<?php set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib'); include_once("aur.inc.php"); # access AUR common functions set_lang(); # this sets up the visitor's language include_once('pkgfuncs.inc.php'); # package specific functions check_sid(); # see if they're still logged in # Retrieve package ID and name, unless initialized by the routing framework if (!isset($pkgid) || !isset($pkgname)) { if (isset($_GET['ID'])) { $pkgid = intval($_GET['ID']); } else if (isset($_GET['N'])) { $pkgid = pkg_from_name($_GET['N']); } else { unset($pkgid); } } $details = array(); if (isset($pkgid)) { $details = pkg_get_details($pkgid); $pkgname = $details['Name']; } else { unset($pkgname); } if (isset($pkgid) && ($pkgid == 0 || $pkgid == NULL || $pkgname == NULL)) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); include "./404.php"; return; } # Set the title to the current query or package name if (isset($pkgname)) { $title = $pkgname; } else if (!empty($_GET['K'])) { $title = __("Search Criteria") . ": " . $_GET['K']; } else { $title = __("Packages"); } html_header($title, $details); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function collapseDependsList(list) { list = $(list); // Hide everything past a given limit. Don't do anything if we don't have // enough items, or the link already exists. var limit = 20, linkid = list.attr('id') + 'link', items = list.find('li').slice(limit); if (items.length <= 1 || $('#' + linkid).length > 0) { return; } items.hide(); list.after('<p><a id="' + linkid + '" href="#">Show Moreā¦</a></p>'); // add link and wire it up to show the hidden items $('#' + linkid).click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); list.find('li').show(); // remove the full <p/> node from the DOM $(this).parent().remove(); }); } $(document).ready(function() { collapseDependsList("#pkgdepslist"); collapseDependsList("#pkgreqslist"); collapseDependsList("#pkgsrcslist"); }); </script> <?php if (isset($pkgid)) { include('pkg_search_form.php'); if ($pkgid) { if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { pkg_display_details($pkgid, $details, $_COOKIE["AURSID"]); } else { pkg_display_details($pkgid, $details, null); } } else { print __("Error trying to retrieve package details.")."<br />\n"; } } else { if (!isset($_GET['K']) && !isset($_GET['SB'])) { $_GET['SB'] = 'p'; $_GET['SO'] = 'd'; } if (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { pkg_search_page($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); } else { pkg_search_page(); } } html_footer(AURWEB_VERSION);