# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: # jelly <jelle@vdwaa.nl>, 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Arch User Repository (AUR)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.archlinux.org/index.php?project=2\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-22 18:43+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-22 17:06+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Lukas Fleischer <transifex@cryptocrack.de>\n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/aur/language/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, the page you've requested does not exist." msgstr "" msgid "Accounts" msgstr "Rekeningen" msgid "You are not allowed to access this area." msgstr "U bent niet toegestaan om dit gebied te openen." msgid "Could not retrieve information for the specified user." msgstr "Kon geen informatie op te halen voor de opgegeven gebruiker." msgid "You do not have permission to edit this account." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om dit account te bewerken." msgid "Use this form to search existing accounts." msgstr "Gebruik dit formulier om bestaande accounts zoeken." msgid "You must log in to view user information." msgstr "U moet inloggen om de gebruiker informatie te bekijken." msgid "Use this form to create an account." msgstr "Gebruik dit formulier om een account aan te maken." msgid "Add Proposal" msgstr "Voeg Voorstel" msgid "Invalid token for user action." msgstr "" msgid "Username does not exist." msgstr "Gebruikersnaam bestaat niet." #, php-format msgid "%s already has proposal running for them." msgstr "" msgid "Length must be a number." msgstr "Lengte moet een nummer zijn." msgid "Length must be at least 1." msgstr "Lengte moet ten minste 1." msgid "Proposal cannot be empty." msgstr "Voorstel kan niet leeg zijn." msgid "New proposal submitted." msgstr "Nieuw voorstel ingediend." msgid "Submit a proposal to vote on." msgstr "Een voorstel indienen om te stemmen op." msgid "Applicant/TU" msgstr "Aanvrager / TU" msgid "(empty if not applicable)" msgstr "(Leeg indien niet van toepassing)" msgid "Length in days" msgstr "Lengte in dagen" msgid "(defaults to 7 if empty)" msgstr "(Standaard tot en met 7 als het leeg is)" msgid "Proposal" msgstr "Voorstel" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Indienen" msgid "Home" msgstr "Home" #, php-format msgid "" "Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %sAUR User Guidelines%s and %sAUR TU " "Guidelines%s for more information." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "" "Contributed PKGBUILDs %smust%s conform to the %sArch Packaging Standards%s " "otherwise they will be deleted!" msgstr "" msgid "Remember to vote for your favourite packages!" msgstr "Vergeet niet te stemmen voor je favoriete pakketten!" msgid "Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]." msgstr "Sommige pakketten kunnen worden geleverd als binaries in [community]." msgid "Discussion" msgstr "Discussie" #, php-format msgid "" "General discussion regarding the Arch User Repository (AUR) and Trusted User" " structure takes place on %saur-general%s. This list can be used for package" " orphan requests, merge requests, and deletion requests. For discussion " "relating to the development of the AUR, use the %saur-dev%s mailing list." msgstr "" msgid "Bug Reporting" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "" "If you find a bug in the AUR, please fill out a bug report on our %sbug " "tracker%s. Use the tracker to report bugs in the AUR %sonly%s. To report " "packaging bugs contact the package maintainer or leave a comment on the " "appropriate package page." msgstr "" msgid "DISCLAIMER" msgstr "DISCLAIMER" msgid "" "Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided " "files is at your own risk." msgstr "Niet-ondersteunde pakketten zijn gebruikers geproduceerde content. Elk gebruik van de geleverde bestanden is op eigen risico." msgid "Vote" msgstr "Stem" msgid "UnVote" msgstr "Verwijder Stem" msgid "Notify" msgstr "Geef Kennis" msgid "UnNotify" msgstr "Geef geen kennis" msgid "Flag" msgstr "" msgid "UnFlag" msgstr "" msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" #, php-format msgid "Logged-in as: %s" msgstr "Ingelogd as: %s" msgid "Logout" msgstr "Loguit" msgid "Enter login credentials" msgstr "" msgid "Username" msgstr "" msgid "Password" msgstr "Wachtwoord" msgid "Remember me" msgstr "Herrineer me" msgid "Forgot Password" msgstr "Password vergeten" #, php-format msgid "" "HTTP login is disabled. Please %sswitch to HTTPs%s if you want to login." msgstr "" msgid "Search Criteria" msgstr "Zoekcriteria" msgid "Packages" msgstr "Pakketten" msgid "Cannot find package to merge votes and comments into." msgstr "" msgid "" "The selected packages have not been deleted, check the confirmation " "checkbox." msgstr "De geselecteerde pakketten zijn niet gewist, controleer de bevestiging te schakelen." msgid "Error trying to retrieve package details." msgstr "Fout bij pakket details te halen." msgid "Missing a required field." msgstr "Er ontbreekt een verplicht veld." msgid "Password fields do not match." msgstr "Wachtwoord velden komen niet overeen." msgid "Invalid e-mail." msgstr "Ongeldig e-mail." msgid "" "A password reset request was submitted for the account associated with your " "e-mail address. If you wish to reset your password follow the link below, " "otherwise ignore this message and nothing will happen." msgstr "Een wachtwoord resetten verzoek was ingediend voor de rekening in verband met uw e-mail adres. Wilt u uw wachtwoord opnieuw op de onderstaande link, anders negeer dit bericht en niets zal gebeuren." msgid "Password Reset" msgstr "Password Reset" msgid "Check your e-mail for the confirmation link." msgstr "Controleer uw e-mail voor de bevestiging link." msgid "Your password has been reset successfully." msgstr "Uw wachtwoord is met succes teruggezet." msgid "Confirm your e-mail address:" msgstr "Bevestig uw e-mail adres:" msgid "Enter your new password:" msgstr "Voer uw nieuwe wachtwoord:" msgid "Confirm your new password:" msgstr "Bevestig uw nieuwe wachtwoord:" msgid "Continue" msgstr "Blijven" #, php-format msgid "" "If you have forgotten the e-mail address you used to register, please send a" " message to the %saur-general%s mailing list." msgstr "" msgid "Enter your e-mail address:" msgstr "Vul uw e-mail adres:" msgid "Package Deletion" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Delete Package: %s" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Use this form to delete the package (%s%s%s) from the AUR. " msgstr "" msgid "Deletion of a package is permanent. " msgstr "" msgid "Select the checkbox to confirm action." msgstr "" msgid "Confirm package deletion" msgstr "" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgid "Only Trusted Users and Developers can delete packages." msgstr "" msgid "Package Merging" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Merge Package: %s" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Use this form to merge the package (%s%s%s) into another package. " msgstr "" msgid "Once the package has been merged it cannot be reversed. " msgstr "" msgid "Enter the package name you wish to merge the package into. " msgstr "" msgid "Merge into:" msgstr "" msgid "Confirm package merge" msgstr "" msgid "Merge" msgstr "" msgid "Only Trusted Users and Developers can merge packages." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Uploaded file larger than maximum allowed size (%s)" msgstr "" msgid "Error - File partially uploaded" msgstr "" msgid "Error - No file uploaded" msgstr "Fout - Geen bestand geupload" msgid "Error - Could not locate temporary upload folder" msgstr "" msgid "Error - File could not be written" msgstr "" msgid "" "Error - unsupported file format (please submit gzip'ed tarballs generated by" " makepkg(8) only)." msgstr "Fout - niet-ondersteunde bestandsindeling (gelieve gzip'd tarballs gegenereerd door makepkg (8) alleen)." msgid "Error - uncompressed file size too large." msgstr "Fout - ongecomprimeerd bestand te groot." msgid "Error - source tarball may not contain files outside a directory." msgstr "Fout - source tarball mag geen bestanden buiten een directory." msgid "Error - source tarball may not contain nested subdirectories." msgstr "Fout - source tarball mag geen geneste submappen." msgid "Error - source tarball may not contain more than one directory." msgstr "Fout - source tarball mag niet meer dan een directory." msgid "Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist." msgstr "Fout bij het uitpakken uploaden - PKGBUILD bestaat niet." #, php-format msgid "Missing %s variable in PKGBUILD." msgstr "" msgid "Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)" msgstr "" msgid "Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Package name cannot be greater than %d characters" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Package URL cannot be greater than %d characters" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Package description cannot be greater than %d characters" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Package license cannot be greater than %d characters" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error - Package version cannot be greater than %d characters" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Could not create directory %s." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "You are not allowed to overwrite the %s%s%s package." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "" "%s is on the package blacklist, please check if it's available in the " "official repos." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Could not change directory to %s." msgstr "" msgid "" "Upload your source packages here. Create source packages with `makepkg " "--source`." msgstr "" msgid "Package Category" msgstr "Pakketten category" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Selecteer Category" msgid "Upload package file" msgstr "Upload pakket bestand" msgid "Upload" msgstr "Upload" msgid "Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server." msgstr "" msgid "You must create an account before you can upload packages." msgstr "" msgid "Trusted User" msgstr "Vertrouwde Gebruiker" msgid "Could not retrieve proposal details." msgstr "Kan niet worden opgehaald voorstel details." msgid "Voting is closed for this proposal." msgstr "Stemmen is gesloten voor dit voorstel." msgid "You cannot vote in an proposal about you." msgstr "Je kunt niet stemmen in een voorstel over jou." msgid "You've already voted for this proposal." msgstr "Je hebt al gestemd voor dit voorstel." msgid "Vote ID not valid." msgstr "Stem ID niet geldig." msgid "Current Votes" msgstr "Huidige Stemmen" msgid "Past Votes" msgstr "Stemmen verleden" msgid "Back" msgstr "Terug" msgid "Next" msgstr "Volgende" msgid "Voters" msgstr "Stemmers" msgid "Missing User ID" msgstr "" msgid "The username is invalid." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "It must be between %s and %s characters long" msgstr "" msgid "Start and end with a letter or number" msgstr "" msgid "Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Your password must be at least %s characters." msgstr "" msgid "The email address is invalid." msgstr "" msgid "The PGP key fingerprint is invalid." msgstr "" msgid "A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status." msgstr "" msgid "Language is not currently supported." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "The username, %s%s%s, is already in use." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "The address, %s%s%s, is already in use." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error trying to create account, %s%s%s." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "The account, %s%s%s, has been successfully created." msgstr "" msgid "Click on the Login link above to use your account." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "Error trying to modify account, %s%s%s." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "The account, %s%s%s, has been successfully modified." msgstr "" msgid "Bad username or password." msgstr "Verkeerd gebruiker of wachtwoord" msgid "Invalid e-mail and reset key combination." msgstr "Ongeldige e-mail en reset-toets combinatie." msgid "Error retrieving package details." msgstr "" msgid "Package details could not be found." msgstr "" msgid "First" msgstr "Eerste" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Vorige" msgid "Last" msgstr "Laatste" msgid "You must be logged in before you can flag packages." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can unflag packages." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to flag." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to unflag." msgstr "" msgid "The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date." msgstr "" msgid "The selected packages have been unflagged." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can delete packages." msgstr "" msgid "You do have permission to delete packages." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to delete." msgstr "" msgid "The selected packages have been deleted." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can adopt packages." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can disown packages." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to adopt." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to disown." msgstr "" msgid "The selected packages have been adopted." msgstr "" msgid "The selected packages have been disowned." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can vote for packages." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages." msgstr "" msgid "You did not select any packages to vote for." msgstr "" msgid "Your votes have been removed from the selected packages." msgstr "" msgid "Your votes have been cast for the selected packages." msgstr "" msgid "Couldn't add to notification list." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "You have been added to the comment notification list for %s." msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s." msgstr "" msgid "You must be logged in before you can edit package information." msgstr "" msgid "Missing comment ID." msgstr "" msgid "Comment has been deleted." msgstr "" msgid "You are not allowed to delete this comment." msgstr "" msgid "Missing category ID." msgstr "" msgid "Invalid category ID." msgstr "" msgid "You are not allowed to change this package category." msgstr "" msgid "Package category changed." msgstr "" msgid "Account Type" msgstr "" msgid "User" msgstr "Gebruiker" msgid "Developer" msgstr "" msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Email adres" msgid "Real Name" msgstr "Echte naam" msgid "IRC Nick" msgstr "IRC naam" msgid "PGP Key Fingerprint" msgstr "" msgid "Last Voted" msgstr "Laatst gestemd" msgid "Never" msgstr "Nooit" msgid "View this user's packages" msgstr "Bekijk gebruiker zijn pakketten" msgid "required" msgstr "" msgid "Normal user" msgstr "" msgid "Trusted user" msgstr "" msgid "Account Suspended" msgstr "" msgid "Re-type password" msgstr "" msgid "Language" msgstr "Taal" msgid "Update" msgstr "Update" msgid "Create" msgstr "Creer" msgid "Reset" msgstr "Reset" msgid "No results matched your search criteria." msgstr "" msgid "Type" msgstr "Type" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Bewerk account" msgid "Suspended" msgstr "Geschorst" msgid "Active" msgstr "Actief" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgid "Less" msgstr "Minder" msgid "More" msgstr "Meer" msgid "No more results to display." msgstr "Geen andere resultaten gevonden " msgid "No New Comment Notification" msgstr "Geen nieuwe opmerking gevonden" msgid "New Comment Notification" msgstr "Nieuwe opmerking gevonden" msgid "Flag Out-of-date" msgstr "Markeer veroudered" msgid "UnFlag Out-of-date" msgstr "Verouderd markering opheffen" msgid "Delete Packages" msgstr "Verwijder pakketten" msgid "Merge into" msgstr "" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Bevestig" msgid "My Packages" msgstr "Mijn pakketten" msgid " My Account" msgstr "" msgid "Register" msgstr "" msgid "Add Comment" msgstr "" msgid "Comment has been added." msgstr "Opmerking is toegevoegd." #, php-format msgid "View all %s comments" msgstr "" msgid "Latest Comments" msgstr "" msgid "Delete comment" msgstr "Verwijder opmerking" #, php-format msgid "Comment by %s" msgstr "" msgid "All comments" msgstr "" msgid "unknown" msgstr "onbekend" msgid "Package Details" msgstr "Pakketten details" msgid "View PKGBUILD" msgstr "" msgid "Download tarball" msgstr "" msgid "Flagged out-of-date" msgstr "" msgid "Flag package out-of-date" msgstr "" msgid "Unflag package" msgstr "" msgid "Remove vote" msgstr "" msgid "Vote for this package" msgstr "" msgid "Disable notifications" msgstr "" msgid "Notify of new comments" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Package" msgstr "" msgid "Merge Package" msgstr "" msgid "Adopt Packages" msgstr "Adopteer Pakketten" msgid "Disown Packages" msgstr "Verstoot Pakketten" msgid "Description" msgstr "Omschrijving" msgid "Visit the website for" msgstr "" msgid "Category" msgstr "Category" msgid "Change category" msgstr "" msgid "License" msgstr "Licentie" msgid "Submitter" msgstr "Inzender" msgid "View account information for" msgstr "" #, php-format msgid "View account information for %s" msgstr "" msgid "Maintainer" msgstr "Onderhouder" msgid "Votes" msgstr "Stemmen" msgid "First Submitted" msgstr "Allereerst toegevoegd" msgid "Last Updated" msgstr "Laatste geupdate" msgid "Dependencies" msgstr "Afhankelijkeheden" msgid "View packages details for" msgstr "" msgid "Required by" msgstr "Vereist door" msgid "Sources" msgstr "Bronnen" msgid "Name, Description" msgstr "Naam, omschrijving" msgid "Name Only" msgstr "Alleen de naam" msgid "Exact name" msgstr "Exacte naam" msgid "All" msgstr "Alle" msgid "Flagged" msgstr "Gemarkeerd" msgid "Not Flagged" msgstr "Ongemarkeerd" msgid "Name" msgstr "Naam" msgid "Voted" msgstr "Gestemd" msgid "Age" msgstr "Leeftijd" msgid "Ascending" msgstr "Oplopend" msgid "Descending" msgstr "Aflopend" msgid "Enter search criteria" msgstr "" msgid "Any" msgstr "Enige" msgid "Search by" msgstr "Zoek op" msgid "Keywords" msgstr "" msgid "Out of Date" msgstr "Verouderd" msgid "Sort by" msgstr "Sorteer Bij" msgid "Sort order" msgstr "Sorteervolgorde" msgid "Per page" msgstr "Per pagina" msgid "Go" msgstr "Ga" msgid "Orphans" msgstr "Wezen" msgid "Error retrieving package list." msgstr "Fout bij het ophalen van lijst pakketten." msgid "No packages matched your search criteria." msgstr "Geen pakketen gevonden die aan uw zoekcriteria voldoen" #, php-format msgid "%d packages found. Page %d of %d." msgstr "" msgid "Version" msgstr "" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" msgid "orphan" msgstr "wees" msgid "Actions" msgstr "Acties" msgid "Unflag Out-of-date" msgstr "Hef Out-of-Date markering op" msgid "Any type" msgstr "Elk type" msgid "Last vote" msgstr "Laatste Stem" msgid "Search" msgstr "Zoek" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistieken" msgid "Orphan Packages" msgstr "Wees pakketten" msgid "Packages added in the past 7 days" msgstr "Pakketten toegevoegd in de laatste 7 dagen" msgid "Packages updated in the past 7 days" msgstr "Pakketten geupdate in de laatste 7 dagen" msgid "Packages updated in the past year" msgstr "Pakketen geupdate in het laatste jaar" msgid "Packages never updated" msgstr "Pakketen zijn nooit geupdated" msgid "Registered Users" msgstr "Geregistreerde Gebruikers" msgid "Trusted Users" msgstr "Trusted USers" msgid "Recent Updates" msgstr "Recente updates" msgid "My Statistics" msgstr "Mijn statistieken" msgid "Packages in unsupported" msgstr "Pakketten in AUR" msgid "Proposal Details" msgstr "Details Voorstel" msgid "This vote is still running." msgstr "Dit voorstel is nog bezig" #, php-format msgid "Submitted: %s by %s" msgstr "Ingezonden: %s door %s" msgid "End" msgstr "Einde" msgid "No" msgstr "Nee" msgid "Abstain" msgstr "Onthouden" msgid "Total" msgstr "Totaal" msgid "Start" msgstr "Start " msgid "No results found." msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden."