
# NOTE: modify these variables if your MySQL setup is different

define( "AUR_db_host", "localhost:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" );
define( "AUR_db_name", "AUR" );
define( "AUR_db_user", "aur" );
define( "AUR_db_pass", "aur" );

# Configuration of directories where things live
define( "INCOMING_DIR", "/srv/aur/unsupported/" );
define( "URL_DIR", "/packages/" );

define( "USERNAME_MIN_LEN", 3 );
define( "USERNAME_MAX_LEN", 16 );
define( "PASSWD_MIN_LEN", 4 );
define( "PASSWD_MAX_LEN", 128 );

# Default language for displayed messages in the web interface.
define("DEFAULT_LANG", "en");

# Enable debug sql output. This sends each query to error_log. Useful for
# development. Should not be enabled in production. Default to 0 (off).
define("SQL_DEBUG", 0);

# Set cache type. Either "APC", "MEMCACHE", or "NONE". Defaults to NONE.
#define("CACHE_TYPE", "APC");
#define("CACHE_TYPE", "MEMCACHE");

# If using memcache cache_type, list servers. You can separate multiple servers
# with a comma, ex: ','. If undefined, defaults
# to ''.
#define("MEMCACHE_SERVERS", '');

# Session limit per user

# Idle seconds before timeout

# Session timeout when using "Remember me" cookies
$PERSISTENT_COOKIE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;

# Uncompressed file size limit for submitted tarballs (ZIP bomb protection) -
# please ensure "upload_max_filesize" is additionally set to no more than 3M,
# otherwise this check might be easy to bypass (FS#22991 for details)

# Allow HTTPs logins only

# Web URL used in email links and absolute redirects, no trailing slash
$AUR_LOCATION = "http://localhost";

# Use virtual URLs -- to enable this feature, you also need to tell your web
# server to redirect all requests to "/index.php/$uri".