AgeCommit message (Expand)Author, german added: damirdp german added: damirdp
2005-02-23added bigger link to Flyspray in beta manifestpjmattal
2005-02-23made pkgname field for submit be 32 charspjmattal
2005-02-23updated dates in beta manifestopjmattal
2005-02-23fixed obvious tupkgupdate bug introduced by other fixpjmattal
2005-02-23fixed minor bugspjmattal
2005-02-23make sure all dummy packages are created in tupkgupdate in location 1pjmattal
2005-02-23fixed several bugspjmattal
2005-02-23some fixes in beta manifestpjmattal
2005-02-23added beta manifestpjmattal
2005-02-06modified LAUNCH.txtpjmattal
2005-02-02first working deletepjmattal
2005-02-02Updated the launch listpjmattal
2005-01-25started working on package delete supporteric
2005-01-24fixed dummy-data, schema, gendummydata to use md5 passwordseric
2005-01-24added a global config file for web apppjmattal
2005-01-24updated to do listpjmattal
2005-01-24updated list of tasks per my brainstormingpjmattal
2005-01-24switched back to bash for processing PKGBUILDspjmattal
2005-01-24many many changespjmattal
2005-01-23fixes to the parsing of file dirspjmattal
2005-01-23made the config dict accessible everywherejchu
2005-01-23made changes to move some confsjchu
2005-01-23updated tupkgs to work with md5 passwordspjmattal
2005-01-23added a LOT of database stuffpjmattal
2005-01-23added launch listpjmattal
2005-01-22old changes; fixed one subtle handling where there's no new packagepjmattal
2005-01-21added hashed passwordsjchu
2004-12-26commited neotuli's patch for source linksjchu
2004-12-15rolled back my change, it didn't work welljchu
2004-12-15apply all substitutions on all other variablesjchu
2004-12-15added contentsjchu
2004-12-15removed the location option cause it was stupidjchu
2004-12-15fixed a small typojchu
2004-12-15added some links to the filesjchu
2004-12-15kept it from running gensync when no changes were madepjmattal
2004-12-15removed those crazy -'s between the name and versionjchu
2004-12-15fixed up a bunch of dummy package things and added a message saying teh uploa...jchu
2004-12-15removed debugging messagesjchu
2004-12-15fixed a small ID SNAFUjchu
2004-12-15removed some debugging outputjchu
2004-12-15everything except package contents donejchu
2004-12-15fixed syntax errorjchu
2004-12-15renumber none to one, hide none from category/location dropdownspjmattal
2004-12-15removed my url path and fs path from the packages tablejchu
2004-12-15tweaks to package functions and schemapjmattal
2004-12-15added a url path and fs path to the packages tablejchu
2004-12-15gonna use package_exists insteadjchu
2004-12-15added function to get ids from namesjchu