Setup on ArchLinux: =================== 1) Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Subversion # pacman -Sy apache mysql php subversion 2) Set a local 'hostname' of 'aur' - Edit /etc/hosts and append 'aur' to loopback address localhost aur 3) Configure Apache - Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and make sure that PHP support is enabled by uncommenting the LoadModule line that specifies the PHP module. - Also append the following snippet to enable the aur Virtual Host (Replace MYUSER with your username). <VirtualHost aur:80> Servername aur DocumentRoot /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/aur-error.log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/aur-access.log combined <Directory /home/MYUSER/aur/web/html> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All </Directory> </VirtualHost> 4) Configure PHP - Edit /etc/php.ini and uncomment the mysql extension line: 5) Check out the AUR project (using the MYUSER from above) $ cd $ svn co aur 6) Configure MySQL - Connect to the mysql client # mysql -uroot - Issue the following commands to the mysql client mysql> create database aur; mysql> grant all privileges on aur.* to aur@localhost > identified by 'aur'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit - Load the schema file # mysql -uaur -p aur < ~/aur/support/schema/aur-schema.sql (give password 'aur' at the prompt) - Optionally load some test data for development purposes. # bzcat ~/aur/support/schema/dummy-data.sql.bz2 | mysql -uaur -p AUR (give password 'aur' at the prompt) 7) Copy the file to Modify as needed. cd ~/aur/web/lib/ cp 8) Point your browser to http://aur Web Interface: ============== Directory Layout: ----------------- ./html - DocumentRoot for AUR, where the PHP scripts live. ./html/css - CSS stylesheets ./html/images - Any AUR images live here. ./lib - Supporting PHP include files. Access denied to Apache. Scripts: -------- - lib/ This is where we can stick functions that can be shared between the various scripts. Also a good place to put the MySQL authentication variables since it should live outside the DocumentRoot. - html/login.php (probably index.php) PHP script to handle logging users into the AUR web site. It authenticates using the email address and a password against the Users table. Once authenticated, a session id is generated and stored in the Sessions table and sent as a cookie to the user's browser. - html/logout.php PHP script to logout. It clears the session id from the Sessions table and unsets the cookie. - html/account.php PHP script to handle registering for a new account. It prompts the visitor for account information: Email, password, real name, irc nick. The info is recorded in the Users table. Perhaps later, we can add a preferences field that allows the user to request to be notified when new packages are submitted so that they can cast votes for them? If a TU is logged into the system, they can edit accounts and set the account type (regular user or TU). If a Dev is logged in, they can also set the account type to Dev. TUs and Devs are able to delete accounts. If an account is deleted, all "Unsupported" packages are orphaned (the Users.ID field in the UnsupportedPackages table is set to Null). - html/packages.php PHP script to search the package database. It should support searching by location ("unsupported", "AUR", "extra"), name, category, maintainer, popularity, etc. It should resemble the packages.php script on A checkbox should be included next to each package to allow users to flag a package out of date, adopt it, and vote for it (and reverse operations). - html/pkgmgmnt.php This script is not accessed directly, but is invoked when a visitor clicks the 'manage' link from the 'packages.php' script. The user can edit the package information stored in the database such as the description, url, category, and location (a TU can move it to/from "unsupported" and the "AUR"). This is where TUs can adopt packages that are in the "unsupported" area. - html/pkgsubmit.php This is the PHP script that allows users to upload a new package. The package format will be a tgz containing the PKGBUILD, scriptlets, and patches necessary to build the package from source. Initially, the user submitting the package can select its category (network, devel, etc) but that can be modified later by the adopting TU. The script makes appropriate entries into the database (and perhaps notifies interested users of the new package - see question above). New terms/definitions: ====================== TU - No change (trusted by the community, if anyone asks what trust means) TUR - renamed to Arch User-community Repo (AUR) (so we can use -u for versions) Incoming - renamed to "Unsupported"