path: root/web/lang/
diff options
authorpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
committerpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
commitcac788476a1a62f16d80e7242e88b25665a1e993 (patch)
treefe4b3407b989694b11f0393b38d77e9a457031a3 /web/lang/
parent4bb6cab85ec6fa09bef16404ff074b9189ccd7ca (diff)
added polish translation
this still needs some more debugging before it goes live but it's turned on in this version
Diffstat (limited to 'web/lang/')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 75b3c1e..ba80119 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,65 +15,78 @@ $_t["en"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "ArchLinux User-community Rep
# $_t["es"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "ArchLinux Benutzer-Community Repository";
+$_t["pl"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "Repozytorium Spo³eczno¶ci U¿ytkowników ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: An ArchLinux project";
# $_t["es"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Ein ArchLinux Projekt";
+$_t["pl"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Projekt ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["Logout"] = "Logout";
# $_t["es"]["Logout"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Logout"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Logout"] = "Abmelden";
+$_t["pl"]["Logout"] = "Wyloguj siê";
$_t["en"]["Manage"] = "Manage";
# $_t["es"]["Manage"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Manage"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Manage"] = "Verwalten";
+$_t["pl"]["Manage"] = "Zarz±dzaj";
$_t["en"]["Submit"] = "Submit";
# $_t["es"]["Submit"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Submit"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$_t["pl"]["Submit"] = "Wy¶lij";
$_t["en"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: An ArchLinux project";
# $_t["es"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Ein ArchLinux Projekt";
+$_t["pl"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Projekt ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["Accounts"] = "Accounts";
# $_t["es"]["Accounts"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Accounts"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Accounts"] = "Benutzerkonti";
+$_t["pl"]["Accounts"] = "Konta";
$_t["en"]["Vote"] = "Vote";
# $_t["es"]["Vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Vote"] = "Abstimmen";
+$_t["pl"]["Vote"] = "G³osuj";
$_t["en"]["Home"] = "Home";
# $_t["es"]["Home"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Home"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Home"] = "Hauptseite";
+$_t["pl"]["Home"] = "Start";
$_t["en"]["Packages"] = "Packages";
# $_t["es"]["Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Packages"] = "Pakete";
+$_t["pl"]["Packages"] = "Pakiety";
$_t["en"]["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
# $_t["es"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Trusted user"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["User"] = "User";
# $_t["es"]["User"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["User"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["User"] = "Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["User"] = "U¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
# $_t["es"]["Developer"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Developer"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Developer"] = "Entwickler";
+$_t["pl"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
-?> \ No newline at end of file