function love.load() fps = 30 upTime = love.timer.getTime() nextTime = upTime windowProfile = require 'scripts.window.profile', 232, 216)'nearest', 'nearest') love.window.setMode(windowProfile.mode.width * windowProfile.scale.x, windowProfile.mode.height * windowProfile.scale.y) love.window.setTitle(windowProfile.title) button = require 'scripts.player.1.button' metaSprites = require 'scripts.meta_sprites' character = { bola = require 'scripts.bola.default' } bolaAnimation = require 'scripts.bola.animation' bolaMotion = require 'scripts.bola.motion' bolaGravity = require 'scripts.bola.gravity' bolaLimit = require 'scripts.bola.limit' end function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat) isrepeat = true if scancode == button.quit then love.event.quit() end if scancode == button.a then character.bola.actionA = true character.bola.actionDown = false character.bola.actionUp = false end if scancode == button.left then character.bola.actionLeft = true end if scancode == button.right then character.bola.actionRight = true end if scancode == button.up and character.bola.jump.isJumping == false then character.bola.actionUp = true end if scancode == button.down and character.bola.jump.isJumping == false then character.bola.actionDown = true end end function love.keyreleased(key, scancode) if scancode == button.a then character.bola.actionA = false end if scancode == button.left then character.bola.actionLeft = false end if scancode == button.right then character.bola.actionRight = false end if scancode == button.up then character.bola.actionUp = false end if scancode == button.down then character.bola.actionDown = false end if scancode == button.b then character.bola.actionB = false end if scancode == button.a then character.bola.actionA = false if character.bola.jump.velocity ~= 0 then character.bola.jump.limitButtonJump = true end end end function love.update(dt) nextTime = nextTime + (1 / fps) bolaAnimation.animation(dt) bolaMotion.motion(dt) bolaGravity.motion(dt) bolaLimit.motion(dt) end function love.draw() local currentTime = love.timer.getTime() if nextTime <= currentTime then nextTime = currentTime return end love.timer.sleep(nextTime - currentTime), windowProfile.scale.y)'FPS: ' .. love.timer.getFPS(), 0, 0) draw = { bola = metaSprites.bola.image, quad.bola, character.bola.position.x, character.bola.position.y, character.bola.orientation, character.bola.scale.x, character.bola.scale.y, character.bola.origin.x, character.bola.origin.y ) } end