path: root/web/lang/
diff options
authorpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
committerpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
commitcac788476a1a62f16d80e7242e88b25665a1e993 (patch)
treefe4b3407b989694b11f0393b38d77e9a457031a3 /web/lang/
parent4bb6cab85ec6fa09bef16404ff074b9189ccd7ca (diff)
added polish translation
this still needs some more debugging before it goes live but it's turned on in this version
Diffstat (limited to 'web/lang/')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 363fd5d..00bfb6e 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,191 +15,229 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server.";
# $_t["es"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Przepraszam, ale ³adowanie plików nie jest obs³ugiwane przez ten serwer.";
$_t["en"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "You must create an account before you can upload packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Musisz utworzyæ konto aby móc dodawaæ pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["Upload package"] = "Upload package";
# $_t["es"]["Upload package"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload package"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload package"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload package"] = "Dodaj pakiet";
$_t["en"]["Upload"] = "Upload";
# $_t["es"]["Upload"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload"] = "Dodaj";
$_t["en"]["No"] = "No";
# $_t["es"]["No"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["No"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["No"] = "Nie";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Error trying to upload file - please try again.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "B³±d podczas próby ³adowania pliku - proszê spróbowaæ ponownie.";
$_t["en"]["Yes"] = "Yes";
# $_t["es"]["Yes"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Yes"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Yes"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Yes"] = "Tak";
$_t["en"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Overwrite existing package?";
# $_t["es"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Czy nadpisaæ istniej±cy pakiet?";
$_t["en"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing build function in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje funkcji build.";
$_t["en"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Could not create incoming directory: %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê utworzyæ katalogu dla pakietu: %s.";
$_t["en"]["Comments"] = "Comments";
# $_t["es"]["Comments"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Comments"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Comments"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comments"] = "Komentarze";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgdesc.";
$_t["en"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Error exec'ing the mv command.";
# $_t["es"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "B³±d podczas wykonywania polecenia mv.";
$_t["en"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "You did not specify a package name.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "Nie poda³e¶ nazwy pakietu.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "B³±d podczas próby rozpakowania archiwum - plik PKGBUILD nie istnieje.";
$_t["en"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package.";
# $_t["es"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do nadpisania pakietu %h%s%h.";
$_t["en"]["Upload package file"] = "Upload package file";
# $_t["es"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload package file"] = "Plik do za³adowania";
$_t["en"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing url variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej url.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgver.";
$_t["en"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Could not change to directory %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê przej¶æ do katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Nie zaznaczy³e¶ pola 'nadpisz'.";
$_t["en"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Could not change directory to %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê przej¶æ do katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed.";
# $_t["es"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nieprawid³owa nazwa: tylko ma³e litery s± dozwolone.";
$_t["en"]["Package names do not match."] = "Package names do not match.";
# $_t["es"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package names do not match."] = "Nazwy pakietu nie zgadzaj± siê.";
$_t["en"]["Package name"] = "Package name";
# $_t["es"]["Package name"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package name"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package name"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package name"] = "Nazwa pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej md5sums.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgrel.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgname.";
$_t["en"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "Could not create directory %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê utworzyæ katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Unknown file format for uploaded file.";
# $_t["es"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nieznany format ³adowanego pliku.";
$_t["en"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing source variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej source.";
$_t["en"]["Package Location"] = "Package Location";
# $_t["es"]["Package Location"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package Location"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package Location"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package Location"] = "Lokacja pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Package Category"] = "Package Category";
# $_t["es"]["Package Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package Category"] = "Kategoria pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Select Location"] = "Select Location";
# $_t["es"]["Select Location"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Select Location"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Select Location"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Select Location"] = "Wybierz lokacjê";
$_t["en"]["Select Category"] = "Select Category";
# $_t["es"]["Select Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Select Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Select Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Select Category"] = "Wybierz kategoriê";
$_t["en"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "You must supply a comment for this upload/change.";
# $_t["es"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Musisz napisaæ komentarz do tego pakietu.";
$_t["en"]["Package upload successful."] = "Package upload successful.";
# $_t["es"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package upload successful."] = "Pakiet zosta³ dodany pomy¶lnie.";
$_t["en"]["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Error - No file uploaded";
# $_t["es"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";