path: root/web/lang
diff options
authorpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
committerpjmattal <pjmattal>2005-05-13 14:38:04 +0000
commitcac788476a1a62f16d80e7242e88b25665a1e993 (patch)
treefe4b3407b989694b11f0393b38d77e9a457031a3 /web/lang
parent4bb6cab85ec6fa09bef16404ff074b9189ccd7ca (diff)
added polish translation
this still needs some more debugging before it goes live but it's turned on in this version
Diffstat (limited to 'web/lang')
15 files changed, 277 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 0c3ad32..58751da 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,264 +15,316 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "Noch nicht fertig gestellt ...";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["Account Suspended:"] = "Account Suspended:";
# $_t["es"]["Account Suspended:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Suspended:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Account Suspended:"] = "Benutzer-Konto gesperrt:";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Suspended:"] = "Konto zablokowane:";
$_t["en"]["Notify:"] = "Notify:";
# $_t["es"]["Notify:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Notify:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Notify:"] = "Info:";
+$_t["pl"]["Notify:"] = "Powiadomienie:";
$_t["en"]["Trusted User"] = "Trusted User";
# $_t["es"]["Trusted User"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Trusted User"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Trusted User"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["Trusted User"] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Normal User"] = "Normal User";
# $_t["es"]["Normal User"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Normal User"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Normal User"] = "Normaler Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["Normal User"] = "Zwyk³y u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Password:"] = "Password:";
# $_t["es"]["Password:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Password:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Password:"] = "Passwort";
+$_t["pl"]["Password:"] = "Has³o:";
$_t["en"]["Email Address:"] = "Email Address:";
# $_t["es"]["Email Address:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Email Address:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Email Address:"] = "Email-Addresse:";
+$_t["pl"]["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:";
$_t["en"]["Confirm:"] = "Confirm:";
# $_t["es"]["Confirm:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Confirm:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Confirm:"] = "Bestätigen:";
+$_t["pl"]["Confirm:"] = "Potwierd¼:";
$_t["en"]["Real Name:"] = "Real Name:";
# $_t["es"]["Real Name:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Real Name:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Real Name:"] = "Tatsächlicher Name";
+$_t["pl"]["Real Name:"] = "Prawdziwe nazwisko:";
$_t["en"]["Account Type:"] = "Account Type:";
# $_t["es"]["Account Type:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Type:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Account Type:"] = "Art des Benutzerkontos:";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Type:"] = "Rodzaj konta:";
$_t["en"]["IRC Nick:"] = "IRC Nick:";
# $_t["es"]["IRC Nick:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["IRC Nick:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["IRC Nick:"] = "IRC Kürzel";
+$_t["pl"]["IRC Nick:"] = "Nick na IRC-u:";
$_t["en"]["Language:"] = "Language:";
# $_t["es"]["Language:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
$_t["fr"]["Language:"] = "Langue:";
$_t["de"]["Language:"] = "Sprache:";
+$_t["pl"]["Language:"] = "Jêzyk:";
$_t["en"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
# $_t["es"]["Developer"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Developer"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Developer"] = "Entwickler:";
+$_t["pl"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
$_t["en"]["New Package Notify:"] = "New Package Notify:";
# $_t["es"]["New Package Notify:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["New Package Notify:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["New Package Notify:"] = "Benachrichtigung über neue Packete:";
+$_t["pl"]["New Package Notify:"] = "Powiadomienie o nowym pakiecie:";
$_t["en"]["Password fields do not match."] = "Password fields do not match.";
# $_t["es"]["Password fields do not match."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Password fields do not match."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Password fields do not match."] = "Passwort stimmt nicht überein!";
+$_t["pl"]["Password fields do not match."] = "Has³a nie zgadzaj± siê.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fehler beim Erstellen des Benutzerkontos, %h%s%h: %s.";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "B³±d podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s.";
$_t["en"]["Missing a required field."] = "Missing a required field.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing a required field."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing a required field."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Missing a required field."] = "Erforderliches Feld nicht ausgefüllt.";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola.";
$_t["en"]["This address is already in use."] = "This address is already in use.";
# $_t["es"]["This address is already in use."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["This address is already in use."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["This address is already in use."] = "Diese Addresse ist schon in Betrieb.";
+$_t["pl"]["This address is already in use."] = "Ten adres jest ju¿ u¿ywany.";
$_t["en"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Language is not currently supported.";
# $_t["es"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Sprache im moment noch nicht unterstützt.";
+$_t["pl"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jêzyk nie jest obecnie obs³ugiwany.";
$_t["en"]["The email address is invalid."] = "The email address is invalid.";
# $_t["es"]["The email address is invalid."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The email address is invalid."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["The email address is invalid."] = "Ungültige Email.";
+$_t["pl"]["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawid³owy.";
$_t["en"]["Re-type password:"] = "Re-type password:";
# $_t["es"]["Re-type password:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Re-type password:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Re-type password:"] = "Wiederhole Passwort:";
+$_t["pl"]["Re-type password:"] = "Has³o (ponownie):";
$_t["en"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created.";
# $_t["es"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Benutzerkonto, %h%s%h, wurde erfolgreich erstellt.";
+$_t["pl"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zosta³o pomy¶lnie utworzone.";
$_t["en"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Click on the Home link above to login.";
# $_t["es"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Klicke auf den 'Home'-Link um dich anzumelden.";
+$_t["pl"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powy¿ej aby siê zalogowaæ.";
$_t["en"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "The address, %h%s%h, is already in use.";
# $_t["es"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Die Addresse, %h%s%h, ist schon in Betrieb.";
+$_t["pl"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest ju¿ u¿ywany.";
// next field already specified on lines 29-32
$_t["en"]["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
# $_t["es"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik";
// next field already specified on lines 34-37
$_t["en"]["Normal user"] = "Normal user";
# $_t["es"]["Normal user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Normal user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Normal user"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Normal user"] = "Zwyk³y u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Any type"] = "Any type";
# $_t["es"]["Any type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Any type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Any type"] = "Beliebiger Typ";
+$_t["pl"]["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj";
$_t["en"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No results matched your search criteria.";
# $_t["es"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Suche ergab keine Treffer";
+$_t["pl"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przynios³o rezultatu.";
$_t["en"]["Never"] = "Never";
# $_t["es"]["Never"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
$_t["fr"]["Never"] = "Jamais";
$_t["de"]["Never"] = "Nie";
+$_t["pl"]["Never"] = "Nigdy";
$_t["en"]["Active"] = "Active";
# $_t["es"]["Active"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Active"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Active"] = "Aktiv";
+$_t["pl"]["Active"] = "Aktywne";
$_t["en"]["Suspended"] = "Suspended";
# $_t["es"]["Suspended"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Suspended"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Suspended"] = "Gesperrt";
+$_t["pl"]["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane";
$_t["en"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "The username, %h%s%h, is already in use.";
# $_t["es"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Dieser Benutzername, %h%s%h, ist schon besetzt.";
+$_t["pl"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa u¿ytkownika %h%s%h jest ju¿ u¿ywana.";
$_t["en"]["Type"] = "Type";
# $_t["es"]["Type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Type"] = "Typ";
+$_t["pl"]["Type"] = "Rodzaj";
$_t["en"]["Status"] = "Status";
# $_t["es"]["Status"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Status"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Status"] = "Status";
+$_t["pl"]["Status"] = "Status";
// next field already specified on lines 64-67
$_t["en"]["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Nick";
# $_t["es"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u";
$_t["en"]["Last Voted"] = "Last Voted";
# $_t["es"]["Last Voted"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Last Voted"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Last Voted"] = "Letzte Abstimmung";
+$_t["pl"]["Last Voted"] = "Ostatnio g³osowane";
// next field already specified on lines 54-57
$_t["en"]["Real Name"] = "Real Name";
# $_t["es"]["Real Name"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Real Name"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Real Name"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Real Name"] = "Prawdziwe nazwisko";
$_t["en"]["Username:"] = "Username:";
# $_t["es"]["Username:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Username:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Username:"] = "Benutzername";
+$_t["pl"]["Username:"] = "Nazwa u¿ytkownika:";
$_t["en"]["Sort by"] = "Sort by";
# $_t["es"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Sort by"] = "Sortier-Kriterium";
+$_t["pl"]["Sort by"] = "Sortuj wed³ug";
$_t["en"]["Account Type"] = "Account Type";
# $_t["es"]["Account Type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Account Type"] = "Art des Benutzerkontos";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta";
$_t["en"]["Account Suspended"] = "Account Suspended";
# $_t["es"]["Account Suspended"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Suspended"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Account Suspended"] = "Benutzerkonto gesperrt";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane";
$_t["en"]["Email address"] = "Email address";
# $_t["es"]["Email address"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Email address"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Email address"] = "Email-Addresse";
+$_t["pl"]["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail";
$_t["en"]["Last vote"] = "Last vote";
# $_t["es"]["Last vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Last vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Last vote"] = "Letzte Abstimmung";
+$_t["pl"]["Last vote"] = "Ostatni g³os";
$_t["en"]["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "Regular users can edit their own account.";
# $_t["es"]["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "Reguläre Benutzer können Ihr Benutzerkonto selber bearbeiten.";
+$_t["pl"]["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "Zwykli u¿ytkownicy mog± edytowaæ swoje konto.";
$_t["en"]["Edit Account"] = "Edit Account";
# $_t["es"]["Edit Account"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Edit Account"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Edit Account"] = "Benutzerkonto bearbeiten";
+$_t["pl"]["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto";
$_t["en"]["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use this form to search existing accounts.";
# $_t["es"]["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Hier kann nach bestehenden Benutzerkontos gesucht werden.";
+$_t["pl"]["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Przy u¿yciu tego formularza mo¿esz przeszukaæ istniej±ce konta.";
$_t["en"]["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "You are not allowed to access this area.";
# $_t["es"]["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Zugriff auf diese Seite verweigert.";
+$_t["pl"]["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do ogl±dania tej strony.";
$_t["en"]["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use this form to create an account.";
# $_t["es"]["Use this form to create an account."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Use this form to create an account."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Use this form to create an account."] = "Hier kann das Benutzerkonto erstellt werden.";
+$_t["pl"]["Use this form to create an account."] = "Przy u¿yciu tego formularza mo¿esz utworzyæ konto.";
$_t["en"]["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use this form to update your account.";
# $_t["es"]["Use this form to update your account."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Use this form to update your account."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Use this form to update your account."] = "Hier kann das Benutzerkonto bearbeitet werden.";
+$_t["pl"]["Use this form to update your account."] = "Przy u¿yciu tego formularza mo¿esz uaktualniæ swoje konto.";
$_t["en"]["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password.";
# $_t["es"]["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Passwort-Felder frei lassen, um schon bestehendes Passwort zu benutzen.";
+$_t["pl"]["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Pozostaw pola z has³em puste nie zmieniaæ swojego has³a.";
$_t["en"]["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Could not retrieve information for the specified user.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Uzyskanie informacji o podanym u¿ytkowniku nie powiod³o siê.";
$_t["en"]["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "You do not have permission to edit this account.";
# $_t["es"]["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Zugriff für das Bearbeiten dieses Benutzerkontos verweigert.";
+$_t["pl"]["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do edycji tego konta.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 757ce84..dd166ec 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,185 +15,222 @@ $_t["en"]["Missing a required field."] = "Missing a required field.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing a required field."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing a required field."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing a required field."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola.";
$_t["en"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created.";
# $_t["es"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zosta³o pomy¶lnie utworzone.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "B³±d podczas modyfikacji konta %h%s%h: %s.";
$_t["en"]["The email address is invalid."] = "The email address is invalid.";
# $_t["es"]["The email address is invalid."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The email address is invalid."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The email address is invalid."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawid³owy.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "B³±d podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s.";
$_t["en"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "The username, %h%s%h, is already in use.";
# $_t["es"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa u¿ytkownika %h%s%h jest ju¿ u¿ywana.";
$_t["en"]["Account Type"] = "Account Type";
# $_t["es"]["Account Type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Account Type"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta";
$_t["en"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified.";
# $_t["es"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Konto %h%s%h zosta³o pomy¶lnie utworzone.";
$_t["en"]["Account Suspended"] = "Account Suspended";
# $_t["es"]["Account Suspended"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Account Suspended"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Account Suspended"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane";
$_t["en"]["New Package Notify"] = "New Package Notify";
# $_t["es"]["New Package Notify"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["New Package Notify"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["New Package Notify"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["New Package Notify"] = "Powiadomienie o nowym pakiecie";
$_t["en"]["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Nick";
# $_t["es"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["IRC Nick"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u";
$_t["en"]["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
# $_t["es"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Normal user"] = "Normal user";
# $_t["es"]["Normal user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Normal user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Normal user"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Normal user"] = "Zwyk³y u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Real Name"] = "Real Name";
# $_t["es"]["Real Name"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Real Name"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Real Name"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Real Name"] = "Prawdziwe nazwisko";
$_t["en"]["Password fields do not match."] = "Password fields do not match.";
# $_t["es"]["Password fields do not match."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Password fields do not match."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Password fields do not match."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Password fields do not match."] = "Has³a nie zgadzaj± siê.";
$_t["en"]["Language"] = "Language";
# $_t["es"]["Language"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Language"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Language"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Language"] = "Jêzyk";
$_t["en"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "The address, %h%s%h, is already in use.";
# $_t["es"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest ju¿ u¿ywany.";
$_t["en"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Click on the Home link above to login.";
# $_t["es"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powy¿ej aby siê zalogowaæ.";
$_t["en"]["Re-type password"] = "Re-type password";
# $_t["es"]["Re-type password"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Re-type password"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Re-type password"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Re-type password"] = "Has³o (ponownie)";
$_t["en"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Language is not currently supported.";
# $_t["es"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jêzyk nie jest obecnie obs³ugiwany.";
$_t["en"]["Missing User ID"] = "Missing User ID";
# $_t["es"]["Missing User ID"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing User ID"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing User ID"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing User ID"] = "Brakuje ID u¿ytkownika";
$_t["en"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
# $_t["es"]["Developer"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Developer"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Developer"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
$_t["en"]["Search'"] = "Search'";
# $_t["es"]["Search'"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Search'"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Search'"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Search'"] = "Szukaj'";
$_t["en"]["Status"] = "Status";
# $_t["es"]["Status"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Status"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Status"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Status"] = "Status";
$_t["en"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No results matched your search criteria.";
# $_t["es"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przynios³o rezultatu.";
$_t["en"]["Never"] = "Never";
# $_t["es"]["Never"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Never"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Never"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Never"] = "Nigdy";
$_t["en"]["Active"] = "Active";
# $_t["es"]["Active"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Active"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Active"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Active"] = "Aktywne";
$_t["en"]["Last Voted"] = "Last Voted";
# $_t["es"]["Last Voted"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Last Voted"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Last Voted"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Last Voted"] = "Ostatnio g³osowane";
$_t["en"]["Edit Account"] = "Edit Account";
# $_t["es"]["Edit Account"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Edit Account"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Edit Account"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto";
$_t["en"]["Email address"] = "Email address";
# $_t["es"]["Email address"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Email address"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Email address"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail";
$_t["en"]["Type"] = "Type";
# $_t["es"]["Type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Type"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Type"] = "Rodzaj";
$_t["en"]["Sort by"] = "Sort by";
# $_t["es"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Sort by"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Sort by"] = "Sortuj wed³ug";
$_t["en"]["Any type"] = "Any type";
# $_t["es"]["Any type"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Any type"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Any type"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj";
$_t["en"]["Last vote"] = "Last vote";
# $_t["es"]["Last vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Last vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Last vote"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Last vote"] = "Ostatni g³os";
$_t["en"]["Suspended"] = "Suspended";
# $_t["es"]["Suspended"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Suspended"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Suspended"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane";
$_t["en"]["No more results to display."] = "No more results to display.";
# $_t["es"]["No more results to display."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No more results to display."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["No more results to display."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["No more results to display."] = "Nie ma ju¿ rezultatów do wy¶wietlenia.";
$_t["en"]["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status.";
# $_t["es"]["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik nie mo¿e nadaæ statusu developera.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 75b3c1e..ba80119 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,65 +15,78 @@ $_t["en"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "ArchLinux User-community Rep
# $_t["es"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "ArchLinux Benutzer-Community Repository";
+$_t["pl"]["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "Repozytorium Spo³eczno¶ci U¿ytkowników ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: An ArchLinux project";
# $_t["es"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Ein ArchLinux Projekt";
+$_t["pl"]["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Projekt ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["Logout"] = "Logout";
# $_t["es"]["Logout"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Logout"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Logout"] = "Abmelden";
+$_t["pl"]["Logout"] = "Wyloguj siê";
$_t["en"]["Manage"] = "Manage";
# $_t["es"]["Manage"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Manage"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Manage"] = "Verwalten";
+$_t["pl"]["Manage"] = "Zarz±dzaj";
$_t["en"]["Submit"] = "Submit";
# $_t["es"]["Submit"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Submit"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$_t["pl"]["Submit"] = "Wy¶lij";
$_t["en"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: An ArchLinux project";
# $_t["es"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Ein ArchLinux Projekt";
+$_t["pl"]["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Projekt ArchLinux";
$_t["en"]["Accounts"] = "Accounts";
# $_t["es"]["Accounts"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Accounts"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Accounts"] = "Benutzerkonti";
+$_t["pl"]["Accounts"] = "Konta";
$_t["en"]["Vote"] = "Vote";
# $_t["es"]["Vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Vote"] = "Abstimmen";
+$_t["pl"]["Vote"] = "G³osuj";
$_t["en"]["Home"] = "Home";
# $_t["es"]["Home"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Home"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Home"] = "Hauptseite";
+$_t["pl"]["Home"] = "Start";
$_t["en"]["Packages"] = "Packages";
# $_t["es"]["Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Packages"] = "Pakete";
+$_t["pl"]["Packages"] = "Pakiety";
$_t["en"]["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user";
# $_t["es"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Trusted user"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Trusted user"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany u¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["User"] = "User";
# $_t["es"]["User"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["User"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["User"] = "Benutzer";
+$_t["pl"]["User"] = "U¿ytkownik";
$_t["en"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
# $_t["es"]["Developer"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Developer"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Developer"] = "Entwickler";
+$_t["pl"]["Developer"] = "Developer";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index ca4c300..88c909d 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,55 +15,66 @@ $_t["en"]["Password"] = "Password";
# $_t["es"]["Password"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Password"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Password"] = "Passwort";
+$_t["pl"]["Password"] = "Has³o";
$_t["en"]["Clear"] = "Clear";
# $_t["es"]["Clear"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Clear"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Clear"] = "Löschen";
+$_t["pl"]["Clear"] = "Wyczy¶æ";
$_t["en"]["required"] = "required";
# $_t["es"]["required"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["required"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["required"] = "erforderlich";
+$_t["pl"]["required"] = "wymagane";
$_t["en"]["Email Address"] = "Email Address";
# $_t["es"]["Email Address"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Email Address"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Email Address"] = "Email-Addresse";
+$_t["pl"]["Email Address"] = "Adres e-mail";
$_t["en"]["Submit"] = "Submit";
# $_t["es"]["Submit"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Submit"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Submit"] = "Senden";
+$_t["pl"]["Submit"] = "Wy¶lij";
$_t["en"]["Reset"] = "Reset";
# $_t["es"]["Reset"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Reset"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Reset"] = "Zurücksetzen";
+$_t["pl"]["Reset"] = "Resetuj";
$_t["en"]["Create"] = "Create";
# $_t["es"]["Create"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Create"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Create"] = "Erstellen";
+$_t["pl"]["Create"] = "Utwórz";
$_t["en"]["Update"] = "Update";
# $_t["es"]["Update"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Update"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Update"] = "Aktualisiseren";
+$_t["pl"]["Update"] = "Aktualizuj";
$_t["en"]["Less"] = "Less";
# $_t["es"]["Less"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Less"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Less"] = "Weniger";
+$_t["pl"]["Less"] = "Poprzednie";
$_t["en"]["More"] = "More";
# $_t["es"]["More"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["More"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["More"] = "Mehr";
+$_t["pl"]["More"] = "Nastêpne";
$_t["en"]["Username"] = "Username";
# $_t["es"]["Username"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Username"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
$_t["de"]["Username"] = "Benutzername";
+$_t["pl"]["Username"] = "Nazwa u¿ytkownika";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 183cee6..bb34ed2 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ $_t["en"]["Your session id is invalid."] = "Your session id is invalid.";
# $_t["es"]["Your session id is invalid."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Your session id is invalid."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Your session id is invalid."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Your session id is invalid."] = "Twój identyfikator sesji jest nieprawid³owy.";
$_t["en"]["If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator."] = "If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator.";
# $_t["es"]["If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["If this problem persists, please contact the site administrator."] = "Je¿eli ten problem siê powtarza, skontaktuj siê z administratorem strony.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 13c5033..f986d52 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,105 +15,126 @@ $_t["en"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Hi, this is worth reading!";
# $_t["es"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Witaj, warto to przeczytaæ!";
$_t["en"]["You must supply a password."] = "You must supply a password.";
# $_t["es"]["You must supply a password."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must supply a password."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must supply a password."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must supply a password."] = "Musisz podaæ has³o.";
$_t["en"]["You must supply a username."] = "You must supply a username.";
# $_t["es"]["You must supply a username."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must supply a username."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must supply a username."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must supply a username."] = "Musisz podaæ nazwê u¿ytkownika.";
$_t["en"]["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "Incorrect password for username %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "Nieprawid³owe has³o dla u¿ytkownika %s.";
$_t["en"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text.";
# $_t["es"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Potem mo¿na tu wstawiæ bardziej wyczerpuj±cy tekst.";
$_t["en"]["Your account has been suspended."] = "Your account has been suspended.";
# $_t["es"]["Your account has been suspended."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Your account has been suspended."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Your account has been suspended."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Your account has been suspended."] = "Twoje konto jest zablokowane.";
$_t["en"]["Password:"] = "Password:";
# $_t["es"]["Password:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Password:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Password:"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Password:"] = "Has³o:";
$_t["en"]["Username:"] = "Username:";
# $_t["es"]["Username:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Username:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Username:"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Username:"] = "Nazwa u¿ytkownika";
$_t["en"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "It's more important to get the login functionality finished.";
# $_t["es"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "Wa¿niejsze jest dokoñczyæ logowanie.";
$_t["en"]["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Currently logged in as: %h%s%h";
# $_t["es"]["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Obecnie zalogowany jako: %h%s%h";
$_t["en"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "For now, it's just a place holder.";
# $_t["es"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Narazie to tylko wype³nia przestrzeñ.";
$_t["en"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "This is where the intro text will go.";
# $_t["es"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Tutaj bêdzie tekst powitalny.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Error trying to generate session id.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "B³±d podczas generowania identyfikatora sesji.";
$_t["en"]["Login"] = "Login";
# $_t["es"]["Login"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Login"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Login"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Login"] = "Zaloguj siê";
$_t["en"]["Email Address:"] = "Email Address:";
# $_t["es"]["Email Address:"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Email Address:"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Email Address:"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:";
$_t["en"]["You must supply an email address."] = "You must supply an email address.";
# $_t["es"]["You must supply an email address."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must supply an email address."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must supply an email address."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must supply an email address."] = "Musisz podaæ adres e-mail.";
$_t["en"]["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "Incorrect password for email address, %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "Nieprawid³owe has³o dla adresu %s.";
$_t["en"]["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Incorrect password for username, %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Nieprawid³owe has³o dla u¿ytkownika %s.";
$_t["en"]["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Logged in as: %h%s%h";
# $_t["es"]["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Zalogowany jako: %h%s%h";
$_t["en"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Logged-in as: %h%s%h";
# $_t["es"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Zalogowany jako: %h%s%h";
$_t["en"]["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Error looking up username, %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Error looking up username, %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error looking up username, %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error looking up username, %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error looking up username, %s."] = "B³±d podczas wyszukiwania u¿ytkownika %s.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index dab1dda..313b6b8 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "You have been successfully logged out.";
# $_t["es"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zosta³e¶ pomy¶lnie wylogowany.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 824ef50..51c0022 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["Manage package ID: %s"] = "Manage package ID: %s";
# $_t["es"]["Manage package ID: %s"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Manage package ID: %s"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Manage package ID: %s"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Manage package ID: %s"] = "Zarz±dzaj pakietem: %s";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index fb51cb6..233a4e2 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,65 +15,78 @@ $_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Y
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc edytowaæ informacje o pakiecie.";
$_t["en"]["Missing package ID."] = "Missing package ID.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing package ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora pakietu.";
$_t["en"]["Comment has been deleted."] = "Comment has been deleted.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentarz zosta³ usuniêty.";
$_t["en"]["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "You are not allowed to delete this comment.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do usuniêcia tego komentarza.";
$_t["en"]["Missing comment ID."] = "Missing comment ID.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing comment ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora komentarza.";
$_t["en"]["Comment has been added."] = "Comment has been added.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comment has been added."] = "Komentarz zosta³ dodany.";
$_t["en"]["Enter your comment below."] = "Enter your comment below.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Enter your comment below."] = "Napisz swój komentarz poni¿ej.";
$_t["en"]["Submit"] = "Submit";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Submit"] = "Wy¶lij";
$_t["en"]["Reset"] = "Reset";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Reset"] = "Resetuj";
$_t["en"]["Package category updated."] = "Package category updated.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package category updated."] = "Kategoria pakietu zmieniona.";
$_t["en"]["Invalid category ID."] = "Invalid category ID.";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Invalid category ID."] = "Nieprawid³owy identyfikator kategorii.";
$_t["en"]["Select new category"] = "Select new category";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Select new category"] = "Wybierz now± kategoriê";
$_t["en"]["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "You've found a bug if you see this....";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Je¿eli to widzisz, to znalaz³e¶ b³±d...";
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 2910009..86c64a4 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,216 +15,261 @@ $_t["en"]["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Go back to %hpackage detail
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Powrót do %hinformacji o pakiecie%h.";
$_t["en"]["None"] = "None";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["None"] = "Brak";
$_t["en"]["change category"] = "change category";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["change category"] = "zmieñ kategoriê";
$_t["en"]["Delete comment"] = "Delete comment";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Delete comment"] = "Usuñ komentarz";
$_t["en"]["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Komentarz - autor: %h%s%h, data: %h%s%h";
$_t["en"]["Add Comment"] = "Add Comment";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Add Comment"] = "Dodaj komentarz";
$_t["en"]["Comments"] = "Comments";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comments"] = "Komentarze";
$_t["en"]["Sources"] = "Sources";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Sources"] = "¬ród³a";
$_t["en"]["Dependencies"] = "Dependencies";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Dependencies"] = "Zale¿no¶ci";
$_t["en"]["Package Details"] = "Package Details";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package Details"] = "Informacje o pakiecie";
$_t["en"]["Category"] = "Category";
# $_t["es"]["Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Category"] = "Kategoria";
$_t["en"]["Maintainer"] = "Maintainer";
# $_t["es"]["Maintainer"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Maintainer"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Maintainer"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Maintainer"] = "Opiekun";
$_t["en"]["Name"] = "Name";
# $_t["es"]["Name"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Name"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Name"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Name"] = "Nazwa";
$_t["en"]["Per page"] = "Per page";
# $_t["es"]["Per page"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Per page"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Per page"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Per page"] = "Na stronie";
$_t["en"]["Popularity"] = "Popularity";
# $_t["es"]["Popularity"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Popularity"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Popularity"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Popularity"] = "Popularno¶æ";
$_t["en"]["Sort by"] = "Sort by";
# $_t["es"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Sort by"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Sort by"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Sort by"] = "Sortuj wed³ug";
$_t["en"]["Search Criteria"] = "Search Criteria";
# $_t["es"]["Search Criteria"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Search Criteria"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Search Criteria"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Search Criteria"] = "Kryteria wyszukiwania";
$_t["en"]["Location"] = "Location";
# $_t["es"]["Location"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Location"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Location"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Location"] = "Lokacja";
$_t["en"]["Keywords"] = "Keywords";
# $_t["es"]["Keywords"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Keywords"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Keywords"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Keywords"] = "S³owa kluczowe";
$_t["en"]["Any"] = "Any";
# $_t["es"]["Any"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Any"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Any"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Any"] = "Dowolna";
$_t["en"]["Votes"] = "Votes";
# $_t["es"]["Votes"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Votes"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Votes"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Votes"] = "G³osów";
$_t["en"]["Description"] = "Description";
# $_t["es"]["Description"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Description"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Description"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Description"] = "Opis";
$_t["en"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "No packages matched your search criteria.";
# $_t["es"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "¯aden pakiet nie spe³nia podanych kryteriów.";
$_t["en"]["My Packages"] = "My Packages";
# $_t["es"]["My Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["My Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["My Packages"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["My Packages"] = "Moje pakiety";
$_t["en"]["Go"] = "Go";
# $_t["es"]["Go"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Go"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Go"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Go"] = "Szukaj";
$_t["en"]["Out-of-date"] = "Out-of-date";
# $_t["es"]["Out-of-date"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Out-of-date"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Out-of-date"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Out-of-date"] = "Nieaktualny";
$_t["en"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Flag Out-of-date";
# $_t["es"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Zaznacz jako nieaktualny";
$_t["en"]["Actions"] = "Actions";
# $_t["es"]["Actions"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Actions"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Actions"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Actions"] = "Dzia³ania";
$_t["en"]["Adopt Packages"] = "Adopt Packages";
# $_t["es"]["Adopt Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Adopt Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Adopt Packages"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Adopt Packages"] = "Przejmij pakiety";
$_t["en"]["Disown Packages"] = "Disown Packages";
# $_t["es"]["Disown Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Disown Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Disown Packages"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Disown Packages"] = "Porzuæ pakiety";
$_t["en"]["Delete Packages"] = "Delete Packages";
# $_t["es"]["Delete Packages"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Delete Packages"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Delete Packages"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Delete Packages"] = "Usuñ pakiety";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "You did not select any packages to delete.";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do usuniêcia.";
$_t["en"]["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "None of the selected packages could be deleted.";
+$_t["pl"]["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "¯aden z wybranych pakietów nie móg³ byæ usuniêty.";
$_t["en"]["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "The selected packages have been deleted.";
+$_t["pl"]["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zosta³y usuniête.";
$_t["en"]["Vote"] = "Vote";
# $_t["es"]["Vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Vote"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Vote"] = "G³osuj";
$_t["en"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "Error retrieving package details.";
# $_t["es"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "B³±d podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie.";
$_t["en"]["Package details could not be found."] = "Package details could not be found.";
# $_t["es"]["Package details could not be found."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package details could not be found."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package details could not be found."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package details could not be found."] = "Nie odnaleziono informacji o pakiecie.";
$_t["en"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "Error retrieving package list.";
# $_t["es"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "B³±d podczas pobierania listy pakietów.";
$_t["en"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Go back to %hsearch results%h.";
# $_t["es"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Powrót do wyników wyszukiwania.";
$_t["en"]["Manage"] = "Manage";
# $_t["es"]["Manage"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Manage"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Manage"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Manage"] = "Zarz±dzaj";
$_t["en"]["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "Un-flag Out-of-date";
# $_t["es"]["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "Usuñ flagê nieaktualno¶ci";
$_t["en"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Unflag Out-of-date";
# $_t["es"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Usuñ flagê nieaktualno¶ci";
$_t["en"]["Un-Vote"] = "Un-Vote";
# $_t["es"]["Un-Vote"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Un-Vote"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Un-Vote"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Un-Vote"] = "Anuluj g³os";
$_t["en"]["Yes"] = "Yes";
# $_t["es"]["Yes"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Yes"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Yes"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Yes"] = "Tak";
$_t["en"]["Orphans"] = "Orphans";
# $_t["es"]["Orphans"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Orphans"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Orphans"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Orphans"] = "Bez opiekuna";
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 4e3c528..4a26292 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,110 +15,132 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can vote for packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc g³osowaæ na pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "You do not have access to disown packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do porzucania pakietów.";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can flag packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc zmieniaæ flagi pakietów.";
$_t["en"]["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "You do not have access to adopt packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do przejmowania pakietów.";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can disown packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc porzucaæ pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Error trying to retrieve package details.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "B³±d podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie.";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can adopt packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc przejmowaæ pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date.";
# $_t["es"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Wybrane pakiety zosta³y zaznaczone jako nieaktualne.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "You did not select any packages to flag.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do zaznaczenia.";
$_t["en"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "The selected packages have been unflagged.";
# $_t["es"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Wybrane pakiety zosta³y odznaczone.";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can unflag packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc odznaczaæ pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "You did not select any packages to unflag.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do odznaczenia.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "You did not select any packages to adopt.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do przejêcia.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "You did not select any packages to disowned.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do porzucenia.";
$_t["en"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "The selected packages have been adopted.";
# $_t["es"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zosta³y przejête.";
$_t["en"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "The selected packages have been disowned.";
# $_t["es"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Wybrane pakiety zosta³y porzucone.";
$_t["en"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Musisz byæ zalogowany aby móc anulowaæ g³osy na pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Your votes have been removed from the selected packages.";
# $_t["es"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Twoje g³osy zosta³y usuniête z wybranych pakietów.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "You did not select any packages to vote for.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do oddania g³osów.";
$_t["en"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "You did not select any packages to un-vote for.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Nie wybra³e¶ ¿adnych pakietów do anulowania g³osów.";
$_t["en"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.";
# $_t["es"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Twoje g³osy zosta³y przyznane wybranym pakietom.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 363fd5d..00bfb6e 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,191 +15,229 @@ $_t["en"]["Under construction..."] = "Under construction...";
# $_t["es"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwaj±...";
$_t["en"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server.";
# $_t["es"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Przepraszam, ale ³adowanie plików nie jest obs³ugiwane przez ten serwer.";
$_t["en"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "You must create an account before you can upload packages.";
# $_t["es"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Musisz utworzyæ konto aby móc dodawaæ pakiety.";
$_t["en"]["Upload package"] = "Upload package";
# $_t["es"]["Upload package"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload package"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload package"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload package"] = "Dodaj pakiet";
$_t["en"]["Upload"] = "Upload";
# $_t["es"]["Upload"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload"] = "Dodaj";
$_t["en"]["No"] = "No";
# $_t["es"]["No"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["No"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["No"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["No"] = "Nie";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Error trying to upload file - please try again.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "B³±d podczas próby ³adowania pliku - proszê spróbowaæ ponownie.";
$_t["en"]["Yes"] = "Yes";
# $_t["es"]["Yes"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Yes"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Yes"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Yes"] = "Tak";
$_t["en"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Overwrite existing package?";
# $_t["es"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Czy nadpisaæ istniej±cy pakiet?";
$_t["en"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing build function in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje funkcji build.";
$_t["en"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Could not create incoming directory: %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê utworzyæ katalogu dla pakietu: %s.";
$_t["en"]["Comments"] = "Comments";
# $_t["es"]["Comments"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Comments"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Comments"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Comments"] = "Komentarze";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgdesc.";
$_t["en"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Error exec'ing the mv command.";
# $_t["es"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "B³±d podczas wykonywania polecenia mv.";
$_t["en"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "You did not specify a package name.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not specify a package name."] = "Nie poda³e¶ nazwy pakietu.";
$_t["en"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist.";
# $_t["es"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "B³±d podczas próby rozpakowania archiwum - plik PKGBUILD nie istnieje.";
$_t["en"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package.";
# $_t["es"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nie masz uprawnieñ do nadpisania pakietu %h%s%h.";
$_t["en"]["Upload package file"] = "Upload package file";
# $_t["es"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Upload package file"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Upload package file"] = "Plik do za³adowania";
$_t["en"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing url variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej url.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgver.";
$_t["en"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Could not change to directory %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê przej¶æ do katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox.";
# $_t["es"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Nie zaznaczy³e¶ pola 'nadpisz'.";
$_t["en"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Could not change directory to %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê przej¶æ do katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed.";
# $_t["es"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nieprawid³owa nazwa: tylko ma³e litery s± dozwolone.";
$_t["en"]["Package names do not match."] = "Package names do not match.";
# $_t["es"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package names do not match."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package names do not match."] = "Nazwy pakietu nie zgadzaj± siê.";
$_t["en"]["Package name"] = "Package name";
# $_t["es"]["Package name"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package name"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package name"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package name"] = "Nazwa pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej md5sums.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgrel.";
$_t["en"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgname.";
$_t["en"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "Could not create directory %s.";
# $_t["es"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nie uda³o siê utworzyæ katalogu %s.";
$_t["en"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Unknown file format for uploaded file.";
# $_t["es"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nieznany format ³adowanego pliku.";
$_t["en"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Missing source variable in PKGBUILD.";
# $_t["es"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej source.";
$_t["en"]["Package Location"] = "Package Location";
# $_t["es"]["Package Location"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package Location"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package Location"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package Location"] = "Lokacja pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Package Category"] = "Package Category";
# $_t["es"]["Package Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package Category"] = "Kategoria pakietu";
$_t["en"]["Select Location"] = "Select Location";
# $_t["es"]["Select Location"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Select Location"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Select Location"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Select Location"] = "Wybierz lokacjê";
$_t["en"]["Select Category"] = "Select Category";
# $_t["es"]["Select Category"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Select Category"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Select Category"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Select Category"] = "Wybierz kategoriê";
$_t["en"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "You must supply a comment for this upload/change.";
# $_t["es"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Musisz napisaæ komentarz do tego pakietu.";
$_t["en"]["Package upload successful."] = "Package upload successful.";
# $_t["es"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Package upload successful."] = "Pakiet zosta³ dodany pomy¶lnie.";
$_t["en"]["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Error - No file uploaded";
# $_t["es"]["Package upload successful"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 0b5d1bc..c2839ee 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ $_t["en"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Hi, this is worth reading!";
# $_t["es"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Witaj, warto to przeczytaæ!";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index d8edf5f..0982976 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,20 +15,24 @@ $_t["en"]["Select your language here: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h."] = "Selec
$_t["es"]["Select your language here: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h."] = "Seleccione su lengua aquí: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h.";
$_t["fr"]["Select your language here: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h."] = "Choisissez votre langue ici: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h.";
$_t["de"]["Select your language here: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h."] = "Wählen Sie Ihre Sprache hier vor: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h.";
+$_t["pl"]["Select your language here: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h."] = "Wybierz swój jêzyk: %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h, %h%s%h.";
$_t["en"]["Hello, world!"] = "Hello, world!";
$_t["es"]["Hello, world!"] = "¡Hola, mundo!";
$_t["fr"]["Hello, world!"] = "Bonjour, monde!";
$_t["de"]["Hello, world!"] = "Hallo, Welt!";
+$_t["pl"]["Hello, world!"] = "Witaj, ¶wiecie!";
$_t["en"]["Hello, again!"] = "Hello, again!";
$_t["es"]["Hello, again!"] = "¡Hola, otra vez!";
$_t["fr"]["Hello, again!"] = "Bonjour, encore!";
$_t["de"]["Hello, again!"] = "Hallo, wieder!";
+$_t["pl"]["Hello, again!"] = "Witaj, ponownie!";
$_t["en"]["My current language tag is: '%s'."] = "My current language tag is: '%s'.";
$_t["es"]["My current language tag is: '%s'."] = "Mi etiqueta de lengua actual es: '%s'.";
$_t["fr"]["My current language tag is: '%s'."] = "Ma étiquette de langue courante est: '%s'.";
$_t["de"]["My current language tag is: '%s'."] = "Meine gegenwärtige Sprachflagge ist: '%s'.";
+$_t["pl"]["My current language tag is: '%s'."] = "Etykieta mojego obecnego jêzyka to: '%s'.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/lang/ b/web/lang/
index 09748d9..0aca1f3 100644
--- a/web/lang/
+++ b/web/lang/
@@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ $_t["en"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "Click on the Home link a
# $_t["es"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powy¿ej aby siê zalogowaæ.";
$_t["en"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "Your session has timed out. You must log in again.";
# $_t["es"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "--> Traducción española aquí. <--";
# $_t["fr"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--";
# $_t["de"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--";
+$_t["pl"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "Twoja sesja wygas³a. Musisz zalogowaæ siê ponownie.";
-?> \ No newline at end of file