cssStyleSheet = false; $rss->xslStyleSheet = false; # Use UTF-8 (fixes FS#10706). $rss->encoding = "UTF-8"; #All the general RSS setup $rss->title = config_get('options', 'aur_shortname') . " Newest Packages"; $rss->description = "The latest and greatest packages in the " . config_get('options', 'aur_shortname'); $rss->link = "${protocol}://{$host}"; $rss->syndicationURL = "{$protocol}://{$host}" . get_uri('/rss/'); $image = new FeedImage(); $image->title = config_get('options', 'aur_shortname'); $image->url = "{$protocol}://{$host}/css/archnavbar/aurlogo.png"; $image->link = $rss->link; $image->description = config_get('options', 'aur_shortname') . " Newest Packages Feed"; $rss->image = $image; #Get the latest packages and add items for them $packages = latest_pkgs(20); while (list($indx, $row) = each($packages)) { $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = $row["Name"]; $item->link = "{$protocol}://{$host}" . get_pkg_uri($row["Name"]); $item->description = $row["Description"]; $item->date = intval($row["SubmittedTS"]); $item->source = "{$protocol}://{$host}"; $item->author = username_from_id($row["MaintainerUID"]); $rss->addItem($item); } #save it so that useCached() can find it $feedContent = $rss->createFeed(); set_cache_value($feed_key, $feedContent, 1800); echo $feedContent; ?>