# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, # as published by Sam Hocevar. See the ./COPYING file for more details. // Configuration $repos_arch_project = [ 'core', 'extra', 'staging', 'testing', 'gnome-unstable', 'kde-unstable' ]; $repos_arch_community = [ 'community', 'community-staging', 'community-testing', 'multilib', 'multilib-staging', 'multilib-testing' ]; $repos_para_project = [ 'libre', 'libre-testing', 'libre-multilib', 'libre-multilib-testing' ]; $repos_para_community = [ 'cross', 'java', 'kernels', 'nonprism', 'pcr' ]; // Automatic configuration $asseturl = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); $assetdir = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $root = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; $dirname = explode("?", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 2)[0]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function normalizeN($filename) { $parts = preg_split("|/+|", $filename, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $abs = substr($filename, 0, 1) === '/'; return array(($abs?'/':'').implode('/', $parts), count($parts)); } function normalize($filename) { list ($new_filename, $n) = normalizeN($filename); return $new_filename; } function is_root($root, $dirname) { $path = $root.'/'.$dirname; return (normalize($path) === normalize($root)); } function classify($root, $dirname, $filename) { global $repos_arch_project, $repos_arch_community, $repos_para_project, $repos_para_community; if ($filename === '.') { return [ 'dir' ]; } if ($filename === '..') { return [ 'dir', 'parent' ]; } list ($dirname, $parts) = normalizeN($dirname); $dirpath = normalize($root.'/'.$dirname); $filepath = normalize($dirpath.'/'.$filename); $classes = array(); if ($parts == 0) { // in the top-level if (is_dir($filepath) && is_dir($filepath.'/os')) { array_push($classes, 'repo'); if (in_array($filename, $repos_arch_project )) { array_push($classes, 'arch'); } if (in_array($filename, $repos_para_project )) { array_push($classes, 'para'); } if (in_array($filename, $repos_arch_community)) { array_push($classes, 'arch', 'community'); } if (in_array($filename, $repos_para_community)) { array_push($classes, 'para', 'community'); } if ($filename[0] === '~' ) { array_push($classes, 'para', 'community'); } } } elseif ($dirname == "pool" || $dirname == "sources") { switch($filename) { case "packages": array_push($classes, 'pool', 'arch' ); break; case "community": array_push($classes, 'pool', 'arch', 'community'); break; case "parabola": array_push($classes, 'pool', 'para' ); break; } } if ($filename[0] === '.' || substr($filename, -1) === '~') { $classes[] = 'hidden'; } if (is_link($filepath)) { $classes[] = 'link'; } if (is_dir( $filepath)) { $classes[] = 'dir'; } if (is_file($filepath)) { $classes[] = 'file'; } if (preg_match("/\.pkg\.tar(\..z)?$/" , $filename) == 1) { $classes[] = 'pkg'; } if (preg_match("/\.tar(\..z|\.bz2)?$/", $filename) == 1) { $classes[] = 'tar'; } $classes[] = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return $classes; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!is_dir($root.'/'.$dirname)) { if (is_file($root.'/'.$dirname)) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); // gross, but if Nginx is "properly" configured, this only happens when serving itself, which is text readfile($root.'/'.$dirname); } else { require $assetdir.'/404.php'; } exit(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> Parabola GNU/Linux-libre - Index of <?php echo htmlentities($dirname); ?> " />

Index of

"; if (is_link($filepath)) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if ($filename == '..') { echo ''; } else { echo ""; if (is_dir($filepath)) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo "\n"; } } } ?>
".htmlentities($filename)." -> ".htmlentities(readlink($filepath))."".htmlentities($filename)."".date("Y-m-d H:i", filemtime($filepath))."-".filesize($filepath)."