path: root/aurweb/git/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aurweb/git/')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aurweb/git/ b/aurweb/git/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ebfef94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aurweb/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+import os
+import re
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import aurweb.config
+import aurweb.db
+notify_cmd = aurweb.config.get('notifications', 'notify-cmd')
+repo_path = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'repo-path')
+repo_regex = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'repo-regex')
+git_shell_cmd = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'git-shell-cmd')
+git_update_cmd = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'git-update-cmd')
+ssh_cmdline = aurweb.config.get('serve', 'ssh-cmdline')
+enable_maintenance = aurweb.config.getboolean('options', 'enable-maintenance')
+maintenance_exc = aurweb.config.get('options', 'maintenance-exceptions').split()
+def pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase):
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM PackageBases WHERE Name = ?", [pkgbase])
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ return row[0] if row else None
+def pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
+ return pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase) is not None
+def list_repos(user):
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?", [user])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT Name, PackagerUID FROM PackageBases " +
+ "WHERE MaintainerUID = ?", [userid])
+ for row in cur:
+ print((' ' if row[1] else '*') + row[0])
+ conn.close()
+def create_pkgbase(pkgbase, user):
+ if not re.match(repo_regex, pkgbase):
+ die('{:s}: invalid repository name: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ if pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
+ die('{:s}: package base already exists: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?", [user])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ now = int(time.time())
+ cur = conn.execute("INSERT INTO PackageBases (Name, SubmittedTS, " +
+ "ModifiedTS, SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID) VALUES " +
+ "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [pkgbase, now, now, userid, userid])
+ pkgbase_id = cur.lastrowid
+ cur = conn.execute("INSERT INTO PackageNotifications " +
+ "(PackageBaseID, UserID) VALUES (?, ?)",
+ [pkgbase_id, userid])
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def pkgbase_adopt(pkgbase, user, privileged):
+ pkgbase_id = pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase)
+ if not pkgbase_id:
+ die('{:s}: package base not found: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = ? AND " +
+ "MaintainerUID IS NULL", [pkgbase_id])
+ if not privileged and not cur.fetchone():
+ die('{:s}: permission denied: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?", [user])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ cur = conn.execute("UPDATE PackageBases SET MaintainerUID = ? " +
+ "WHERE ID = ?", [userid, pkgbase_id])
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageNotifications WHERE " +
+ "PackageBaseID = ? AND UserID = ?",
+ [pkgbase_id, userid])
+ if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0:
+ cur = conn.execute("INSERT INTO PackageNotifications " +
+ "(PackageBaseID, UserID) VALUES (?, ?)",
+ [pkgbase_id, userid])
+ conn.commit()
+ subprocess.Popen((notify_cmd, 'adopt', str(pkgbase_id), str(userid)))
+ conn.close()
+def pkgbase_get_comaintainers(pkgbase):
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT UserName FROM PackageComaintainers " +
+ "INNER JOIN Users " +
+ "ON Users.ID = PackageComaintainers.UsersID " +
+ "INNER JOIN PackageBases " +
+ "ON PackageBases.ID = PackageComaintainers.PackageBaseID " +
+ "WHERE PackageBases.Name = ? " +
+ "ORDER BY Priority ASC", [pkgbase])
+ return [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()]
+def pkgbase_set_comaintainers(pkgbase, userlist, user, privileged):
+ pkgbase_id = pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase)
+ if not pkgbase_id:
+ die('{:s}: package base not found: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ if not privileged and not pkgbase_has_full_access(pkgbase, user):
+ die('{:s}: permission denied: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ userlist_old = set(pkgbase_get_comaintainers(pkgbase))
+ uids_old = set()
+ for olduser in userlist_old:
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?",
+ [olduser])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ uids_old.add(userid)
+ uids_new = set()
+ for newuser in userlist:
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?",
+ [newuser])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ uids_new.add(userid)
+ uids_add = uids_new - uids_old
+ uids_rem = uids_old - uids_new
+ i = 1
+ for userid in uids_new:
+ if userid in uids_add:
+ cur = conn.execute("INSERT INTO PackageComaintainers " +
+ "(PackageBaseID, UsersID, Priority) " +
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [pkgbase_id, userid, i])
+ subprocess.Popen((notify_cmd, 'comaintainer-add', str(pkgbase_id),
+ str(userid)))
+ else:
+ cur = conn.execute("UPDATE PackageComaintainers " +
+ "SET Priority = ? " +
+ "WHERE PackageBaseID = ? AND UsersID = ?",
+ [i, pkgbase_id, userid])
+ i += 1
+ for userid in uids_rem:
+ cur = conn.execute("DELETE FROM PackageComaintainers " +
+ "WHERE PackageBaseID = ? AND UsersID = ?",
+ [pkgbase_id, userid])
+ subprocess.Popen((notify_cmd, 'comaintainer-remove',
+ str(pkgbase_id), str(userid)))
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def pkgbase_disown(pkgbase, user, privileged):
+ pkgbase_id = pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase)
+ if not pkgbase_id:
+ die('{:s}: package base not found: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ initialized_by_owner = pkgbase_has_full_access(pkgbase, user)
+ if not privileged and not initialized_by_owner:
+ die('{:s}: permission denied: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ # TODO: Support disowning package bases via package request.
+ # TODO: Scan through pending orphan requests and close them.
+ comaintainers = []
+ new_maintainer_userid = None
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ # Make the first co-maintainer the new maintainer, unless the action was
+ # enforced by a Trusted User.
+ if initialized_by_owner:
+ comaintainers = pkgbase_get_comaintainers(pkgbase)
+ if len(comaintainers) > 0:
+ new_maintainer = comaintainers[0]
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?",
+ [new_maintainer])
+ new_maintainer_userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ comaintainers.remove(new_maintainer)
+ pkgbase_set_comaintainers(pkgbase, comaintainers, user, privileged)
+ cur = conn.execute("UPDATE PackageBases SET MaintainerUID = ? " +
+ "WHERE ID = ?", [new_maintainer_userid, pkgbase_id])
+ conn.commit()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT ID FROM Users WHERE Username = ?", [user])
+ userid = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if userid == 0:
+ die('{:s}: unknown user: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ subprocess.Popen((notify_cmd, 'disown', str(pkgbase_id), str(userid)))
+ conn.close()
+def pkgbase_set_keywords(pkgbase, keywords):
+ pkgbase_id = pkgbase_from_name(pkgbase)
+ if not pkgbase_id:
+ die('{:s}: package base not found: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ conn.execute("DELETE FROM PackageKeywords WHERE PackageBaseID = ?",
+ [pkgbase_id])
+ for keyword in keywords:
+ conn.execute("INSERT INTO PackageKeywords (PackageBaseID, Keyword) " +
+ "VALUES (?, ?)", [pkgbase_id, keyword])
+ conn.commit()
+ conn.close()
+def pkgbase_has_write_access(pkgbase, user):
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageBases " +
+ "LEFT JOIN PackageComaintainers " +
+ "ON PackageComaintainers.PackageBaseID = PackageBases.ID " +
+ "INNER JOIN Users " +
+ "ON Users.ID = PackageBases.MaintainerUID " +
+ "OR PackageBases.MaintainerUID IS NULL " +
+ "OR Users.ID = PackageComaintainers.UsersID " +
+ "WHERE Name = ? AND Username = ?", [pkgbase, user])
+ return cur.fetchone()[0] > 0
+def pkgbase_has_full_access(pkgbase, user):
+ conn = aurweb.db.Connection()
+ cur = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageBases " +
+ "INNER JOIN Users " +
+ "ON Users.ID = PackageBases.MaintainerUID " +
+ "WHERE Name = ? AND Username = ?", [pkgbase, user])
+ return cur.fetchone()[0] > 0
+def die(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write("{:s}\n".format(msg))
+ exit(1)
+def die_with_help(msg):
+ die(msg + "\nTry `{:s} help` for a list of commands.".format(ssh_cmdline))
+def warn(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write("warning: {:s}\n".format(msg))
+def usage(cmds):
+ sys.stderr.write("Commands:\n")
+ colwidth = max([len(cmd) for cmd in cmds.keys()]) + 4
+ for key in sorted(cmds):
+ sys.stderr.write(" " + key.ljust(colwidth) + cmds[key] + "\n")
+ exit(0)
+def main():
+ user = os.environ.get('AUR_USER')
+ privileged = (os.environ.get('AUR_PRIVILEGED', '0') == '1')
+ ssh_cmd = os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND')
+ ssh_client = os.environ.get('SSH_CLIENT')
+ if not ssh_cmd:
+ die_with_help("Interactive shell is disabled.")
+ cmdargv = shlex.split(ssh_cmd)
+ action = cmdargv[0]
+ remote_addr = ssh_client.split(' ')[0] if ssh_client else None
+ if enable_maintenance:
+ if remote_addr not in maintenance_exc:
+ die("The AUR is down due to maintenance. We will be back soon.")
+ if action == 'git' and cmdargv[1] in ('upload-pack', 'receive-pack'):
+ action = action + '-' + cmdargv[1]
+ del cmdargv[1]
+ if action == 'git-upload-pack' or action == 'git-receive-pack':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing path".format(action))
+ path = cmdargv[1].rstrip('/')
+ if not path.startswith('/'):
+ path = '/' + path
+ if not path.endswith('.git'):
+ path = path + '.git'
+ pkgbase = path[1:-4]
+ if not re.match(repo_regex, pkgbase):
+ die('{:s}: invalid repository name: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ if action == 'git-receive-pack' and pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
+ if not privileged and not pkgbase_has_write_access(pkgbase, user):
+ die('{:s}: permission denied: {:s}'.format(action, user))
+ os.environ["AUR_USER"] = user
+ os.environ["AUR_PKGBASE"] = pkgbase
+ os.environ["GIT_NAMESPACE"] = pkgbase
+ cmd = action + " '" + repo_path + "'"
+ os.execl(git_shell_cmd, git_shell_cmd, '-c', cmd)
+ elif action == 'set-keywords':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ pkgbase_set_keywords(cmdargv[1], cmdargv[2:])
+ elif action == 'list-repos':
+ if len(cmdargv) > 1:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
+ list_repos(user)
+ elif action == 'setup-repo':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ if len(cmdargv) > 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
+ warn('{:s} is deprecated. '
+ 'Use `git push` to create new repositories.'.format(action))
+ create_pkgbase(cmdargv[1], user)
+ elif action == 'restore':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ if len(cmdargv) > 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
+ pkgbase = cmdargv[1]
+ if not re.match(repo_regex, pkgbase):
+ die('{:s}: invalid repository name: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ if pkgbase_exists(pkgbase):
+ die('{:s}: package base exists: {:s}'.format(action, pkgbase))
+ create_pkgbase(pkgbase, user)
+ os.environ["AUR_USER"] = user
+ os.environ["AUR_PKGBASE"] = pkgbase
+ os.execl(git_update_cmd, git_update_cmd, 'restore')
+ elif action == 'adopt':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ if len(cmdargv) > 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
+ pkgbase = cmdargv[1]
+ pkgbase_adopt(pkgbase, user, privileged)
+ elif action == 'disown':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ if len(cmdargv) > 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: too many arguments".format(action))
+ pkgbase = cmdargv[1]
+ pkgbase_disown(pkgbase, user, privileged)
+ elif action == 'set-comaintainers':
+ if len(cmdargv) < 2:
+ die_with_help("{:s}: missing repository name".format(action))
+ pkgbase = cmdargv[1]
+ userlist = cmdargv[2:]
+ pkgbase_set_comaintainers(pkgbase, userlist, user, privileged)
+ elif action == 'help':
+ cmds = {
+ "adopt <name>": "Adopt a package base.",
+ "disown <name>": "Disown a package base.",
+ "help": "Show this help message and exit.",
+ "list-repos": "List all your repositories.",
+ "restore <name>": "Restore a deleted package base.",
+ "set-comaintainers <name> [...]": "Set package base co-maintainers.",
+ "set-keywords <name> [...]": "Change package base keywords.",
+ "setup-repo <name>": "Create a repository (deprecated).",
+ "git-receive-pack": "Internal command used with Git.",
+ "git-upload-pack": "Internal command used with Git.",
+ }
+ usage(cmds)
+ else:
+ die_with_help("invalid command: {:s}".format(action))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()