

 * Get all package categories stored in the database
 * @param \PDO An already established database connection
 * @return array All package categories
function pkgbase_categories() {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT * FROM PackageCategories WHERE ID != 1 ";
	$q.= "ORDER BY Category ASC";
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if (!$result) {
		return null;

	return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);

 * Get the number of non-deleted comments for a specific package base
 * @param string $base_id The package base ID to get comment count for
 * @param bool $include_deleted True if deleted comments should be included
 * @return string The number of comments left for a specific package
function pkgbase_comments_count($base_id, $include_deleted) {
	$base_id = intval($base_id);
	if (!$base_id) {
		return null;

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageComments ";
	$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID = " . $base_id . " ";
	if (!$include_deleted) {
		$q.= "AND DelUsersID IS NULL";
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if (!$result) {
		return null;

	return $result->fetchColumn(0);

 * Get all package comment information for a specific package base
 * @param int $base_id The package base ID to get comments for
 * @param int $limit Maximum number of comments to return (0 means unlimited)
 * @param bool $include_deleted True if deleted comments should be included
 * @return array All package comment information for a specific package base
function pkgbase_comments($base_id, $limit, $include_deleted) {
	$base_id = intval($base_id);
	$limit = intval($limit);
	if (!$base_id) {
		return null;

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT PackageComments.ID, UserName, UsersID, Comments, ";
	$q.= "CommentTS, DelUsersID FROM PackageComments LEFT JOIN Users ";
	$q.= "ON PackageComments.UsersID = Users.ID ";
	$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID = " . $base_id . " ";
	if (!$include_deleted) {
		$q.= "AND DelUsersID IS NULL ";
	$q.= "ORDER BY CommentTS DESC";
	if ($limit > 0) {
		$q.=" LIMIT " . $limit;
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if (!$result) {
		return null;

	return $result->fetchAll();

 * Add a comment to a package page and send out appropriate notifications
 * @param string $base_id The package base ID to add the comment on
 * @param string $uid The user ID of the individual who left the comment
 * @param string $comment The comment left on a package page
 * @return void
function pkgbase_add_comment($base_id, $uid, $comment) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "INSERT INTO PackageComments ";
	$q.= "(PackageBaseID, UsersID, Comments, CommentTS) VALUES (";
	$q.= intval($base_id) . ", " . $uid . ", ";
	$q.= $dbh->quote($comment) . ", UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";

	 * Send e-mail notifications.
	 * TODO: Move notification logic to separate function where it belongs.
	$q = "SELECT CommentNotify.*, Users.Email ";
	$q.= "FROM CommentNotify, Users ";
	$q.= "WHERE Users.ID = CommentNotify.UserID ";
	$q.= "AND CommentNotify.UserID != " . $uid . " ";
	$q.= "AND CommentNotify.PackageBaseID = " . intval($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	$bcc = array();

	if ($result) {
		while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			array_push($bcc, $row['Email']);

		$q = "SELECT Name FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = ";
		$q.= intval($base_id);
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

		 * TODO: Add native language emails for users, based on their
		 * preferences. Simply making these strings translatable won't
		 * work, users would be getting emails in the language that the
		 * user who posted the comment was in.
		$body = 'from ' . get_pkgbase_uri($row['Name'], true) . "\n"
		. username_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']) . " wrote:\n\n"
		. $comment
		. "\n\n---\nIf you no longer wish to receive notifications about this package, please go the the above package page and click the UnNotify button.";
		$body = wordwrap($body, 70);
		$bcc = implode(', ', $bcc);
		$thread_id = "<pkg-notifications-" . $row['Name'] . "@aur.archlinux.org>";
		$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" .
			   "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" .
			   "Bcc: $bcc\r\n" .
			   "Reply-to: noreply@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
			   "From: notify@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
			   "In-Reply-To: $thread_id\r\n" .
			   "References: $thread_id\r\n" .
			   "X-Mailer: AUR";
		@mail('undisclosed-recipients: ;', "AUR Comment for " . $row['Name'], $body, $headers);

 * Get a list of all packages a logged-in user has voted for
 * @param string $sid The session ID of the visitor
 * @return array All packages the visitor has voted for
function pkgbase_votes_from_sid($sid="") {
	$pkgs = array();
	if (!$sid) {return $pkgs;}
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT PackageBaseID ";
	$q.= "FROM PackageVotes, Users, Sessions ";
	$q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID ";
	$q.= "AND Users.ID = PackageVotes.UsersID ";
	$q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = " . $dbh->quote($sid);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if ($result) {
		while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
			$pkgs[$row[0]] = 1;
	return $pkgs;

 * Get the package base details
 * @param string $id The package base ID to get description for
 * @return array The package base's details OR error message
function pkgbase_get_details($base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "SELECT PackageBases.ID, PackageBases.Name, ";
	$q.= "PackageBases.CategoryID, PackageBases.NumVotes, ";
	$q.= "PackageBases.OutOfDateTS, PackageBases.SubmittedTS, ";
	$q.= "PackageBases.ModifiedTS, PackageBases.SubmitterUID, ";
	$q.= "PackageBases.MaintainerUID, PackageBases.PackagerUID, ";
	$q.= "PackageCategories.Category, ";
	$q.= "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageRequests ";
	$q.= " WHERE PackageRequests.PackageBaseID = PackageBases.ID ";
	$q.= " AND PackageRequests.Status = 0) AS RequestCount ";
	$q.= "FROM PackageBases, PackageCategories ";
	$q.= "WHERE PackageBases.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID ";
	$q.= "AND PackageBases.ID = " . intval($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);

	$row = array();

	if (!$result) {
		$row['error'] = __("Error retrieving package details.");
	else {
		$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
		if (empty($row)) {
			$row['error'] = __("Package details could not be found.");

	return $row;

 * Display the package base details page
 * @param string $id The package base ID to get details page for
 * @param array $row Package base details retrieved by pkgbase_get_details()
 * @param string $SID The session ID of the visitor
 * @return void
function pkgbase_display_details($base_id, $row, $SID="") {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	if (isset($row['error'])) {
		print "<p>" . $row['error'] . "</p>\n";
	else {
		$pkgbase_name = pkgbase_name_from_id($base_id);


		if ($SID) {

		$limit = isset($_GET['comments']) ? 0 : 10;
		$include_deleted = has_credential(CRED_COMMENT_VIEW_DELETED);
		$comments = pkgbase_comments($base_id, $limit, $include_deleted);
		if (!empty($comments)) {

 * Convert a list of package IDs into a list of corresponding package bases.
 * @param array|int $ids Array of package IDs to convert
 * @return array|int List of package base IDs
function pkgbase_from_pkgid($ids) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	if (is_array($ids)) {
		$q = "SELECT PackageBaseID FROM Packages ";
		$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
	} else {
		$q = "SELECT PackageBaseID FROM Packages ";
		$q.= "WHERE ID = " . $ids;
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

 * Retrieve ID of a package base by name
 * @param string $name The package base name to retrieve the ID for
 * @return int The ID of the package base
function pkgbase_from_name($name) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT ID FROM PackageBases WHERE Name = " . $dbh->quote($name);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

 * Retrieve the name of a package base given its ID
 * @param int $base_id The ID of the package base to query
 * @return string The name of the package base
function pkgbase_name_from_id($base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT Name FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = " . intval($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

 * Get the names of all packages belonging to a package base
 * @param int $base_id The ID of the package base
 * @return array The names of all packages belonging to the package base
function pkgbase_get_pkgnames($base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT Name FROM Packages WHERE PackageBaseID = " . intval($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

 * Delete all packages belonging to a package base
 * @param int $base_id The ID of the package base
 * @return void
function pkgbase_delete_packages($base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "DELETE FROM Packages WHERE PackageBaseID = " . intval($base_id);

 * Retrieve the maintainer of a package base given its ID
 * @param int $base_id The ID of the package base to query
 * @return int The user ID of the current package maintainer
function pkgbase_maintainer_uid($base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT MaintainerUID FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = " . intval($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);

 * Flag package(s) as out-of-date
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to flag/unflag
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_flag($base_ids) {
	if (!has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_FLAG)) {
		return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can flag packages."));

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to flag."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "UPDATE PackageBases SET";
	$q.= " OutOfDateTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()";
	$q.= " WHERE ID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ")";
	$q.= " AND OutOfDateTS IS NULL";

	$affected_pkgs = $dbh->exec($q);

	if ($affected_pkgs > 0) {
		/* Notify of flagging by e-mail. */
		$f_name = username_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']);
		$f_email = email_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']);
		$f_uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']);
		$q = "SELECT PackageBases.Name, Users.Email ";
		$q.= "FROM PackageBases, Users ";
		$q.= "WHERE PackageBases.ID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) .") ";
		$q.= "AND Users.ID = PackageBases.MaintainerUID ";
		$q.= "AND Users.ID != " . $f_uid;
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		if ($result) {
			while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
				$body = "Your package " . $row['Name'] . " has been flagged out of date by " . $f_name . " [1]. You may view your package at:\n" . get_pkgbase_uri($row['Name'], true) . "\n\n[1] - " . get_user_uri($f_name, true);
				$body = wordwrap($body, 70);
				$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" .
					   "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" .
					   "Reply-to: noreply@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
					   "From: notify@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
					   "X-Mailer: PHP\r\n" .
					   "X-MimeOLE: Produced By AUR";
				@mail($row['Email'], "AUR Out-of-date Notification for ".$row['Name'], $body, $headers);

	return array(true, __("The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."));

 * Unflag package(s) as out-of-date
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to flag/unflag
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_unflag($base_ids) {
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
	if (!$uid) {
		return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."));

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to unflag."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "UPDATE PackageBases SET ";
	$q.= "OutOfDateTS = NULL ";
	$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ") ";

	if (!has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_UNFLAG)) {
		$q.= "AND MaintainerUID = " . $uid;

	$result = $dbh->exec($q);

	if ($result) {
		return array(true, __("The selected packages have been unflagged."));

 * Delete package bases
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to delete
 * @param int $merge_base_id Package base to merge the deleted ones into
 * @param int $via Package request to close upon deletion
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_delete ($base_ids, $merge_base_id, $via) {
	if (!has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_DELETE)) {
		return array(false, __("You do not have permission to delete packages."));

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to delete."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();

	if ($merge_base_id) {
		$merge_base_name = pkgbase_name_from_id($merge_base_id);

	/* Send e-mail notifications. */
	foreach ($base_ids as $base_id) {
		$q = "SELECT CommentNotify.*, Users.Email ";
		$q.= "FROM CommentNotify, Users ";
		$q.= "WHERE Users.ID = CommentNotify.UserID ";
		$q.= "AND CommentNotify.UserID != " . uid_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']) . " ";
		$q.= "AND CommentNotify.PackageBaseID = " . $base_id;
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		$bcc = array();

		while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
			array_push($bcc, $row['Email']);
		if (!empty($bcc)) {
			$pkgbase_name = pkgbase_name_from_id($base_id);

			 * TODO: Add native language emails for users, based on
			 * their preferences. Simply making these strings
			 * translatable won't work, users would be getting
			 * emails in the language that the user who posted the
			 * comment was in.
			$body = "";
			if ($merge_base_id) {
				$body .= username_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']) . " merged \"".$pkgbase_name."\" into \"$merge_base_name\".\n\n";
				$body .= "You will no longer receive notifications about this package, please go to https://aur.archlinux.org" . get_pkgbase_uri($merge_base_name) . " and click the Notify button if you wish to recieve them again.";
			} else {
				$body .= username_from_sid($_COOKIE['AURSID']) . " deleted \"".$pkgbase_name."\".\n\n";
				$body .= "You will no longer receive notifications about this package.";
			$body = wordwrap($body, 70);
			$bcc = implode(', ', $bcc);
			$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" .
				   "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" .
				   "Bcc: $bcc\r\n" .
				   "Reply-to: noreply@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
				   "From: notify@aur.archlinux.org\r\n" .
				   "X-Mailer: AUR";
			@mail('undisclosed-recipients: ;', "AUR Package deleted: " . $pkgbase_name, $body, $headers);

	 * Close package request if the deletion was initiated through the
	 * request interface. NOTE: This needs to happen *before* the actual
	 * deletion. Otherwise, the former maintainer will not be included in
	 * the Cc list of the request notification email.
	if ($via) {
		pkgreq_close(intval($via), 'accepted', '');

	if ($merge_base_id) {
		/* Merge comments */
		$q = "UPDATE PackageComments ";
		$q.= "SET PackageBaseID = " . intval($merge_base_id) . " ";
		$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ")";

		/* Merge votes */
		foreach ($base_ids as $base_id) {
			$q = "UPDATE PackageVotes ";
			$q.= "SET PackageBaseID = " . intval($merge_base_id) . " ";
			$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID = " . $base_id . " ";
			$q.= "AND UsersID NOT IN (";
			$q.= "SELECT * FROM (SELECT UsersID ";
			$q.= "FROM PackageVotes ";
			$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID = " . intval($merge_base_id);
			$q.= ") temp)";

		$q = "UPDATE PackageBases ";
		$q.= "SET NumVotes = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageVotes ";
		$q.= "WHERE PackageBaseID = " . intval($merge_base_id) . ") ";
		$q.= "WHERE ID = " . intval($merge_base_id);

	$q = "DELETE FROM Packages WHERE PackageBaseID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ")";

	$q = "DELETE FROM PackageBases WHERE ID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ")";

	return array(true, __("The selected packages have been deleted."));

 * Adopt or disown packages
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to adopt/disown
 * @param bool $action Adopts if true, disowns if false. Adopts by default
 * @param int $via Package request to close upon adoption
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_adopt ($base_ids, $action=true, $via) {
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
	if (!$uid) {
		if ($action) {
			return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."));
		} else {
			return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can disown packages."));

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		if ($action) {
			return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to adopt."));
		} else {
			return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to disown."));

	 * Close package request if the disownment was initiated through the
	 * request interface. NOTE: This needs to happen *before* the actual
	 * disown operation. Otherwise, the former maintainer will not be
	 * included in the Cc list of the request notification email.
	if ($via) {
		pkgreq_close(intval($via), 'accepted', '');

	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "UPDATE PackageBases ";
	if ($action) {
		$q.= "SET MaintainerUID = $uid ";
	} else {
		$q.= "SET MaintainerUID = NULL ";
	$q.= "WHERE ID IN (" . implode(",", $base_ids) . ") ";

	if ($action && !has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_ADOPT)) {
		/* Regular users may only adopt orphan packages. */
		$q.= "AND MaintainerUID IS NULL";
	if (!$action && !has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_DISOWN)) {
		/* Regular users may only disown their own packages. */
		$q.= "AND MaintainerUID = " . $uid;


	if ($action) {
		return array(true, __("The selected packages have been adopted."));
	} else {
		return array(true, __("The selected packages have been disowned."));

 * Vote and un-vote for packages
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to vote/un-vote
 * @param bool $action Votes if true, un-votes if false. Votes by default
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_vote ($base_ids, $action=true) {
	if (!has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_VOTE)) {
		if ($action) {
			return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."));
		} else {
			return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."));

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		if ($action) {
			return array(false, __("You did not select any packages to vote for."));
		} else {
			return array(false, __("Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$my_votes = pkgbase_votes_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);

	$first = 1;
	foreach ($base_ids as $pid) {
		if ($action) {
			$check = !isset($my_votes[$pid]);
		} else {
			$check = isset($my_votes[$pid]);

		if ($check) {
			if ($first) {
				$first = 0;
				$vote_ids = $pid;
				if ($action) {
					$vote_clauses = "($uid, $pid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";
			} else {
				$vote_ids .= ", $pid";
				if ($action) {
					$vote_clauses .= ", ($uid, $pid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())";

	/* Only add votes for packages the user hasn't already voted for. */
	$op = $action ? "+" : "-";
	$q = "UPDATE PackageBases SET NumVotes = NumVotes $op 1 ";
	$q.= "WHERE ID IN ($vote_ids)";


	if ($action) {
		$q = "INSERT INTO PackageVotes (UsersID, PackageBaseID, VoteTS) VALUES ";
		$q.= $vote_clauses;
	} else {
		$q = "DELETE FROM PackageVotes WHERE UsersID = $uid ";
		$q.= "AND PackageBaseID IN ($vote_ids)";


	if ($action) {
		return array(true, __("Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."));
	} else {
		return array(true, __("Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."));

 * Get all usernames and IDs that voted for a specific package base
 * @param string $pkgbase_name The package base to retrieve votes for
 * @return array User IDs and usernames that voted for a specific package base
function pkgbase_votes_from_name($pkgbase_name) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "SELECT UsersID, Username, Name, VoteTS FROM PackageVotes ";
	$q.= "LEFT JOIN Users ON UsersID = Users.ID ";
	$q.= "LEFT JOIN PackageBases ";
	$q.= "ON PackageVotes.PackageBaseID = PackageBases.ID ";
	$q.= "WHERE PackageBases.Name = ". $dbh->quote($pkgbase_name) . " ";
	$q.= "ORDER BY Username";
	$result = $dbh->query($q);

	if (!$result) {

	$votes = array();
	while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
		$votes[] = $row;

	return $votes;

 * Determine if a user has already voted for a specific package base
 * @param string $uid The user ID to check for an existing vote
 * @param string $base_id The package base ID to check for an existing vote
 * @return bool True if the user has already voted, otherwise false
function pkgbase_user_voted($uid, $base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PackageVotes WHERE ";
	$q.= "UsersID = ". $dbh->quote($uid) . " AND ";
	$q.= "PackageBaseID = " . $dbh->quote($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if (!$result) {
		return null;

	return ($result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0) > 0);

 * Determine if a user wants notifications for a specific package base
 * @param string $uid User ID to check in the database
 * @param string $base_id Package base ID to check notifications for
 * @return bool True if the user wants notifications, otherwise false
function pkgbase_user_notify($uid, $base_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();

	$q = "SELECT * FROM CommentNotify WHERE UserID = " . $dbh->quote($uid);
	$q.= " AND PackageBaseID = " . $dbh->quote($base_id);
	$result = $dbh->query($q);

	if ($result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
		return true;
	else {
		return false;

 * Toggle notification of packages
 * @param array $base_ids Array of package base IDs to toggle
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_notify ($base_ids, $action=true) {
	if (!has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_NOTIFY)) {

	$base_ids = sanitize_ids($base_ids);
	if (empty($base_ids)) {
		return array(false, __("Couldn't add to notification list."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);

	$output = "";

	$first = true;

	 * There currently shouldn't be multiple requests here, but the format
	 * in which it's sent requires this.
	foreach ($base_ids as $bid) {
		$q = "SELECT Name FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = $bid";
		$result = $dbh->query($q);
		if ($result) {
			$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
			$basename = $row[0];
		else {
			$basename = '';

		if ($first)
			$first = false;
			$output .= ", ";

		if ($action) {
			$q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CommentNotify WHERE ";
			$q .= "UserID = $uid AND PackageBaseID = $bid";

			/* Notification already added. Don't add again. */
			$result = $dbh->query($q);
			if ($result->fetchColumn() == 0) {
				$q = "INSERT INTO CommentNotify (PackageBaseID, UserID) VALUES ($bid, $uid)";

			$output .= $basename;
		else {
			$q = "DELETE FROM CommentNotify WHERE PackageBaseID = $bid ";
			$q .= "AND UserID = $uid";

			$output .= $basename;

	if ($action) {
		$output = __("You have been added to the comment notification list for %s.", $output);
	else {
		$output = __("You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s.", $output);

	return array(true, $output);

 * Delete a package comment
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_delete_comment() {
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
	if (!$uid) {
		return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can edit package information."));

	if (isset($_POST["comment_id"])) {
		$comment_id = $_POST["comment_id"];
	} else {
		return array(false, __("Missing comment ID."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	if (can_delete_comment($comment_id)) {
		$q = "UPDATE PackageComments ";
		$q.= "SET DelUsersID = ".$uid." ";
		$q.= "WHERE ID = ".intval($comment_id);
		return array(true, __("Comment has been deleted."));
	} else {
		return array(false, __("You are not allowed to delete this comment."));

 * Change package base category
 * @param int Package base ID of the package base to modify
 * @return array Tuple of success/failure indicator and error message
function pkgbase_change_category($base_id) {
	$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
	if (!$uid) {
		return array(false, __("You must be logged in before you can edit package information."));

	if (isset($_POST["category_id"])) {
		$category_id = $_POST["category_id"];
	} else {
		return array(false, __("Missing category ID."));

	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$catArray = pkgbase_categories($dbh);
	if (!array_key_exists($category_id, $catArray)) {
		return array(false, __("Invalid category ID."));

	$base_id = intval($base_id);

	/* Verify package ownership. */
	$q = "SELECT MaintainerUID FROM PackageBases WHERE ID = " . $base_id;
	$result = $dbh->query($q);
	if ($result) {
		$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

	if (!$result || !has_credential(CRED_PKGBASE_CHANGE_CATEGORY, array($row["MaintainerUID"]))) {
		return array(false, __("You are not allowed to change this package category."));

	$q = "UPDATE PackageBases ";
	$q.= "SET CategoryID = ".intval($category_id)." ";
	$q.= "WHERE ID = ".intval($base_id);
	return array(true, __("Package category changed."));

 * Add package base information to the database
 * @param string $name Name of the new package base
 * @param int $category_id Category for the new package base
 * @param int $uid User ID of the package uploader
 * @return int ID of the new package base
function pkgbase_create($name, $category_id, $uid) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = sprintf("INSERT INTO PackageBases (Name, CategoryID, " .
		"SubmittedTS, ModifiedTS, SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID, " .
		"PackagerUID) VALUES (%s, %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), " .
		"UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), %d, %d, %d)",
		$dbh->quote($name), $category_id, $uid, $uid, $uid);
	return $dbh->lastInsertId();

 * Update package base information for a specific package base
 * @param string $name Name of the updated package base
 * @param int $base_id The package base ID of the affected package
 * @param int $uid User ID of the package uploader
 * @return void
function pkgbase_update($base_id, $name, $uid) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = sprintf("UPDATE PackageBases SET  " .
		"Name = %s, ModifiedTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), " .
		"MaintainerUID = %d, PackagerUID = %d, OutOfDateTS = NULL " .
		"WHERE ID = %d",
		$dbh->quote($name), $uid, $uid, $base_id);

 * Change the category a package base belongs to
 * @param int $base_id The package base ID to change the category for
 * @param int $category_id The new category ID for the package
 * @return void
function pkgbase_update_category($base_id, $category_id) {
	$dbh = DB::connect();
	$q = sprintf("UPDATE PackageBases SET CategoryID = %d WHERE ID = %d",
		$category_id, $base_id);