
aurweb is a framework for hosting the Arch User Repository (AUR), a collection
of packaging scripts that are created and submitted by the Arch Linux
community. The scripts contained in the repository (PKGBUILDs) can be built
using makepkg and installed via the Arch Linux package manager pacman. The
aurweb project aims to provide the necessary web interface, database schema,
and scripts for a multi-lingual community-driven repository.


* Users may submit source packages that contain a PKGBUILD.
* User accounts with varying permission levels (User, Trusted User, Developer).
* Ability to search for specific submitted packages.
* Display package information by parsing meta-data provided with the packages.
* Users can make comments on package information page.
* Mark packages as out-of-date.
* Vote for well-done and popular user submitted packages.
* Trusted User and Developer can search for and modify accounts.
* Area for Trusted Users to post AUR-related proposals and vote on them.

Directory Layout

	aurweb documentation.

	Translation files for strings in the aurweb interface.

	aurblup package blacklist tool. Scripts for AUR maintenance.

	Schema for SQL database. Script for dummy data generation.

	Web interface for the AUR.


* The repository is hosted at git:// -- see
  doc/CodingGuidelines for information on submitting patches.

* Discovered bugs can be submitted to the aurweb bug tracker:

* Questions, comments, and patches related to aurweb can be sent to the AUR
  development mailing list: -- mailing list archives: