστε Πακέτα";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Σύνθετη αναζήτηση";
-$_t["Files"] = "Αρχεία";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Το ID της ψήφου δεν είναι έγκυρο.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(κενό εάν δεν είναι εφαρμόσιμο)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Ανά σελίδα";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Υποβλήθηκε νέα πρόταση.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Ανέβασε";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Μη έγκυρο ID κατηγορίας.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Πήγαινε";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να ψηφίσετε για πακέτα.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτή τη φόρμα για να αναζητήσετε για υπάρχοντες λογαριασμούς.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Η διεύθυνση, , %h%s%h, χρησιμοποιείται ήδη.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Τρέχουσες ψήφοι";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Επιλέξτε κατηγορία";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Έχετε αφαιρεθεί από τη λίστα ειδοποίησης σχολίων για το %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Άγνωστο είδος ανεβασμένου αρχείου.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Διαγράψτε Πακέτα";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Αξιόπιστος χρήστης";
-$_t["Back"] = "Πίσω";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κάποιο πακέτο για επισήμανση.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Όλες οι Ψήφοι";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Τα επιλεγμένα πακέτα έχουν αποδεσμευθεί.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Έχει ανασταλεί";
-$_t["Home"] = "Home";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ναι";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Αποχαρακτηρίστε ως Παρωχημένο";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["Category"] = "Κατηγορία";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Λείπει το function build στο PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να επισημάνετε τα πακέτα.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Κανένα αποτέλεσμα δεν βρέθηκε.";
-$_t["No"] = "Όχι";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Συζήτηση";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Εξαρτήσεις";
-$_t["Start"] = "Ξεκινήστε";
-$_t["Add"] = "Προσθέστε";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κανένα πακέτο για να υιοθετήσετε.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Το μήκος πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Σφάλμα κατα τη διάρκεια δημιουργίας του λογαριασμού, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Τέλος";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Ο λογαριασμός, %h%s%h, τροποποιήθηκε με επιτυχία.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Ο Λογαριασμός έχει Ανασταλεί.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Κατάσταση";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να λάβετε ειδοποιήσεις για σχόλια.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Αφήστε τα πεδία για τον κωδικό σας κενά για να κρατήσετε το ίδιο κωδικό.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Ψευδώνυμο IRC";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Tα επιλεγμένα πακέτα έχουν διαγραφεί.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Απλός χρήστης";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Αυτό είναι ένα %h%s%h πρόβλημα!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Δεν επιτρέπεται να επικαλύψετε το %h%s%h πακέτο.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Λείπει το ID του σχολίου.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Σφάλμα στη διαδικασία λήψης των πληροφοριών του πακέτου.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Η πρόταση δεν μπορεί να είναι κενή.";
-$_t["User"] = "Χρήστης";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Κατηγορία Πακέτου";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Τα επιλεγμένα πακέτα έχουν υιοθετηθεί.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Πακέτα";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Τροποποίηση Λογαριασμού";
-$_t["Search"] = "Αναζήτηση";
-$_t["Language"] = "Γλώσσα";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Ορφανά";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη πληροφοριών για αυτόν τον χρήστη.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Εμφάνιση αποτελεσμάτων %s - %s από %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Ενεργός";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Έχετε ήδη ψηφίσει για αυτή τη πρόταση.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Απαιτείται από";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να αποχαρακτηρίσετε πακέτα.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κάποιο πακέτο για να αποχαρακτηρίσετε.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Πρέπει να συνδεθείτε για να δείτε πληροφορίες χρήστη.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κάποιο πακέτο για να διαγράψετε.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Aποτυχία κατά τη δημιουργία του καταλόγου %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Διακοπή Ειδοποίησης";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Επισημάνετε ως Παρωχημένο";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Τα συγκεκριμένα πακέτα έχουν αποεπισημανθεί.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Κριτήρια Αναζήτησης";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Ειδοποίηση";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Ψηφίστε";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Υιοθετήστε Πακέτα";
-$_t["Name"] = "Όνομα";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Λίστα Πακέτων";
-$_t["Any"] = "Οποιοδήποτε";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Πρέπει να αποτελείται από %s έως %s χαρακτήρες";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Αποσύνδεση";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Ο λογαριασμός, %h%s%h, δημιουργήθηκε με επιτυχία.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Ο κωδικός πρέπει να αποτελείται τουλάχιστον %s χαρακτήρες.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Υποβολή";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Συγγνώμη, αυτός ο server δεν επιτρέπει το ανέβασμα αρχείων..";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Ενέργειες";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Το σχόλιο έχει διαγραφεί.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Το όνομα χρήστη, %h%s%h, χρησιμοποιείται ήδη.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Πρόταση";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Πληκτρολογήστε ξανά τον κωδικό σας.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Σφάλμα κατά το ξεπακετάρισμα του ανεβασμένου αρχείου - δεν υπάρχει PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Τα συγκεκριμένα πακέτα έχουν επισημανθεί ως παρωχημένα.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Περιγραφή";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Τα πακέτα μου";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Δεν επιλέξατε κάποιο πακέτο για να το ψηφίσετε.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Ποτέ";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να αποδεσμεύσετε πακέτα.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Για να βλέπετε αυτό, σημαίνει ότι ανακαλύψατε ένα bug....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Πιο Πρόσφατα Ψηφισμένο";
-$_t["Password"] = "Κωδικός";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Πραγματικό 'Ονομα";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Πληροφορίες Πακέτου";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Αναίρεση ψήφου";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Οι τιμές που εισαγάγατε στα πεδία “κωδικού” και “επιβεβαίωσης κωδικού” δεν είναι ίδιες.";
-$_t["Username"] = "Όνομα χρήστη";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Το όνομα χρήστη δεν είναι έγκυρο.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να υιοθετήσετε πακέτα.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Διεύθυνση email";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Trusted User";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Μη έγκυρο όνομα: μόνο πεζοί χαρακτήρες επιτρέπονται.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Το μήκος πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s έχει %s μήλα.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Πρέπει να έχετε συνδεθεί για να μπορέσετε να ακυρώσετε την ψήφο σας για πακέτα.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Σύνδεση";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτή τη φόρμα για να δημιουργήσετε λογαριασμό.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτή τη φόρμα για να ανανεώσετε το λογαριασμό σας.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Απέχουν";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αλλαγή δικαιωμάτων (chmod) στον κατάλογο %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Δεν σας επιτρέπεται να διαγράψετε αυτό το σχόλιο.";
-$_t["required"] = "απαιτούμενο";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ταξινόμηση κατά";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Υποβάλετε μία πρόταση προς ψήφιση.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Πληροφορίες Πρότασης";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Η γλώσσα αυτή δεν υποστηρίζεται ακόμη.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Τελευταία ψήφος";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Ειδοποίηση για νέα σχόλια";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Λείπει το ID Χρήστη";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Έχετε προστεθεί στη λίστα ειδοποίησης σχολίων για το %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Επιλογή νέας κατηγορίας";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Ένας Trusted User δεν μπορεί να αποδώσει στοιχεία Developer.";
-$_t["Confirm your e-mail address:"] = "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε την διεύθυνση e-mail σας:";
-$_t["Enter your new password:"] = "Εισάγετε νέο κωδικό";
-$_t["This is a %hmajor%h problem!"] = "Αυτό είναι ενα %hμεγάλο%h πρόβλημα!";
-$_t["Confirm"] = "Επιβεβαιώστε";
-$_t["Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg --source`."] = "Ανεβάστε τα πηγαία πακέτα εδώ. Δημιουργήστε πηγαία πακέτα με την εντολή `makepkg --source`";
-$_t["Password Reset"] = "Επαναφορά Κωδικού";
-$_t["The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation checkbox."] = "Τα επιλεγμένα πακέτα δεν έχουν διαγραφεί, παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το κουτάκι επιβεβαίωσης.";
-$_t["Enter your e-mail address:"] = "Εισάγετε την διεύθυνση e-mail σας:";
-$_t["Confirm your new password:"] = "Επιβεβαιώστε το νέο σας συνθηματικό:";
-$_t["Add Proposal"] = "Προσθέστε Πρόταση";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Αύξουσα";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Φθίνουσα";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Παρωχημένο";
diff --git a/web/lang/es.po b/web/lang/es.po
deleted file mode 100644
index ee14310..0000000
--- a/web/lang/es.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-# Spanish (Español) translation
-# Translator: Víctor Martínez Romanos <>
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use este formulario para actualizar su cuenta.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deje en blanco los campos de la contraseña para conservarla.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No está autorizado a acceder a esta área.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No se pudo obtener la información del usuario especificado.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use este formulario para buscar cuentas existentes.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No tiene permiso para editar esta cuenta.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use este formulario para crear una cuenta.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Debe identificarse para ver la información del usuario.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Falta un campo obligatorio.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Buscar'";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "La cuenta, %h%s%h, se creó correctamente.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error al intentar modificar la cuenta, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "La dirección de email no es válida.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error al intentar crear la cuenta, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "El nombre de usuario, %h%s%h, ya está en uso.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipo de cuenta";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "La cuenta, %h%s%h, se ha modificado correctamente.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Cuenta suspendida";
-$_t["Status"] = "Estado";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Aviso de nuevos paquetes";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick del IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Usuario de confianza";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No se encontraron resultados que coincidan con su criterio de búsqueda.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Usuario normal";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nunca";
-$_t["User"] = "Usuario";
-$_t["Active"] = "Activo";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Último voto";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nombre real";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editar cuenta";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Los campos de la contraseña no coinciden.";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Ver los paquetes de este usuario";
-$_t["Language"] = "Idioma";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un usuario de confianza no puede asignar el estado de desarrollador.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "La dirección, %h%s%h, ya está en uso.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "No hay más resultados que mostrar.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tipo";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Pulse en el enlace Inicio situado en la parte superior para identificarse.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Reescriba la contraseña";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "El idioma no está soportado actualmente.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Cualquier tipo";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Último voto";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendido";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Usuario de Confianza";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Falta el identificador de usuario";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Desarrollador";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn proyecto de ArchLinux%s";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Salir";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Debate";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Cuentas";
-$_t["Home"] = "Inicio";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paquetes";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mis paquetes";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Limpiar";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nombre de usuario";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Dirección de email";
-$_t["Less"] = "Menos";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Limpiar";
-$_t["required"] = "obligatorio";
-$_t["Update"] = "Actualizar";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Enviar";
-$_t["Password"] = "Contraseña";
-$_t["Create"] = "Crear";
-$_t["More"] = "Más";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Estadísticas";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "¡Recuerde votar sus paquetes favoritos!";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Error al buscar el usuario, %s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquetes en [unsupported]";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Los paquetes más populares se distribuirán como paquetes binarios en [community].";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Usuarios de Confianza";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Debe proporcionar un nombre de usuario.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquetes añadidos o actualizados en los últimos 7 días";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Los debates sobre el AUR tienen lugar en la %sLista de correo de los Usuarios TUR%s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquetes en [unsupported] y marcados como seguros";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Aunque no podemos responder por sus contenidos, suministramos para su comodidad una %hlista de repositorios de usuarios%h.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Actualizaciones recientes";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Su cuenta ha sido suspendida.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Nombre de usuario:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Error al intentar crear un identificador de sesión.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "¡Bienvenido al AUR! Por favor lea la %hGuía AUR del Usuario%h y la %hGuía TU del AUR%h para más información.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "¡Los PKGBUILDS enviados %hdeben%h cumplir las %hNormas de empaquetado de Arch%h sino serán eliminados!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Entrar";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si tiene algún comentario sobre el AUR, por favor déjelo en el %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Debe suministrar una contraseña.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Contraseña:";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Usuarios Registrados";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Identificado como: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Contraseña incorrecta para el usuario, %s.";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Seguros";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Desactualizados";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Estadísticas del Usuario";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Ha abandonado la sesión correctamente.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Falta el identificador del paquete.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "El identificador de la categoría no es válido.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Introduzca su comentario a continuación.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "No está autorizado a borrar este comentario.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Falta el identificador del comentario.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Se ha actualizado la categoría del paquete.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Debe identificarse antes de editar la información del paquete.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Comentario borrado.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Si ve esto es que ha encontrado un bug....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Se ha añadido el comentario.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleccione una nueva categoría";
-$_t["Category"] = "Categoría";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Buscar por";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Borrar comentario";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Votos";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Primer envío";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Archivo TAR";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "¡Tenga cuidado! Los siguientes ficheros pueden contenter código malévolo que podría dañar su sistema.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Votado";
-$_t["Location"] = "Ubicación";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marcar como seguro";
-$_t["Go"] = "Ir";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Desmarcar Desactualizado";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Volver a la %hvista detallada del paquete%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Error al recuperar los detalles del paquete.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Descripción";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mis paquetes";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Seguros";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordenar en sentido";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendente";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Palabras clave";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Ninguna notificación de nuevo comentario";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependencias";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Descendente";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Por página";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista de paquetes";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Los detalles del paquete no se han podido encontrar.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalles del paquete";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Error al recuperar la lista de paquetes.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Ficheros";
-$_t["None"] = "Ninguno";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nombre";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Última actualización";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Los ficheros de arriba han sido verificados (por %s) y son seguros.";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Desmarcar Paquete Seguro";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Volver a %hresultados de la busqueda%h.";
-$_t["Age"] = "Antigüedad";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Comentarios";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "H%huérfano";
-$_t["orphan"] = "huérfano";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Quitar Voto";
-$_t["change category"] = "cambiar categoría";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Quitar notificación";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Borrar Paquetes";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mantenedor";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Añadir Comentario";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Comentario de: %s el %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marcar como Desactualizado";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Gestionar";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marcar paquete como Seguro";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Acciones";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Desmarcar Seguro";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Fuentes";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sí";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criterio de Búsqueda";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notificar";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "D%hesactualizado";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Votar";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adoptar Paquetes";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notificación de nuevo comentario";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abandonar Paquetes";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Huérfanos";
-$_t["Any"] = "Cualquiera";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Ningún paquete coincide con su criterio de búsqueda.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Estado";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deje en blanco los campos de la contraseña si quiere conservarla.";
-$_t["unknown"] = "desconocido";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Ha abandonado la sesión correctamente.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Debe identificarse para ver la información del usuario.";
-$_t["License"] = "Licencia";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No se pudo obtener la información del usuario especificado.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No tiene permiso para editar esta cuenta.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use este formulario para buscar las cuentas existentes.";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Contribuidor";
-$_t["All"] = "Todos";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use este formulario para crear una cuenta.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use este formulario para actualizar su cuenta.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No está autorizado a acceder a esta área.";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Inseguros";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ninguno de los paquetes seleccionados pudo ser borrado.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Sus votos han sido eliminados de los paquetes seleccionados.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "No se pudo marcar el paquete como seguro.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para quitarle el voto.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido desmarcados.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "No ha seleccionado ningún paquete para ser adoptado.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder marcar paquetes.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder recibir notificaciones sobre comentarios.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder votar paquetes.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido marcados como desactualizados.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados se han borrado.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para votarlo.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder abandonar paquetes.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Error al intentar recuperar los detalles del paquete.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido adoptados.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Ha sido borrado de la lista de notificación de comentarios.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Sus votos han sido computados para los paquetes seleccionados.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido desmarcados como seguros.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder cancelar las notificaciones sobre comentarios.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Debe indentificarse antes de poder adoptar paquetes.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Ha sido añadido a la lista de notificaciones de comentarios.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para ser abandonado.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder quitar votos a los paquetes";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder desmarcar paquetes.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para desmarcar.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "No se pudo desmarcar el paquete como seguro.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para borrar.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "No se pudo añadir a la lista de notificaciones.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para marcar.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido abandonados.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido marcados como seguros.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "No se pudo borrar de la lista de notificaciones.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la función \"build\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "No se pudo cambiar el directorio a %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "No";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgdesc\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Error al intentar subir el fichero - por favor vuelva a intentarlo.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Error al ejecutar el comando \"mv\".";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Debe crear una cuenta antes de poder subir paquetes.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Paquete subido correctamente.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "¿Sobreescribir el paquete existente?";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "La subida de paquetes binarios y del fichero \"filelist\" no está permitida.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "No especificó el nombre del paquete.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Error al intentar desempaquetar - no existe el fichero PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "No se pudo crear el directorio de recepción: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Subir archivo del paquete";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Ubicación del paquete";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"url\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Los nombres del paquete no coinciden.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoría del paquete";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "No se pudo cambiar al directorio %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "No marcó la casilla de 'sobreescribir'.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nombre no válido: sólo se permiten letras minúsculas.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgver\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nombre del paquete";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Subir";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"md5sums\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgrel\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgname\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Error - El fichero no se ha subido";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Falta el protocolo en la URL del paquete (es decir, http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "No está autorizado a sobreescribir el paquete %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleccionar Ubicación";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleccionar Categoría";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Comentario";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "No se pudo crear el directorio %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Formato de archivo desconocido en el fichero subido.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"source\" en el PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "No se pudo volver a crear el archivo TAR";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Perdón, las subidas no están permitidas en este servidor.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Debe suministrar un comentario para esta subida/cambio.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sí";
diff --git a/web/lang/fr.po b/web/lang/fr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a24f36..0000000
--- a/web/lang/fr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-# French (Français) translation
-# Translator: Morgan LEFIEUX <>
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour mettre à jour votre compte.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Laissez les champs du mot de passe vides pour conserver le même mot de passe.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossible de retrouver les informations de l'utilisateur spécifié.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour rechercher des comptes existants.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'éditer ce compte.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour créer un compte.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Vous devez vous authentifier pour voir les informations de l'utilisateur.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Il manque un champ requis.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Rechercher";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Le compte, %h%s%h, a été créé avec succès.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erreur en essayant de modifier le compte, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'adresse email n'est pas valide.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erreur en essayant de créer le compte, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur, %h%s%h, est déjà utilisé.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Type de Compte";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Le compte, %h%s%h, a été modifié avec succès.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Compte Suspendu";
-$_t["Status"] = "Etat";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notification de nouveaux paquets";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Pseudo IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Utilisateur de confiance (TU)";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Aucun résultat ne correspond à vos critères de recherche.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Utilisateur normal";
-$_t["Never"] = "Jamais";
-$_t["User"] = "Utilisateur";
-$_t["Active"] = "Actif";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Voté dernièrement";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nom réel";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editer le compte";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Les champs du mot de passe ne correspondent pas.";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualiser les paquets de cet utilisateur.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Langue";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Utilisateur de Confiance (TU) ne peut pas assigner le status de Développeur.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'adresse, %h%s%h, est déjà utilisée.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Plus de résultats à afficher.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Type";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus pour vous authentifier.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Trier par";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Retapez le mot de passe";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Cette langue n'est pas supportée pour le moment.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Tout type";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Dernier vote";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendu";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Utilisateur de Confiance (TU)";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "ID d'utilisateur manquant";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Développeur";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Il doit être compris entre %s et %s caractères,";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Votre mot de passe doit comprendre au moins %s caractères.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "ne peut contenir qu'un seul point, blanc souligné ou virgule,";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "doit débuter et se terminer par une lettre ou un chiffre.";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur choisi n'est pas valide.";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mes paquets";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn projet Archlinux%s";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Déconnexion";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussion";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Comptes";
-$_t["Home"] = "Accueil";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Réinitialiser";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nom d'utilisateur";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Adresse e-mail";
-$_t["Less"] = "Moins";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Effacer";
-$_t["required"] = "requis";
-$_t["Update"] = "Mise à jour";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Soumettre";
-$_t["Password"] = "Mot de passe";
-$_t["Create"] = "Créer";
-$_t["More"] = "Plus";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiques";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Pensez à voter pour vos paquets favoris !";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Erreur en recherchant l'utilisateur, %s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquets dans \"unsupported\"";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Les paquets les plus populaires seront mis à disposition sous forme de paquets binaires dans [community].";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Utilisateurs de Confiance (TU)";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Vous devez fournir un nom d'utilisateur.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquets ajoutés ou mis à jour durant les 7 derniers jours";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Les discussions par email au sujet d'AUR ont lieu sur la %sliste des Utilisateurs de Confiance%s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquets dans \"unsupported\" et étiquetés comme sûrs";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Bien que nous ne puissions garantir leur contenu, nous fournissons une %hliste de dépôts d'utilisateurs%h pour votre commodité.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Mises à jour récentes";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Votre compte a été suspendu.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Nom d'utilisateur:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Erreur en essayant de générer un identifiant de session.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Bienvenue sur AUR ! Lisez, s'il vous plaît, le %hGuide Utilisateur AUR%h et le %hGuide des Utilisateurs de Confiance (TU)%h pour plus d'informations.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Les PKGBUILDs proposés %hdoivent%h se conformer aux %hStandards de l'empaquetage Arch%h sans quoi ils seront supprimés!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Se connecter";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si vous avez des remarques à propos d'AUR, laissez-les s'il vous plaît dans %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Vous devez fournir un mot de passe.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Mot de passe:";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Utilisateurs enregistrés";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = " Connecté en tant que: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Mot de passe incorrect pour l'utilisateur, %s.";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Sûr";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Périmé";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statistiques utilisateur";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Mes statistiques";
-$_t["Home"] = "Accueil";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Certains paquets peuvent être disponibles précompilés dans le dépôt [community]";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Les paquets proposés dans \"Unsupported\" sont produits par des utilisateurs. Toute utilisation des fichiers fournis se fait à vos propres risques.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "ID de paquet manquant.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "ID de catégorie non valide.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Entrez votre commentaire ci-dessous.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à supprimer ce commentaire.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "ID de commentaire manquant.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Catégorie du paquet mise à jour.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir éditer les informations du paquet.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Le commentaire a été supprimé.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Vous avez trouvé un bug si vous voyez ceci....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Le commentaire a été ajouté.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Sélectionnez une nouvelle catégorie";
-$_t["Category"] = "Catégorie";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Rechercher par";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Commentaires";
-$_t["orphan"] = "orphelin";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Votes";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Première soumission";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Archive";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Attention ! Les fichiers ci-dessus peuvent contenir du code malicieux qui pourrait endommager votre système.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Voté";
-$_t["Location"] = "Dépôt";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Etiqueter comme sûr";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Retirer l'étiquette \"Sûr\" du paquet";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Retirer l'étiquette \"Périmé\"";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Retourner à la %hvue des détails du paquet%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Erreur en recherchant les détails du paquet.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Laissez les champs du mot de passe vides pour conserver le même mot de passe.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Description";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mes paquets";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Sûr";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Vous avez été déconnecté avec succès.";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendant";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Effacer le commentaire";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Pas de notification de nouveau commentaire";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dépendances";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Descendant";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Par page";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Liste des Paquets";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Les détails du paquet ne peuvent pas être trouvés.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Vous devez vous authentifier pour voir les informations de l'utilisateur.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Détails du Paquet";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Erreur en recherchant la liste des paquets.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Fichiers";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nom";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Dernière mise à jour";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Les fichiers ci-dessus ont été vérifiés (par %s) et sont sûrs.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossible de retrouver l'information pour l'utilisateur spécifié.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ne plus notifier";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'éditer ce compte.";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Mots clés";
-$_t["Age"] = "Age";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour rechercher des comptes existants.";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Contributeur";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour créer un compte.";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Retirer mon vote";
-$_t["change category"] = "changer de catégorie";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Voter";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour mettre à jour votre compte.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Supprimer des Paquets";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mainteneur";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Ajouter un Commentaire";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Commenté par: %s sur %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Etiqueter comme périmé";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace.";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Gérer";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Trier par";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Etiqueter le paquet comme sûr";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Actions";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Retirer l'étiquette \"Sûr\"";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abandonner les paquets";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Sources";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Oui";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Critères de recherche";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notifier";
-$_t["Go"] = "Aller";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "P%hérimé";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Retourner aux %hrésultats de la recherche%h.";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adopter des paquets";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notification de nouveau commentaire";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordre de tri";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Orphelins";
-$_t["Any"] = "Tous";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Aucun paquet ne correspond à vos critères de recherche.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Etat";
-$_t["License"] = "Licence";
-$_t["All"] = "Tout";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Non sûr";
-$_t["unknown"] = "inconnu";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Résultats %s à %s pour un total de %s";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Périmé";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Requis par";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Ce paquet a été étiqueté comme périmé.";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Notifier/Ne plus notifier";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Comptes";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossible d'ajouter aux notifications.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir étiquetter un paquet.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été retirés des paquets sélectionnés.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été abandonnés.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Aucun des paquets sélectionnés n'a pu être effacé.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "L'étiquette a été retirée des paquets sélectionnés.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier pour retirer l'étiquette d'un paquet.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à adopter.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir recevoir des notifications de commentaires.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été étiquetés comme périmés.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été supprimés.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet pour lesquels voter.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir abandonner des paquets.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été adoptés.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir adopter des paquets.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir voter pour des paquets.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à abandonner.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir retirer vos votes sur des paquets";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet duquel retirer l'étiquette.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à supprimer.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été supprimé de la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été ajoutés aux paquets sélectionnés.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à étiquetter.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Accueil";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Aucun des paquets sélectionnés ne pourrait être effacé.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été retirés des paquets sélectionnés.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Ce paquet ne peut être étiqueté comme sûr.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet dont le vote doit être retiré.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ne sont plus étiquetés.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à adopter.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir étiqueter des paquets.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir recevoir des notifications de commentaires.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir voter pour des paquets.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été étiquetés comme périmés.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été supprimés.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet pour lesquels vous souhaitez voter.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir abandonner des paquets.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Erreur en essayant de retrouver les détails du paquets.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été adoptés.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Vous avez été retiré de la liste de notification des commentaires.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été distribués aux paquets sélectionnés.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ne sont plus étiquetés comme sûrs.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir annuler les notifications sur les commentaires.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir adopter des paquets.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste de notification des commentaires.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à abandonner.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir retiré votre vote sur des paquets.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir retirer le étiquetage des paquets.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet auxquels retirer le étiquetage.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "L'étiquette \"Sûr\" n'a pu être enlevé du paquet.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à supprimer.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Ajout impossible à la liste de notification.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à étiqueter.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été abandonnés.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été étiqueté comme sûrs.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Suppression impossible de la liste de notification.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été retiré de la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Critères de recherche";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Fonction build manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Impossible de changer le répertoire vers %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "Non";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgdesc est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Erreur en essayant de transmettre le fichier - s'il vous plaît, essayez encore.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Erreur en essayant d'exécuter la commande mv.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Vous devez créer un compte avant de pouvoir transférer des paquets.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Transfert du paquet réussi.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Écraser le paquet existant ?";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Les paquets binaires et les listes de fichiers ne sont pas autorisés à être transferés.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Vous n'avez pas spécifié de nom de paquet.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Erreur en essayant de décompresser le fichier tranféré - PKGBUILD n'existe pas.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Impossible de créer le répertoire entrant: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Fichier du paquet à transférer";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Chemin du paquet";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable url est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Les noms de paquets ne correspondent pas.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Catégorie du paquet";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Impossible de changer de répertoire vers %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Vous n'avez pas coché la case 'Écraser'.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nom invalide: seules les lettres minuscules sont autorisées.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgver est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nom du paquet";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Transfert";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable md5sums est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgrel est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgname est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Erreur - Aucun fichier transféré";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "L'URL du paquet ne contient pas de protocole (ex. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à écraser le paquet %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Sélectionnez un emplacement";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Sélectionnez une catégorie";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Commentaire";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Impossible de créer le répertoire %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Format de fichier inconnu pour le fichier transféré.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variable source manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Impossible d'exécuter à nouveau la commande tar";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Désolé, les transferts ne sont pas permis par ce serveur.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Vous devez fournir un commentaire pour ce transfert/changement.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Oui";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable license est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable arch est manquante dans le PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Impossible d'effectuer chmod sur le répertoire %s.";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Manquant";
-$_t["Proposal:"] = "Proposition :";
-$_t["No"] = "Non";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas.";
-$_t["Next"] = "Suivant";
-$_t["Add"] = "Ajouter";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "La durée doit être au moins de 1.";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 par défaut si laissé vide)";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Une proposition ne peut être vide.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "ID de vote non valide.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(vide si non applicable)";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Le vote est clos pour cette proposition.";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nouvelle proposition enregistrée.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s a déjà une proposition en cours à son sujet.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "La durée doit être un nombre.";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Vous avez déjà voté pour cette proposition.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Votes en cours";
-$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Vous avez déjà voté pour cette proposition.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Vous ne pouvez pas voter dans une proposition à votre sujet.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Abstention";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace.";
-$_t["Length in days:"] = "Durée en jours :";
-$_t["Back"] = "Retour";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Soumettre une proposition à laquelle voter.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Tous les votes";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Impossible d'obtenir le détail de la proposition.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Oui";
-$_t["Applicant/TU:"] = "Postulant/TU :";
diff --git a/web/lang/genpopo b/web/lang/genpopo
deleted file mode 100755
index 33ea984..0000000
--- a/web/lang/genpopo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python2 -O
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# This script iterates through the script directories
-# looking for php scripts that contain __() functions.
-# It creates/appends to the corresponding
-# "xxx.po" file in the 'lang' subdirectory and places the
-# i18n strings into the file in the proper format.
-# usage: genpopo [-v] [-f]
-# -v: verbose, print duplicate terms that could be moved to common_po
-# -f: force, overwrite existing translated files, otherwise append
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-INC_HEADER = """\
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-global $_t;
-language = 'en'
-lang = {}
-print_dupes = '-v' in sys.argv
-force = '-f' in sys.argv
-up = re.compile('_\(\s*"(([^"]|(?<=\\\\)["])+)"')
-scriptdirs = ['html', 'lib', 'template']
-pofile = '%s.po' % language
-current_dir = os.getcwd()
-# Iterate through various places where the php files might be.
-for dir in scriptdirs:
- dir = "../%s" % dir
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- # Find all the PHP files in the current directory.
- #
- files = [x for x in os.listdir(dir)
- if (x[-4:] == '.inc' and x[-7:] != '.po')
- or x[-6:] == '.class'
- or x[-4:] == '.php'
- or x[-6:] == '.phtml'
- ]
- os.chdir(dir)
- for file in files:
- f = open(file,'r')
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Parse the file
- print "Parsing %s..." % file
- for line in lines:
- match =
- while match:
- term ='\\"','"')
- if print_dupes:
- if term in lang.keys():
- print 'Multiple use of "%s"' % term
- lang[term] = 1
- line = line[match.end(1):]
- match =
- os.chdir(current_dir)
-# Generate the .po file if it doesn't already exist.
-# If it does exist, only append new stuff to the end.
-# If the 'force' option is passed, just overwrite.
-if force:
- # Just overwrite any existing files
- print "Generating %s..." % pofile
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- for term in lang.keys():
- f.write("\n")
- f.write('$_t["%s"]\n = "%s";\n' % (term, term))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
- # Need to leave existing file intact. Only append on new terms.
- mapre = re.compile('^\$_t\["(.*)"\].*$')
- got_match = False
- print "Updating %s..." % pofile
- try:
- f = open(pofile, 'r')
- new_file = 0
- except:
- new_file = 1
- if not new_file:
- contents = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Strip beginning/ending empty lines
- while contents[0] == '':
- del contents[0]
- while contents[-1] in ['', "\n", "?>", "?>\n", "\n?>"]:
- del contents[-1]
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write("".join(contents))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
- else:
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
- # Read file contents so we can hash what already exists
- try:
- f = open(pofile, 'r')
- new_file = 0
- except:
- new_file = 1
- existing_terms = []
- if not new_file:
- contents = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Strip beginning/ending empty lines
- while contents[0] == '':
- del contents[0]
- while contents[-1] in ['', "\n", "?>", "?>\n", "\n?>"]:
- del contents[-1]
- # Collect existing terms
- for line in contents:
- match =
- if match:
- existing_terms.append(
- # Append any new terms to EOF
- f = open(pofile, 'w')
- if not new_file:
- f.write("".join(contents))
- else:
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- for term in lang.keys():
- if term not in existing_terms:
- f.write("\n");
- f.write('$_t["%s"]\n = "%s";\n' % (term, term))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
diff --git a/web/lang/he.po b/web/lang/he.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c19b7..0000000
--- a/web/lang/he.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Hebrew (עברית) translation
-# Translator: Netanel Shine <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Confirm your e-mail address:"] = "אישור כתובת הדוא״ל שלך";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "החבילה מסומנת כלא עדכנית.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "שדה הכרחי חסר.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "נכנסת בשם: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "שגיאה בעריכת החשבון, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "שם המשתמש לא קיים.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "חבילת tar";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "יכול הכיל רק נקודה אחת, קו תחתון או מקף.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "ביטול סימון כלא מעודכן";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "חסר מספר זיהוי לחבילה.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "עליך להתחבר לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לבטל סימוני חבילות.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "אין תוצאות עבור נתוני החיפוש שלך.";
-$_t["Enter your new password:"] = "הזנת ססמה חדשה:";
-$_t["Update"] = "עדכון";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "סדר המיון";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "עליך להיכנס לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לערוך נתוני חבילה.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "ההצבעות שלך נקלטו עבור החבילות המסומנות.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "נתוני חבילה לא נמצאו.";
-$_t["change category"] = "שינוי קטגוריה";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "שגיאה בעת קבלת רשימת החבילות.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "איפוס";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "נשלח: %s על ידי %s";
-$_t["Voted"] = "הצביעו";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "שמירת הפרטים";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "ההצבעה עדיין קיימת.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "קטגוריית החבילה עודכנה.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s יש כבר הצעה קיימת.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "שגיאה — קובץ לא הועלה";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות להסרת בעלותך מהן.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "בכתובת החבילה חסר פרוטוקול (לדוגמה: http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["Total"] = "סך הכול";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "אין יותר תוצאות להצגה.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "מתחזק";
-$_t["Less"] = "פחות";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "אין לך גישה לאזור זה.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "כל סוג";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "חשבונות";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "לא ניתן לקבל נתוני הצעה.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "אין לך הרשאה לערוך חשבון זה.";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "יש ללחוץ על הקישור ״בית״ שלמעלה על מנת להיכנס.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "עליך להיכנס לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לאמץ חבילות.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "כתובת הדוא״ל שהוזנה אינה תקינה.";
-$_t["Search by"] = "חיפוש לפי";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "לא ניתן לשנות את התיקייה אל %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "לא ניתן למחוק אף אחת מהחבילות שנבחרו.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "ההצבעות שלך הוסרו מהחבילות המסומנות.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "אין חבילות התואמות לנתוני החיפוש שלך.";
-$_t["Confirm"] = "אישור";
-$_t["Create"] = "יצירה";
-$_t["orphan"] = "יתומה";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "צפייה בחבילות המשתמש";
-$_t["Next"] = "הבא";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "לא ניתן ליצור קובץ tar מחדש";
-$_t["Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg --source`."] = "העלאת חבילות המקור שלך לכאן. ניתן ליצור חבילות מקור באמצעות הפקודה `makepkg --source`.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "החבילות המסומנות נמחקו.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "עליך ליצור חשבון לפני שיהיה באפשרותך להעלות חבילות.";
-$_t["Location"] = "מיקום";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "מחיקת הערה";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "סוג חשבון";
-$_t["Type"] = "סוג";
-$_t["More"] = "עוד";
-$_t["Username"] = "שם משתמש";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "לא ניתן ליצור תיקיית קבצים נכנסים: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "העלאת קובץ חבילה";
-$_t["Password Reset"] = "איפוס ססמה";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(ברירת המחדל היא 7 אם ריק)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "אין התרעות על הערות חדשות";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "לא ניתן לצרף את רשימת ההתרעות.";
-$_t["The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation checkbox."] = "החבילות שנבחרו לא נמחקו, נא לבחור בתיבת האישור.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "שחרור בעלות על חבילות";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "מתקדם";
-$_t["Files"] = "קבצים";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "מס׳ הזיהוי של ההצבעה אינו תקין.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(ריק אם אינה מתאימה)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "לפי דף";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "הצעה חדשה נשלחה.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "העלאה";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "עליך להיכנס לפני שתהיה באפשרותך להצביע לחבילות.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "מס׳ הזיהוי של הקטגוריה אינו תקין";
-$_t["Go"] = "מעבר";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "התרעה על חבילה חדשה";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "נא להשתמש בטופס על מנת לחפש אחר חשבונות קיימים.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "הכתובת, %h%s%h, כבר נמצאת בשימוש.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "הצבעות נוכחיות";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "נא לבחור קטגוריה";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "הוסרת מרשימה ההתרעות עבור ההערות של %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "הקובץ שהועלה הנו במבנה בלתי מוכר.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "מחיקת חבילות";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "משתמשים אמינים";
-$_t["Back"] = "חזרה";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "הקלדת הססמה מחדש";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "כל ההצבעות";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "החבילות המסומנות ננטשו";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "השעייה";
-$_t["Home"] = "בית";
-$_t["Yes"] = "כן";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "ביטול סימון לא מעודכן";
-$_t["Developer"] = "מפתח";
-$_t["Category"] = "קטגוריה";
-$_t["Votes"] = "הצבעות";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "עליך להיכנס לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לסמן חבילות.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "תוצאות לא נמצאו.";
-$_t["No"] = "לא";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "דיון";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "תלות";
-$_t["Start"] = "התחלה";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות לאימוץ.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "האורך חייב להיות לפחות 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "שגיאה בזמן יצירת חשבון, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "סוף";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "החשבון, %h%s%h, נערך בהצלחה.";
-$_t["Confirm your new password:"] = "אישור הססמה החדשה:";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "חשבון מושעה";
-$_t["Status"] = "מצב";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "עליך להתחבר לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לקבל התרעות עבור הערות.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "נא להשאיר את תיבת הססמה ריקה על מנת להישאר עם אותה הססמה.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "כינוי ב־IRC";
-$_t["Enter your e-mail address:"] = "נא להזין את כתובת הדוא״ל שלך:";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "משתמש רגיל";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "אין לך גישה על מנת לדרוס את חבילת %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "חסר מס׳ זיהוי להערה.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "ארעה שגיאה בזמן קבלת נתוני חבילה.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "הצעה לא יכולה להיות ריקה.";
-$_t["User"] = "משתמש";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "קטגוריית חבילה";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "החבילות שנבחרו אומצו.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "חבילות";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "עריכת חשבון";
-$_t["Search"] = "חיפוש";
-$_t["Add Proposal"] = "הוספת הצעה";
-$_t["Language"] = "שפה";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "יתומות";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "ההצבעה סגורה עבור הצעה זו.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "באגים";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "הצגת תוצאות %s - %s מתוך %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "פעיל";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "כבר הצבעת עבור הצעה זו.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "נדרש על ידי";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "אין באפשרותך להצביע עבור הצעה הקשורה בך.";
-$_t["This is a %hmajor%h problem!"] = "זו היא בעיה %hחמורה%h!";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות לביטול סימון.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "עליך להתחבר על מנת לצפות בנתוני משתמש.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות למחיקה.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "לא ניתן ליצור תיקייה %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "ביטול התרעה";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "סימון כלא עדכני";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "החבילות שנבחרו בוטלו מהסימון.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "קריטריונים לחיפוש";
-$_t["Notify"] = "התרעה";
-$_t["Vote"] = "הצבעה";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "אימוץ חבילות";
-$_t["Name"] = "שם";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "רשימת חבילות";
-$_t["Any"] = "כל";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "חייב להיות בין %s ל־%s אותיות";
-$_t["Logout"] = "ניתוק";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "החשבון, %h%s%h, נוצר בהצלחה.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "הססמה חייבת להיות באורך של %s אותיות לפחות.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "שליחה";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "חל איסור על העלאת קבצים לשרת זה, עמך הסליחה.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "פעולות";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "הערה נמחקה.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "שם המשתמש, %h%s%h, כבר בשימוש.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "הצעה";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות לסימון.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "שגיאה בניסיון פריסת הקובץ שהועלה - PKGBUILD לא קיים.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "החבילות שנבחרו מסומנות כלא עדכניות.";
-$_t["Description"] = "תיאור";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "החבילות שלי";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "לא בחרת שום חבילות להצביע עבורן.";
-$_t["Never"] = "לעולם";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "עליך להיכנס לפני שיהיה באפשרותך לבטל בעלות מחבילות.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "אם הודעה זו מופיעה מצאת באג...";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "הצבעה אחרונה";
-$_t["Password"] = "ססמה";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "שם אמתי";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "נתוני חבילה";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "ביטול הצבעה";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "שדות הססמה לא תואמים.";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "יש להתחיל ולסיים עם תו או מספר";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "שם המשתמש אינו חוקי.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "לא ניתן לקבל נתונים עבור המשתמש שנבחר.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "כתובת דוא״ל";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "משתמש אמין";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "שם לא חוקי: רק אותיות קטנות מותרות.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "שגיאה בקבלת נתוני חבילה.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "על האורך להיות מספר בלבד.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "ל־%s יש %s תפוחים.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "עליך להתחבר לפני ביטול הצבעה עבור חבילות.";
-$_t["Login"] = "כניסה";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "ניתן להשתמש בטופס זה על מנת ליצור חשבון.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "ניתן להשתמש בטופס זה על מנת לעדכן את חשבונך.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "הימנעות";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "לא ניתן לבצע chmod לתיקייה %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "אין לך הרשאה למחוק הערה זו.";
-$_t["required"] = "נדרש";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "סידור לפי";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "שליחת הצבעה עבור הפעלת הצבעה.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "פרטי הצעה";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "שפה כרגע לא נתמכת.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "הצבעה אחרונה";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "התרעה על הערה חדשה";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "חסר מס׳ הזיהוי של המשתמש";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "צורפת אל רשימת ההתרעות עבור %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "נא לבחור קטגוריה חדשה";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "משתמש אמין לא יכול להקצות סטטוס מפתח.";
diff --git a/web/lang/hr.po b/web/lang/hr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 93028b7..0000000
--- a/web/lang/hr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-# Croatian (Hrvatski) translation
-# Translator: Dino Krtanjek <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Pregledaj pakete ovog korisnika";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Mora biti najmanje %s a najviše %s znakova";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Nedostaje Vam obvezno polje.";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Račun, %h%s%h, je uspješno kreiran.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Desila se greška prilikom izmjene računa, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Lozinka mora sadržavati najmanje %s znakova.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Email adresa je neispravna.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Desila se greška prilikom stvaranja računa, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Korisničko ime %h%s%h je već zauzeto.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Može sadržavati samo jednu točku, donju crticu ili povlaku.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tip računa";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Račun %h%s%h je uspješno izmijenjen.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Račun je suspendiran";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Zapični i završi sa slovom ili brojkom";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Obavijesti me o novim paketima";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nadimak na IRC-u";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Pouzdan korisnik";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nema rezultata pretrage.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Običan korisnik";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nikad";
-$_t["User"] = "Korisnik";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktivan";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Posljednje glasao";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Vaše stvarno ime";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Podesi račun";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Lozinke nisu jednake.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Stanje";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Korisničko ime je neispravno.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Jezik";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Pouzdan korisnik nemoše dodijeliti Developer status.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adresa %h%s%h je već iskorištena.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Nema više rezultata za prikaz.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tip";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknite na link Početna kako bi se logirali.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Ponovno upišite lozinku";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jezik trenutno nije podržan.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendiran";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Pouzdan korisnik";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Nedostaje ID korisnika";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Resetiraj";
-$_t["Username"] = "Korisničko ime";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Email adresa";
-$_t["Less"] = "Manje";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Briši";
-$_t["required"] = "obvezno";
-$_t["Update"] = "Ažuriraj";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Pošalji";
-$_t["Password"] = "Lozinka";
-$_t["Create"] = "Kreiraj";
-$_t["More"] = "Više";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Nedostaje ID paketa.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Neispravan ID kategorije.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Ovdje unesite komentar.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Brisanje ovog komentara Vam nije dozvoljeno.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Nedostaje ID komentara.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Kategorija paketa je ažurirana.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Morate biti logirani da biste mogli mijenjati informacije o paketu.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentar je izbrisan.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Pronašli ste bug ako vidite ovu poruku....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Komentar je dodan.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Odaberite novu kategoriju";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategorija";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Glasovi";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Posvoji paket";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Komentari";
-$_t["orphan"] = "napušten";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Zastario";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Prvi put poslan";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Arhiva";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Glasao";
-$_t["Location"] = "Lokacija";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Briši komentar";
-$_t["Go"] = "Traži";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao ažuriran";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja detalja o paketu.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Nemojte ispunjavati poslja za lozinku ukoliko želite zadržati dosadašnju lozinku.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Opis";
-$_t["unknown"] = "nepoznato";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Paket je obilježen kao zastarijeli.";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nemoj me više obavještavati o novim komentarima";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Ovisi o";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Odrekni se paketa";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Potreban za";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Nije moguće naći detalje o paketu.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Morate se logirati kako bi pregledali informacije o korisniku.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalji o paketu";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista paketa";
-$_t["Files"] = "Datoteke";
-$_t["Name"] = "Ime";
-$_t["License"] = "Licenca";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Posljednji put ažuriran";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Nije moguće naći informacije o zadanom korisniku.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ne obavještavaj";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Rezultati %s - %s od %s";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Glasaj";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Koristite ovaj formular za pretraživanj postoječih računa.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Koristite ovaj formular za kreiranje računa.";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Makni svoj glas";
-$_t["change category"] = "promijeni kategoriju";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Ovim formulatom ažurirajte Vaš računa.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Izbriši pakete";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Održavatelj";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Dodaj komentar";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Komentirao %s u %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao zastario";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nije vam dozvoljen pristup ovom području.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Radnje";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Izvor";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Mijenjaj obavještavanje";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Da";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Računi";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Obavijesti";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nemate ovlasti da bi mjenjali ovaj račun.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Početna";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Obavijesti me o novim komentarima";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom stvaranja liste paketa.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nijedan paket ne odgovara kriterijima traženja.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nijedan odabrani paket nije moguće izbrisati.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vaši su glasovi maknuti s odabranih paketa.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Niste odabrali pakete s kojih želite maknuti glasove.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Odabrani paketu su postavljeni kao ažurirani.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite posvojiti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi obilježavali pakete.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Morate biti logirani kako bi mogli dobivati obavijesti o novim komentarima.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi glasali za pakete.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Odabrani paketi su obilježeni kao zastarijeli.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Odabrani paketi su izbrisani.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Niste odabrali pakete za koje želite glasati.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi se mogli odreknuti paketa.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom dobivanja detalja o paketu.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Posvojili ste odabrane pakete.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Glasovi su dodijeljeni odabranim paketima.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paketi";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi posvojili pakete.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Niste odabrali pakete kojih se želite odreči.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi mogli maknuti svoje glasove s paketa.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi mogli obilježiti pakete kao ažurirane.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite obilježiti kao ažurirane.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite izbrisati.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Niste više na listi za obavježtavanje o novim komentarima za %s.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Nemogu dodati u listu za obavještavanje.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite obilježiti.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Odrekli ste se odabranih paketa.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Dodani ste u listu za obavještavanje o novim komentarima za %s.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom raspakiravanja poslane datoteke - PKGBUILD ne postoji.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nepoznat format poslane datoteke.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nisam mogao promijeniti direktorij u %s.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Neispravno ime: Dozvoljena su samo mala slova (kurenti).";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Nedostaje";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nemogu kreirati dolazeću mapu: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Šalji datoteku paketa";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Nedostaje build funkcija u PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Oprostite, ovaj server ne dozvoljava slanje.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nemogu kreirati direktorij %s.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Nemogu ponovno kreirati tar";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Šalji";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Da biste mogli slati pakete, morate prvo kreirati račun.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Greška - datoteka nije poslana";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "URL paketa mora sadržavati protokol (npr. http://, ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Paket %h%s%h već postoji i nemate ovlasti mijenjati ga.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategorija paketa";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Odaberi kategoriju";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Traži po";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Logirani ste kao: %s";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Korisničko ime ne postoji.";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Način sortiranja";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Poslan: %s od %s";
-$_t["string"] = "string";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Zapamti me";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s već ima prijedlog.";
-$_t["Total"] = "Ukupno";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Bilo koji tip";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Nemogu pronaći detalje o prijedlogu.";
-$_t["Next"] = "Sljedeći";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 ako je prazno)";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Napredno";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Ovaj glas još vrijedi.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "ID glasa je neispravan.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(prazno ako nije prikladno)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Po stranici";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Novi prijedlog je poslan.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Trenutno glasova";
-$_t["Back"] = "Natrag";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Svi glasovi";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao ažurirano";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Nema rezultata.";
-$_t["No"] = "Ne";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Rasprava";
-$_t["Start"] = "Početak";
-$_t["Add"] = "Dodaj";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Doljina mora biti najmanje 1.";
-$_t["End"] = "Kraj";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Ovo je %h%s%h problem!";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Prijedlog nemože biti prazan.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Traži";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Napušteni";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Glasanje je zaključeno za ovaj prijedlog";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bug-ovi";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Već ste glasali za ovaj prijedlog.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Nemožete glasati o prijedlogu koji se tiće Vas.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Kriteriji traženja";
-$_t["Any"] = "Bilo koji";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Logout";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Prijedlog";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moji paketi";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Makni glas";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Duljina mora biti broj.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s ima %s jabuka.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Login";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Suzdržan";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Nemogu napraviti chmod na direktorij %s.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortiraj po";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Pošalji prijedlog za glasanje.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detalji prijedloga";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Posljednji glas";
diff --git a/web/lang/hu.po b/web/lang/hu.po
deleted file mode 100644
index e198ac3..0000000
--- a/web/lang/hu.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-# Hungarian (Magyar) translation
-# Translators: Laszlo Papp <>, Gergely Imreh <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Keresés eszerint";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Ez a csomag elavultnak van jelölve.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Egy kötelező mező megadása hiányzik.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Bejelentkezve: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hiba történt a felasználói adatok módosítása közben, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Ez a felhasznalói név nem létezik.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Csak egyetlen pontot, aláhúzást vagy kötőjelet tartalmazhat.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Elavultság visszavonása";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Hiányzó csomag ID";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Nem szavazhatsz egy rólad szóló indítványra.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nincs a keresési feltételeknek megfelelő találat.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Adatok frissítése";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Rendezési sorrend";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "A csomag informacióinak szerkesztéséhez be kell jelentkezned.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Leadtad a szavazatod a kiválasztott csomagokra.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Csomag részletes információja nem talalható.";
-$_t["change category"] = "kategória megváltoztatása";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Hiba történt a csomaglista letöltése közben.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Mezők visszaállítása";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Benyujtva: %s (%s által)";
-$_t["string"] = "szólanc";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Maradj bejelentkezve";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "A csomag kategoriája frissítve.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s már megpályázta őket.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Hiba - Nincs fájl feltöltés";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Nem valásztottál ki egyetlen csomagot sem megtagadasra.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Hiányzik a protokoll a csomag URL-jébol (pl. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Szavazatok";
-$_t["Total"] = "Összesen";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Nincs több kijelezhető eredmeny.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Karbantartó";
-$_t["Less"] = "Kevesebb";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nincs engedélyed hozzáférni ehhez a területhez.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Bármilyen típus";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Fiókok";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Az indítvány részletes információjának letöltése sikertelen.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nincs engedélyed ennek a fióknak a szerkesztéséhez.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Új csomag értesítés";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "A bejelentkezéshez kattints a fentebb található Otthon linken.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Érvénytelen email cím.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nem sikerült a könyvtárat megváltoztatni erre: %s";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Egyik kijelölt csomagot sem sikerült törölni.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Szavazatod eltávolítva a kiválasztott csomagról.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nincs a keresési feltételeknek megfelelő csomag.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Létrehozás";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Betűvel vagy számjeggyel kell kezdődjön és végződjön";
-$_t["orphan"] = "árva";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "A felhasználó csomagjainak megjelenítése";
-$_t["Next"] = "Következő";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Sikertelen újratömörítés";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "A csomagok feltöltése előtt regisztrálnod kell.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Helyszín";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Megjegyzés törlése";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Fiók típus";
-$_t["Type"] = "Típus";
-$_t["More"] = "Több";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Hiba történt a csomag részletes információjának letöltése közben.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "A beérkezo könyvtar létrehozása sikertelen: %s";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Csomag fájl feltöltése";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(ha üresen van, 7 az alapertelmezett)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nincs új megjegyzés értesítés";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Nem sikerült hozzáadni az értesítési listához.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Csomagok megtagadása";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Összetett";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "A szavázas még zajlik.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Érvénytelen szavazat ID.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(üres, ha nem alkalmazható)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Laponként";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Új indítvány benyújtva.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Feltöltés";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Érvénytelen kategória ID";
-$_t["Go"] = "Mehet";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Be kell jelentkezned a csomagokra való szavazáshoz.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Már meglévő felhasználói fiókok kereséséhez használd ezt az űrlapot.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "A cím, %h%s%h, már használatban van.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Jelenlegi szavazatok";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Kategoria kiválasztás";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "El lettél távolítva az következő csomagok megjegyzés értesítési listájáról: %s";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Ismeretlen formátumú feltöltött fájl.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Csomagok törlése";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Megbízható felhasználó";
-$_t["Back"] = "Vissza";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nem választottál ki egyetlen csomagot sem megjelölésre.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Minden szavazat";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "A kiválasztott csomagok megtagadva.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Felfüggesztve";
-$_t["Home"] = "Otthon";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Igen";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Elavultság visszavonása";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Fejlesztő";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategória";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "A build függvény hiányzik a PKGBUILD-ból.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Be kell jelentkezned csomagok megjelöléséhez.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Nincs találat.";
-$_t["No"] = "Nem";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Levelezőlista";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Függőségek";
-$_t["Start"] = "Kezdés";
-$_t["Add"] = "Hozzáad";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nem választottál ki egyetlen örökbefogadandó csomagot sem.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "A hossznak legalább 1-nek kell lennie.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hiba történt a felhasználói fiók létrehozása közben, %h%s%h: %s";
-$_t["End"] = "Vége";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "A felhasználói fiók sikeresen módosítva: %h%s%h";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Felhasználói fiók felfüggesztve";
-$_t["Status"] = "Státusz";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Be kell jelentkezned mielőtt értesítest szerezhetnél a megjegyzésekről.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Hagyd üresen a jelszó mezőt ha nem akarod megváltoztatni a jelenlegi jelszavad.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC becenév";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "A kiválasztott csomagok törlese megtörtént.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Normál felhasználó";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Ez egy %h%s%h probléma!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nincs engedélyed a %h%s%h csomag felülírásához.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Hiányzó megjegyzés ID";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Hiba törtent a csomag részletes informacióinak letöltése közben.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Az indítvány nem lehet üres.";
-$_t["User"] = "Felhasznaló";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Csomag kategória";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Sikeresen örökbefogadtad a kiválasztott csomagokat.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Csomagok";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Felhasználói fiók szerkesztése";
-$_t["Search"] = "Keresés";
-$_t["Language"] = "Nyelv";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Árvák";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "A szavazás lezárult erre az indítványra.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Hibák";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Eredmények: %s - %s, összesen %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktív";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Már szavaztál erre az indítványra.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Függ ettől";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Be kell jelentkezned csomagok megjelölésének visszavonásához.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nem választottál ki egyetlen csomagot sem megjelölés visszavonására.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Be kell jelentkezned a felhasználói információ megtekintéshez.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nem választottál ki egyetlen törlendő csomagot sem.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nem sikerült létrehozni a %s konyvtarat.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Értesítés kikapcsolása";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Elavultnak jelölés";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "A kivalasztott csomagok bejelölése visszavonva.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Keresési feltételek";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Értesítés";
-$_t["Files"] = "Fájlok";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Szavazás";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Csomagok örökbefogadása";
-$_t["Name"] = "Név";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Csomag lista";
-$_t["Any"] = "Bármi";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "%s és %s közötti karakterhosszúságúnak kell lennie";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Kijelentkezés";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "A felhasználói fiók sikeresen létrehozva: %h%s%h";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "A jelszónak legalább %s karakter hosszúságúnak kell lennie.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Feltöltés";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Sajnáljuk, de feltöltések nem engedélyezettek ezen a szerveren.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Tevékenységek";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Megjegyzés törölve";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "A felhasznalói név már használnalatban van: %h%s%h";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Nem sikerült letölteni a megadott felhasznaló informacióit.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Ismételd meg a jelszót";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Indítvány";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Hiba történt a feltöltes kicsomagolása közben - PKGBUILD nem létezik.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "A kiválasztott csomagok elavultnak lettek jelolve.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Leíras";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Csomagjaim";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nem választottal ki egyetlen csomagot sem amire szavaznál.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Soha";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Be kell jelentkeznek csomagokat megtagadásához.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Szavazva";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "BUG-ot találtal, ha ezt latod....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Utolsó szavazat";
-$_t["Password"] = "Jelszó";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Valós név";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Részletes csomag információ";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Szavazat visszavonása";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "A jelszó mezők nem egyeznek.";
-$_t["Username"] = "Felhasznalói név";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "A felhasznalói név érvénytelen.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Be kell jelentkezned a csomagokat örökbefogadásához.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Email cím";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Megbízható Felhasználó";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Érvenytelen név: csak kisbetűk használata engedélyezett.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "A hossznak egy számnak kell lennie.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s birtokol %s almát";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Be kell jelenztkezned a szavazatod visszavonásához.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Bejelentkezés";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Használd ezt a űrlapot felhasználói fiók letrehozására.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Használd ezt a űrlapot a felhasználói fiókod adatainak frissítéséhez.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Tartózkodik";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Nem sikerult a könyvtár jogainak megváltoztatása: %s";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nem törölheted ezt a megjegyzést.";
-$_t["required"] = "kötelező";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Rendezés";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Indítvány szavazásra bocsátása.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Indítvány részletes információja";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Nyelv jelenleg nem támogatott.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Utolsó szavazat";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Új megjegyzés értesítés";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Hianyzó felhasznaló ID";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Sikeresen fel lettél véve a kovetkezo csomagok megjegyzés értesítési listájára: %s";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Válassz új kategoriát";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Egy Megbizható Felhasznalo nem adhat ki Fejlesztői státuszt.";
diff --git a/web/lang/it.po b/web/lang/it.po
deleted file mode 100644
index cfcdc48..0000000
--- a/web/lang/it.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-# Italian (Italiano) translation
-# Translators: Giovanni Scafora <> and Pierluigi Picciau <>
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per aggiornare un account.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lascia vuoti i campi relativi alla password per mantenerla invariata.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per accedere.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Non è stato possibile trovare le informazioni dell'utente specificato.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per cercare account esistenti.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per modificare questo account.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per creare un account.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Devi autenticarti per poter visualizzare le informazioni sull'utente.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Manca un campo obbligatorio.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Cerca";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "L'account %h%s%h è stato creato con successo.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica dell'account %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'indirizzo email non risulta valido.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione dell'account %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Il nome utente %h%s%h è già in uso.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipo di account";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "L'account %h%s%h è stato modificato con successo.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Account sospeso";
-$_t["Status"] = "Stato";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notifica dei nuovi pacchetti";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nessun pacchetto corrisponde ai criteri della ricerca.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Utente normale";
-$_t["Never"] = "Mai";
-$_t["User"] = "Utente";
-$_t["Active"] = "Attivo";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ultimo votato";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nome reale";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Modifica l'account";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "I campi password non corrispondono.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Lingua";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Trusted User non può assegnare lo stato di sviluppatore.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'indirizzo %h%s%h è già in uso.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Non vi sono ulteriori risultati da visualizzare.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tipo";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Clicca su Inizio per autenticarti.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordina per";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Riscrivi la password";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Lingua attualmente non supportata.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Qualsiasi tipo";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Ultimo voto";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Sospeso";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Trusted User";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Manca l'User ID";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Sviluppatore";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualizza i pacchetti di quest'utente";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Deve contenere un minino di %s ed un massimo di %s caratteri";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "La password deve contenere almeno %s caratteri.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Può contenere solo un punto, un trattino basso o un trattino.";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Inizia e termina con una lettera o un numero";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Il nome utente non è valido.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Inizio";
-$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Un progetto Arch Linux";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pacchetti";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Account";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Esci";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn progetto Arch Linux%s";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussione";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bug";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "I miei pacchetti";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Cancella";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nome utente";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Indirizzo email";
-$_t["Less"] = "Precedente";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Pulisci";
-$_t["required"] = "obbligatorio";
-$_t["Update"] = "Aggiorna";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Invia";
-$_t["Password"] = "Password";
-$_t["Create"] = "Crea";
-$_t["More"] = "Successivo";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "È necessario inserire la password.";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "È necessario inserire il nome utente.";
-$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Dopotutto, questo potrebbe essere riempito con un messaggio più significativo.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Connesso con il nome utente: %s";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "L'account è stato sospeso.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Password:";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Nome utente:";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Ricordami" ;
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "Benvenuto in AUR! Se sei un nuovo utente, dovresti leggere le %hGuidelines%h.";
-$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Qui ci andrà il testo di introduzione.";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Errore durante la generazione dell'id di sessione.";
-$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Per adesso, è solo un segnaposto.";
-$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "È più importante avere la funzionalità di autenticazione completata.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Entra";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Nonostante che non possiamo assicurarvi il loro contenuto, per vostra comodità mettiamo a disposizione una %hlista di repository degli utenti%h";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Se avete delle osservazioni da fare in merito al sistema AUR, potete segnalarle sul %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["Latest Packages:"] = "Ultimi pacchetti:";
-$_t["Discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Le discussioni su AUR avvengono nella %sTUR Users List%s.";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Email per le discussioni su AUR che avvengono nella %sTUR Users List%s.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Aggiornamenti recenti";
-$_t["Community"] = "Community";
-$_t["Package Counts"] = "Conteggio dei pacchetti";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Benvenuto in AUR! Per ottenere maggiori informazioni, leggi le %hAUR User Guidelines%h e le %hAUR TU Guidelines%h.";
-$_t["Unsupported"] = "Unsupported";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "I PKGBUILD inviati %hdevono%h essere conformi agli %hArch Packaging Standards%h altrimenti saranno cancellati!";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiche";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Le mie statistiche";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Pacchetti verificati";
-$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Considerato sicuro";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statistiche Utente";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Utenti registrati";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Trusted Users";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pacchetti in unsupported";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pacchetti in unsupported considerati sicuri";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages! The most popular packages are provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Ricorda di votare i tuoi pacchetti preferiti! I pacchetti più votati saranno disponibili in [community] come precompilati.";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Ricorda di votare i tuoi pacchetti preferiti!";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "I pacchetti più votati saranno disponibili in [community] come precompilati.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pacchetti aggiunti o aggiornati negli ultimi 7 giorni";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Non aggiornati";
-$_t["Unsupported PKGBUILDs are user produced content. Any use of files is at your own risk."] = "i PKGBUILD presenti in unsupported sono stati inviati dagli utenti e, scaricandoli, accetti di usarli a tuo rischio e pericolo.";
-$_t["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Autenticazione fallita: nome utente o password errata. ";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Disconnesso.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Manca l'ID del pacchetto.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "L'ID della categoria non è valido.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Inserisci un commento qui sotto.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Non puoi cancellare questo commento.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Manca l'ID del commento.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "La categoria del pacchetto è stata aggiornata.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter modificare le informazioni del pacchetto.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Il commento è stato rimosso.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Se vedi questo, hai appena trovato un bug....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Il commento è stato inserito.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleziona una nuova categoria";
-$_t["Category"] = "Categoria";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Voti";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Commento lasciato da: %s il %s";
-$_t["Location"] = "Posizione";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Elimina il commento";
-$_t["Go"] = "Esegui";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Il pacchetto è aggiornato";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Ritorna alla %hvista dettagli del pacchetto%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero dei dettagli del pacchetto.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Descrizione";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "I miei pacchetti";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Parola chiave";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dipendenze";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abbandona il pacchetto";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Impossibile trovare i dettagli del pacchetto.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Dettagli del pacchetto";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della lista dei pacchetti.";
-$_t["Files"] = "File";
-$_t["None"] = "Nessuno";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nome";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Per pagina";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Ritorna ai %hrisultati della ricerca%h.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nessun pacchetto corrisponde ai criteri della ricerca.";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "O%hrfano";
-$_t["orphan"] = "orfano";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Rimuovi il voto";
-$_t["change category"] = "cambia categoria";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Togli la notifica";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Elimina il pacchetto";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Responsabile";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Aggiungi un commento";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Archivio";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Il pacchetto non è aggiornato";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Organizza";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordina per";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordina in modo";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendente";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Discendente";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Azioni";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Sorgenti";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criteri di ricerca";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notifica";
-$_t["Out-of-Date"] = "Non aggiornato";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Vota";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adotta il pacchetto";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sì";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista dei pacchetti";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfani";
-$_t["Any"] = "Qualsiasi";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Votato";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nessuna notifica di nuovo commento";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notifica di un nuovo commento";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Commenti";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "I file sono stati verificati (da %s) ed il loro utilizzo è da considerarsi sicuro.";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Attenzione! I file potrebbero contenere codice pericoloso in grado di danneggiare il vostro sistema.";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Il pacchetto è sicuro";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Il pacchetto è sicuro";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Il pacchetto non è sicuro";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Il pacchetto non è sicuro";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Sicuri";
-$_t["Age"] = "Data";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Data di primo invio";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Ultimo aggiornamento";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Cerca per";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Contributore";
-$_t["All"] = "Tutti";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Non sicuri";
-$_t["Status"] = "Stato";
-$_t["License"] = "Licenza";
-$_t["unknown"] = "sconosciuta";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Richiesto da";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "I file sono stati verificati (da %h%s%h) ed il loro utilizzo è da considerarsi sicuro.";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Questo pacchetto è stato contrassegnato come non aggiornato.";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Rimuovi la notifica";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Risultati: %s - %s di %s";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di contrassegnare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "i tuoi voti sono stati rimossi dai pacchetti selezionati.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati abbandonati.";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Non aggiornato";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nessuno dei pacchetti selezionati può essere rimosso.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "I pacchetti selezionati non sono più contrassegnati.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter togliere il contrassegno ai pacchetti.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da adottare.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter ricevere le notifiche sui commenti.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lascia i campi delle password vuoti per lasciarla inalterata.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non aggiornati.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati rimossi.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da votare.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di abbandonare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossibile aggiungere alla lista della notifica.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati adottati.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Devi autenticarti per visualizzare le informazioni dell'utente.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter adottare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossibile recuperare le informazioni dell'utente specificato.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter votare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Usa questo modulo per ricercare account esistenti.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Non hai selezionati nessun pacchetto da abbandonare.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di rimuovere il voto ai pacchetti.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Usa questo modulo per creare un account.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da cui rimuovere il contrassegno.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da rimuovere.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Sei stato rimosso dalla lista di notifica dei commenti.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Usa questo modulo per aggiornare il tuo account.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non hai i permessi necessari per accedere a quest'area.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "I tuoi voti sono stati assegnati ai pacchetti selezionati.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare.";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Account";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Non hai i permessi necessari per modificare questo account.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Inizio";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Sei stato aggiunto alla lista di notifica dei commenti per %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nessuno dei pacchetti selezionati può essere cancellato.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "I voti sono stati rimossi dai pacchetti selezionati.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto a cui rimuovere il voto.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "I pacchetti selezionati non sono più contrassegnati.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da adottare.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter contrassegnare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter ricevere le notifiche sui commenti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter votare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non aggiornati.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati eliminati.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto a cui assegnare il voto.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter abbandonare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Errore durante il recupero dei dettagli del pacchetto.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati adottati.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Sei stato rimosso dalla lista di notifica dei commenti.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "I voti sono stati assegnati ai pacchetti selezionati.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter cancellare le notifiche sui commenti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter adottare dei pacchetti.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Sei stato aggiunto alla lista di notifica dei commenti.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da abbandonare.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter rimuovere il voto ai pacchetti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter rimuovere il contrassegno ai pacchetti.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare come aggiornato.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da eliminare.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossibile aggiungere alla lista di notifica.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare come non aggiornato.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati abbandonati.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Impossibile rimuovere dalla lista di notifica.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come sicuri.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Impossibile contrassegnare il pacchetto come sicuro.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non sicuri.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Impossibile contrassegnare il pacchetto come non sicuro.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pacchetti";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criterio di ricerca";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Ricerca avanzata";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Alcuni pacchetti possono essere disponibili come precompilati nel repository [community]";
-$_t["Legend"] = "Legenda";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "I pacchetti presenti in unsupported sono stati inviati dagli utenti. Usali a tuo rischio e pericolo.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la funzione build nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Impossibile cambiare la directory in %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "No";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgdesc nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Errore durante l'invio del file. Riprovare.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Errore nell'esecuzione del comando mv.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Devi creare un account prima di poter inviare i pacchetti.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Invio completato con successo.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Vuoi sovrascrivere il pacchetto esistente?";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Non hai inserito il nome del pacchetto.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Si è verificato un errore nello scompattare il file inviato. Non esiste il PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Impossibile creare la directory %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Pacchetto da inviare";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Posizione del pacchetto";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile url nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Il nome del pacchetto non corrisponde.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria del pacchetto";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Impossibile cambiare la directory in %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Non hai selezionato l'opzione 'sovrascrivere'.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nome non valido: sono consentite solo lettere minuscole.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgver nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nome del pacchetto";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Invia";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile md5sums nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgrel nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgname nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Errore, nessun file inviato.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Non disponi dei permessi per poter sovrascrivere il pacchetto %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleziona la posizione";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleziona la categoria";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Commento";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Impossibile creare la directory %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Il file inviato ha un formato sconosciuto.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile source nel PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Spiacente, gli invii non sono consentiti da questo server.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Devi inserire un commento.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sì";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Manca un protocollo nell'url del pacchetto (es. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Impossibile riarchiviare";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Non è consentito inviare pacchetti contenenti binari e filelist.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Nel PKGBUILD manca la variabile arch.";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Nel PKGBUILD manca la variabile license.";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Impossibile modificare i permessi della directory %s.";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Mancante";
-$_t["Proposal:"] = "Proposta:";
-$_t["No"] = "No";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Il nome utente non esiste.";
-$_t["Next"] = "Successivo";
-$_t["Add"] = "Aggiungi";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "La durata deve essere almeno pari ad 1.";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(se vuoto, di default è impostata a 7)";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "La proposta non può essere vuota.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "L'ID del voto non è valido.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(vuoto se non applicabile)";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Non puoi più votare per questa proposta.";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nuova proposta inviata.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s ha già avviato una proposta per loro.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "La durata deve essere un numero.";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Hai già votato per questa proposta.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Voti attuali";
-$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Hai già votato per questa proposta.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Non puoi votare per una proposta che ti riguarda in prima persona.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Astenuto";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non puoi accedere a quest'area.";
-$_t["Length in days:"] = "Durata in giorni:";
-$_t["Back"] = "Indietro";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Invia una proposta di voto.";
-$_t["Past Votes"] = "Vecchi voti";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli della proposta.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sì";
-$_t["Applicant/TU:"] = "Candidato/TU:";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Inviato: %s da %s";
-$_t["string"] = "stringa";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Dettagli della proposta";
-$_t["Total"] = "Totale";
-$_t["Vote Actions"] = "Azioni del voto";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Questa votazione è ancora in corso.";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Il pacchetto è aggiornato";
-$_t["No results found."] = "La ricerca non ha prodotto nessun risultato.";
-$_t["Voted?"] = "Votato?";
-$_t["Start"] = "Inizio";
-$_t["End"] = "Fine";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Questo è un problema di %h%s%h!";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Proposta";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Rimuovi il voto";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s ha %s mele.";
diff --git a/web/lang/nb_NO.po b/web/lang/nb_NO.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 687e639..0000000
--- a/web/lang/nb_NO.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Norwegian (Norsk) translation
-# Translator: Hans-Kristian Arntzen <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Søk etter";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Denne pakken har blitt merket som utdatert.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Stemmet";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Mangler et nødvendig felt.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Logget inn som: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Feil oppstod under endring av konto, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Brukernavn finnes ikke.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tar-ball";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Kan kun innehold ett punktum, understrek, eller bindestrek.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Fjern markering av \"utdatert\"";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Mangler pakke-ID.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan fjerne \"utdatert\"-markeringen av pakker.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Ingen søk stemte overens med dine søkekriterier.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Oppdatér";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Sorteringsrekkefølge";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan redigere pakkeinformasjon.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Stemmene dine er talte for de valgte pakkene.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Pakkedetaljene kunne ikke bli funnet.";
-$_t["change category"] = "endre kategori";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Feil oppstod under mottagelse av pakkeliste.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Omstart";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Innsendt: %s av %s";
-$_t["string"] = "streng";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Husk meg";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Stemmingen er fortsatt aktiv.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Pakkekateogi er oppdatert.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s har allerede et forslag.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Feil - Ingen fil ble opplastet";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker som skulle fjernes eierskap til.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Pakke-URL mangler en protokoll (f.eks http:// eller ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Stemmer";
-$_t["Total"] = "Totalt";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Ingen flere resultater å vise.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Vedlikeholder";
-$_t["Less"] = "Færre";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Du har ikke adgang til dette området.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Hvilken som helst type";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Kontoer";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Kunne ikke motta detaljer om forslag.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du har ikke adgang til å endre denne kontoen.";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Klikk på Hjem-linken ovenfor for å logge inn.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "E-post-adressen er ugyldig.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Kunne ikke endre mappen til %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ingen av de valgte pakkene kunne slettes.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Stemmene dine har blitt fjernet fra de valgte pakkene.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Ingen pakker stemmer overens med dine søkekriterier.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Opprett";
-$_t["orphan"] = "hjemløs";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Se denne brukereren sine pakker";
-$_t["Next"] = "Neste";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Kunne ikke tar-e på nytt";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan adoptere pakker.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Du må opprette en konto før du kan laste opp pakker.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Lokasjon";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Slett kommentar";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Konto-type";
-$_t["Type"] = "Type";
-$_t["More"] = "Flere";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Start og slutt med en bokstav eller et siffer";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Kunne ikke opprette innkommende mappe: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Last opp pakkefil";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(settes standard til 7 hvis tom)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Ingen ny påminnelse om kommentarer";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Kunne ikke legge til påminnelseslisten.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Avslutt eierskap av pakker";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Avansert";
-$_t["Files"] = "Filer";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Stemme-ID ikke gyldig.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(tom hvis ikke anvendelig)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Per side";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nytt forslag innsendt.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Last opp";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan stemme på pakker.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Invalid kategori-ID.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Gå";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Ny pakkepåminnelse";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Bruk dette skjemaet for å søke etter eksisterende kontoer.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adressen, %h%s%h, er allerede i bruk.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Foreløpige stemmer";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Velg kategori";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du har blitt fjernet fra kommentarpåminnelselisten for %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Ukjent filformat for opplastede filer.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Slett pakker";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "De valgte pakkene har blitt slettet.";
-$_t["Back"] = "Tilbake";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Tast inn passord på nytt";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Alle stemmene";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "De valgte pakkene eies ikke mer.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendert";
-$_t["Home"] = "Hjem";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Av-markér \"utdatert\"";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Utvikler";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategori";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Mangler build()-funksjon i PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan markere pakker.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Ingen resultater funnet.";
-$_t["No"] = "Nei";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskusjon";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Avhengigheter";
-$_t["Start"] = "Start";
-$_t["Add"] = "Legg til";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker å adoptere.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Lengden må være minst 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Feil oppstod under opprettelse av konto: %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Slutt";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Kontoen, %h%s%h, har blitt korrekt modifisert.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto suspendert";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan se påminnelser i kommentarer.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "La passord-feltene stå blanke for å beholde ditt gamle passord.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC-nick";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Betrodd bruker";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Vanlig bruker";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Dette er er %h%s%h-problem!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Du har ikke tilgang til å skrive over %h%s%h-pakken.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Mangler kommentar-ID.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Feil oppstod under mottagelse av pakkedetaljer.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Forslag kan ikke være tomt.";
-$_t["User"] = "Bruker";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Pakkekategori";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Den valgte pakken har blitt adoptert.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pakker";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Endre brukerkonto";
-$_t["Search"] = "Søk";
-$_t["Language"] = "Språk";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Hjemløse";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Stemming er avsluttet for dette forslaget.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Viser resultater %s - %s av %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktiv";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Du har allerede stemt for dette forslaget.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Trengs av";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Du kan ikke stemme i et forslag om deg.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker å flagge bort.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du må logge inn for å se informasjon om bruker.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker å slette.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Kunne ikke opprette mappe %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Avnotifisér";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Flagg som utdatert";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "De valgte pakkene har blitt flagget bort.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Søkekriterier";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notifisér";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Stem";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adoptér pakker";
-$_t["Name"] = "Navn";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Pakkelisting";
-$_t["Any"] = "Uansett";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Det må være mellom %s og %s tegn langt";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Logg ut";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Kontoen, %h%s%h, har blitt opprettet korrekt.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Passordet ditt må være minst %s tegn.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Send inn";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Unnskyld, opplastinger er ikke tillat av denne serveren.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Handlinger";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Kommentar har blitt slettet.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Brukernavnet, %h%s%h, er allerede i bruk.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Forslag";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker å flagge.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Feil oppstod under forsøk av å pakke ut opplasting - PKGBUILD finnes ikke.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "De valgte pakkene har blitt flagget som utdatert.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Beskrivelse";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Mine pakker";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Du valgte ingen pakker å stemme på.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Aldri";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du kan avslutte eierskap av pakker.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Du har funnet en bug hvis du ser dette ...";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Sist stemt";
-$_t["Password"] = "Passord";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Ekte navn";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Pakkedetaljer";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Av-stem";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Passord-felter stemmer ikke overens.";
-$_t["Username"] = "Brukernavn";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Brukernavnet er ikke gyldig.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Kunne ikke motta informasjon for den valgte brukeren.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "E-post-adresse";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Betrodd bruker";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Invalid navn - kun små bokstaver er tillatte.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Feil oppstod under mottagelse av pakkedetaljer.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Lengden må være et nummer.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s har %s epler.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Du må være logget inn før du av av-stemme pakker.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Logg inn";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Bruk dette feltet for å opprette en konto.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Bruk dette feltet for å oppdatér kontoen din.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Avhold deg fra";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Kunne ikke chmod-e mappe %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Du har ikke tilgang til å slette denne kommentaren.";
-$_t["required"] = "trengs av";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortér med";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Send inn et forslag å stemme på.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Resultater for forslag";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Språk er ikke støttet på dette tidspunktet.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Siste stemme";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Ny påminnelse om kommentar";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Mangler bruker-ID";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Du har blitt lagt til påminnelselisten for kommentarer for %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Velg ny kategori";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "En betrodd bruker kan ikke tilegne utviklerstatus.";
diff --git a/web/lang/pl.po b/web/lang/pl.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 967ab36..0000000
--- a/web/lang/pl.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# Polish (Polski) translation
-# Translator: Jaroslaw Swierczynski <>
-$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają...";
-$_t["Account Suspended:"] = "Konto zablokowane:";
-$_t["Notify:"] = "Powiadomienie:";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik";
-$_t["Normal User"] = "Zwykły użytkownik";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Hasło:";
-$_t["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:";
-$_t["Confirm:"] = "Potwierdź:";
-$_t["Real Name:"] = "Imię i nazwisko:";
-$_t["Account Type:"] = "Rodzaj konta:";
-$_t["IRC Nick:"] = "Nick na IRC-u:";
-$_t["Language:"] = "Język:";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["New Package Notify:"] = "Powiadamiaj o nowych pakietach:";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Hasła nie zgadzają się.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola.";
-$_t["This address is already in use."] = "Ten adres jest już używany.";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Język nie jest obecnie obsługiwany.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy.";
-$_t["Re-type password:"] = "Hasło (ponownie):";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie utworzone.";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powyżej aby się zalogować.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest już używany.";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Zwykły użytkownik";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatu.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nigdy";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktywne";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa użytkownika %h%s%h jest już używana.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Rodzaj";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ostatni głos";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Imię i nazwisko";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Nazwa użytkownika:";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane";
-$_t["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Ostatni głos";
-$_t["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "Zwykli użytkownicy mogą edytować swoje konto.";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz przeszukać istniejące konta.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do oglądania tej strony.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz utworzyć konto.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz uaktualnić swoje konto.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Pozostaw pola z hasłem puste aby nie zmieniać swojego hasła.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Uzyskanie informacji o podanym użytkowniku nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do edycji tego konta.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc oglądać informacje o użytkownikach.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola.";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie utworzone.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas modyfikacji konta %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa użytkownika %h%s%h jest już używana.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie zaktualizowane.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Powiadamiaj o nowych pakietach";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Zwykły użytkownik";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Imię i nazwisko";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Hasła nie zgadzają się.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Język";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest już używany.";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powyżej aby się zalogować.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Hasło (ponownie)";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Język nie jest obecnie obsługiwany.";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Brakuje ID użytkownika";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["Search"] = "Szukaj'";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatu.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nigdy";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktywne";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ostatni głos";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto";
-$_t["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail";
-$_t["Type"] = "Rodzaj";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Ostatni głos";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Brak rezultatów do wyświetlenia.";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Zaufany Użytkownik nie może nadać statusu Developera.";
-$_t["User"] = "Użytkownik";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Wyświetl pakiety tego użytkownika";
-$_t["start and end with a letter or number"] = "zacznij i zakończ literą bądź cyfrą";
-$_t["Your password must be at least "] = "Twoje hasło musi być przynajmniej";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Nazwa użytkownika jest nieprawidłowa.";
-$_t["It must be "] = "To musi być";
-$_t["can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "może zawierać tylko jedną kropkę, podkreślenie lub myślnik";
-$_t["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "Repozytorium Społeczności Użytkowników ArchLinux";
-$_t["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Projekt ArchLinux";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Wyloguj się";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Zarządzaj";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij";
-$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Projekt ArchLinux";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Konta";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Głosuj";
-$_t["Home"] = "Start";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pakiety";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik";
-$_t["User"] = "Użytkownik";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sProjekt ArchLinux%s";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Dyskusja";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Błędy";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje pakiety";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Musisz podać hasło.";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika.";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Twoje konto zostało zawieszone.";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Wystąpił błąd przy próbie generowania identyfikatora sesji.";
-$_t["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Logowanie nieudane: Zła nazwa użytkownika bądź hasło.";
-$_t["Password"] = "Hasło";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Wyczyść";
-$_t["required"] = "wymagane";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Adres e-mail";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Wyczyść";
-$_t["Create"] = "Utwórz";
-$_t["Update"] = "Aktualizuj";
-$_t["Less"] = "Poprzednie";
-$_t["More"] = "Następne";
-$_t["Username"] = "Użytkownik";
-$_t["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Witaj, warto to przeczytać!";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Musisz podać hasło.";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika.";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla użytkownika %s.";
-$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Potem można tu wstawić bardziej wyczerpujący tekst.";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Twoje konto zostało zablokowane.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Hasło:";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Użytkownik:";
-$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "Ważniejsze jest dokończyć logowanie.";
-$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Narazie to tylko wypełnia przestrzeń.";
-$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Tutaj będzie tekst powitalny.";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Błąd podczas generowania identyfikatora sesji.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Zaloguj się";
-$_t["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:";
-$_t["You must supply an email address."] = "Musisz podać adres e-mail.";
-$_t["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla adresu %s.";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla użytkownika %s.";
-$_t["Logged in as: %s"] = "Zalogowany jako: %s";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Błąd podczas wyszukiwania użytkownika %s.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "Witamy w AUR! Jeżeli jesteś tu po raz pierwszy, być może zechcesz przeczytać %hInstrukcję%h.";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Jeżeli masz uwagi lub pomysły odnośnie AUR, %hFlyspray%h jest odpowiednim miejscem do ich pozostawienia.";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Dla Twojej wygody podajemy %hlistę repozytoriów użytkowników%h, ale uwaga - nie odpowiadamy za ich zawartość.";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Dyskusja na temat AUR ma miejsce na liście pocztowej %sTUR Users%s.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Ostatnie aktualizacje";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Statystyki";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Nie zapomnij głosować na swoje ulubione pakiety!";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pakietów w unsupported";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pakietów w unsupported oznaczonych jako bezpieczne";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Najbardziej popularne pakiety zostaną umieszczone w formie binarnej w [community].";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Zaufanych Użytkowników";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pakietów dodanych lub zmienionych w ostatnich 7 dniach";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Witamy w AUR! Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, przeczytaj %hInstrukcję Użytkownika%h oraz %hInstrukcję Zaufanego Użytkownika%h.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Pliki PKGBUILD %hmuszą%h być zgodne ze %hStandardami Pakietów Archa%h, inaczej będą usuwane!";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Zarejestrowanych użytkowników";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Bezpieczne";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Nieaktualnych";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statystyki użytkowników";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Oznaczonych jako bezpieczne przeze mnie";
-$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Oznaczonych jako bezpieczne";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Moje statystyki";
-$_t["Home"] = "Start";
-$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają...";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc edytować informacje o pakiecie.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora pakietu.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentarz został usunięty.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do usunięcia tego komentarza.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora komentarza.";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Komentarz został dodany.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Napisz swój komentarz poniżej.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Wyczyść";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Kategoria pakietu zmieniona.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Nieprawidłowy identyfikator kategorii.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Wybierz nową kategorię";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Jeżeli to widzisz, to znalazłeś błąd...";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Powrót do %hinformacji o pakiecie%h.";
-$_t["None"] = "Brak";
-$_t["change category"] = "zmień kategorię";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Usuń komentarz";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Komentarz - autor: %s, data: %s";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Dodaj komentarz";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Komentarze";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Źródła";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Zależności";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Informacje o pakiecie";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategoria";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Opiekun";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nazwa";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Na stronie";
-$_t["Popularity"] = "Popularność";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Porządek";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Rosnąco";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Malejąco";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Kryteria wyszukiwania";
-$_t["Location"] = "Lokacja";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Słowa kluczowe";
-$_t["Any"] = "Dowolna";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Głosów";
-$_t["Description"] = "Opis";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Żaden pakiet nie spełnia podanych kryteriów.";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje pakiety";
-$_t["Go"] = "Wykonaj";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Nieaktualny";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Zaznacz jako nieaktualny";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Działania";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Przejmij pakiety";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Porzuć pakiety";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Usuń pakiety";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do usunięcia.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Żaden z wybranych pakietów nie mógł być usunięty.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały usunięte.";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Głosuj";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Głos";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Nie odnaleziono informacji o pakiecie.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania listy pakietów.";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Powrót do %hwyników wyszukiwania%h.";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Zarządzaj";
-$_t["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "Usuń flagę nieaktualności";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Usuń flagę nieaktualności";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Anuluj głos";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Tak";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Bez opiekuna";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Archiwum";
-$_t["Files"] = "Pliki";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "B%hez opiekuna";
-$_t["orphan"] = "bez opiekuna";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "N%hieaktualne";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista pakietów";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Brak powiadomień o nowych komentarzach.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Rezygnuj z powiadamiania";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Włącz powiadamianie";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Powiadomienie o nowym komentarzu.";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Powyższe pliki zostały sprawdzone (przez: %s) i możesz ich bezpiecznie uzywać.";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Zachowaj ostrożność! Powyższe pliki mogą zawierać szkodliwy kod zagrażający twojemu systemowi.";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Zaznacz jako bezpieczny";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Zaznacz pakiet jako bezpieczny w użyciu";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Usuń flagę bezpieczeństwa";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Usuń flagę oznaczającą pakiet jako bezpieczny w użyciu";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Bezpieczny";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Wysłany";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Ostatnia aktualizacja";
-$_t["Age"] = "Wiek";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Szukaj według";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Pozostaw pole z hasłem puste aby nie zmieniać swojego hasła.";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc oglądać informacje o użytkownikach.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Uzyskanie informacji o podanym użytkowniku nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do edycji tego konta.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz przeszukać istniejące konta.";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Nadesłał";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz utworzyć konto.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz uaktualnić swoje konto.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do oglądania tej strony.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["All"] = "Wszystkie";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Nie bezpieczne";
-$_t["License"] = "Licencja";
-$_t["unknown"] = "nieznana";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Nieaktualny";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Ten pakiet został oznaczony jako nieaktualny.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Wymagane przez";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Pokazywanie wyników %s - %s z %s";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Włącz powiadomienia";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Konta";
-$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają...";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc głosować na pakiety.";
-$_t["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do porzucania pakietów.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc zmieniać flagi pakietów.";
-$_t["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do przejmowania pakietów.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc porzucać pakiety.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc przejmować pakiety.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały zaznaczone jako nieaktualne.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do zaznaczenia.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały odznaczone.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc odznaczać pakiety.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do odznaczenia.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do przejęcia.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do porzucenia.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały przejęte.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały porzucone.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc anulować głosy na pakiety.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Twoje głosy zostały odebrane wybranym pakietom.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do oddania głosów.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do anulowania głosów.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Twoje głosy zostały przyznane wybranym pakietom.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Żaden z wybranych pakietów nie mógł być usunięty.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc otrzymywać powiadomienia o komentarzach.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały usunięte.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Zostałeć usunięty z listy powiadamiania o komentarzach.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc zrezygnować z powiadamiania o komentarzach.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Zostałeś dodany do listy powiadamiania o komentarzach.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do porzucenia.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do usunięcia.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Dodanie do listy powiadamiania nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Usunięcie z listy powiadamiania nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały zaznaczone jako bezpieczne.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Zaznaczenie pakietu jako bezpieczny nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały pozbawione flagi bezpieczeństwa.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Usunięcie flagi bezpieczeństwaego nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pakiety";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Zostałeś usunięty z listy powiadamiania o komentarzach dla %s.";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje Pakiety";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Zostałeś dodany do listy powiadamiania o nowych komentarzach dla %s.";
-$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają...";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Przepraszam, ale ładowanie plików nie jest obsługiwane przez ten serwer.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Musisz utworzyć konto aby móc dodawać pakiety.";
-$_t["Upload package"] = "Dodaj pakiet";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Dodaj";
-$_t["No"] = "Nie";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Błąd podczas próby ładowania pliku - proszę spróbować ponownie.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Tak";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Czy nadpisać istniejący pakiet?";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje funkcji build.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nie udało się utworzyć katalogu dla pakietu: %s.";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Komentarz";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgdesc.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Błąd podczas wykonywania polecenia mv.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Nie podałeś nazwy pakietu.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Błąd podczas próby rozpakowania archiwum - plik PKGBUILD nie istnieje.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do nadpisania pakietu %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Plik do załadowania";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej url.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgver.";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Nie udało się przejść do katalogu %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Nie zaznaczyłeś pola 'nadpisz'.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nie udało się przejść do katalogu %s.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nieprawidłowa nazwa: tylko małe litery są dozwolone.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Nazwy pakietu nie zgadzają się.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nazwa pakietu";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej md5sums.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgrel.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgname.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nie udało się utworzyć katalogu %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nieznany format ładowanego pliku.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej source.";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Lokacja pakietu";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategoria pakietu";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Wybierz lokację";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Wybierz kategorię";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Musisz napisać komentarz do tego pakietu.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Pakiet został dodany pomyślnie.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Błąd - plik nie został załadowany.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Adres URL nie zawiera protokołu (np. http// czy ftp://).";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Przepakowanie pakietu nie powiodło się.";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Nie można wysyłać pakietów binarnych i plików filelist.";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej license.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej arch.";
diff --git a/web/lang/pt.po b/web/lang/pt.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 117556c..0000000
--- a/web/lang/pt.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User-community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with the backslash character (\).
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use este formulário para atualizar sua conta.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deixe o campo de senha em branco para manter sua senha atual.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Você não está autorizado a acessar esta área.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Não foi possível recuperar as informações do usuário especificado.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use este formulário para pesquisar as contas existentes.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Você não tem permissão para editar este conta.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use este formulário para criar uma conta.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Você precisa efetuar o login para visualizar as informações do usuário.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Um campo requerido não foi informado.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Pesquisa'";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "A conta, %h%s%h, foi criada com sucesso.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erro ao tentar modificar a conta, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "O endereço de email é inválido.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erro ao tentar criar a conta, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "O nome de usuário, %h%s%h, já está em uso.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipo da Conta";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "A contar, %h%s%h, foi modificada com sucesso.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Conta Suspensa";
-$_t["Status"] = "Estado";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notificação de novos Pacotes";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick de IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Usuário Confiável";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Seu critério de pesquisa não retornou nenhum resultado.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Usuário Normal";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nunca";
-$_t["User"] = "Usuário";
-$_t["Active"] = "Ativo";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Último Votado";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nome Real";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editar Conta";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "As senhas informadas não conferem.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Idioma";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Um Usuário Confiável não pode atribuir o estado de Desenvolvedor.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "O endereço, %h%s%h, já está em uso.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Sem mais resultados para exibir.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tipo";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Clique no link Inicial acima para efetuar o login.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Confirme a senha";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Idioma atualmente não suportado.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Qualquer tipo";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Último voto";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspenso";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Usuário Confiável";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "ID de usuário não encontrada";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Desenvolvedor";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualizar os pacotes deste usuário";
-$_t["Home"] = "Inicial";
-$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Um projeto ArchLinux";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pacotes";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Contas";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Sair";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUm projeto ArchLinux%s";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussão";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Falhas";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Resetar";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nome de Usuário";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Endereço de Email";
-$_t["Less"] = "Menor";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Limpar";
-$_t["required"] = "requerido";
-$_t["Update"] = "Atualizar";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Enviar";
-$_t["Password"] = "Senha";
-$_t["Create"] = "Criar";
-$_t["More"] = "Mais";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Você deve informar uma senha.";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Você deve informar um usuário.";
-$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Depois, isso pode ter um texto mais significativo.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Logado como: %s";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Sua conta foi suspensa.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Senha:";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Usuário:";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "Bem-vindo ao AUR! Se você é um(a) novato(a), você deveria ler as %hRegras%h.";
-$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "É aqui que o texto de introdução deverá estar.";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Erro ao tentar gerar um id de sessão.";
-$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Por agora, é apenas um place holder.";
-$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "É mais importante terminar a funcionalidade de login.";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Erro ao pesquisar o usuário, %s.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Login";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Embora nós não temos controle sobre seus conteúdos, nós provemos uma %hlista de repositórios de usuários%h para sua conveniência.";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Se você tiver algum comentário sobre o AUR, por favor, deixe-o no %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Senha incorreta para o usuário, %s.";
-$_t["Latest Packages:"] = "Últimos Pacotes:";
-$_t["Discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Discurssões sobre o AUR são feitas através da %slista de usuários TUR%s.";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Discurssões por Email sobre o AUR são feitas através da %slista de usuários TUR%s.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Atualizações Recentes";
-$_t["Community"] = "Comunidade";
-$_t["Package Counts"] = "Contagem de Pacotes";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Bem-vindo ao AUR! Por favor leia as %hregras de usuário do AUR%h e as %hregras de TU do AUR%h para maiores informações.";
-$_t["Unsupported"] = "Sem Suporte";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "PKGBUILDs contribuídos %hdevem%h seguir os %hpadrões Arch de Empacotamento%h caso contrário, eles serão excluídos!";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Estatísticas";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Estatísticas do Usuário";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Usuários Registrados";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Usuários Confiáveis";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pacotes no repositório unsupported";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pacotes no repositório unsupported e marcados como seguro";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages! The most popular packages are provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Lembre-se de votar nos seus pacotes favoritos! Os pacotes mais populares serão disponibilizados como pacotes binários no repositório [community].";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Lembre-se de votar nos seus pacotes favoritos!";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Os pacotes mais populares serão disponibilizados como pacotes binários no repositório [community].";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pacotes adicionados ou atualizados nos últimos 7 dias";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Desatualizados";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Minhas Estatísticas";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Pacotes que marquei como seguros";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Você efetuou logout com sucesso.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "ID do pacote não encontrada.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "ID inválido de categoria .";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Deixe seu comentário abaixo.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Você não está autorizado a apagar este comentário.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "ID de comentário não encontrada.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Categoria de pacotes atualizada.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Você deve ter efetuado o login antes de poder editar as informações do pacote.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Comentário foi excluído.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Você encontrou um problema (bug) se você ver isso...";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Comentário foi adicionado.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Selecione a nova categoria";
-$_t["Category"] = "Categoria";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Votos";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Comentário por: %s on %s";
-$_t["Location"] = "Localização";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Excluir Comentário";
-$_t["Go"] = "Ir";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Retirar marcador de Desatualizado";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Retornar para a %hvisualização dos detalhes do pacote%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Erro ao retornar os detalhes do pacote.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Descrição";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Meus Pacotes";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Palavras Chave";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependências";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abandonar Pacotes";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Detalhes do Pacote não foram encontrados.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalhes do Pacote";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Erro ao retornar a lista de pacotes.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Arquivos";
-$_t["None"] = "Nenhum";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nome";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Por página";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Retorne para os %hresultados da pesquisa%h.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Seu critério de pesquisa não retornou nenhum pacote.";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "O%hrfão";
-$_t["orphan"] = "orfão";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Retirar Voto";
-$_t["change category"] = "mudar categoria";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Retirar Notificação";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Excluir Pacote";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mantenedor";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Adicionar Comentário";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marcar como Desatualizado";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Gerenciar";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordem";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendente";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Decrescente";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Ações";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Fontes";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Critério de Pesquisa";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notificar";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "Desat%hualizado";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Votar";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adotar Pacotes";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sim";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Listagem de Pacotes";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfãos";
-$_t["Any"] = "Qualquer";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Votado";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Sem Notificações de Comentário";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Nova Notificação de Comentário";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Comentários";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Os arquivos acima foram verificados (por %s) e são seguros para uso.";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Tome cuidado! Os arquivos acima podem ter código malicioso que pode danificar seu sistema.";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marcar como Seguro";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marcar Pacote como Seguro para Uso";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Retirar marcador de Seguro";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Retirar marcador de Pacote Seguro para Uso";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Seguro";
-$_t["Age"] = "Idade";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Submetido pela primeira vez";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Últimos Pacotes Atualizados";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Pesquisar por";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Colaborador";
-$_t["All"] = "Todos";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Não Seguro";
-$_t["Status"] = "Status";
-$_t["License"] = "Licença";
-$_t["unknown"] = "Desconhecida";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nenhum dos pacotes selecionados pode ser excluído.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Seus votos foram removidos dos pacotes selecionados.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para retirar os votos.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Os pacotes selecionados tiveram seus marcadores retirados.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para adotar.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder marcar pacotes.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de receber notificações dos comentários.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder votar nos pacotes.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram marcados como desatualizados.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram excluídos.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para votar.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder abandonar pacotes";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Erro ao tentar retornar os detalhes do pacote.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram adotados.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Você foi removido da lista de notificação de comentários.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram votados.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder cancelar notificações de comentários";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder adotar pacotes.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Você foi adicionado para a lista de notificação.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para abandonar.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder retirar seu voto de um pacote.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Você deve efetuar o login antes de poder desmarcar pacotes.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para desmarcar.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para excluir.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Não foi possível adicionar para a lista de notificação.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Você não selecionou nenhum pacote para marcar.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram abandonados.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Não foi possível remover da lista de notificação.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Os pacotes selecionados foram marcados como seguros.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Não foi possível marcar o pacote como pacote seguro.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Foi retirado o marcador de pacote seguro dos pacotes selecionados.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Não foi possível retirar marcador de pacote seguro.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Função build não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Não foi possível mudar o diretório para %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "Não";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável pkgdesc não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Erro ao tentar enviar o arquivo - por favor, tente novamente.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Erro ao executar o comando mv.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Você deve criar uma conta antes para poder enviar Pacotes.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Sucesso ao enviar Pacote.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Sobreescrever Pacote existente ?";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Você não especificou um nome para o Pacote.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Erro ao tentar descompactar Pacote enviado - o arquivo PKGBUILD não existe.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Não foi possível criar diretório: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Enviar arquivo de Pacote";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Local onde está o Pacote";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável url não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Nomes do Pacote não conferem.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria do Pacote";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Não foi possível mudar o diretório para %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Você não marcou a tag 'overwrite' no checkbox.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nome inválido: somente letras minúsculas são permitidas.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável pkgver não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Nome do Pacote";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Enviar";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável md5sums não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável pkgrel não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável pkgname não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Erro - Nenhum arquivo enviado";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Você não esta autorizado a sobreescrever o pacote %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Selecionar local do arquivo";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Selecionar Categoria";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Comentário";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Não foi possível criar o diretório %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Formato de arquivo desconhecido para o arquivo enviado.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável source não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Desculpe, envio de arquivos não é permitido nesse servidor.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Você precisa informar um comentário para este envio/mudança.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Sim";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "A URL do Pacote não contém o protocolo (ex. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Não foi possível recompactar";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Pacotes binários e filelists não são permitidos para envio.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável arch não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variável license não encontrada no arquivo PKGBUILD.";
diff --git a/web/lang/ro.po b/web/lang/ro.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 0118f24..0000000
--- a/web/lang/ro.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Romanian (Română) translation
-# Translator: Bîru Ionuț Mircea <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Caută după";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Acest pachet a fost marcat ca Neactualizat.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Votat";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Lipsește un câmp necesar.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Autentificat ca: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "S-a produs o eroare în urma încercării de a modifica contul, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Nume de utilizator inexistent.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Arhivă";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Poate conține doar o virgulă, underscore sau cratimă.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Elimină marcajul de Neactualizat";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "ID-ul pachetului lipsește.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de putea elimina marcajul de Neactualizat al pachetelor.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nici un rezultat nu s-a încadrat în criteriile de căutare.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Actualizare";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordinea sortării";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea edita informațiile pachetului.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Voturile au fost exprimate pentru pachetele selectate.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Detaliile pachetului nu pot fi găsite.";
-$_t["change category"] = "Schimbă categoria";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Eroare la preluarea listei de pachete.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Resetează";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Trimis: %s by %s ";
-$_t["string"] = "string";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Ține minte";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Categoria pachetului actualizată";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s are deja propunerea de a rula pentru ei";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Eroare - Niciun fișier încărcat";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet căruia să-i fie eliminat părintele.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "în URL-ul pachetului lipsește protocolul (exemplu: http://, ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Voturi";
-$_t["Total"] = "Total";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Nu mai există rezultate pentru a fi afișate";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Maintainer";
-$_t["Less"] = "Mai puțin";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nu îți este permis accesul la această secțiune.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Orice tip";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Conturi";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Nu am putut prelua detaliile propunerii.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nu ai permisii pentru a putea edita acest cont.";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Click pe link-ul Home pentru a te loga.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Adresă de mail nu este validă.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nu am putut schimba directorul la %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Niciun pachet selectat nu a putut fi șters.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Voturile tale au fost șterse de la pachetele selectate.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Niciun pachet nu s-a potrivit criteriului de căutare.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Creați";
-$_t["orphan"] = "orfan";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Vezi pachetele acestui utilizator";
-$_t["Next"] = "Următorul";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Nu s-a putut re-arhiva";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea adopta pachete.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Trebuie să te înregistrezi înainte de a putea trimite pachete.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Locație";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Șterge comentariu";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tip cont";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tip";
-$_t["More"] = "Mai mult";
-$_t["Username"] = "Nume utilizator";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nu am putut crea directorul: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Încarcă fișierul pachetului";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(implictit la 7 dacă este gol)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nu sunt notificări de comentariu noi";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Nu am putut adăuga la lista de notificări.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Dezmoștenește pachetele";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Avansat";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Acest vot este în desfășurare.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "ID-ul votului nu este valid.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(gol, dacă nu este cazul)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Pe pagină";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Propunerea nouă a fost trimisă.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Încărcat";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea vota pentru pachete.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "ID-ul categoriei nu este valid.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Înainte";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lasă câmpul parolei gol pentru a păstra aceeași parolă.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Folosește acest formular pentru a căuta conturi existente.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Această adresă, %h%s%h, este deja folosită.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Voturi curente";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Selectează categoria";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Ai fost șters din lista de notificări pentru comentarii pentru pachetul %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Formatul fișierului trimis necunoscut.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Șterge pachetele";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Pachetele selectate au fost șterse.";
-$_t["Back"] = "Înapoi";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Rescrie parola";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Toate voturile";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Pachetele selectate au fost dezmoștenite.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendat";
-$_t["Home"] = "Acasă";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Da";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Elimină marcajul de Neactualizat";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Dezvoltator";
-$_t["Category"] = "Categorie";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Funcția build din PKGBUILD lipsește";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea marca pachetele.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Niciun rezultat găsit";
-$_t["No"] = "Nu";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Discuție";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependențe";
-$_t["Start"] = "Start";
-$_t["Add"] = "Adaugă";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet pentru a-l adopta.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Lungimea trebuie să fi de cel puțin 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Eroare la încercarea de a crea contul, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Sfârșit";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Contul, %h%s%h, a fost modificat cu succes.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Cont suspendat";
-$_t["Status"] = "Statut";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea primi notificări pentru comentarii.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notificare pachet nou";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Normal user";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Aceasta este o %h%s%h problemă!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nu ai permisia de a rescrie pachetul %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "ID-ul comentariului lipsește";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Eroare la încercarea de a prelua detaliile pachetului.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Propunerea nu poate fi goală.";
-$_t["User"] = "Utilizator";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria pachetului.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Pachetele selectate au fost adoptate.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Pachete";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editeaza cont";
-$_t["Search"] = "Caută";
-$_t["Language"] = "Limbă";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfane";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Votarea este închisă pentru această propunere.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bug-uri";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Afișarea rezultatelor %s - %s din %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Activ";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Deja ai votat pentru această propunere.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Cerut de";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Nu poți vota într-o propunere despre tine.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet pentru a-i fi eliminat marcajul.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Trebuie sa fi autentificat pentru a putea vedea informații despre utilizatori.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet pentru a fi șters.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nu s-a putut crea directorul %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "DeNotificare";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marcaj de Neactualizat";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "La pachetele selectate a fost eliminat marcajul de Neactualizat.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criteriul de căutare";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Notificare";
-$_t["Files"] = "Fișiere";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Vot";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adoptă pachete";
-$_t["Name"] = "Nume";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Listare pachete";
-$_t["Any"] = "Orice";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Trebuie să fie între %s și %s lungime";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Ieșire";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Contul, %s%s%h, a fost creat cu succes.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Parola trebuie să fie de cel puțin %s caractere.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Trimite";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Îmi pare rău, nu sunt permise încărcări pe acest server.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Acțiuni";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Comentariul a fost șters.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Numele de utilizator, %h%s%h, este deja folosit.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Propunere";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet pentru a fi marcat";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Eroarea la încercarea de a dezarhiva - PKGBUILD nu există.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Pachetele selectate au fost marcate ca fiind Neactualizate.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Descriere";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Pachetele mele";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nu ai selectat niciun pachet pentru a vota.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Niciodată";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de dezmoșteni pachete.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Ai descoperit un bug dacă poți să vezi asta....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ultimul vot";
-$_t["Password"] = "Parolă";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Nume real";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detaliile pachetului";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "EliminăVot";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Câmpurile parolei nu sunt potrivesc.";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Începutul și sfârșitul cu o literă sau un număr.";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Numele de utilizator nu este valid.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Nu s-a putut prelua informații despre utilizatorul specificat.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Adresă email";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Trusted User";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Numele nu este valid: doar litere mici sunt permise.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Eroare în a prelua detaliile pachetului.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Lungimea trebuie să fie un număr.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s are %s mere.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Trebuie să fi autentificat înainte de a putea șterge voturile pachetelor.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Logare";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Folosește acest formular pentru a crea un cont.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Folosește acest formular pentru a actualiza contul.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Abținere";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Nu s-a putut face chmod pe directorul %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nu ai voie să ștergi acest comentariu.";
-$_t["required"] = "cerut";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortează după";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Trimite o propunere pentru a putea fi votată.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detaliile propunerii.";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Limba nu este încă suportată.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Ultimul vot";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notificare de comentariu nouă";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "ID-ul utilizatorului lipsește";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Ai fost adăugat în lista de notificare a comentariilor pentru %s.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Selectează categorie nouă";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Trusted User nu-și poate atribui statutul de Developer.";
diff --git a/web/lang/ru.po b/web/lang/ru.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 2382b35..0000000
--- a/web/lang/ru.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-# Russian (Русский) translation
-# Translator: Sergej Pupykin <>
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Используйте эту форму для изменения вашей учетной записи.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Оставьте поля для ввода пароля пустыми если не хотите его изменять.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "У вас нет доступа к этой части.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Невозможно получить информацию об указанном пользователе.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Используйте эту форму для поиска существующей учетной записи.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "У вас нет прав для изменения этой учетной записи.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Используйте эту форму для создания новой учетной записи.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Вы должны представиться для просмотра информации о пользователе.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Отсутствует обязательное значение.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Поиск";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Учетная запись %h%s%h успешно создана.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Ошибка изменения учетной записи, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Неправильный адрес электронной почты.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Ошибка создания учетной записи, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Имя %h%s%h уже используется.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Тип учетной записи.";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Учетная запись %h%s%h успешно изменена.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Действие учетной записи приостановлено.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Статус";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Извещать о новых пакетах";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Ник";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Доверенный пользователь";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Обычный пользователь";
-$_t["Never"] = "Никогда";
-$_t["User"] = "Пользователь";
-$_t["Active"] = "Активный";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Последний проголосовавший";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Настоящее имя";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Изменить учетную запись";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Пароли не совпадают.";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Посмотреть пакеты этого пользователя";
-$_t["Language"] = "Язык";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Доверенный пользователь не может устанавливать статус Разработчик.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Адрес %h%s%h уже используется.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Больше нет результатов.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Тип";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Щелкните ссылку Home чтобы представиться.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Сортировать по";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Введите пароль еще раз";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Язык пока не поддерживается.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Любой тип";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Последнее голосование";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Приостановлена";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Доверенный пользователь";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Отсутствует идентификатор пользователя";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Разработчик";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Длина должна быть от %s до %s символов";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Пароль должен быть не менее %s символов.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Может содержать только одну запятую, подчёркивание или тире.";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Начинаются и заканчиваются цифрой или буквой";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Неверное имя пользователя.";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sПроект ArchLinux%s";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Выход";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Обсуждение";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Ошибки";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Учетная запись";
-$_t["Home"] = "Домой";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Пакеты";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Мои пакеты";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Очистить";
-$_t["Username"] = "Имя пользователя";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Адрес электронной почты";
-$_t["Less"] = "Назад";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Очистить";
-$_t["required"] = "необходимо";
-$_t["Update"] = "Обновить";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Прислать";
-$_t["Password"] = "Пароль";
-$_t["Create"] = "Создать";
-$_t["More"] = "Далее";
-$_t["Previous"] = "Назад";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Статистика";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Не забывайте голосовать за полюбившиеся вам пакеты!";
-$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Ошибка поиска имени пользователя, %s.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Пакетов в [unsupported]";
-$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Наиболее популярные пакеты будут добавлены в [community] в собраном виде.";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Доверенных пользователей";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Вы должны задать имя пользователя.";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Пакетов добавлено/обновлено за последние 7 дней";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Используйте %sTUR Users List%s для обсуждения AUR.";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Безопасных пакетов в [unsupported]";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Хотя мы не можем поручиться за содержимое, мы предоставляем %hсписок пользовательских репозитариев%h для удобства.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Последние обновления";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Действие вашей учетной записи приостановлено.";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Имя пользователя:";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Ошибка генерации идентификатора сессии.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Добро пожаловать в AUR! Пожалуйста прочитайте %hAUR User Guidelines%h и %hAUR TU Guidelines%h, чтобы получить больше информации.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Присланые PKGBUILD %hдолжны%h соответствовать %hArch Packaging Standards%h или будут удалены!";
-$_t["Login"] = "Войти";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Замечания и пожелания о AUR оставляйте в %hFlyspray%h.";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Вы должны ввести пароль.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Пароль:";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Зарегистрированных пользователей";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Вы вошли как: %s";
-$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Неверный пароль для пользователя %s.";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Безопасный";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Устарел";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Статистика пользователя";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Отмечено мной как безопасный";
-$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Отмечено как безопасный";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Моя статистика";
-$_t["Home"] = "Заглавная страница";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Идентификатор пакета отсутствует.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Неверный идентификатор категории.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Введите ваш коментарий ниже.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "У вас нет прав для удаления этого коментария.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Идентификатор коментария отсутствует.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Категория пакета обновлена.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Вы должны представиться прежде чем редактировать информацию о пакете.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Коментарий удален.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Вы нашли ошибку, если видите это....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Коментарий добавлен";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Выберите новую категорию.";
-$_t["Category"] = "Категория";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Искать по";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Удалить коментарий";
-$_t["orphan"] = "сирота";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Голосов";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Впервые послан";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Архив";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Будьте осторожны! Данные файлы могут содержать код, который способен повредить вашу систему.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Мой голос";
-$_t["Location"] = "Местонахождение";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Флаг Безопасно";
-$_t["Go"] = "Поехали";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Убрать флаг Устаревший";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Вернуться к %hинформации о пакете%h.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Ошибка получения информации о пакете.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Описание";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Мои пакеты";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Безопасно";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Порядок сортировки";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "По возрастанию";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Ключевые слова";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Нет новых извещений о коментариях";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Зависимости";
-$_t["Descending"] = "По убыванию";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Постранично";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Список пакетов";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Не найдена информация о пакете.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Информация о пакете";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Ошибка получения списка пакетов.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Файлы";
-$_t["Name"] = "Имя";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Последнее обновление";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Данные файлы проверены (%s) и могут быть безопасно использованы.";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Снять флаг Безопасно";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Вернуться к %hрезультатам поиска%h.";
-$_t["Age"] = "Возраст";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Коментарии";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Автор";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Убрать мой голос";
-$_t["change category"] = "изменить категорию";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Не извещать";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Удалить пакеты";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Ответственный";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Добавить коментарий";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Коментарии: %s к %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Пометить как Устаревший";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Управлять";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Сортировать по";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Пометить флагом Безопасно";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Действия";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Снять флаг Безопасно";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Исходники";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Да";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Критерий поиска";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Извещать";
-$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "У%hстарел";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Голосовать";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Усыновить пакеты";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Извещение о новом коментарии";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Бросить пакеты";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Сироты";
-$_t["Any"] = "Любой";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Нет пакетов по выбранному критерию поиска.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Статус";
-$_t["unknown"] = "неизвестно";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Сеанс успешно завершен";
-$_t["License"] = "Лицензия";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Невозможно получить информацию об указанном пользователе.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Вы не имеете прав для редактирования этой учетной записи.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Используйте эту форму для поиска существующих учетных записей.";
-$_t["All"] = "Все";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Используйте эту форму для создания учетной записи.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Используйте эту форму для изменения вашей учетной записи.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Доступ сюда вам запрещен.";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Небезопаный";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Пакет отмечен как устаревший.";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Файлы проверены %h%s%h и могут быть безопасно использованы.";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Требуется пакетами";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Учетные записи";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Не получилось добавить в список извещений.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Для отметки пакетов нужно представиться.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос убран с выбранных пакетов.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Выбранные пакеты брошены.";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Устарел";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ниодин из выбранных пакетов не может быть удален.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Снята отметка с выбранных пакетов.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Для отметки пакетов нужно представиться.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для усыновления.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Необходимо представиться для получения извещений о коментариях.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Выбранные пакеты помечены как устаревшие.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Выбранные пакеты удалены.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали пакет для голосования.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Нужно представиться, чтобы бросить пакет.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Выбранные пакеты усыновлены.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для усыновления.";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Результаты %s - %s из %s";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для голосования.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы бросить.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для голосования.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы снимать флаг.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы удалить.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вам больше не будут приходить извещения от %s.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос принят.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов для отметки.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Главная";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вы добавлены в список извещений для %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ниодин выбранный пакет не может быть удален.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос убран с выбранного пакета.";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Невозможно пометить пакет как безопасный.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для снятия голоса.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "С выбранных пакетов пометка снята.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для усыновления.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем расставлять флажки на пакеты.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем получать извещения о коментариях.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем голосовать.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Выбраные пакеты помечены как устаревшие.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Выбраные пакеты удалены.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для голосования.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем бросать пакеты.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Ошибка получения информации о пакете.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Выбраные пакеты усыновлены.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Вы удалены из списка получателей извещений.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Вы проголосовали за выбранные пакеты.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "С выбраных пакетов снят флаг Безопасно.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем отменять извещения о коментариях.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем усыновлять пакеты.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Вы добавлены в список получателей извещений о коментариях.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета чтобы бросить.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем снимать голос с пакета.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем снимать флажки.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для снятия пометки.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Нельзя безопасно снять флажок.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для удаления.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Невозможно добавить в список получателей извещений.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для пометки.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Выбранные пакеты брошены.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Выбранные пакеты помечены как безопасные.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Невозможно удалить из списка получателей извещений.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Пакеты";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует функция build в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Невозможно сменить директорию в %s.";
-$_t["No"] = "Нет";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgdesc в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Ошибка загрузки файла - попробуйте еще раз.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Ошибка выполнения команды mv.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Вы должны создать учетную запись для загрузки пакетов.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Пакет успешно загружен.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Перезаписать существующий пакет?";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Бинарные пакеты и списки файлов запрещены для загрузки.";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Вы не указали имя пакета.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Ошибка во время распаковки - PKGBUILD отсутствует.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Невозможно создать каталог : %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Файл пакета";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Местонахождение пакета.";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная url в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Имена пакета не совпадают.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Категория пакета.";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Невозможно сменить каталог на %s.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Вы не установили переключатель 'overwrite'.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Неверное имя: только нижний регистр допустим.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgver в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Имя пакета.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Загрузить";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная md5sums в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = " Отсутствует переменная pkgrel в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgname в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Ошибка - нет загруженного файла";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Не указан протокол в URL (т.е. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Вы не имеете доступа для перезаписи пакета %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Выберите местонахождение";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Выберите категорию";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Коментарий";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Нельзя создать директорию %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Неизвестный формат загруженного файла.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная source в PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Невозможно переархивировать";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Извините, загрузки не разрешены этим сервером.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Вы должны ввести коментарий к загрузке/изменению.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Да";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Не указана лицензия в PKGBUILD";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Не указана архитектура в PKGBUILD";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Не получилось сделать chmod для %s.";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Отсутствуют";
-$_t["Proposal:"] = "Предложение:";
-$_t["No"] = "Нет";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Такого пользователя нет.";
-$_t["Next"] = "Далее";
-$_t["Add"] = "Добавить";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Длина должна быть не меньше 1.";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 если не указано иного)";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Предложение не может быть пустым.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Идентификатор голосование неверный.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(пусто если не нужно)";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Голосование закрыто.";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Новое предложение принято.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "За %s уже идет голосование.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Длина должна быть числом.";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Вы уже проголосовали.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Сейчас голосов";
-$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Вы уже проголосовали.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Нельзя голосовать за себя.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Воздерживаюсь";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Нет доступа.";
-$_t["Back"] = "Назад";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Отправить предложение.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Всего";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Не получилось показать предложение.";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Дополнительно";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Некоторые пакеты могут быть представлены в бинарном виде в репозитории [community].";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Пакеты в unsupported созданы пользователями. Используйте их на свой страх и риск.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Да";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Получено: %s %s";
-$_t["string"] = "строка";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Запомнить меня";
-$_t["Total"] = "Всего";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Голосование продолжается";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Снять флаг устаревший";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Нет результатов";
-$_t["Start"] = "Начало";
-$_t["End"] = "Конец";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Это %h%s%h проблема!";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Предложение";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Убрать голос";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s %s";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Подробнее о предложении";
-$_t["Applicant/TU"] = "Кандидат/TU";
-$_t["Length in days"] = "Продолжительность в днях";
-$_t["Legend"] = "Легенда";
diff --git a/web/lang/sr.po b/web/lang/sr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index c6238b7..0000000
--- a/web/lang/sr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Serbian (Srpski) translation
-# Translator: Slobodan Terzić <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Search by"] = "Pretražuje se";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Paket je označen kao zastareo";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Nedostaje neophodno polje.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Prijavljeni ste kao: %s";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Glasanje je završeno za ovaj predlog.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Greška pri pokušaju izmene naloga, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Koriničko ime ne postoji.";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Arhiva";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Može sadržati samo jedan razmak, podvlaku ili crticu.";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Ukloni oznaku zastarelosti";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Nedostaje ID paketa.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Ne možete glasati za predlog o vama.";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nema rezultata koji se poklapaju sa kriterijumom pretrage.";
-$_t["Update"] = "Ažuriraj";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Način ređanja";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi ste uređivali podatke o paketu.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Dali ste glas izabranim paketima.";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Ne mogu naći podatke o paketu.";
-$_t["change category"] = "promeni kategoriju";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Greška pri dobavljanju spiska paketa.";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Resetuj";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Priloženo: %s od %s";
-$_t["string"] = "niska";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Upamti me";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Glasanje u toku.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Ažurirana kategorija paketa.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "Predlozi za %s već postoje.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Greška — nema poslatih fajlova";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Niste izabrali pakete kojih bi da se odreknete.";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Nedostaje protokol za URL paketa (npr. http://, ftp://)";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Glasova";
-$_t["Total"] = "Ukupno";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Dalje nema rezultata za prikazati.";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Održavalac";
-$_t["Less"] = "Manje";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nije vam dozvoljen pristup ovoj oblasti.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Bilo koji tip";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Nalozi";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Ne mogu da dobavim detalje o predlogu.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nemate dozvole za uređivanje ovog naloga.";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Obaveštenje o novom paketu";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Da bi ste se priavili kliknite na vezu „AUR početna“.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Neispravna adresa e-pošte.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Ne mogu da promenim fasciklu u %s.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nijedan od izabranih paketa se ne može obrisati.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vaši glasovi su uklonjeni za izabrane paketa.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nijedan paket ne odgovara kriterijumu pretrage.";
-$_t["Create"] = "Napravi";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Počni i završi slovom ili brojem";
-$_t["orphan"] = "sirčoić";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Pregledaj korisnikove pakete";
-$_t["Next"] = "Sledeća";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Ne mogu da ponovo arhiviram";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Morate napraviti nalog pre slanja paketa.";
-$_t["Location"] = "Lokacija";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Obriši komentar";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tip naloga";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tip";
-$_t["More"] = "Više";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "greška pri dobavaljanju podataka o paketu.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Ne mogu da napravim dolaznu fasciklu: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Pošalji fajl paketa";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(ako je prazno podrazumevano je 7)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "bez obaveštenja o novom komentaru";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Ne mogu da dodam na spisak obaveštenja.";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Odrekni se paketa";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Napredno";
-$_t["Files"] = "Fajlovi";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Neispravan ID glasa.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(prazno ako je nevažeće)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Po stranici";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Poslat novi predlog.";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Pošalji";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Neispravan ID kategorije.";
-$_t["Go"] = "Idi";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi glasali za pakete.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Korirtite ovaj obrazac za pretragu postojećih naloga.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adresa , %h%s%h, je već u upotrebi.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Trenutno glasova";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Izaberite kategoriju";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Uklonjeni ste sa spiska obaveštavanja o komentaru za %s.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nepoznat format poslatog fajla.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Obriši pakete";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Poverljivi korisnik";
-$_t["Back"] = "Nazad";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Niste izabrali pakete za označavanje.";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Svi glasovi";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Odrekli ste se izabranog paketa.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendovan";
-$_t["Home"] = "početna";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Da";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Ukloni oznaku zastarelosti";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Programer";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategorija";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "U PKGBUILDu nedostaje funkcija gradnje.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti pre označavanja paketa.";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Nema rezultata.";
-$_t["No"] = "Ne";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskusija";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Zavisnosti";
-$_t["Start"] = "Pokrenut";
-$_t["Add"] = "Dodaj";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Niste izabrali paketa za usvajanje.";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Dužina mora biti najmanje 1.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Greška pri pravljenju naloga %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["End"] = "Ističe";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Nalog %h%s%h je uspešno izmenjen.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Nalog je suspendovan";
-$_t["Status"] = "Stanje";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi omogu'ili obave[tenja o komentarima.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Ostavite polje za lozinku praznim da bi zadržali staru lozinku.";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC nadimak";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Izbrani paketi su obrisani";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Običan korisnik";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Ovo je %h%s%h problem!";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nije vam dozvoljeno da prepišete %h%s%h paket.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Nedostaje ID komentara.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Greška pri dobavljanju detalja paketa.";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Predlog ne moće biti prazan.";
-$_t["User"] = "Korisnik";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategorija paketa";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Izabrani paketi su usvojeni.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paketi";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Uredi nalog";
-$_t["Search"] = "Pretraži";
-$_t["Language"] = "Jezik";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Siročići";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Ne mogu da dobavim podatke o naznačenom koriniku.";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Greške";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Prikazujem rezultate %s - %s od %s";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktivan";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Već ste glasali za ovaj predlog";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Zahteva ga";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi uklonili oznake.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Niste izabrali paket za uklanjanje oznake.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi videli podatke o korisniku.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Niste izabrali pakete za brisanje.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Ne mogu da napravim fasciklu %s.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ne obaveštavaj";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Označi kao zastarelo";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Označenim paketima je uklonjena oznaka.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Kriterijum za pretragu";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Obaveštenja";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Daj glas";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Usvoji paket";
-$_t["Name"] = "Ime";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Spisak paketa";
-$_t["Any"] = "bilo koja";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Mora imati između %s i %s znakova.";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Odjava";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Nalog %h%s%h je uspešno napravljen.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Lozinka mora imati najmanje %s znaka.";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Pošalji";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Žao nam je, server nije dao dozvolu za slanje.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Radnje";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentar je obrisan.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Korisničko ime %h%s%h je već u upotrebi.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Predlog";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Ponovo unesite lozinku";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Greška pri raspakivanju pošiljke — ne postoji PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Izabrani paketi su označeni kao zastareli.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Opis";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moji paketi";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Niste izabrali pakete za koje glasate.";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nikad";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi ste se odrekli paketa.";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Dat glas";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Ako ovo vidite, otkrili ste grešku....";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Poslednje glasano";
-$_t["Password"] = "Lozinka";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Pravo ime";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Podaci o paketu";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Ukloni glas";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Polja lozinke se ne poklapaju.";
-$_t["Username"] = "Korisničko ime";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Neispravno korisničko ime.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi usvojili pakete.";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Adresa e-pošte";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Poverljivi korisnik";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Neispravno ime: dozvoljena su samo mala slova.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Dužina mora biti numerička.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s ima % jabuke.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Morate se prijaviti da bi uklonili glasove za pakete.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Prijava";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Ovim formularom pravite nalog.";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Ovim formularom ažurirate nalog.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Uzdržan";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Ne mogu da chmod-ujem fasciklu %s.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nije vam dozvoljeno brisanje ovog komentara.";
-$_t["required"] = "obavezno";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Složi prema";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Pošaljite predlog za glasanje.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detalji predloga";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jezik trenutno nije podržan.";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Poslednji glas";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Obaveštenje o novom komentaru";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "nedostaje ID korisnika";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Dodati ste na spisak za obaveštenja za %s";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Izaberite novu kategoriju";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Poverljivi korisnik ne može dodeliti privilegije Programera.";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Dodbrodošli u AUR! Molimo vas da prvo pročitate %huputstvo za korisnike AURa %h i %huputstvo za AURove poverljive korisnike%h za više informacija.";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Priloženi PKGBUILDovi %hmoraju%h biti saglasni sa %hArch-ovim standardima pakiranja%h ili će biti uklonjeni!";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Ne zaboravite da glasate za omiljene pakete!";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Nedavno ažurirano";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistika";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paketi u [unsupported]";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paketi dodati ili ažurirani u zadnjh 7 dana";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Registrovani korisnici";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Poverljivi korisnici";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Paketi iz [unsupported] su sadržaj koji stvaraju korisnici. Upotrebljavate ih na sopstvenu odgovornost.";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "Moja statistika";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Zastareli paketi";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Neki paketi se dostavljaju u binarnom obliku u riznici [community].";
-$_t["Legend"] = "Legenda";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Ispod unestite komentar";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Poslednje ažuriranje";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Prvi put priloženo";
-$_t["License"] = "Licenca";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Izvori";
-$_t["Age"] = "Starost";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Pošiljalac";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Rastući";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Opadajući";
-$_t["unknown"] = "nepoznata"; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/tr.po b/web/lang/tr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d41840..0000000
--- a/web/lang/tr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User-community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with the backslash character (\).
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Hesap bilgilerinizi güncellemek için bu formu kullanın.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Şifrenizi değiştirmek istemiyorsanız şifre kısmını boş bırakın.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Bu kısma erişim izniniz yok.";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Kullanıcı verileri alınamadı.";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Mevcut hesaplar içinde arama yapmak için bu formu kullanın.";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Bu hesap üzerinde değişiklik yapma izniniz yok.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Yeni bir hesap oluşturmak için bu formu kullanın.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Kullanıcı bilgilerini görmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Gerekli bir alan doldurulmamış.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Ara";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Hesap %h%s%h başarıyla oluşturuldu.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hesap %h%s%h düzenlenirken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Eposta adresi geçerli değil.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hesap %h%s%h oluşturulurken hata oluştu: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "%h%s%h kullanıcı adı kullanımda.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Hesap Türü";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Hesap %h%s%h başarıyla düzenlendi.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Hesap Donduruldu";
-$_t["Status"] = "Durum";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Yeni Paket Bildirimi";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Nick";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Güvenilen kullanıcı";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Uygun sonuç bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Normal kullanıcı";
-$_t["Never"] = "Hiç";
-$_t["User"] = "Kullanıcı";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktif";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Son Oylanan";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Gerçek İsim";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Hesap Bilgilerini Düzenle";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Şifreler birbirinin aynı değil.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Dil";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Güvenilen Kullanıcı Geliştirici durumu belirleyemez.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "%h%s%h adresi kullanımda.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Gösterilecek daha fazla sonuç yok.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tür";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Giriş yapmak için aşağıdaki Ev bağlantısını tıklayın..";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sıralama kriteri";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Şifreyi tekrarlayın";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Dil henüz desteklenmiyor.";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Herhangi bir tür";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Son oylanan";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Donduruldu";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Güvenilen Kullanıcı";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Kullanıcı kimliği eksik";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Geliştirici";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Bu kullanıcı tarafından hazırlanan paketleri göster";
-$_t["Home"] = "Anasayfa";
-$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Bir ArchLinux projesi";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paketler";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Hesabım";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Çıkış";
-$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sBir ArchLinux projesi%s";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Tartışma";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Hatalar";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Güvenilen Kullanıcı";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Sıfırla";
-$_t["Username"] = "Kullanıcı Adı";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Eposta adresi";
-$_t["Less"] = "Önceki";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Temizle";
-$_t["required"] = "gerekli";
-$_t["Update"] = "Güncelle";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Gönder";
-$_t["Password"] = "Şifre";
-$_t["Create"] = "Oluştur";
-$_t["More"] = "Sonraki";
-$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Bir parola belirlemelisiniz.";
-$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Bir kullanıcı adı belirlemelisiniz.";
-$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Eksiklikleri tamamladıktan sonra, bu kısma anlamlı bir açıklama yazabilirsiniz.";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "%s olarak giriş yapıldı";
-$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Hesabınız donduruldu.";
-$_t["Password:"] = "Şifre:";
-$_t["Username:"] = "Kullanıcı Adı:";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "AUR'a hoş geldiniz! Yeni katıldıysanız, belki de %hKılavuz%h 'a bir göz atmak istersiniz.";
-$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Tanıtım yazısının gösterileceği kısımdır.";
-$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Oturum kimliği oluşturulmaya çalışılırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Şimdilik bu kısım sadece yer işgal etmektedir.";
-$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "Giriş işlemi fonksiyonunun tamamlanması daha fazla önem arz etmektedir.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Giriş";
-$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "İçeriklerine kefil olmasak da, kullanmanız için %hkullanıcı deposu listesi%h sağlamaktayız. ";
-$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "AUR ile ilgili geribildirim yapmak için lütfen %hFlyspray%h 'i kullanın.";
-$_t["Latest Packages:"] = "Son paketler:";
-$_t["Discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "AUR ile ilgili tartışmalar %sTUR Kullanıcı Listesi%s 'nde.";
-$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "AUR hakkındaki e-posta tartışmaları %sTUR Eposta Listesi%s üzerinde gerçekleşmektedir.";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Son Güncellemeler";
-$_t["Community"] = "Topluluk";
-$_t["Package Counts"] = "Paket Sayıları";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "AUR'a hoşgeldiniz! Ayrıntılı bilgi için lütfen %hAUR Kullanıcı Kılavuzu%h ve %hAUR GK Kılavuzu%hnu okuyun.";
-$_t["Unsupported"] = "Desteklenmiyor";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Eklenen PKGBUILD dosyaları %hArch Paket Standartları%hna %huymalıdır%h aksi takdirde silinecektir!";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "İstatistikler";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "İstatistiklerim";
-$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Tarafımdan güvenli olarak işaretlenmiş";
-$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Güvenli olarak işaretmiş";
-$_t["User Statistics"] = "Kullanıcı İstatistikleri";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "Kayıtlı Kullanıcılar";
-$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Güvenilen Kullanıcılar";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Desteklenmeyen paketler";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Desteklenmeyen ve güvenli olarak olarak işaretlenen paketler";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Beğendiğiniz paketleri oylamayı unutmayın!";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Son 7 günde eklenen ya da güncellenen paketler";
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Güncelliğini yitirmiş";
-$_t["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Giriş hatası: Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Burada listelenen paketlerin bazıları [community] deposunda yer almaktadır.";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Desteklenmeyen paketler kullanıcının kendi ürettiği içeriğidir. Bu paketlerin kullanımından doğan risk kullanıcının kendisine aittir.";
-$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Başarıyla çıkış yaptınız.";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Paket kimliği bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Geçersiz kategori.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Lütfen yorumunuzu yazınız.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Bu yorumu silme yetkiniz yok.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Yorum kimliği bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Paket kategorisi güncellendi.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Paket bilgilerini güncellemek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Yorum silindi.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Bu yazıyı görebiliyorsanız bir hata keşfettiniz";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Yorum eklendi.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Yeni kategori seçin";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategori";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Oy";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Yorum sahibi: %s on %s";
-$_t["Location"] = "Depo";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Yorumu sil";
-$_t["Go"] = "Git";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Güncel Değil İşaretini Kaldır";
-$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "%Paket detayları görünümüne%h geri dönün.";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Paket bilgileri alınırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Açıklama";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Paketlerim";
-$_t["Keywords"] = "Anahtar kelimeler";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Bağımlılıklar";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Paketleri sahiplenmeyi bırak";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Paket ayrıntıları bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Paket Ayrıntıları";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Paket listesi alınırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["Files"] = "Dosyalar";
-$_t["None"] = "Hiç";
-$_t["Name"] = "İsim";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Her sayfa";
-$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "%hArama sonuçları%h sayfasına dön.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Eşleşen paket bulunamadı.";
-$_t["O%hrphan"] = "";
-$_t["orphan"] = "sahipsiz";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Oyu kaldır";
-$_t["change category"] = "kategori değiştir";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Bildirimi iptal et";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Paketleri Sil";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Sorumlu";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Yorum Ekle";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Güncelliğini yitirmiş olarak işaretle";
-$_t["Manage"] = "Yönet";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sırala";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Sıralama kriteri";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "Eskiden yeniye";
-$_t["Descending"] = "Yeniden eskiye";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Eylemler";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Kaynaklar";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Arama Kriteri";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Bilgilendir";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Güncel Değil";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Oy ver";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Paketleri Sahiplen";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Evet";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Paket Listeleme";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Sahipsiz";
-$_t["Any"] = "Tümü";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Oylanan";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Yeni Yorum Bildirim Yok";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Yeni Yorum Bildirimi";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Yorumlar";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Yukarıdaki dosyalar doğrulandı (%s tarafından) ve güvenli olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Dikkat! Yukarıdaki dosyalar sisteminize zarar verebilecek nitelikte olabilir.";
-$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Güvenli Olarak İşaretle";
-$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Paketi Güvenli Olarak İşaretle";
-$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Güvenilirlik İşaretini Kaldır";
-$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Paketin Güvenilirlik İşaretini Kaldır";
-$_t["Safe"] = "Güvenli";
-$_t["Age"] = "Yaş";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "İlk Gönderim";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Son Güncelleme";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Buna göre ara";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "Gönderen";
-$_t["All"] = "Tümü";
-$_t["Unsafe"] = "Güvensiz";
-$_t["Status"] = "Durum";
-$_t["License"] = "Lisans";
-$_t["unknown"] = "bilinmiyor";
-$_t["Required by"] = "İhtiyaç duyan";
-$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Yukarıdaki dosyalar doğrulandı (%h%s%h tarafından) ve kullanım için güvenli olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Bu paket güncel değil olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Toggle Notify";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "%s - %s görüntüleniyor, %s sonuç arasından";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Seçilen paketlerin hiçbiri silinemedi.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Seçtiğiniz paketlerden oyunuz geri alındı.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Oyunuzu geri almak üzere paket seçmediniz.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Seçilen paketlerin işareti kaldırıldı.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Sahiplenilecek paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Paketleri işaretleyebilmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Yorum bildirimi almak için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Paketlere oy vermeden önce giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Seçilen paketler güncelliğini yitirmiş olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Seçilen paketler silindi.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Oy verilecek paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Paketlerin sahipliğini bırakmak için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Paket ayrıntılarını almaya çalışırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Seçilen paketler sahiplenildi.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "%s bildirim listesinden başarıyla çıktınız.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Seçtiğiniz paketlere oyunuz eklendi.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Yorum bildirimlerini iptal etmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Paketleri sahiplenmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "%s bildirim listesine başarıyla eklendiniz.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Sahipliği bırakılacak paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Oy iptali için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Paket(ler)in işaretini kaldırabilmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "İşareti kaldırılacak paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Silinecek paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Bildirim listesine ekleme işlemi başarısız oldu.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "İşaretlenecek paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Seçilen paketlerin sahipliği bırakıldı.";
-$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Bildirim listesinden silme işlemi başarısız oldu.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Seçilen paketler güvenli olarak işaretlendi";
-$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Paket güvenli olarak işaretlenemedi.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Seçilen paketler artık güvenli olarak işaretli değil.";
-$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Güvenli işaretini kaldırma işlemi başarısız oldu.";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde build fonksiyonu bulunmadı.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "%s dizinine geçilemedi.";
-$_t["No"] = "Hayır";
-$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde pkgdesc değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Dosya yüklenirken hata - lütfen tekrar deneyin.";
-$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "mv komutu işlenirken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Paket yükleyebilmek için bir hesap oluşturmalısınız.";
-$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Paket başarıyla yüklendi.";
-$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Mevcut paketin üzerine yazılsın mı?";
-$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Bir paket adı belirlemediniz.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Yüklenen dosya açılırken hata - PKGBUILD mevcut değil.";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Gelen dizin oluşturulamadı: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Paket yükle";
-$_t["Package Location"] = "Paket Konumu";
-$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde url değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Paket isimleri uyuşmuyor.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Paket Kategorisi";
-$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "%s dizinine geçilemedi.";
-$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "'üzerine yaz' kutusunu işaretlemediniz.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Geçersiz isim: yalnızca küçük harf kullanılabilir.";
-$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde pkgver değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Package name"] = "Paket adı";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Yükle";
-$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde md5sums değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde pkgrel değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde pkgname değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Hata - Yüklenecek dosya yok";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "%h%s%h paketi üzerinde değişiklik yapma yetkiniz yok.";
-$_t["Select Location"] = "Konum Seçin";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Kategori Seçin";
-$_t["Comment"] = "Yorum";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "%s dizini oluşturulamadı.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Yüklenen dosya biçimi bilinmiyor.";
-$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde source değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Üzgünüm, bu sunucu üzerinden yükleme kabul edilmiyor.";
-$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Bu yükleme/değişiklik için bir yorum belirtmelisiniz.";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Evet";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Paket URL protokolü hatalı (ör. http:// ,ftp://)";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Yeniden arşivlenemedi";
-$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "İkili paket ve dosya listesi yüklemelerine izin verilmiyor.";
-$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde arch değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD içinde license değişkeni bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Bu öneri için oylama kapanmıştır.";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Kullanıcı adı bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Sadece bir nokta, alt çizgi veya tire barındırabilir.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Sizin hakkınızdaki öneride oy kullanamazsınız.";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Gönderildi: %s %s tarafından";
-$_t["string"] = "dizgi";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Beni hatırla";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Bu oylama hala yürürlükte.";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s için yürürlükte olan bir öneri var.";
-$_t["Total"] = "Toplam";
-$_t["Vote Actions"] = "Oylama İşlemleri";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Öneri detayları alınamadı.";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Bir rakam veya harf ile başlatıp bitirmelisiniz";
-$_t["Next"] = "Sonraki";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(eğer boş ise öntanımlı olarak 7'dir)";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Oy kimliği geçersiz.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(uygulanabilir değilse boş)";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Yeni öneri gönderildi.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Mevcut Oylar";
-$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Bu öneriye zaten oy vermişsiniz.";
-$_t["Back"] = "Geri";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Bütün Oylar";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Güncel değiş işaretini kaldır";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Sonuç bulunamadı.";
-$_t["Voted?"] = "Oylandı?";
-$_t["Start"] = "Başlangıç";
-$_t["Add"] = "Ekle";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Süre en az 1 olmalıdır.";
-$_t["End"] = "Son";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Bu bir %h%s%h sorunu!";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Öneri boş olamaz.";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Bu öneri için zaten oy vermişsiniz.";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Uzunluğu %s ve %s karakter arasında olabilir.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Şifreniz en az %s karakterden oluşmalıdır.";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Öneri";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Oyu kaldır";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Bu kullanıcı adı geçersizdir.";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Süre bir rakam olmalıdır";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s %s elmaya sahip.";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Çekimser";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "%s dizini için chmod ayarlanamıyor.";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Oylanması için öneri gönder.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Öneri Detayları";
diff --git a/web/lang/translation_tool b/web/lang/translation_tool
deleted file mode 100755
index 75d5ce6..0000000
--- a/web/lang/translation_tool
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python2 -O
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# This script iterates through the html, lib, and template directories
-# looking for php scripts that contain __() functions.
-# It creates/appends to the corresponding 'xxx.po' file in the
-# 'lang' subdirectory and places the i18n strings into the file
-# in the proper format.
-# usage: translation_tool [-v] [-f]
-# -v: Verbose, print duplicate terms that could be moved to common_po
-# -f: Force, overwrite existing translated files, otherwise append
-import getopt
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-scriptdirs = ['html', 'lib', 'template']
- opts, args =getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vf')
-except getopt.GetoptError, e:
- print 'error: %s' % str(e)
- raise SystemExit
-translator_name = raw_input("What is your full name? ")
-translator_email = raw_input("What is your email address? ")
-trans_native = raw_input("What is the native name of the language? ")
-trans_eng = raw_input("What is the English name of the language? ")
-trans_abbrv = raw_input("What is the ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 abbreviation for the language? ")
-if len(trans_abbrv) != 2:
- print "Must use 2 character abbreviation"
- raise SystemExit
-INC_HEADER = """\
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# %s (%s) translation
-# Translator: %s <%s>
-global $_t;
-""" % (trans_eng, trans_native, translator_name, translator_email)
-print_dupes = '-v' in sys.argv
-force = '-f' in sys.argv
-up = re.compile('_\(\s*"(([^"]|(?<=\\\\)["])+)"')
-lang = {}
-current_dir = os.getcwd()
-pofile = '%s.po' % trans_abbrv
-# Iterate through various places where the php files might be.
-for dir in scriptdirs:
- dir = '../%s' % dir
- if os.path.exists(dir):
- # Find all the PHP files in the current directory.
- files = [x for x in os.listdir(dir)
- if (x[-4:] == '.inc' and x[-7:] != '.po')
- or x[-6:] == '.class'
- or x[-4:] == '.php'
- or x[-6:] == '.phtml'
- ]
- os.chdir(dir)
- for file in files:
- f = open(file,'r')
- lines = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Parse files.
- print "Parsing %s..." % file
- for line in lines:
- match =
- while match:
- term ='\\"','"')
- if print_dupes:
- if term in lang.keys():
- print 'Multiple use of "%s"' % term
- lang[term] = 1
- line = line[match.end(1):]
- match =
- os.chdir(current_dir)
-# Now generate the .po file if it doesn't already exist.
-# If it does exist, only append new stuff to the end.
-# If the 'force' option is passed, just overwrite.
-print """
-You will now be prompted for all needed translations.
-Please translate the requested lines, hitting [enter]
-goes to the next one. You may stop at any time using
-ctrl+c, and pick up where you left off by running
-translation_tool again.
-If there are escapes in the original English, you may
-need to include them in your translation. The
-following is a list of escapes and what they do:
-%h - HTML code inserted at run-time
-%s - Nontranslated string inserted at run-time (such as username)
-\\" - A double quote (")
-When you have finished your translation, make a tarball
-of the .po file and send it to
-for inclusion in the AUR.
-By submitting a translation, you are implying that you
-are also willing to maintain it. When there are
-new strings to be translated, you will be contacted.
-if force:
- # Just overwrite any existing files.
- #
- print "Generating %s..." % pofile
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- for term in lang:
- f.write("\n")
- trans = raw_input("\n%s\n= " % term)
- f.write('$_t["%s"] = "%s";\n' % (term, trans))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
- # Leave existing file intact. Only append on new terms.
- mapre = re.compile('^\$_t\["(.*)"\].*$')
- got_match = False
- print "Updating %s..." % pofile
- try:
- f = open(pofile, 'r')
- new_file = 0
- except:
- new_file = 1
- if not new_file:
- contents = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Strip beginning/ending empty lines
- while contents[0] == '':
- del contents[0]
- while contents[-1] in ['', "\n", "?>", "?>\n", "\n?>"]:
- del contents[-1]
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write("".join(contents))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
- else:
- f = open(pofile,'w')
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- f.write('\n')
- f.close()
- # Read in file contents so we can hash what already exists
- try:
- f = open(pofile, 'r')
- new_file = 0
- except:
- new_file = 1
- existing_terms = []
- if not new_file:
- contents = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- # Strip beginning/ending empty lines
- while contents[0] == '':
- del contents[0]
- while contents[-1] in ['', "\n", "?>", "?>\n", "\n?>"]:
- del contents[-1]
- # Collect existing terms
- for line in contents:
- match =
- if match:
- existing_terms.append(
- # Append any new terms to EOF
- f = open(pofile, 'w')
- if not new_file:
- f.write("".join(contents))
- else:
- f.write(INC_HEADER)
- for term in lang.keys():
- if term not in existing_terms:
- f.write("\n");
- trans = raw_input("\n%s\n= " % term)
- f.write('$_t["%s"] = "%s";\n' % (term, trans))
- f.write("\n");
- f.close()
diff --git a/web/lang/uk.po b/web/lang/uk.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 007c30e..0000000
--- a/web/lang/uk.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# Ukrainian (Українська) translation
-# Translator: sevenfourk <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Переглянути пакунки цього користувача";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Кількість символів повинна бути від %s до %s";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Бракує обов'язкового рядка.";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Аккаунт, %h%s%h, успішно створено.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Помилка при спробі редагувати акаунт, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Ваш пароль має містити щонайменше %s символів.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Адреса електронної пошти неправильна.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Помилка при спробі створити аккаунт, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Ім'я користувача %h%s%h вже існує.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Може містити тільки один період, підкреслення або дефіс.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Тип аккаунта";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Аккаунт %h%s%h успішно змінено.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Аккаунт призупинено";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Початок та кінець з літери або цифри";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Повідомляти про нові пакунки";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Псевдонім IRC";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Довіренний користувач";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "За вашим запитом нічого не знайдено.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Звичайний користувач";
-$_t["Never"] = "Ніколи";
-$_t["User"] = "Користувач";
-$_t["Active"] = "Активний";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Останнім проголосував";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Справжнє ім'я";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Редагувати Аккаунт";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Паролі не збігаються.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Статус";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Ім'я користувача неправильне.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Мова";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Довірений користувач не може задати статус Розробник.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Адреса %h%s%h вже існує.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Більше немає результатів.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Тип";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Клікніть на посилання Головна, щоб увійти.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Введіть пароль ще раз.";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Зараз ця мова не підтримується.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Призупинено";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Довірений користувач";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Бракує ID користувача";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Розробник";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Очистити";
-$_t["Username"] = "Ім'я користувача";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Адреса електронної пошти";
-$_t["Less"] = "Назад";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Очистити";
-$_t["required"] = "необхідно";
-$_t["Update"] = "Оновити";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Надіслати";
-$_t["Password"] = "Пароль";
-$_t["Create"] = "Створити";
-$_t["More"] = "Далі";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Нема ID пакунка.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Неправильне ID категорії.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Введіть ваш коментар нижче.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "У вас немає прав, щоб вилучити цей коментар.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Нема ID коментаря.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Категорію пакунка оновлено.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Ви повинні увійти у систему, щоб мати можливість редагувати інформацію про пакунок.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Коментар вилучено.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Якщо ви це бачите, ви натрапили на ваду....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Коментар додано.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Виберіть нову категорію.";
-$_t["Category"] = "Категорія";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Голоси";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Прийняти пакунки";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Коментарі";
-$_t["orphan"] = "Сироти";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Застарілий";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Вперше надіслано";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Архів";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Проголосовано";
-$_t["Location"] = "Розташування";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Вилучити коментар";
-$_t["Go"] = "Уперед";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Зняти мітку Застарілий";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Помилка при пошуку інформації про пакунок.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Залиште місце поля паролей порожніми, щоб не міняти пароль.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Опис";
-$_t["unknown"] = "невідомо";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Цьому пакунку призначено мітку Застарілий";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Немає нових сповіщень про коментарі";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Залежності";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Зріктися пакунків";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Потребується пакунками";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Інформації про пакунок не знайдено.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Ви повинні увійти у систему, щоб дивитись дані користувача.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Інформація про пакунок";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Список пакунків";
-$_t["Files"] = "Файли";
-$_t["Name"] = "Назва";
-$_t["License"] = "Ліцензія";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Останній раз оновлено";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Неможливо отримати інформацію про вказаного користувача.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Не сповіщати";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Результати %s — %s з %s";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Проголосувати";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Використовуйте цю форму для пошуку існуючих аккаунтів.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Використайте цю форму, щоб створити аккаунт.";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Забрати свій голос";
-$_t["change category"] = "змінити категорію";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Використовуйте цю форму, щоб оновити свій аккаунт.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Вилучити пакунки";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Відповідальний";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Коментувати";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Коментар: %s до %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Призначити мітку Застарілий";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "У вам немає прав доступу сюди.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Дії";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Сирці";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Перемкнути режим сповіщення";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Так";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Аккаунти";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Сповіщувати";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "У вам немає прав, щоб редагувати цей аккаунт.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Головна";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Сповіщення про новий коментар";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Помилка при пошуку списку пакунків.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "За вашим запитом не знайдено пакунків.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Жоден із вибраних пакунків неможливо вилучити.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваші голоси вилучено з вибраних пакунків.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку, щоб забрати голос.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "З вибраних пакунків було знято мітку";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку для прийняття.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти , щоб ви могли позначати пакунки.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати можливість отримувати сповіщення про коментарі.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу голосувати за пакунки.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Для вибраних пакунків призначено мітку Застарілий.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Вибрані пакунки вилучено.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунка для голосування.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу зріктись пакунків.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Помилка при спробі пошуку інформації про пакунок.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Вибрані пакунки прийнято.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Ви проголосували за вибрані пакунки.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Пакунки";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу приймати пакунки.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Не вибрано жодного пакунку, щоб зріктись.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб могли забирати свої голоси за пакунки.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу знімати мітку з пакунків.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Не вибрано жодного пакунку, щоб зняти мітку.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Не вибрано жодного пакунку для вилучення.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вас вилучено із списку сповіщень про коментарі для %s.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Неможливо долучити до списку соповіщень.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку для мітки.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Ви зріклись вибраних пакунків.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вас долучено до списку сповіщень про коментарі для %s.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Помилка при розпакуванні завантаження — PKGBUILD не існує.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Невідомий формат завантаженого файла.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Не можливо змінити каталог до %s.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Неправильна назва: дозволено тільки малі літери.";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Немає";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Неможливо створити каталог: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Завантажити файл пакунку";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Немає функції збирання у PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Вибачте, завантаження не дозволені цим сервером.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Неможливо створити каталог %s.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Неможливо перезапакувати";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Завантажити";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Ви повинні створити аккаунт, щоб завантажувати пакунки.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Помилка — жодного файла не завантажено";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Не вказано протокол посилання (напр. http:// , ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Ви не маєте права перезаписувати пакунок %h%s%h.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Категорія Пакунку";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Виберіть Категорію";
diff --git a/web/lang/zh_CN.po b/web/lang/zh_CN.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe0477..0000000
--- a/web/lang/zh_CN.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains the i18n translations for a subset of the
-# Arch Linux User Community Repository (AUR). This is a PHP
-# script, and as such, you MUST pay great attention to the syntax.
-# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
-# them with a backslash (\).
-# Chinese Simplified (简体中文) translation
-# Maintainer: gDD <>
-# Contributor: Huntxu <>
-# Contributor: supern_lee <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["Confirm your e-mail address:"] = "确认Email:";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "此包已被标记为过期。";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "缺少必填项。";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "登陆为: %s";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "帐户修改失败,%h%s%h: %s。";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "此用户不存在。";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "压缩包";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "最多包含一个“.”,“_”,或“-”"; # for uniform look, no period at last, dont change.
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "取消标记为过期";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "丢失包标识。";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "您需要登录后才能移除包标记。";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "没有结果符合您的搜索条件。";
-$_t["Enter your new password:"] = "输入新密码:";
-$_t["Update"] = "更新";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "排列方式";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "您需要登录后才能编辑包信息。";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "您的投票已被接受。";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "无法找到包的详细信息。";
-$_t["change category"] = "改变类别";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "无法获取包列表。";
-$_t["Reset"] = "重填";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "已提交 %s 由 %s";
-$_t["Voted"] = "已投票";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "记住我";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "软件包类别已更新。";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s 已经有了关于他们的提议。";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "发生错误: 没有文件被上传";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "您没有选择要弃置的包。";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "包的 URL 缺少协议(如 http://,ftp://)";
-$_t["Total"] = "总数";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "没有更多的结果供显示。";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "维护者";
-$_t["Less"] = "更少";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "您不被允许进入此区域。";
-$_t["Any type"] = "所有类别";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "我的帐户";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "无法获取提议详情。";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "您没有权限修改此帐户。";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "点击上方的首页链接以登录。";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "您需要登陆后才能接管包";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "错误的 Email 地址。";
-$_t["Search by"] = "搜索";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "无法切换目录至 %s。";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "无法删除所选的包。";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "您对所选包的投票已被取消。";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "没有相关的包符合您的搜索条件。";
-$_t["Confirm"] = "确认";
-$_t["Create"] = "创建";
-$_t["orphan"] = "孤儿包";
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "查看这个用户提交的包";
-$_t["Next"] = "下一页";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "无法重新打包";
-$_t["Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg --source`."] = "在此上传包。使用`makepkg --source`创建包。";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "选中的包已经被删除。";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "您在创建帐号后才能上传包";
-$_t["Location"] = "位置";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "删除评论";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "帐户类别";
-$_t["Type"] = "类别";
-$_t["More"] = "更多";
-$_t["Username"] = "用户名";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "无法创建目录: %s。";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "上传包文件";
-$_t["Password Reset"] = "找回密码";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(如果不填,默认为7)";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "没有新的评论通知";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "无法将您添加到通知列表。";
-##$_t["The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation checkbox."] = "";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "弃置包";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "高级";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "投票仍在继续。";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "非法的投票标识";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(如果不符合可以留空)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "每页显示";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "新提议已被提交。";
-$_t["Upload"] = "上传";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "您需要登录后才能为包投票。";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "非法的类别标识";
-$_t["Go"] = "Go";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "新包通知";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "使用此表单查找存在的帐户。";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "该地址,%h%s%h,已被使用。";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "当前的投票";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "选择类别";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "您将不再收到 %s 的评论通知。";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "上传的文件格式未知。";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "删除包";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "受信用户";
-$_t["Back"] = "返回";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "确认密码";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "所有投票";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "选中的包已经被弃置。";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "暂停";
-$_t["Home"] = "首页";
-$_t["Yes"] = "是";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "移除过期标记";
-$_t["Developer"] = "开发人员";
-$_t["Category"] = "类别";
-$_t["Votes"] = "得票数";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "您需要登录后才能标记包。";
-$_t["No results found."] = "没有找到结果。";
-$_t["No"] = "否";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "邮件列表";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "依赖于:";
-$_t["Start"] = "开始";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "您没有选择要接管的包。";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "长度必须不小于1。";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "尝试创建帐户失败,%h%s%h: %s。";
-$_t["End"] = "结束";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "帐户 %h%s%h 修改成功。";
-$_t["Confirm your new password:"] = "确认新密码:";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "帐户被暂停";
-$_t["Status"] = "状态";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "您需要登录后才能收到评论通知。";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "如果不修改密码,请保持密码项为空。";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC昵称";
-$_t["Enter your e-mail address:"] = "输入您的Email:";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "普通用户";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "您没有权限覆盖 %h%s%h 这个包。";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "评论标识丢失。";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "尝试重新获取包详情时发生错误。";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "提议不能为空。";
-$_t["User"] = "用户";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "包类别";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "选择的包已经被接管。";
-$_t["Packages"] = "所有包";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "编辑帐户";
-$_t["Search"] = "搜索";
-$_t["Add Proposal"] = "添加提议";
-$_t["Language"] = "语言";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "孤儿包";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "无法获取指定用户的信息。";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "报告Bug";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "显示结果 %s - %s,共 %s 个";
-$_t["Active"] = "激活";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "您已经在这个提议上投票了。";
-$_t["Required by"] = "被需要:";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "您不能在关于您的提议里投票。";
-$_t["This is a %hmajor%h problem!"] = "这是一个%h严重的%h问题!";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "您没有选择要取消标记的包。";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "您需要登录后才能察看用户信息。";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "您没有选择要删除的包。";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "无法创建文件夹 %s。";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "取消通知";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "标记为过期";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "选中的包的标记已被移除。";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "搜索";
-$_t["Notify"] = "通知";
-$_t["Files"] = "文件";
-$_t["Vote"] = "投票";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "接管包";
-$_t["Name"] = "名称";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "包列表";
-$_t["Any"] = "所有";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "在 %s 到 %s 个字符之间";
-$_t["Logout"] = "退出";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "帐号 %h%s%h 创建成功。";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "密码至少要 %s 个字符。";
-$_t["Submit"] = "上传";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "抱歉,此服务器不允许上传。";
-$_t["Actions"] = "操作";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "评论已被删除。";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "用户名 %h%s%h 已被使用。";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "提议";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "您没有选择要标记的包。";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "尝试解压上传的包发生错误 - 没有PKGBUILD文件。";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "选择的包已被标记为过期。";
-$_t["Description"] = "描述";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "我的包";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "您没有选择要投票的包。";
-$_t["Never"] = "从不";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "您需要登录后才能弃置包。";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "恭喜,你发现了一个BUG...";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "最后投票";
-$_t["Password"] = "密码";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "真实名字";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "包详情";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "取消投票";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "密码项不符合。";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "开头和结尾是数字/英文字母";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "用户名需要符合以下条件:";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "该提议的投票已被关闭。";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Email";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "受信用户";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "无效的名称: 只允许小写字母。";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "获取包详情是发生错误。";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "长度必须是数字。";
-##$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "useless string";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "您需要登录后才能取消投票。";
-$_t["Login"] = "登录";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "使用此表单创建帐号。";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "使用此表单更新帐号。";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "弃权";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "无法修改 %s 的目录权限。";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "您没有权限删除此评论。";
-$_t["required"] = "必填";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "排列依据";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "提交一个提议用于投票。";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "提议详情";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "目前不支持此语言。";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "最后投票";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "新评论通知";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "缺少用户标识";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "您已被成功添加到 %s 的评论通知列表。";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "选择一个新类别";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "受信用户不能指派开发人员状态。";
-# HI:
-# above lines are sync'ed with .po file generated by ./translation_tool
-# i done them with vimdiff. and following lines are manually added,
-# in the early stage them are grabbed from other .po translations,
-# it's been a long times since last update, i forgot names, sorry bros.
-# and, many grabbed directly form php source code.
-# there are many lines are outdated. (including above lines i think.)
-# it's painful to find out which is, and keep all of them for
-# compatibility:) -- gDD (2010-10-06)
-$_t["Out-of-date"] = "过期包";
-$_t["Age"] = "时间";
-$_t["Submitter"] = "提交人";
-$_t["Bad username or password."] = "用户名或密码错误。";
-$_t["Legend"] = "图例:";
-$_t["Ascending"] = "从小到大";
-$_t["Descending"] = "从大到小";
-$_t["Sources"] = "源代码:";
-$_t["License"] = "许可协议";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "最后更新";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "首次提交";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "填上您的评论:";
-$_t["unknown"] = "未知";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "%s 发表于 %s";
-$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "欢迎来到AUR!请阅读 %hAUR User Repository%h 和 %hAUR TU Guidelines%h 获取更多信息。";
-$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "贡献的PKGBUILD%h必须%h符合%h软件包标准%h,否则将被删除!";
-$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "为您喜欢的包投票!";
-$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "免责声明";
-$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "位于 unsupported 的包为用户产生的内容。使用它们造成的后果自负。";
-#$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages! The most popular packages are provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "为您喜欢的包投票!最流行的包将以二进制包的形式提供于 [community] 仓库。";
-#$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "最流行的包将以二进制包的形式提供于 [community] 仓库。";
-#$_t["Unsupported PKGBUILDs are user produced content. Any use of files is at your own risk."] = "位于 unsupported 的包属于用户生成的数据。请对使用而产生的后果负责。";
-$_t["Recent Updates"] = "最新更新";
-$_t["My Statistics"] = "我的统计";
-$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "位于 unsupported 的包";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "过期包";
-$_t["Statistics"] = "统计";
-$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "过去7天内更新或添加的包";
-$_t["Registered Users"] = "注册用户";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "PKGBUILD中缺少build函数。";
-$_t["Add"] = "添加";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "这是一个 %h%s%h 的问题!";
-$_t["Forgot Password"] = "找回密码";
-$_t["Check your e-mail for the confirmation link."] = "请进入您的邮箱查看确认邮件。";
-$_t["If you have forgotten the e-mail address you used to register, please send a message to the %haur-general%h mailing list."] = "如果您忘记了注册账号时使用的Email,请向 %haur-general%h 邮件列表寻求帮助。";
-$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "部分包将以二进制包的形式提供于[community]仓库。";
-$_t["Name, Description"] = "名称和描述";
-$_t["Name Only"] = "名称";
-$_t["Continue"] = "继续";