require '' require '' require '' require '' require '' require '' require '' game.motion = function(metaSprites, character, dt) game.animation(character.stand, dt) metaSprites.quad = character.stand[character.stand.currentFrame] if character.jump.higher > 0 and character.actionA == true then game.jump(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionLeft == true and character.actionRight == false then game.walkLeft(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionRight == true and character.actionLeft == false then game.walkRight(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionLeft == true and character.actionRight == true then game.stand(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionUp == true and character.actionDown == false then game.walkUp(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionDown == true and character.actionUp == false then game.walkDown(metaSprites, character, dt) end if character.actionUp == true and character.actionDown == true then game.stand(metaSprites, character, dt) end end