#!/usr/bin/php <?php # Run this script by providing it with the top path of AUR. # In that path you should see a file lib/aur.inc # # This will remove files which belong to deleted packages # in unsupported. # # ex: php cleanup dev/aur/web # $dir = $argv[1]; if (empty($dir)) { echo "Please specify AUR directory.\n"; exit; } set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "$dir/lib"); include("config.inc.php"); include("aur.inc.php"); include("pkgfuncs.inc.php"); $count = 0; $buckets = scandir(INCOMING_DIR); foreach ($buckets as $bucket) { $bucketpath = INCOMING_DIR . $bucket; if ($bucket == '.' || $bucket == '..' || !is_dir($bucketpath)) { continue; } $files = scandir(INCOMING_DIR . $bucket); foreach ($files as $pkgname) { if ($pkgname == '.' || $pkgname == '..') { continue; } $fullpath = INCOMING_DIR . $bucket . "/" . $pkgname; if (!pkg_from_name($pkgname) && is_dir($fullpath)) { echo 'Removing ' . $fullpath . "\n"; rm_tree($fullpath); $count++; } } } echo "\nRemoved $count directories.\n";