<?php set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lang'); # This file provides support for i18n # usage: # use the __() function for returning translated strings of # text. The string can contain escape codes "%s". # # examples: # print __("%s has %s apples.", "Bill", "5"); # print __("This is a %smajor%s problem!", "<strong>", "</strong>"); include_once('config.inc.php'); include_once('DB.class.php'); include_once('gettext.php'); include_once('streams.php'); global $streamer, $l10n; # Languages we have translations for $SUPPORTED_LANGS = array( "ca" => "Català", "cs" => "česky", "da" => "Dansk", "de" => "Deutsch", "en" => "English", "el" => "Ελληνικά", "es" => "Español", "fi" => "Finnish", "fr" => "Français", "he" => "עברית", "hr" => "Hrvatski", "hu" => "Magyar", "it" => "Italiano", "nb" => "Norsk", "nl" => "Nederlands", "pl" => "Polski", "pt_BR" => "Português (Brasil)", "pt_PT" => "Português (Portugal)", "ro" => "Română", "ru" => "Русский", "sr" => "Srpski", "tr" => "Türkçe", "uk" => "Українська", "zh_CN" => "简体中文" ); function __() { global $LANG; global $l10n; # Create the translation. $args = func_get_args(); # First argument is always string to be translated $tag = array_shift($args); # Translate using gettext_reader initialized before. $translated = $l10n->translate($tag); $translated = htmlspecialchars($translated, ENT_QUOTES); # Subsequent arguments are strings to be formatted if (count($args) > 0) { $translated = vsprintf($translated, $args); } return $translated; } # set up the visitor's language # function set_lang() { global $LANG; global $SUPPORTED_LANGS; global $PERSISTENT_COOKIE_TIMEOUT; global $streamer, $l10n; $update_cookie = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['setlang'])) { # visitor is requesting a language change # $LANG = $_REQUEST['setlang']; $update_cookie = 1; } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['AURLANG'])) { # If a cookie is set, use that # $LANG = $_COOKIE['AURLANG']; } elseif (isset($_COOKIE["AURSID"])) { # No language but a session; use default lang preference # $dbh = DB::connect(); $q = "SELECT LangPreference FROM Users, Sessions "; $q.= "WHERE Users.ID = Sessions.UsersID "; $q.= "AND Sessions.SessionID = '"; $q.= $dbh->quote($_COOKIE["AURSID"]); $result = $dbh->query($q); if ($result) { $row = $result->fetchAll(); $LANG = $row[0]; } $update_cookie = 1; } # Set $LANG to default if nothing is valid. if (!array_key_exists($LANG, $SUPPORTED_LANGS)) { $LANG = DEFAULT_LANG; } if ($update_cookie) { $cookie_time = time() + $PERSISTENT_COOKIE_TIMEOUT; setcookie("AURLANG", $LANG, $cookie_time, "/"); } $streamer = new FileReader('../locale/' . $LANG . '/LC_MESSAGES/aur.mo'); $l10n = new gettext_reader($streamer, true); return; }